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A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 240 | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a polymer synthesized via the dehydration and condensation reaction between ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. PET has emerged as one of the most extensively employed plastic materials due to its exceptional plasticity and durability. Nevertheless, PET has a complex structure and is extremely difficult to degrade in nature, causing severe pollution to the global ecological environment and posing a threat to human health. Currently, the methods for PET processing mainly include physical, chemical, and biological methods. Biological enzyme degradation is considered the most promising PET degradation method. In recent years, an increasing number of enzymes that can degrade PET have been identified, and they primarily target the ester bond of PET. This review comprehensively introduced the latest research progress in PET enzymatic degradation from the aspects of PET-degrading enzymes, PET biodegradation pathways, the catalytic mechanism of PET-degrading enzymes, and biotechnological strategies for enhancing PET-degrading enzymes. On this basis, the current challenges within the enzymatic PET degradation process were summarized, and the directions that need to be worked on in the future were pointed out. This review provides a reference and basis for the subsequent effective research on PET biodegradation.

Keyword :

Biodegradation pathway Biodegradation pathway Bioengineering modification Bioengineering modification Catalytic mechanism Catalytic mechanism PET-degrading enzyme PET-degrading enzyme


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GB/T 7714 Qiu, Jiarong , Chen, Yuxin , Zhang, Liangqing et al. A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH , 2024 , 240 .
MLA Qiu, Jiarong et al. "A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate" . | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 240 (2024) .
APA Qiu, Jiarong , Chen, Yuxin , Zhang, Liangqing , Wu, Jinzhi , Zeng, Xianhai , Shi, Xinguo et al. A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate . | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH , 2024 , 240 .
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Response of bacterial and micro-eukaryotic communities to spatio-temporal fluctuations of wastewater in full scale constructed wetlands SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 399 | BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

How microbial communities respond to wastewater fluctuations is poorly understood. Full-scale surface flow constructed wetlands (SFCWs) were constructed for investigating microbial communities. Results showed that influent wastewater changed sediment bacterial community composition seasonally, indicating that a single bacterial taxonomic group had low resistance (especially, Actinobacteriota and Gammaproteobacteria). However, copy numbers of 16S rRNA, ammonia oxidizing archaea, ammonia oxidizing bacteria, nirS and nirK in the first stage SFCWs were 2.49 x 1010, 3.48 x 109, 5.76 x 106, 8.77 x 108 and 9.06 x 108 g-1 dry sediment, respectively, which remained stable between seasons. Moreover, decreases in the nitrogen concentration in wastewater, changed microbial system state from heterotrophic to autotrophic. Micro-eukaryotic communities were more sensitive to wastewater fluctuations than bacterial communities. Overall, results revealed that microbial communities responded to spatio-temporal fluctuations in wastewater through state changes and species asynchrony. This highlighted complex processes of wastewater treatment by microbial components in SFCWs.

Keyword :

Asynchrony Asynchrony Compensatory dynamics Compensatory dynamics Microbial community stability Microbial community stability Nitrogen removal Nitrogen removal Substrate Substrate


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GB/T 7714 Li, Xi , Xia, Menghua , Liu, Lemian et al. Response of bacterial and micro-eukaryotic communities to spatio-temporal fluctuations of wastewater in full scale constructed wetlands [J]. | BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 399 .
MLA Li, Xi et al. "Response of bacterial and micro-eukaryotic communities to spatio-temporal fluctuations of wastewater in full scale constructed wetlands" . | BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 399 (2024) .
APA Li, Xi , Xia, Menghua , Liu, Lemian , Li, Yuyuan , Wu, Jinshui . Response of bacterial and micro-eukaryotic communities to spatio-temporal fluctuations of wastewater in full scale constructed wetlands . | BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 399 .
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Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 252 | WATER RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Combination of taxa and function can provide a more comprehensive picture on human-induced microbial homogenization. Here, we obtained 2.58 billion high-throughput sequencing reads and 479 high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of planktonic microbial communities in a subtropical river for 5 years. We found the microbial taxa homogenization and functional homogenization were uncoupled. Although human activities in downstream sites significantly decreased the taxonomic diversity of non-abundant ASV communities (16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence variants), they did not significantly decrease the taxonomic diversity of abundant ASV and total observed MAG communities. However, the total observed MAG communities in downstream sites tended to homogenize into some specific taxa which encode human-activity-related functional genes, such as nutrient cycles, greenhouse gas emission, antibiotic and arsenic resistance. Those specific MAGs with high taxonomic diversity caused the weak heterogenization of total observed MAG communities in downstream sites. Moreover, functional homogenization promoted the synchrony among downstream MAGs, and these MAGs constructed some specific network modules might to synergistically execute or resist the humanactivity-related functions. High synchrony also led to the tandem effects among MAGs and thus decreased community stability. Overall, our findings revealed the links of microbial taxa, functions and stability under human activity impacts, and provided a strong evidence to encourage us re-thinking biotic homogenization based on microbial taxa and their functional attributes.

