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High-performance steering tracking control of open circuit variable-speed pump-controlled steering system for heavy-duty vehicles based on flow nonlinearity compensation SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Heavy-duty vehicles with long bodies, a large number of axles and large loads are subject to increasingly high requirements for precise steering technology due to the increasing trend toward energy conservation and intelligent assisted driving as well as variable driving conditions. In this paper, an energy-efficient open circuit variable-speed pump-controlled steering system (OPCEHSSS) adapted for heavy loads is used, but its strong flow output nonlinearity and system nonlinear dynamic behavior greatly impede the steering performance. Therefore, in order to reduce the influence of the flow leakage of the fixed-displacement pump on the system and to ensure that the flow output of the system matches the control model, a mapping model based on the fitting of a two-layer neural network algorithm with a dynamic real-time compensation strategy (FNC) is proposed. In addition, considering the strong robustness of the system even under parameter uncertainty and unknown disturbance, a complex nonlinear mathematical model is established based on OPCEHSSS physical characteristics, and a dual-objective control strategy of steering angle and pressure based on sliding mode control (SMC) is proposed. However, in order to reduce the influence of high-order switching discontinuity on the steering and ensure the fast convergence of the control system, a fast super twisting algorithm (STA) based on double saturation function of the boundary layer is proposed. The experimental results show that the three different controllers can effectively reduce the steering angle error after the introduction of FNC. And in the case of a single axle loaded with 6 tons, the improved new FNC+STA integrated dual-objective control strategy improves the accuracy by 53.16% compared with PID and 40.67% compared with SMC. The steady-state error is maintained within 0.9 degrees, realizing the high-performance steering tracking control of OPCEHSSS for heavy vehicles.

Keyword :

dual-objective control dual-objective control flow nonlinear mapping and compensation flow nonlinear mapping and compensation Heavy vehicle steering system Heavy vehicle steering system pump control system pump control system steering tracking steering tracking super twisting algorithm super twisting algorithm two-layer neural network algorithm two-layer neural network algorithm


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Xiezhao , Xu, Jun , Yu, Jianchao et al. High-performance steering tracking control of open circuit variable-speed pump-controlled steering system for heavy-duty vehicles based on flow nonlinearity compensation [J]. | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING , 2024 .
MLA Lin, Xiezhao et al. "High-performance steering tracking control of open circuit variable-speed pump-controlled steering system for heavy-duty vehicles based on flow nonlinearity compensation" . | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING (2024) .
APA Lin, Xiezhao , Xu, Jun , Yu, Jianchao , Zhang, Xiaolong , Zheng, Yulan , Li, Su et al. High-performance steering tracking control of open circuit variable-speed pump-controlled steering system for heavy-duty vehicles based on flow nonlinearity compensation . | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING , 2024 .
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Calibration tests for the contact parameters of flour particle using discrete element method EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 40 (11) , 69-76 | Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Accurate engineering modeling of flour is often required for the calibration of its contact parameters in flour conveying systems. In this study, a typical calibration of contact model parameters was proposed to consider the effects of cohesion between flour particles and particle size, according to the static and dynamic angle of repose. Hertz-Mindlin with Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) contact model was also selected using the particle scaling theory. The orthogonal simulation tests were carried out to implement the sensitivity and variance analysis of the contact parameters using the discrete element method (DEM) model. The result showed that there were the most significant effects of JKR surface energy, the powder-powder coefficient of rolling friction, and the powder-steel coefficient of static friction on the static angle of repose. Since the contact parameters were calibrated only by static angle of repose, the cross-effects of multiple parameters were verified as well. Different combinations of contact parameters produced a similar effect of static angle of repose. Furthermore, five sets of contact parameters were selected to obtain a unique set of parameter values as the candidates. Their simulation from the static angle of repose was the closest related to the test. Then the dynamic stacking was further studied. The flour was filled in a cylindrical container with a transparent bottom and stainless-steel side. In the tests, the cylindrical container was set as 100 mm in diameter and 30 mm in height and then rotated around the axis at the given speed. The camera was used to record the dynamic angle of repose, which was defined as the maximum tilt angle between the slope and the horizontal plane before the powder collapsed. The contact parameters calibrated by the dynamic angle of repose were also verified under the condition of a single filling rate and a single rotational speed. Therefore, the dynamic angle of repose was further calibrated at the filling rates of 0.2 and 0.4, respectively, while the rotational speeds of 30, 40, 50, and 60 r/min. Optimal contact parameters were achieved for the flour with a powder-powder coefficient of restitution of 0.6, a powder-powder coefficient of static friction of 0.2, a powder-powder coefficient of rolling friction of 0.1, a powder-steel coefficient of restitution of 0.6, a powder-steel coefficient of static friction of 0.6, a powder-steel coefficient of rolling friction of 0.5 and a JKR surface energy of 0.12 J/m2. The dynamic angle of repose after DEM calibration was the closest to the test. The calibration with the dynamic angle of repose under various conditions effectively reduced the uncertainty of the calibration. After that, a rectangular container test was designed to verify the accuracy of the contact parameters. Among them, the flour was poured into a cube container with a side length of 100 mm, where the top surface of the assembly of flour was kept flat, and then the cabin lid of the container was lifted away, leading to the powder naturally flowing out of the container. The ratio of the flour mass remained to calculate the total mass in the container. There was a minimal relative error between the numerical simulation with the calibrated parameters and the measurement from the test. The DEM contact parameters of flour were improved in the reliability, simplicity, and feasibility of calibration. The finding can also provide a strong reference for the DEM parameters calibration of powdery materials in engineering applications. © 2024 Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Calibration Calibration Containers Containers End effectors End effectors Finite difference method Finite difference method Particle size Particle size Particle size analysis Particle size analysis


