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基于三变量无单元法的杆系模型动力计算 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 36 (2) , 198-206 | 地震工程与工程振动
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

三变量 三变量 动力计算 动力计算 影响半径 影响半径 无单元 无单元 杆系模型 杆系模型


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GB/T 7714 吴琛 , 周瑞忠 , 项洪 . 基于三变量无单元法的杆系模型动力计算 [J]. | 地震工程与工程振动 , 2016 , 36 (2) : 198-206 .
MLA 吴琛 等. "基于三变量无单元法的杆系模型动力计算" . | 地震工程与工程振动 36 . 2 (2016) : 198-206 .
APA 吴琛 , 周瑞忠 , 项洪 . 基于三变量无单元法的杆系模型动力计算 . | 地震工程与工程振动 , 2016 , 36 (2) , 198-206 .
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基于能量判据的结构抗震性能实用评估分析方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2016 , 32 (11) , 14-18 | 建筑科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

地震能量需求值 地震能量需求值 滞回耗能 滞回耗能 累积损伤模型 累积损伤模型 能量判据 能量判据


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GB/T 7714 刘强 , 周瑞忠 , 王妙芳 . 基于能量判据的结构抗震性能实用评估分析方法 [J]. | 建筑科学 , 2016 , 32 (11) : 14-18 .
MLA 刘强 等. "基于能量判据的结构抗震性能实用评估分析方法" . | 建筑科学 32 . 11 (2016) : 14-18 .
APA 刘强 , 周瑞忠 , 王妙芳 . 基于能量判据的结构抗震性能实用评估分析方法 . | 建筑科学 , 2016 , 32 (11) , 14-18 .
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基于HHT变换瞬时能量谱的长周期结构地震反应分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2015 , 37 (3) , 643-647 | 地震工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Hilbert-Huang变换 Hilbert-Huang变换 峰值位移滞后 峰值位移滞后 瞬态反应 瞬态反应 长周期结构 长周期结构


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GB/T 7714 刘强 , 周瑞忠 . 基于HHT变换瞬时能量谱的长周期结构地震反应分析 [J]. | 地震工程学报 , 2015 , 37 (3) : 643-647 .
MLA 刘强 等. "基于HHT变换瞬时能量谱的长周期结构地震反应分析" . | 地震工程学报 37 . 3 (2015) : 643-647 .
APA 刘强 , 周瑞忠 . 基于HHT变换瞬时能量谱的长周期结构地震反应分析 . | 地震工程学报 , 2015 , 37 (3) , 643-647 .
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期刊论文 | 2015 , 13 (6) , 511-519 | 福建工程学院学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Hilbert-Huang变换 Hilbert-Huang变换 研究进展 研究进展 稳定性度量 稳定性度量 边际谱 边际谱 非平稳信号 非平稳信号


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GB/T 7714 吴琛 , 项洪 , 杜喜朋 et al. 数值方法进展:从Fourier变换到Hilbert-Huang变换 [J]. | 福建工程学院学报 , 2015 , 13 (6) : 511-519 .
MLA 吴琛 et al. "数值方法进展:从Fourier变换到Hilbert-Huang变换" . | 福建工程学院学报 13 . 6 (2015) : 511-519 .
APA 吴琛 , 项洪 , 杜喜朋 , 周瑞忠 . 数值方法进展:从Fourier变换到Hilbert-Huang变换 . | 福建工程学院学报 , 2015 , 13 (6) , 511-519 .
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Nonlinear behavior analysis of structural dynamic response based on Hilbert spectrum EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2013 , 32 (14) , 70-76 | Journal of Vibration and Shock
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hilbert spectrum and intra-wave modulation were introduced here. For a SDOF system and a MDOF system, Hilbert amplitude spectra and energy spectra of the absolute acceleration responses under earthquake for both their tri-linear stiffness retrograde systems and their linear systems were compared. The symbols of the non-linear mechanical behavior were analyzed. It was shown that band broadening and dominant frequency drift are two important symbols of the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the dynamic response of a system; the acceleration energy of a linear system is concentrated in a narrow frequency band near its natural frequency and intra-wave modulation causes band broadening in Hilbert energy spectrum of a tri-linear stiffness degradation system; due to influence of yield frequency and cracking frequency, the dominant frequency of the energy spectrum drifts to lower frequency; in short period structures, band broadening and dominant frequency drift are obvious, but in long period structures, they are not significant.

Keyword :

Acceleration Acceleration Dynamic response Dynamic response Dynamics Dynamics Linear systems Linear systems Linear transformations Linear transformations Mathematical transformations Mathematical transformations Modulation Modulation Spectroscopy Spectroscopy Stiffness Stiffness Structural dynamics Structural dynamics


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Chen , Zhou, Rui-Zhong . Nonlinear behavior analysis of structural dynamic response based on Hilbert spectrum [J]. | Journal of Vibration and Shock , 2013 , 32 (14) : 70-76 .
MLA Wu, Chen et al. "Nonlinear behavior analysis of structural dynamic response based on Hilbert spectrum" . | Journal of Vibration and Shock 32 . 14 (2013) : 70-76 .
APA Wu, Chen , Zhou, Rui-Zhong . Nonlinear behavior analysis of structural dynamic response based on Hilbert spectrum . | Journal of Vibration and Shock , 2013 , 32 (14) , 70-76 .
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基于Hilbert谱的结构动力响应非线性特征分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2013 , 32 (14) , 70-76 | 振动与冲击
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Hilbert-Huang变换 Hilbert-Huang变换 三线性刚度退化 三线性刚度退化 优势频率漂移 优势频率漂移 波内调制 波内调制 频带展宽 频带展宽