Keyword :

Biotic homogenization Biotic homogenization Human activities Human activities Metagenome Metagenome Microbial community Microbial community Nitrogen cycle Nitrogen cycle


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Lemian , Wang, Hongwei , Guo, Yisong et al. Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability [J]. | WATER RESEARCH , 2024 , 252 .
MLA Liu, Lemian et al. "Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability" . | WATER RESEARCH 252 (2024) .
APA Liu, Lemian , Wang, Hongwei , Guo, Yisong , Yan, Qi , Chen, Jianfeng . Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability . | WATER RESEARCH , 2024 , 252 .
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Experimental Study on Preparation of Foam Concrete by Camellia Meal Green Foaming Agent; [油茶粕绿色发泡剂制备泡沫混凝土的试验研究] Scopus PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (4) , 1226-1232 | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The green foaming agent was prepared by water extraction method with natural plant tissue camellia meal as raw material, and the foam concrete was prepared by physical foaming method. The effects of mixing time, water-binder ratio and foam content on the dry density, compressive strength and pore structure of foam concrete were investigated. The results show that the green foaming agent has high foam stability and can be used to prepare low-density foam concrete, so it is a high-quality new green foaming agent. When the foam content is 750 mL, the mixing time is 180 s, and the water-binder ratio is 0. 45, the water absorption of the prepared A05 density grade foam concrete is 45%, and the compressive strength is 1. 52 MPa. The foam concrete prepared by green foaming agent has uniform pore size distribution, small pore size (maximum pore size dmax < 0. 6 mm), and complete pore morphology. © 2023 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

camellia meal camellia meal foam concrete foam concrete green foaming agent green foaming agent microscopic pore structure microscopic pore structure physical foaming physical foaming pore size distribution pore size distribution


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Y. , Liu, L. , Chen, J. . Experimental Study on Preparation of Foam Concrete by Camellia Meal Green Foaming Agent; [油茶粕绿色发泡剂制备泡沫混凝土的试验研究] [J]. | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society , 2023 , 42 (4) : 1226-1232 .
MLA Guo, Y. et al. "Experimental Study on Preparation of Foam Concrete by Camellia Meal Green Foaming Agent; [油茶粕绿色发泡剂制备泡沫混凝土的试验研究]" . | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society 42 . 4 (2023) : 1226-1232 .
APA Guo, Y. , Liu, L. , Chen, J. . Experimental Study on Preparation of Foam Concrete by Camellia Meal Green Foaming Agent; [油茶粕绿色发泡剂制备泡沫混凝土的试验研究] . | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society , 2023 , 42 (4) , 1226-1232 .
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一种用于红树植物种植的植生混凝土 incoPat
专利 | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 | CN202211140854.0
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GB/T 7714 石新国 , 陈冬杰 , 陈剑锋 et al. 一种用于红树植物种植的植生混凝土 : CN202211140854.0[P]. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
MLA 石新国 et al. "一种用于红树植物种植的植生混凝土" : CN202211140854.0. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
APA 石新国 , 陈冬杰 , 陈剑锋 , 刘乐冕 , 郭毅松 . 一种用于红树植物种植的植生混凝土 : CN202211140854.0. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
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一种用于赤潮防控的皂苷基多孔泡沫混凝土 incoPat
专利 | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 | CN202211140853.6
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GB/T 7714 陈剑锋 , 吴桐 , 郭毅松 et al. 一种用于赤潮防控的皂苷基多孔泡沫混凝土 : CN202211140853.6[P]. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
MLA 陈剑锋 et al. "一种用于赤潮防控的皂苷基多孔泡沫混凝土" : CN202211140853.6. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
APA 陈剑锋 , 吴桐 , 郭毅松 , 石新国 , 刘乐冕 . 一种用于赤潮防控的皂苷基多孔泡沫混凝土 : CN202211140853.6. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
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Biogeographic patterns of micro-eukaryotic generalists and specialists and their effects on regional α-diversity at inter-oceanic scale SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Inter-oceanic scale studies allow us to understand the global spread of micro-organisms in marine ecosystems. In this study, micro-eukaryotic communities in marine surface sediment were collected from tropical to Arctic sites. We found that micro-eukaryotic generalists had much higher intraspecific variation than specialists which allow them to distribute more widely through higher spatiotemporal asynchrony and complementary niche preferences among conspecific taxa. Moreover, comparing to the host-associated protozoa and small metazoa, the algae and free-living protozoa with higher intraspecific variation allow them to have wider distribution ranges. Species abundance also played an important role in driving the distribution ranges of generalists and specialists. The generalists had important effects on regional alpha-diversity even at an inter-oceanic scale which led to the microeukaryotic species richness in polar sites to be mainly influenced by the regional generalists but not the local specialists. In particular, more than 97% of algal species in polar sites were shared with the tropical and subtropical sites (including toxic dinoflagellate). Overall, our study suggests that the effects of global change and human activities on the vulnerable high latitude habitats may lead to biotic homogenization for the whole microbial community (not only the dispersal of some harmful algae) through the potential long-distance spread of generalists.

