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期刊论文 | 2011 , (9) , 262-265 | 化学工程与装备
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

执法 执法 火灾 火灾 火灾调查 火灾调查 规范化 规范化


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GB/T 7714 李伟杰 , 林驹 . 我国火灾原因鉴定现状及执法规范化对策探讨 [J]. | 化学工程与装备 , 2011 , (9) : 262-265 .
MLA 李伟杰 等. "我国火灾原因鉴定现状及执法规范化对策探讨" . | 化学工程与装备 9 (2011) : 262-265 .
APA 李伟杰 , 林驹 . 我国火灾原因鉴定现状及执法规范化对策探讨 . | 化学工程与装备 , 2011 , (9) , 262-265 .
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期刊论文 | 2011 , (10) , 45-49 | 化学工程与装备
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

无烟煤气化 无烟煤气化 水蒸气 水蒸气 流化床 流化床 表观动力学 表观动力学


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GB/T 7714 李伟杰 , 林驹 . 福建无烟煤燃烧特性及催化气化表观动力学研究 [J]. | 化学工程与装备 , 2011 , (10) : 45-49 .
MLA 李伟杰 等. "福建无烟煤燃烧特性及催化气化表观动力学研究" . | 化学工程与装备 10 (2011) : 45-49 .
APA 李伟杰 , 林驹 . 福建无烟煤燃烧特性及催化气化表观动力学研究 . | 化学工程与装备 , 2011 , (10) , 45-49 .
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Kinetics and compensation effects of steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using black liquor as catalyst EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2009 , 60 (4) , 905-911 | CIESC Journal
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Catalytic steam gasification kinetics of Fujian anthracite using black liquor (BL) as catalyst was investigated in an isothermal thermo-gravimetric analyzer under ambient pressure in the conditions of eliminating both inner and outer diffusion effects. The relationships of coal conversion versus reaction time with different catalyst concentrations (0-10%) were determined from 850C to 950C. The research showed that BL could greatly improve the gasification rate and carbon conversion, and the loading saturation level (LSL) of the BL catalyst under the experiment conditions was determined. The shrinking-core model (SCM) was used to correlate catalytic steam gasification parameters to obtain the reaction rate constants at different temperatures. Further kinetic analysis indicated that the catalytic gasification exhibited clear compensation effects. A kinetic equation including compensation effects for the catalytic steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using BL catalyst was finally presented. © All Rights Reserved.

Keyword :

Anthracite Anthracite Catalysts Catalysts Enzyme kinetics Enzyme kinetics Gasification Gasification Integral equations Integral equations Kinetics Kinetics Rate constants Rate constants Steam Steam Thermogravimetric analysis Thermogravimetric analysis


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Ju , Zhang, Jiyu , Zhong, Xueqing . Kinetics and compensation effects of steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using black liquor as catalyst [J]. | CIESC Journal , 2009 , 60 (4) : 905-911 .
MLA Lin, Ju 等. "Kinetics and compensation effects of steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using black liquor as catalyst" . | CIESC Journal 60 . 4 (2009) : 905-911 .
APA Lin, Ju , Zhang, Jiyu , Zhong, Xueqing . Kinetics and compensation effects of steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using black liquor as catalyst . | CIESC Journal , 2009 , 60 (4) , 905-911 .
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Kinetics and compensation effects during steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using viscose liquor as catalyst EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2009 , 37 (4) , 398-404 | Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Catalytic steam gasification kinetics of Fujian Youxi anthracite using viscose liquor as catalyst was investigated in an isothermal thermo-gravimetric analyzer under ambient pressure. Coal conversions versus reaction time with different viscose liquor concentrations (0~12% NaOH) were measured at the temperature range from 850C to 950C. The research shows that the viscose liquor can greatly improve the gasification rate and carbon conversion. The Loading Saturation Level (LSL) of the viscose liquor within the experimental conditions was also determined. The catalytic steam gasification reaction can be well fitted by a shrinking-core model (SCM) and the reaction rate constants are obtained. The kinetic analysis indicates that the catalytic gasification exhibits a prominent compensation effect between the activation energy and the pre-exponential factor. The kinetic equation including the compensation effects for the catalytic steam gasification of Fujian Youxi anthracite using viscose liquor as catalyst is presented.

