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TgStore: An Efficient Storage System for Large Time-Evolving Graphs SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 10 (2) , 158-173 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIG DATA
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Existing graph systems focus mainly on the execution efficiency of the graph analysis tasks, often ignoring the importance and efficiency of time-evolving graph storage. However, to effectively mine the potential application values, an efficient storage system is important for time-evolving graphs whose storage requirement scales with the increasing number of snapshots. Storage cost and snapshot access speed are the two most important performance indicators for a time-evolving graph storage system, which are challenging for designers of such systems because they are conflicting goals. In this article, we address these challenges by proposing an efficient storage scheme for the large time-evolving graphs. We first design a Snapshot-level Data Deduplication (SLDD) strategy to eliminate the large number of repeated vertices and edges among the snapshots, and then a Structure-Changing Graph Representation (SCGR) to significantly improve the snapshot access speed. We implement an efficient time-evolving graph storage system, TgStore, based on this scheme to effectively store large-scale time-evolving graphs, aiming to efficiently support the time-evolving graph analysis tasks. Experimental results show that TgStore can obtain a high compression ratio of 43.03:1 when storing 100 snapshots of Twitter, while with an average snapshot access speedup of 16x. Efficient storage scheme enables TgStore to efficiently support time-evolving graph algorithms. For example, when executing the Pagerank algorithm on the time-evolving graph of Twitter, TgStore outperforms Graphone, a state-of-the-art time-evolving graph storage system, by 15.9x in algorithm execution speed and 1.45x in memory usage.

Keyword :

Big Data Big Data Blogs Blogs Costs Costs data deduplication data deduplication data representation data representation Market research Market research Pandemics Pandemics Social networking (online) Social networking (online) storage system storage system Task analysis Task analysis Time-evolving graph Time-evolving graph


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Yongli , Ma, Yan , Jiang, Hong et al. TgStore: An Efficient Storage System for Large Time-Evolving Graphs [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIG DATA , 2024 , 10 (2) : 158-173 .
MLA Cheng, Yongli et al. "TgStore: An Efficient Storage System for Large Time-Evolving Graphs" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIG DATA 10 . 2 (2024) : 158-173 .
APA Cheng, Yongli , Ma, Yan , Jiang, Hong , Zeng, Lingfang , Wang, Fang , Xu, Xianghao et al. TgStore: An Efficient Storage System for Large Time-Evolving Graphs . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIG DATA , 2024 , 10 (2) , 158-173 .
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A disk I/O optimized system for concurrent graph processing jobs SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 18 (3) | FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to analyze and process the large graphs with high cost efficiency, researchers have developed a number of out-of-core graph processing systems in recent years based on just one commodity computer. On the other hand, with the rapidly growing need of analyzing graphs in the real-world, graph processing systems have to efficiently handle massive concurrent graph processing (CGP) jobs. Unfortunately, due to the inherent design for single graph processing job, existing out-of-core graph processing systems usually incur unnecessary data accesses and severe competition of I/O bandwidth when handling the CGP jobs. In this paper, we propose GraphCP, a disk I/O optimized out-of-core graph processing system that efficiently supports the processing of CGP jobs. GraphCP proposes a benefit-aware sharing execution model to share the I/O access and processing of graph data among the CGP jobs and adaptively schedule the graph data loading based on the states of vertices, which efficiently overcomes above challenges faced by existing out-of-core graph processing systems. Moreover, GraphCP adopts a dependency-based future-vertex updating model so as to reduce disk I/Os in the future iterations. In addition, GraphCP organizes the graph data with a Source-Sorted Sub-Block graph representation for better processing capacity and I/O access locality. Extensive evaluation results show that GraphCP is 20.5x and 8.9x faster than two out-of-core graph processing systems GridGraph and GraphZ, and 3.5x and 1.7x faster than two state-of-art concurrent graph processing systems Seraph and GraphSO.