Keyword :

Biogeography Biogeography Biotic homogenization Biotic homogenization Generalists and specialists Generalists and specialists Harmful algae Harmful algae Microbial diversity Microbial diversity Micro-eukaryotic community Micro-eukaryotic community


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Lemian , Wang, Hongwei , Luo, Zhaohe et al. Biogeographic patterns of micro-eukaryotic generalists and specialists and their effects on regional α-diversity at inter-oceanic scale [J]. | MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH , 2023 , 193 .
MLA Liu, Lemian et al. "Biogeographic patterns of micro-eukaryotic generalists and specialists and their effects on regional α-diversity at inter-oceanic scale" . | MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 193 (2023) .
APA Liu, Lemian , Wang, Hongwei , Luo, Zhaohe , Chen, Jianfeng . Biogeographic patterns of micro-eukaryotic generalists and specialists and their effects on regional α-diversity at inter-oceanic scale . | MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH , 2023 , 193 .
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Response of microbial communities to nutrient removal in coastal sediment by using ecological concrete SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (27) , 70817-70826 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Ecological concrete (eco-concrete) is a kind of environment-friendly material with porous characteristics. In this study, the eco-concrete was used to remove the total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and total organic carbon (TOC) in marine coastal sediment. The bacterial communities in sediment and on eco-concrete surface were also investigated by using high-throughput sequencing and quantitative PCR of 16S rRNA gene. We found that the mean removal efficiencies of TN, TP, and TOC in treatment group were 8.3%, 8.4%, and 12.3% after 28 days. The bacterial community composition in the treatment group was significantly different from that in the control group on day 28. In addition, the bacterial community composition on eco-concrete surface was slightly different from that in sediment, and the copy numbers of 16S rRNA gene were higher on eco-concrete surface than in sediment. The types of eco-concrete aggregates (gravel, pebble, and zeolite) also had effects on the bacterial community composition and 16S rRNA gene copy numbers. Furthermore, we found the abundant genus Sulfurovum increased significantly on eco-concrete surface in the treatment group after 28 days. Bacteria belonging to this genus were found having denitrification ability and were commonly detected in bioreactors for nitrate removal. Overall, our study expands the application scopes of eco-concrete and suggests that the bacterial communities in eco-concrete can potentially enhance the removal efficiency of nutrients in coastal sediment.

Keyword :

Coastal sediment Coastal sediment Ecological concrete Ecological concrete Eutrophication Eutrophication Microbial community Microbial community Nitrogen and phosphorus Nitrogen and phosphorus


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Meiling , Ji, Jiannan , Liu, Lemian et al. Response of microbial communities to nutrient removal in coastal sediment by using ecological concrete [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2023 , 30 (27) : 70817-70826 .
MLA Zhang, Meiling et al. "Response of microbial communities to nutrient removal in coastal sediment by using ecological concrete" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 30 . 27 (2023) : 70817-70826 .
APA Zhang, Meiling , Ji, Jiannan , Liu, Lemian , Guo, Yisong , Chen, Jianfeng . Response of microbial communities to nutrient removal in coastal sediment by using ecological concrete . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2023 , 30 (27) , 70817-70826 .
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Microbial one-carbon and nitrogen metabolisms are beneficial to the reservoir recovery after cyanobacterial bloom SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
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Abstract :

