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A Context-Encoders-Based Generative Adversarial Networks for Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction CPCI-S
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Cine imaging serves as a vital approach for non-invasive assessment of cardiac functional parameters. The imaging process of Cine cardiac MRI is inherently slow, necessitating the acquisition of data at multiple time points within each cardiac cycle to ensure adequate temporal resolution and motion information. Over prolonged data acquisition and during motion, Cine images can exhibit image degradation, leading to the occurrence of artifacts. Conventional image reconstruction methods often require expert knowledge for feature selection, which may result in information loss and suboptimal outcomes. In this paper, we employ a data-driven deep learning approach to address this issue. This approach utilizes supervised learning to compare data with different acceleration factors to full-sampled spatial domain data, training a context-aware network to reconstruct images with artifacts. In our model training strategy, we employ an adversarial approach to make the reconstructed images closer to ground truth. We incorporate loss functions based on adversarial principles and introduce image quality assessment as a constraint. Our context-aware model efficiently accomplishes artifact removal and image reconstruction tasks.

Keyword :

Cine MRI Cine MRI Context Encoder Context Encoder Deep Learning Deep Learning Generative Adversarial Networks Generative Adversarial Networks Image Reconstruction Image Reconstruction


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Weihua , Tang, Mengshi , Huang, Liqin et al. A Context-Encoders-Based Generative Adversarial Networks for Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction [J]. | STATISTICAL ATLASES AND COMPUTATIONAL MODELS OF THE HEART. REGULAR AND CMRXRECON CHALLENGE PAPERS, STACOM 2023 , 2024 , 14507 : 359-368 .
MLA Zhang, Weihua et al. "A Context-Encoders-Based Generative Adversarial Networks for Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction" . | STATISTICAL ATLASES AND COMPUTATIONAL MODELS OF THE HEART. REGULAR AND CMRXRECON CHALLENGE PAPERS, STACOM 2023 14507 (2024) : 359-368 .
APA Zhang, Weihua , Tang, Mengshi , Huang, Liqin , Li, Wei . A Context-Encoders-Based Generative Adversarial Networks for Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reconstruction . | STATISTICAL ATLASES AND COMPUTATIONAL MODELS OF THE HEART. REGULAR AND CMRXRECON CHALLENGE PAPERS, STACOM 2023 , 2024 , 14507 , 359-368 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 32 (14) , 36-39,10 | 电子制作
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

近年来,数据密集型应用对存储器的存储密度和功耗等性能提出了更高的要求。传统的嵌入式缓存采用6T-SRAM和1T1C-eDRAM技术难以提升存储密度,且存在较高的背景功率。其中,6T-SRAM的背景功率主要来自晶体管的高泄漏电流,1T1C-eDRAM则主要来自刷新功耗。非晶氧化物半导体(AOSFET)因其极低的泄漏电流和三维集成潜力备受关注。(AOSFET)2T0C-eDRAM是下一代嵌入式缓存技术的有力竞争者。针对当前缺乏功耗分析方法的现状,本文建立了2T0C-eDRAM的读写功耗、刷新功率和泄漏功率模型,并将其集成到定制化NVSim模块中,实现了对AOSFET 2T0C-eDRAM存储系统的功耗分析。仿真结果表明,在大容量存储阵列中,AOSFET 2T0C-eDRAM的读写功耗会略低于6T-SRAM、1T1C-eDRAM和硅基 2T0C-eDRAM,其背景功率(刷新功率和泄漏功率)仅为6T-SRAM的1/6,1T1C-eDRAM的1/10,硅基 2T0C-eDRAM的1/10。

Keyword :