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GB/T 7714 吴琛 , 周瑞忠 . 基于Hilbert谱的结构动力响应非线性特征分析 [J]. | 振动与冲击 , 2013 , 32 (14) : 70-76 .
MLA 吴琛 et al. "基于Hilbert谱的结构动力响应非线性特征分析" . | 振动与冲击 32 . 14 (2013) : 70-76 .
APA 吴琛 , 周瑞忠 . 基于Hilbert谱的结构动力响应非线性特征分析 . | 振动与冲击 , 2013 , 32 (14) , 70-76 .
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Earthquake transient response of a long period structure EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2011 , 30 (5) , 123-126 | Journal of Vibration and Shock
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The transient response of a structure is usually ignored in traditional dynamic analysis. Based on the theory of harmonic earthquake response and wavelet packet analysis, the transient vibration of a MDOF system subjected to real earthquake ground motion was studied. Response spectra and transient vibration rules of the equivalent SDOF system were analyzed. It was concluded that the maximum displacement of a long period structure may occur in transient vibration and its value is greater than its resonance displacement. By comparing the transient response of a long period building with that of a short period one, it was shown that short period structures are mainly controlled by steady state vibration and the effects of transient vibration on a long period structure is prominent. Therefore, transient displacement and resonance one should be considered in earthquake-resistant design of long period structures.

Keyword :

Earthquake engineering Earthquake engineering Earthquakes Earthquakes Transient analysis Transient analysis Vibration analysis Vibration analysis Wavelet analysis Wavelet analysis


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Chen , Zhou, Rui-Zhong . Earthquake transient response of a long period structure [J]. | Journal of Vibration and Shock , 2011 , 30 (5) : 123-126 .
MLA Wu, Chen et al. "Earthquake transient response of a long period structure" . | Journal of Vibration and Shock 30 . 5 (2011) : 123-126 .
APA Wu, Chen , Zhou, Rui-Zhong . Earthquake transient response of a long period structure . | Journal of Vibration and Shock , 2011 , 30 (5) , 123-126 .
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Study of the transient response of long-period structures to high frequency earthquake based on wavelet packets transform EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2011 , 44 (6) , 55-60 | China Civil Engineering Journal
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The influence of high frequency earthquakes on long-period structures and the transient responses of such structures are usually ignored. Using wavelet packets transform, the transient response of a MDOF system is calculated based on harmonic earthquake response analysis. With the analyses of two projects, the transient vibration patterns of a long-period building due to high frequency ground motion are eaxmined. It is concluded that the displacement is mainly controlled by the transient response in low order modals. In high frequency earthquakes, the transient displacement of a long-period structure increases with the building height. Therefore, in high frequency earthquake the maximum displacement of a long-period structure could occur in transient vibration and the value could be greater than resonance vibration. A suggestion is made that the ratio of natural frequency to excitation frequency can be employed as the index of criterion for long-period structures.

Keyword :

Earthquakes Earthquakes Transient analysis Transient analysis Vibration analysis Vibration analysis Wavelet analysis Wavelet analysis Wavelet transforms Wavelet transforms


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Chen , Zhou, Ruizhong . Study of the transient response of long-period structures to high frequency earthquake based on wavelet packets transform [J]. | China Civil Engineering Journal , 2011 , 44 (6) : 55-60 .
MLA Wu, Chen et al. "Study of the transient response of long-period structures to high frequency earthquake based on wavelet packets transform" . | China Civil Engineering Journal 44 . 6 (2011) : 55-60 .
APA Wu, Chen , Zhou, Ruizhong . Study of the transient response of long-period structures to high frequency earthquake based on wavelet packets transform . | China Civil Engineering Journal , 2011 , 44 (6) , 55-60 .
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长周期结构地震瞬态反应研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2011 , 30 (5) , 123-126 | 振动与冲击
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

反应谱 反应谱 小波包分析 小波包分析 振动与波 振动与波 瞬态反应 瞬态反应 长周期结构 长周期结构


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GB/T 7714 吴琛 , 周瑞忠 . 长周期结构地震瞬态反应研究 [J]. | 振动与冲击 , 2011 , 30 (5) : 123-126 .
MLA 吴琛 et al. "长周期结构地震瞬态反应研究" . | 振动与冲击 30 . 5 (2011) : 123-126 .
APA 吴琛 , 周瑞忠 . 长周期结构地震瞬态反应研究 . | 振动与冲击 , 2011 , 30 (5) , 123-126 .
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基于小波包变换的长周期结构高频地震动瞬态反应研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2011 , 44 (6) , 55-60 | 土木工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

小波包变换 小波包变换 瞬态反应 瞬态反应 近场地震动 近场地震动 长周期结构 长周期结构 高频地震动 高频地震动


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GB/T 7714 吴琛 , 周瑞忠 . 基于小波包变换的长周期结构高频地震动瞬态反应研究 [J]. | 土木工程学报 , 2011 , 44 (6) : 55-60 .
MLA 吴琛 et al. "基于小波包变换的长周期结构高频地震动瞬态反应研究" . | 土木工程学报 44 . 6 (2011) : 55-60 .
APA 吴琛 , 周瑞忠 . 基于小波包变换的长周期结构高频地震动瞬态反应研究 . | 土木工程学报 , 2011 , 44 (6) , 55-60 .
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