Keyword :

concurrent jobs concurrent jobs disk I/O disk I/O graph processing graph processing


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Xianghao , Wang, Fang , Jiang, Hong et al. A disk I/O optimized system for concurrent graph processing jobs [J]. | FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE , 2024 , 18 (3) .
MLA Xu, Xianghao et al. "A disk I/O optimized system for concurrent graph processing jobs" . | FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 18 . 3 (2024) .
APA Xu, Xianghao , Wang, Fang , Jiang, Hong , Cheng, Yongli , Feng, Dan , Fang, Peng . A disk I/O optimized system for concurrent graph processing jobs . | FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE , 2024 , 18 (3) .
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LOSC: A locality-optimized subgraph construction scheme for out-of-core graph processing SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Big data applications increasingly rely on the analysis of large graphs. In recent years, a number of out-of-core graph processing systems have been proposed to process graphs with billions of edges on just one commodity computer, by efficiently using the secondary storage (e.g., hard disk, SSD). Unfortunately, these graph processing systems continue to suffer from poor performance, despite of many solutions proposed to address the disk I/O bottleneck problem, a commonly recognized root cause. However, our experimental results show that another root cause of the poor performance is the subgraph construction phase of graph processing, which induces a large number of random memory accesses that substantially weaken cache access locality and thus greatly degrade the performance. In this paper, we propose an efficient out-of-core graph processing system, LOSC, to substantially reduce the overheads of subgraph construction. LOSC proposes a locality-optimized subgraph construction scheme that significantly improves the in-memory data access locality of the subgraph construction phase. Furthermore, LOSC adopts a compact edge storage format and a lightweight replication of vertices to reduce I/O traffic and improve computation efficiency. Extensive evaluation results show that LOSC is respectively 9.4x and 5.1x faster than GraphChi and GridGraph, two representative out-of-core systems. In addition, LOSC outperforms other state-of-art out-of-core graph processing systems including FlashGraph, GraphZ, G-Store and NXGraph. For example, LOSC can be up to 6.9x faster than FlashGraph.(c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Graph processing Graph processing Out-of-core Out-of-core Subgraph construction Subgraph construction


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Xianghao , Wang, Fang , Jiang, Hong et al. LOSC: A locality-optimized subgraph construction scheme for out-of-core graph processing [J]. | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING , 2023 , 172 : 51-68 .
MLA Xu, Xianghao et al. "LOSC: A locality-optimized subgraph construction scheme for out-of-core graph processing" . | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 172 (2023) : 51-68 .
APA Xu, Xianghao , Wang, Fang , Jiang, Hong , Cheng, Yongli , Hua, Yu , Feng, Dan et al. LOSC: A locality-optimized subgraph construction scheme for out-of-core graph processing . | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING , 2023 , 172 , 51-68 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 32 (3) , 322-329 | 计算机系统应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

NUMA NUMA 图计算 图计算 延迟发送 延迟发送 弱连通分量 弱连通分量 时变图 时变图


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GB/T 7714 梁锐杰 , 程永利 . 基于NUMA延迟发送的时变图弱连通分量求解 [J]. | 计算机系统应用 , 2023 , 32 (3) : 322-329 .
MLA 梁锐杰 et al. "基于NUMA延迟发送的时变图弱连通分量求解" . | 计算机系统应用 32 . 3 (2023) : 322-329 .
APA 梁锐杰 , 程永利 . 基于NUMA延迟发送的时变图弱连通分量求解 . | 计算机系统应用 , 2023 , 32 (3) , 322-329 .
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大数据产业专班研究生联合培养示范基地建设探索与实践 ——以福州大学为例
期刊论文 | 2023 , 36 (4) , 153-156 | 科技创业月刊
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