2T0C GC-eDRAM 2T0C GC-eDRAM AOSFET AOSFET 仿真方法 仿真方法 功耗 功耗 存储系统 存储系统


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GB/T 7714 李伟 , 陈龙 , 杨业成 et al. 面向AOSFET增益单元的存储系统功耗分析研究 [J]. | 电子制作 , 2024 , 32 (14) : 36-39,10 .
MLA 李伟 et al. "面向AOSFET增益单元的存储系统功耗分析研究" . | 电子制作 32 . 14 (2024) : 36-39,10 .
APA 李伟 , 陈龙 , 杨业成 , 郑凌丰 , 王少昊 . 面向AOSFET增益单元的存储系统功耗分析研究 . | 电子制作 , 2024 , 32 (14) , 36-39,10 .
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A fused deep learning architecture for viewpoint classification of echocardiography SCIE
期刊论文 | 2017 , 36 , 103-113 | INFORMATION FUSION
WoS CC Cited Count: 82
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This study extends the state of the art of deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) to the classification of video images of echocardiography, aiming at assisting clinicians in diagnosis of heart diseases. Specifically, the architecture of neural networks is established by embracing hand-crafted features within a data-driven learning framework, incorporating both spatial and temporal information sustained by the video images of the moving heart and giving rise to two strands of two-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN). In particular, the acceleration measurement along the time direction at each point is calculated using dense optical flow technique to represent temporal motion information. Subsequently, the fusion of both networks is conducted via linear integrations of the vectors of class scores obtained from each of the two networks. As a result, this architecture maintains the best classification results for eight viewpoint categories of echo videos with 92.1% accuracy rate whereas 89.5% is achieved using only single spatial CNN network. When concerning only three primary locations, 98% of accuracy rate is realised. In addition, comparisons with a number of well-known hand-engineered approaches are also performed, including 2D KAZE, 2D KAZE with Optical Flow, 3D KAZA, Optical Flow, 2D SIFT and 3D SIFT, which delivers accuracy rate of 89.4%, 84.3%, 87.9%, 79.4%, 83.8% and 73.8% respectively. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Classification architecture for echo video images Classification architecture for echo video images Convolutional neural network Convolutional neural network Deep leaming Deep leaming Echocardiography Echocardiography KAZE KAZE SIFT SIFT SURF SURF


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GB/T 7714 Gao, Xiaohong , Li, Wei , Loomes, Martin et al. A fused deep learning architecture for viewpoint classification of echocardiography [J]. | INFORMATION FUSION , 2017 , 36 : 103-113 .
MLA Gao, Xiaohong et al. "A fused deep learning architecture for viewpoint classification of echocardiography" . | INFORMATION FUSION 36 (2017) : 103-113 .
APA Gao, Xiaohong , Li, Wei , Loomes, Martin , Wang, Lianyi . A fused deep learning architecture for viewpoint classification of echocardiography . | INFORMATION FUSION , 2017 , 36 , 103-113 .
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Improving the precision of omni-directional M-mode echocardiography systems SCIE
期刊论文 | 2016 , 195 , 123-128 | NEUROCOMPUTING
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The first generation of omni-directional M-mode echocardiography system is able to extract implied motion information from sequential echocardiography images. However, in recent years, there has been an increasing demand in clinical practice for more precise dynamic motion information and research into the second-generation of omni-directional M-mode echocardiography systems has focused on how to achieve this greater precision. Two possible approaches are to improve the acquisition precision of echocardiography and to improve the extraction accuracy of motion curves. Firstly, we describe the use of a model for separation of cardiac 'non-functional' movement, in the design of a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to track and analyze the heart feature points, in order to achieve improved omni-directional M-mode echocardiography using tracking sampling lines. We then present the design of a new method for heart motion curve extraction, based on the idea of multi-scale analysis and wavelet transformation, which can suppress image noise effectively and thereby reduce the need for manual intervention. Experimental evaluation indicated that these techniques produce more effective results than the first generation omni-directional M-mode echocardiography system. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Motion tracking Motion tracking Multiscale analysis Multiscale analysis Omni-directional M-mode echocardiography Omni-directional M-mode echocardiography