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Shuo , Jiang, Lijian , Lin, Xiezhao et al. Calibration tests for the contact parameters of flour particle using discrete element method [J]. | Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering , 2024 , 40 (11) : 69-76 .
MLA Chen, Shuo et al. "Calibration tests for the contact parameters of flour particle using discrete element method" . | Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 40 . 11 (2024) : 69-76 .
APA Chen, Shuo , Jiang, Lijian , Lin, Xiezhao , Tang, Xusheng , Liu, Xiaomin , Zhang, Long . Calibration tests for the contact parameters of flour particle using discrete element method . | Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering , 2024 , 40 (11) , 69-76 .
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基于离散元法的面粉颗粒接触参数标定试验 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 40 (11) , 69-76 | 农业工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为设计和优化面粉输送设备,应用离散元法对面粉进行准确地工程建模和分析,需要对其接触参数进行必要的标定。该研究依据颗粒缩放理论,用“Hertz-Mindlin with Johnson-Kendall-Roberts”接触模型表征面粉颗粒间黏性的影响,提出了一种基于静/动态休止角的接触参数标定方法。运用正交试验方法,对接触参数的敏感性和方差分析,表明面粉颗粒间的滚动摩擦系数、面粉颗粒与不锈钢表面间的静摩擦系数、表面能对静态休止角的影响极显著(P<0.01),并且多组接触参数都可以模拟出与试验相同的静态休止角。进一步研究表明,面粉颗粒与不锈钢表面间的静摩擦系数的合理取值范围为0.2~0.4。通过2种填充率、4种转速下基于动态休止角的参数标定,将其中与试验最为吻合的一组参数作为标定结果,其值如下:面粉颗粒之间恢复系数为0.6、面粉颗粒之间静摩擦系数为0.2、面粉颗粒之间滚动摩擦系数为0.1、面粉颗粒与不锈钢容器表面之间恢复系数为0.6、面粉颗粒与不锈钢容器表面之间静摩擦系数为0.6、面粉颗粒与不锈钢容器表面之间滚动摩擦系数为0.5、表面能为0.12 J/m~2。使用该组参数对矩形容器中物料自由坍塌试验进行仿真,其结果与试验结果相符,验证了该标定方法的有效性。该研究提出的标定方法简单、易执行,对粉料输送设备的设计及优化具有一定的工程应用价值。

Keyword :