大数据 大数据 研究生培养 研究生培养 示范基地 示范基地


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GB/T 7714 郭文忠 , 陈星 , 程永利 . 大数据产业专班研究生联合培养示范基地建设探索与实践 ——以福州大学为例 [J]. | 科技创业月刊 , 2023 , 36 (4) : 153-156 .
MLA 郭文忠 et al. "大数据产业专班研究生联合培养示范基地建设探索与实践 ——以福州大学为例" . | 科技创业月刊 36 . 4 (2023) : 153-156 .
APA 郭文忠 , 陈星 , 程永利 . 大数据产业专班研究生联合培养示范基地建设探索与实践 ——以福州大学为例 . | 科技创业月刊 , 2023 , 36 (4) , 153-156 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 32 (12) , 218-223 | 计算机系统应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

图分区 图分区 图分析 图分析 图计算 图计算 负载平衡 负载平衡 顶点切割分区 顶点切割分区


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GB/T 7714 蹇冬宇 , 程永利 . 基于广度优先遍历加权图生成的启发式图分区 [J]. | 计算机系统应用 , 2023 , 32 (12) : 218-223 .
MLA 蹇冬宇 et al. "基于广度优先遍历加权图生成的启发式图分区" . | 计算机系统应用 32 . 12 (2023) : 218-223 .
APA 蹇冬宇 , 程永利 . 基于广度优先遍历加权图生成的启发式图分区 . | 计算机系统应用 , 2023 , 32 (12) , 218-223 .
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Deep Metric Multi-View Hashing for Multimedia Retrieval CPCI-S
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Learning the hash representation of multi-view heterogeneous data is an important task in multimedia retrieval. However, existing methods fail to effectively fuse the multi-view features and utilize the metric information provided by the dissimilar samples, leading to limited retrieval precision. Current methods utilize weighted sum or concatenation to fuse the multi-view features. We argue that these fusion methods cannot capture the interaction among different views. Furthermore, these methods ignored the information provided by the dissimilar samples. We propose a novel deep metric multi-view hashing (DMMVH) method to address the mentioned problems. Extensive empirical evidence is presented to show that gate-based fusion is better than typical methods. We introduce deep metric learning to the multi-view hashing problems, which can utilize metric information of dissimilar samples. On the MIR-Flickr25K, MS COCO, and NUS-WIDE, our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods by a large margin (up to 15.28 mean Average Precision (mAP) improvement).

Keyword :

Deep metric learning Deep metric learning Multimedia retrieval Multimedia retrieval Multi-modal hash Multi-modal hash Multi-view hash Multi-view hash


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GB/T 7714 Zhu, Jian , Ruan, Xiaohu , Cheng, Yongli et al. Deep Metric Multi-View Hashing for Multimedia Retrieval [J]. | 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA AND EXPO, ICME , 2023 : 1955-1960 .
MLA Zhu, Jian et al. "Deep Metric Multi-View Hashing for Multimedia Retrieval" . | 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA AND EXPO, ICME (2023) : 1955-1960 .
APA Zhu, Jian , Ruan, Xiaohu , Cheng, Yongli , Huang, Zhangmin , Cui, Yu , Zeng, Lingfang . Deep Metric Multi-View Hashing for Multimedia Retrieval . | 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA AND EXPO, ICME , 2023 , 1955-1960 .
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An efficient SSSP algorithm on time-evolving graphs with prediction of computation results SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Many applications need to execute Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) algorithm on each snapshot of a time evolving graph, leading to long waiting times experienced by the users of such applications. However, these applications are often time-sensitive, the delayed computation results can lead to the loss of best decision-making opportunities. To address this problem, in this paper we propose an efficient SSSP algorithm for time-evolving graphs, called V-Grouper. The main idea of V-Grouper is to avoid the redundant computations of the same vertex in different snapshots. Our experimental results over real-world time-evolving graphs show that, due to the high similarity of consecutive snapshots, the computation results of one vertex in neighboring snapshots are equal with a high probability. At the beginning of computation, V-Grouper first divides all the versions of a given vertex in different snapshots into vertex groups, where the computation result of each version is predicted based on the aforementioned insight of neighboring snapshots having equal results. The versions of the vertex in each group have the same predicted computation result. During the computation process for each vertex group, only one version needs to participate in computation, avoiding a large number of redundant computations. Experimental results show that V-Grouper is up to 64.31x faster than the state-of-the-art SSSP algorithm.