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Liqin , Li, Wei , Currie, Edward et al. Improving the precision of omni-directional M-mode echocardiography systems [J]. | NEUROCOMPUTING , 2016 , 195 : 123-128 .
MLA Huang, Liqin et al. "Improving the precision of omni-directional M-mode echocardiography systems" . | NEUROCOMPUTING 195 (2016) : 123-128 .
APA Huang, Liqin , Li, Wei , Currie, Edward , Guo, Wenzhong . Improving the precision of omni-directional M-mode echocardiography systems . | NEUROCOMPUTING , 2016 , 195 , 123-128 .
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Dense Trajectories and DHOG for Classification of Viewpoints from Echocardiogram Videos SCIE
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Abstract :

In echo-cardiac clinical computer-aided diagnosis, an important step is to automatically classify echocardiography videos from different angles and different regions. We propose a kind of echocardiography video classification algorithm based on the dense trajectory and difference histograms of oriented gradients (DHOG). First, we use the dense grid method to describe feature characteristics in each frame of echocardiography sequence and then track these feature points by applying the dense optical flow. In order to overcome the influence of the rapid and irregular movement of echocardiography videos and get more robust tracking results, we also design a trajectory description algorithm which uses the derivative of the optical flow to obtain the motion trajectory information and associates the different characteristics (e.g., the trajectory shape, DHOG, HOF, and MBH) with embedded structural information of the spatiotemporal pyramid. To avoid "dimension disaster," we apply Fisher's vector to reduce the dimension of feature description followed by the SVM linear classifier to improve the final classification result. The average accuracy of echocardiography video classification is 77.12% for all eight viewpoints and 100% for three primary viewpoints.


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Liqin , Zhang, Xiangyu , Li, Wei . Dense Trajectories and DHOG for Classification of Viewpoints from Echocardiogram Videos [J]. | COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE , 2016 .
MLA Huang, Liqin et al. "Dense Trajectories and DHOG for Classification of Viewpoints from Echocardiogram Videos" . | COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE (2016) .
APA Huang, Liqin , Zhang, Xiangyu , Li, Wei . Dense Trajectories and DHOG for Classification of Viewpoints from Echocardiogram Videos . | COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE , 2016 .
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基于多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图优化研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2011 , 30 (04) , 533-540 | 中国生物医学工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对全方向M型心动图在对目标运动曲线检测过程因虚假边缘点而存在误检问题进行研究,在充分分析全方向M型心动图特点的基础上,设计一种结合多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图检测算法。该算法首先通过构建小波函数在不同的固定尺度空间下进行运动曲线检测,然后对不同尺度下检测出的运动曲线进行融合,最后结合心脏运动的相关性信息生成正确的运动曲线。通过LEJ-2型全方向M型系统的实验表明,该算法能自动去除全方向M型心动图中目标运动曲线的虚假边缘、无关噪声等干扰,同时准确保留有用信息,从而大大减轻系统的人工干预程度,实现了对国家发明专利"全方向M型心动图方法及其系统98 125713.5"系统的优化设计。

Keyword :

全方向M型心动图 全方向M型心动图 相关性分析 相关性分析 运动曲线融合 运动曲线融合


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GB/T 7714 黄立勤 , 李伟 , 林强 . 基于多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图优化研究 [J]. | 中国生物医学工程学报 , 2011 , 30 (04) : 533-540 .
MLA 黄立勤 et al. "基于多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图优化研究" . | 中国生物医学工程学报 30 . 04 (2011) : 533-540 .
APA 黄立勤 , 李伟 , 林强 . 基于多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图优化研究 . | 中国生物医学工程学报 , 2011 , 30 (04) , 533-540 .
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基于多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图优化研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2011 , 30 (4) , 533-540 | 中国生物医学工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对全方向M型心动图在对目标运动曲线检测过程因虚假边缘点而存在误检问题进行研究,在充分分析全方向M型心动图特点的基础上,设计一种结合多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图检测算法.该算法首先通过构建小波函数在不同的固定尺度空间下进行运动曲线检测,然后对不同尺度下检测出的运动曲线进行融合,最后结合心脏运动的相关性信息生成正确的运动曲线.通过LEJ-2型全方向M型系统的实验表明,该算法能自动去除全方向M型心动图中目标运动曲线的虚假边缘、无关噪声等干扰,同时准确保留有用信息,从而大大减轻系统的人工干预程度,实现了对国家发明专利“全方向M型心动图方法及其系统98 125713.5”系统的优化设计.