Keyword :

Activation analysis Activation analysis Activation energy Activation energy Anthracite Anthracite Catalysts Catalysts Gasification Gasification Integral equations Integral equations Kinetic parameters Kinetic parameters Kinetics Kinetics Rate constants Rate constants Sodium hydroxide Sodium hydroxide Steam Steam Thermogravimetric analysis Thermogravimetric analysis


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Ju , Zhang, Ji-Yu , Zhong, Xue-Qing . Kinetics and compensation effects during steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using viscose liquor as catalyst [J]. | Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology , 2009 , 37 (4) : 398-404 .
MLA Lin, Ju 等. "Kinetics and compensation effects during steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using viscose liquor as catalyst" . | Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology 37 . 4 (2009) : 398-404 .
APA Lin, Ju , Zhang, Ji-Yu , Zhong, Xue-Qing . Kinetics and compensation effects during steam gasification of Fujian anthracite using viscose liquor as catalyst . | Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology , 2009 , 37 (4) , 398-404 .
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纸浆黑液对福建无烟煤水蒸气催化气化的动力学和补偿效应 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2009 , 60 (4) , 905-911 | 化工学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

动力学 动力学 水蒸气催化气化 水蒸气催化气化 纸浆黑液 纸浆黑液 补偿效应 补偿效应


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GB/T 7714 林驹 , 张济宇 , 钟雪晴 . 纸浆黑液对福建无烟煤水蒸气催化气化的动力学和补偿效应 [J]. | 化工学报 , 2009 , 60 (4) : 905-911 .
MLA 林驹 等. "纸浆黑液对福建无烟煤水蒸气催化气化的动力学和补偿效应" . | 化工学报 60 . 4 (2009) : 905-911 .
APA 林驹 , 张济宇 , 钟雪晴 . 纸浆黑液对福建无烟煤水蒸气催化气化的动力学和补偿效应 . | 化工学报 , 2009 , 60 (4) , 905-911 .
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黏胶废液对福建无烟煤水蒸气催化气化的动力学和补偿效应 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2009 , 37 (4) , 398-404 | 燃料化学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

采用黏胶废液为催化剂,对福建尤溪无烟粉煤在常压热分析仪中的水蒸气催化气化动力学进行了研究.在850 ℃~950 ℃测定了黏胶废液催化剂添加量(NaOH浓度为计算基准)从0~12%时的碳转化率随气化时间的变化,表明黏胶废液具有提高碳转化率和气化速率的作用,同时确定了该黏胶废液催化剂的加载饱和浓度.基此得出的尤溪无烟粉煤水蒸气催化气化反应动力学符合缩芯模型,并给出相应的动力学参数.进而分析表明,该催化气化过程存在明显的补偿效应,最后给出黏胶废液对尤溪无烟粉煤水蒸气催化气化包括补偿效应的动力学方程.

Keyword :

动力学参数 动力学参数 水蒸气催化气化 水蒸气催化气化 补偿效应 补偿效应 黏胶废液 黏胶废液


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GB/T 7714 林驹 , 张济宇 , 钟雪晴 . 黏胶废液对福建无烟煤水蒸气催化气化的动力学和补偿效应 [J]. | 燃料化学学报 , 2009 , 37 (4) : 398-404 .
MLA 林驹 等. "黏胶废液对福建无烟煤水蒸气催化气化的动力学和补偿效应" . | 燃料化学学报 37 . 4 (2009) : 398-404 .
APA 林驹 , 张济宇 , 钟雪晴 . 黏胶废液对福建无烟煤水蒸气催化气化的动力学和补偿效应 . | 燃料化学学报 , 2009 , 37 (4) , 398-404 .
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Catalytic gasification kinetics of high metamorphosed anthracites with steam by thermogravity using black liquor of paper pulp plant as catalyst EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2007 , 13 (6) , 491-497 | Journal of Combustion Science and Technology
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Using black liquor (BL) of paper pulp plant as catalyst, the steam gasification kinetics of four high metamorphosed anthracites were investigated by isothermal thermo-gravimetric analysis under ambient pressure. The relationships of coal conversion (x) versus reaction time (t) were obtained from 750°C to 950°C under reaction control. The shrinking core model was modified by catalyst effective factor. The modification shrinking core model and the modification volumetric model were used to well correlate the relationship between x and t. Therefore, the reaction rate constants, the reaction activation energy (Ea) and the pre-ex-ponential factor were obtained. The Ea, ranging from 112.838 kJ/mol-204.566 kJ/mol was estimated by this study. Compared with the k, of Na2CO3, those of BL were higher except for Yongan Jiashai coal which has the highest ash concentration.

Keyword :

Activation energy Activation energy Anthracite Anthracite Catalysis Catalysis Catalysts Catalysts Energy conversion Energy conversion Gasification Gasification Isotherms Isotherms Rate constants Rate constants Reaction kinetics Reaction kinetics Reaction rates Reaction rates Shrinkage Shrinkage Steam Steam Thermogravimetric analysis Thermogravimetric analysis