接触参数标定 接触参数标定 正交试验 正交试验 离散元 离散元 静/动态休止角 静/动态休止角 面粉 面粉


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GB/T 7714 陈硕 , 江礼坚 , 林谢昭 et al. 基于离散元法的面粉颗粒接触参数标定试验 [J]. | 农业工程学报 , 2024 , 40 (11) : 69-76 .
MLA 陈硕 et al. "基于离散元法的面粉颗粒接触参数标定试验" . | 农业工程学报 40 . 11 (2024) : 69-76 .
APA 陈硕 , 江礼坚 , 林谢昭 , 唐旭晟 , 刘晓敏 , 张龙 . 基于离散元法的面粉颗粒接触参数标定试验 . | 农业工程学报 , 2024 , 40 (11) , 69-76 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 51 (02) , 21-26 | 机械设计与制造工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

子结构 子结构 本征正交分解 本征正交分解 模态综合法 模态综合法 重分析 重分析


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GB/T 7714 张凌锋 , 林谢昭 . 基于本征正交分解的子结构化模型降阶方法 [J]. | 机械设计与制造工程 , 2022 , 51 (02) : 21-26 .
MLA 张凌锋 et al. "基于本征正交分解的子结构化模型降阶方法" . | 机械设计与制造工程 51 . 02 (2022) : 21-26 .
APA 张凌锋 , 林谢昭 . 基于本征正交分解的子结构化模型降阶方法 . | 机械设计与制造工程 , 2022 , 51 (02) , 21-26 .
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移动机器人平滑JPS路径规划与轨迹优化方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 52 (02) , 21-29,121 | 农业机械学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

JPS算法 JPS算法 Lazy-Theta~*算法 Lazy-Theta~*算法 移动机器人 移动机器人 路径规划 路径规划 轨迹优化 轨迹优化


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GB/T 7714 黄健萌 , 吴宇雄 , 林谢昭 . 移动机器人平滑JPS路径规划与轨迹优化方法 [J]. | 农业机械学报 , 2021 , 52 (02) : 21-29,121 .
MLA 黄健萌 et al. "移动机器人平滑JPS路径规划与轨迹优化方法" . | 农业机械学报 52 . 02 (2021) : 21-29,121 .
APA 黄健萌 , 吴宇雄 , 林谢昭 . 移动机器人平滑JPS路径规划与轨迹优化方法 . | 农业机械学报 , 2021 , 52 (02) , 21-29,121 .
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移动机器人平滑JPS路径规划与轨迹优化方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 52 (2) , 21-29,121 | 农业机械学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对目前路径规划方法存在的平滑性和效率问题,在JPS算法基础上提出了兼顾平滑性与搜索效率的路径规划方法,并利用多项式进行了轨迹优化.首先,提出2个优化目标对路径序列进行优化处理;然后,对JPS搜索规则进行改进,得到更多有价值的路径,并对每条路径进行平滑处理,再以一定规则进行选择;最后,使用多段高阶多项式对所得路径进行轨迹优化,研究时间分配问题,从而加快迭代效率.通过仿真实验和与其他算法的对比证明了本文方法的可行性和有效性.结果 表明,在不同障碍物密度环境下,本文路径规划方法得到了平滑性良好的路径,相对平滑后处理JPS,长度减少了0.48%~1.80%,总转折角减少了16.93%~52.75%,利用余弦函数进行时间分配加快了轨迹优化的迭代效率,通过实验验证得到了良好的效果.

Keyword :