Keyword :

全方向M型心动图 全方向M型心动图 相关性分析 相关性分析 运动曲线融合 运动曲线融合


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GB/T 7714 黄立勤 , 李伟 , 林强 . 基于多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图优化研究 [J]. | 中国生物医学工程学报 , 2011 , 30 (4) : 533-540 .
MLA 黄立勤 et al. "基于多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图优化研究" . | 中国生物医学工程学报 30 . 4 (2011) : 533-540 .
APA 黄立勤 , 李伟 , 林强 . 基于多尺度融合和相关性分析的全方向M型心动图优化研究 . | 中国生物医学工程学报 , 2011 , 30 (4) , 533-540 .
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会议论文 | 2010 , 290-296 | 中国仪器仪表学会医疗仪器分会2010两岸四地生物医学工程学术年会
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

DICOM嵌套数据集 DICOM嵌套数据集 全方向M型心动图 全方向M型心动图 序列图像分析 序列图像分析


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GB/T 7714 李伟 , 许剑锋 , 林强 et al. DICOM全方向M型心动图系统嵌套DICOM数据集解析方法的研究 [C] //中国仪器仪表学会医疗仪器分会2010两岸四地生物医学工程学术年会论文集 . 2010 : 290-296 .
MLA 李伟 et al. "DICOM全方向M型心动图系统嵌套DICOM数据集解析方法的研究" 中国仪器仪表学会医疗仪器分会2010两岸四地生物医学工程学术年会论文集 . (2010) : 290-296 .
APA 李伟 , 许剑锋 , 林强 , 黄立勤 . DICOM全方向M型心动图系统嵌套DICOM数据集解析方法的研究 中国仪器仪表学会医疗仪器分会2010两岸四地生物医学工程学术年会论文集 . (2010) : 290-296 .
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会议论文 | 2009 , 146-153 | 纪念中国统计学会成立三十周年暨第十五次全国统计科学讨论会
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

学科建设 学科建设 教学改革 教学改革 统计学专业 统计学专业 高等教育 高等教育


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GB/T 7714 林筱文 , 宋保庆 , 李伟 et al. 一门或两门统计学的争论及教学改革--纪念戴世光教授和钱伯海教授 [C] //纪念中国统计学会成立三十周年暨第十五次全国统计科学讨论会论文集 . 2009 : 146-153 .
MLA 林筱文 et al. "一门或两门统计学的争论及教学改革--纪念戴世光教授和钱伯海教授" 纪念中国统计学会成立三十周年暨第十五次全国统计科学讨论会论文集 . (2009) : 146-153 .
APA 林筱文 , 宋保庆 , 李伟 , 徐丽 . 一门或两门统计学的争论及教学改革--纪念戴世光教授和钱伯海教授 纪念中国统计学会成立三十周年暨第十五次全国统计科学讨论会论文集 . (2009) : 146-153 .
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期刊论文 | 2009 , (11) , 19-25 | 经济前沿
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

VAR模型 VAR模型 实际有效汇率 实际有效汇率 就业影响 就业影响


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GB/T 7714 林筱文 , 宋保庆 , 李伟 et al. 人民币实际有效汇率水平对我国就业的影响——基于VAR模拟的实证分析 [J]. | 经济前沿 , 2009 , (11) : 19-25 .
MLA 林筱文 et al. "人民币实际有效汇率水平对我国就业的影响——基于VAR模拟的实证分析" . | 经济前沿 11 (2009) : 19-25 .
APA 林筱文 , 宋保庆 , 李伟 , 徐丽 . 人民币实际有效汇率水平对我国就业的影响——基于VAR模拟的实证分析 . | 经济前沿 , 2009 , (11) , 19-25 .
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