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Rong-Ying , Zhang, Ji-Yu , Lin, Ju et al. Catalytic gasification kinetics of high metamorphosed anthracites with steam by thermogravity using black liquor of paper pulp plant as catalyst [J]. | Journal of Combustion Science and Technology , 2007 , 13 (6) : 491-497 .
MLA Lin, Rong-Ying et al. "Catalytic gasification kinetics of high metamorphosed anthracites with steam by thermogravity using black liquor of paper pulp plant as catalyst" . | Journal of Combustion Science and Technology 13 . 6 (2007) : 491-497 .
APA Lin, Rong-Ying , Zhang, Ji-Yu , Lin, Ju , Lin, Cheng . Catalytic gasification kinetics of high metamorphosed anthracites with steam by thermogravity using black liquor of paper pulp plant as catalyst . | Journal of Combustion Science and Technology , 2007 , 13 (6) , 491-497 .
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Study on black liquor catalytic gasification of high metamorphosed anthracites with steam in thermogravity and online mass spectrometry EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2007 , 13 (5) , 421-426 | Journal of Combustion Science and Technology
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Using black liquor of paper pulp plant as catalyst, the steam gasification of high metamorphosed anthracites was investigated by isothermal thermo-gravimetric analysis under ambient pressure. The black liquor catalytic gasification mechanism was explained by thermogravity curves and online mass spectrometry. To eliminate the influence of solid in black liquor on the gasification process, the gasification of black liquor and anthracites catalyzed by black liquor were investigated by isothermal thermo-gravimetric analysis. The gasification products of increasing temperature and isothermal stage were determined by online mass spectrometer. The coal conversion eliminating the influence of solids in black liquor was obtained.

Keyword :

Catalysts Catalysts Gasification Gasification Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry Pressure Pressure Temperature Temperature


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Rong-Ying , Zhang, Ji-Yu , Lin, Ju et al. Study on black liquor catalytic gasification of high metamorphosed anthracites with steam in thermogravity and online mass spectrometry [J]. | Journal of Combustion Science and Technology , 2007 , 13 (5) : 421-426 .
MLA Lin, Rong-Ying et al. "Study on black liquor catalytic gasification of high metamorphosed anthracites with steam in thermogravity and online mass spectrometry" . | Journal of Combustion Science and Technology 13 . 5 (2007) : 421-426 .
APA Lin, Rong-Ying , Zhang, Ji-Yu , Lin, Ju , Lin, Cheng . Study on black liquor catalytic gasification of high metamorphosed anthracites with steam in thermogravity and online mass spectrometry . | Journal of Combustion Science and Technology , 2007 , 13 (5) , 421-426 .
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期刊论文 | 2007 , (6) , 7-12 | 化学工程与装备
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

无烟煤气化 无烟煤气化 水蒸气 水蒸气 流化床 流化床 纸浆黑液 纸浆黑液 表现动力学 表现动力学


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GB/T 7714 李伟杰 , 林驹 . 福建无烟粉煤-纸浆黑液小型流化床水蒸汽催化气化表观动力学研究 [J]. | 化学工程与装备 , 2007 , (6) : 7-12 .
MLA 李伟杰 et al. "福建无烟粉煤-纸浆黑液小型流化床水蒸汽催化气化表观动力学研究" . | 化学工程与装备 6 (2007) : 7-12 .
APA 李伟杰 , 林驹 . 福建无烟粉煤-纸浆黑液小型流化床水蒸汽催化气化表观动力学研究 . | 化学工程与装备 , 2007 , (6) , 7-12 .
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高变质福建无烟煤连续流化床混合气催化气化 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2007 , 35 (1) , 16-22 | 燃料化学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

连续流化床(内径123 mm、高1.2 m)中,采用工业纯碱(碳酸钠)为催化剂进行了高变质程度无烟煤-福建永安煤(低挥发分Vad=5.47%、高灰Aad=29.45%)混合气(空气/水蒸气)催化气化的研究,考察了催化剂质量分数、气化温度、水汽比等操作参数的影响.实验结果表明,工业纯碱作为催化剂添加5%可使碳转化率增加3倍,实现了煤的高效转化;气化温度有明显催化气化促进作用,超过900℃时,流化床内易结渣.从同时满足高产气率及高煤气热值两个指标出发,在适宜操作条件(碳酸钠质量分数5%、850℃~880℃、适宜水汽比)下,产气率提高2倍,从无催化剂时的2.13 m3/kg~2.15 m3/kg提高到4.2 m3/kg~5.1 m3/kg;煤气热值提高5倍,从1.0 MJ/m3左右提高到5.0 MJ/m3;表明工业纯碱进行高变质福建无烟煤流化床混合气催化气化具有重要的工业应用价值和现实的开发意义.

Keyword :

工业纯碱 工业纯碱 混合气催化气化 混合气催化气化 连续流化床 连续流化床 高变质无烟煤 高变质无烟煤


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GB/T 7714 王晓伟 , 张济宇 , 旷戈 et al. 高变质福建无烟煤连续流化床混合气催化气化 [J]. | 燃料化学学报 , 2007 , 35 (1) : 16-22 .
MLA 王晓伟 et al. "高变质福建无烟煤连续流化床混合气催化气化" . | 燃料化学学报 35 . 1 (2007) : 16-22 .
APA 王晓伟 , 张济宇 , 旷戈 , 林驹 . 高变质福建无烟煤连续流化床混合气催化气化 . | 燃料化学学报 , 2007 , 35 (1) , 16-22 .
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