JPS算法 JPS算法 Lazy-Theta*算法 Lazy-Theta*算法 移动机器人 移动机器人 路径规划 路径规划 轨迹优化 轨迹优化


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GB/T 7714 黄健萌 , 吴宇雄 , 林谢昭 . 移动机器人平滑JPS路径规划与轨迹优化方法 [J]. | 农业机械学报 , 2021 , 52 (2) : 21-29,121 .
MLA 黄健萌 et al. "移动机器人平滑JPS路径规划与轨迹优化方法" . | 农业机械学报 52 . 2 (2021) : 21-29,121 .
APA 黄健萌 , 吴宇雄 , 林谢昭 . 移动机器人平滑JPS路径规划与轨迹优化方法 . | 农业机械学报 , 2021 , 52 (2) , 21-29,121 .
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Scalable and parallelized biochemical assays in paper devices integrated with a programmable binary valve matrix SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 17
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The integration of simple fabricated paper devices with a multiplexing fluid control technology are the keys for extending traditional microfluidic applications to paper-based devices. However, paper devices to date have lacked a method for addressing the integration of complex fluid manipulations. By featuring a scalable and programmable mechanical valve matrix that is actuated by push-pull solenoids, we present a paper microfluidic multiplexing technology for performing biochemical assays in a high degree of autonomy. The technology allows every channel of a paper network to be autonomously addressed and isolated while uses a minimal number of control elements, efficiently reducing its complexity. The technology is implemented in an integrated portable system including a multiplexor controller, a relay matrix, a paper device, on-chip temperature control unit and an image analyzer. Biochemical reaction signals can be acquired and automatically interpreted via a self-built mobile App. A prototype that consists of 8 independent valve lines was demonstrated, allowing multiplexed control of a paper device with 16 operating channels. After thoroughly studying the behaviour of fluid transport in the paper device using both numerical simulation and experimentations, multiplex colorimetric assays of heavy metal samples and glucose in common soft drinks and artificial saliva samples were analyzed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a simple fabricated paper device integrated with a valve multiplexing technology. The scalability of this integration makes the technology ideally suited for high throughput analysis and holds great potential for progressing large scale integration of paper microfluidics.

Keyword :

Binary control logic Binary control logic Multiplex colorimetric assays Multiplex colorimetric assays Paper microfluidics Paper microfluidics Programmable valve matrix Programmable valve matrix


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GB/T 7714 Jia, Yuan , Sun, Hao , Dong, Hui et al. Scalable and parallelized biochemical assays in paper devices integrated with a programmable binary valve matrix [J]. | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL , 2020 , 321 .
MLA Jia, Yuan et al. "Scalable and parallelized biochemical assays in paper devices integrated with a programmable binary valve matrix" . | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL 321 (2020) .
APA Jia, Yuan , Sun, Hao , Dong, Hui , Wang, Cheng , Lin, Xiezhao , Dong, Dibo . Scalable and parallelized biochemical assays in paper devices integrated with a programmable binary valve matrix . | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL , 2020 , 321 .
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洗手池 incoPat
专利 | 2019/4/17 | CN201920522806.5
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GB/T 7714 林谢昭 , 卢凯 , 郭志杰 et al. 洗手池 : CN201920522806.5[P]. | 2019/4/17 .
MLA 林谢昭 et al. "洗手池" : CN201920522806.5. | 2019/4/17 .
APA 林谢昭 , 卢凯 , 郭志杰 , 陈锦达 , 舒月 . 洗手池 : CN201920522806.5. | 2019/4/17 .
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便于固定防止滑动的液压升降装置 incoPat
专利 | 2019/4/18 | CN201920524625.6
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GB/T 7714 林谢昭 , 卢凯 , 郭志杰 et al. 便于固定防止滑动的液压升降装置 : CN201920524625.6[P]. | 2019/4/18 .
MLA 林谢昭 et al. "便于固定防止滑动的液压升降装置" : CN201920524625.6. | 2019/4/18 .
APA 林谢昭 , 卢凯 , 郭志杰 , 施承伟 , 舒月 . 便于固定防止滑动的液压升降装置 : CN201920524625.6. | 2019/4/18 .
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期刊论文 | 2019 , (4) , 106-109 | 机械制造与自动化
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

下横梁 下横梁 参数化建模 参数化建模 布置优化 布置优化 液压机 液压机


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GB/T 7714 林谢昭 , 沈梦安 . 基于Isight的液压机下横梁筋板布置位置优化设计 [J]. | 机械制造与自动化 , 2019 , (4) : 106-109 .
MLA 林谢昭 et al. "基于Isight的液压机下横梁筋板布置位置优化设计" . | 机械制造与自动化 4 (2019) : 106-109 .
APA 林谢昭 , 沈梦安 . 基于Isight的液压机下横梁筋板布置位置优化设计 . | 机械制造与自动化 , 2019 , (4) , 106-109 .
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