Keyword :

Grouper Grouper Predicted computation results Predicted computation results SSSP SSSP Time-evolving graph Time-evolving graph


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Yongli , Huang, Chuanjie , Jiang, Hong et al. An efficient SSSP algorithm on time-evolving graphs with prediction of computation results [J]. | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING , 2023 , 186 .
MLA Cheng, Yongli et al. "An efficient SSSP algorithm on time-evolving graphs with prediction of computation results" . | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 186 (2023) .
APA Cheng, Yongli , Huang, Chuanjie , Jiang, Hong , Xu, Xianghao , Wang, Fang . An efficient SSSP algorithm on time-evolving graphs with prediction of computation results . | JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING , 2023 , 186 .
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FPC-Net: Learning to detect face forgery by adaptive feature fusion of patch correlation with CG-Loss SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 17 (3) , 330-340 | IET COMPUTER VISION
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

With the rapid development of manipulation technologies, the generation of Deep Fake videos is more accessible than ever. As a result, face forgery detection becomes a challenging task, attracting a significant amount of attention from researchers worldwide. However, most previous work, consisting of convolutional neural networks (CNN), is not sufficiently discriminative and cannot fully utilise subtle clues and similar textures during the process of facial forgery detection. Moreover, these methods cannot simultaneously consider accuracy and time efficiency. To address such problems, we propose a novel framework named FPC-Net to extract some meaningful and unnatural expressions in local regions. This framework utilises CNN, long short-term memory (LSTM), channel groups loss (CG-Loss) and adaptive feature fusion to detect face forgery videos. First, the proposed method exploits spatial features by CNN, and a channel-wise attention mechanism is employed to separate channels. Specifically, with the help of channel groups loss, the channels are divided into two groups, each representing a specific class. Second, LSTM is applied to learn the correlation of spatial features. Finally, the correlation of features is mapped into other latent spaces. Through a lot of experiments, the results are that the detection speed of the proposed method reaches 420 FPS and the auc scores achieve best performance of 99.7%, 99.9%, 94.7%, and 82.0% on Raw Celeb-DF, Raw Face Forensics++, F2F and NT datasets respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework has great time efficiency performance while improving the detection performance compared with other frame-level methods in most cases.

Keyword :

adaptive feature fusion adaptive feature fusion facial forgery detection facial forgery detection


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Bin , Su, Lichao , Chen, Dan et al. FPC-Net: Learning to detect face forgery by adaptive feature fusion of patch correlation with CG-Loss [J]. | IET COMPUTER VISION , 2022 , 17 (3) : 330-340 .
MLA Wu, Bin et al. "FPC-Net: Learning to detect face forgery by adaptive feature fusion of patch correlation with CG-Loss" . | IET COMPUTER VISION 17 . 3 (2022) : 330-340 .
APA Wu, Bin , Su, Lichao , Chen, Dan , Cheng, Yongli . FPC-Net: Learning to detect face forgery by adaptive feature fusion of patch correlation with CG-Loss . | IET COMPUTER VISION , 2022 , 17 (3) , 330-340 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 38 (08) , 115-118 | 福建电脑
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

专班 专班 产教整合 产教整合 大数据 大数据 研究生培养 研究生培养


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GB/T 7714 郭文忠 , 陈星 , 程永利 . 产教融合背景下大数据专班研究生培养模式 [J]. | 福建电脑 , 2022 , 38 (08) : 115-118 .
MLA 郭文忠 et al. "产教融合背景下大数据专班研究生培养模式" . | 福建电脑 38 . 08 (2022) : 115-118 .
APA 郭文忠 , 陈星 , 程永利 . 产教融合背景下大数据专班研究生培养模式 . | 福建电脑 , 2022 , 38 (08) , 115-118 .
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