Cyanobacterial blooms have profound effects on the structure and function of plankton communities in inland waters, but few studies have focused on the effects of microbial-based processes in one-carbon and nitrogen cycling on water quality improvement following the bloom. Here, we compared the structure and function of the bacterial community, focusing on microbial one-carbon and nitrogen metabolisms during and after a cyanobacterial Microcystis bloom in a deep subtropical reservoir. Our data showed that microbial one-carbon and nitrogen cycles were closely related to dif-ferent periods of the bloom, and the changes of functional genes in microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling showed the same consistent trend as that of Methylomonas sp. With the receding of the bloom, the abundance of Methylomonas as well as the functional genes of microbial one-carbon and nitrogen cycling reached the peak and then recovered. Our results indicate that microbial one-carbon and nitrogen metabolisms were beneficial to the recovery of water quality from the cyanobacterial bloom. This study lays a foundation for a deep understanding of the cyanobacterial decompo-sition mediated by microbes in one-carbon and nitrogen cycles in inland freshwaters.

Keyword :

Cyanobacterial bloom Cyanobacterial bloom Methanotrophs Methanotrophs Nitrogen cycle Nitrogen cycle One-carbon cycle One-carbon cycle Subtropical reservoir Subtropical reservoir


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GB/T 7714 Yu, Zheng , Peng, Xuan , Liu, Lemian et al. Microbial one-carbon and nitrogen metabolisms are beneficial to the reservoir recovery after cyanobacterial bloom [J]. | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , 2023 , 856 .
MLA Yu, Zheng et al. "Microbial one-carbon and nitrogen metabolisms are beneficial to the reservoir recovery after cyanobacterial bloom" . | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 856 (2023) .
APA Yu, Zheng , Peng, Xuan , Liu, Lemian , Yang, Jun R. , Zhai, Xingyu , Xue, Yuanyuan et al. Microbial one-carbon and nitrogen metabolisms are beneficial to the reservoir recovery after cyanobacterial bloom . | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , 2023 , 856 .
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植物工厂中银合欢幼苗生长条件的优化 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 38 (2) , 183-192 | 福建农业学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

目的探明银合欢幼苗在植物工厂中水培的最优生长条件,为生产优质的银合欢苗奠定基础。方法分析不同光照时长(12、16、20、24 h·d−1)、光照强度(100、200、300、400 μmol·m−2·s−1)、营养液盐度(7‰、15‰、20‰、25‰)、氮浓度(7.5、15、30、60 mmol·L−1)和磷浓度(0.5、1、2、4 mmol·L−1)下银合欢幼苗的形态和生理指标,优化银合欢幼苗的生长条件。结果单因素试验结果表明,随着光照时长、光照强度、氮浓度或磷浓度的增加,银合欢幼苗的形态指标呈现先增后降的趋势。幼苗定植35 d后,在光照时长20 h·d−1下幼苗鲜重(5.61±0.11) g·株−1,比12、24 h·d−1分别增加60.0%和14.6%;光强200 μmol·m−2·s−1下鲜重(6.55±0.10) g·株−1,比100、400 μmol·m−2·s−1分别增加21.5%和62.1%;氮浓度15 mmol·L−1下鲜重(4.32±0.10) g·株−1,比7.5、60 mmol·L−1分别增加6.1%和108.6%;磷浓度1 mmol·L−1下鲜重(5.65±0.21) g·株−1,比0.5、4 mmol·L−1分别增加40.9%和64.7%。银合欢幼苗的叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数和抗氧化酶活性也表现出相似的规律。相比之下,随着营养液盐度的增加,银合欢幼苗的形态指标、叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数和抗氧化酶活性均呈现下降趋势。在盐度7‰时鲜重、干重、株高、根长和总叶绿素含量均达到最大值,分别为(8.95±0.05) g·株−1、(2.16±0.16) g·株−1、(31.17±1.67) cm、(60.67±0.93) cm、(1.72±0.06) mg·g−1。7‰盐度下幼苗的叶绿素荧光参数和抗氧化酶活性指标也较好。结论银合欢幼苗在光照时长20 h·d−1、光强200 μmol·m−2·s−1、盐度7‰、氮浓度15 mmol·L−1、磷浓度1 mmol·L−1 的条件下,其形态指标、叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶活性及叶绿素荧光参数等指标较优,最适合银合欢幼苗生长。

Keyword :

光照 光照 植物工厂 植物工厂 盐度 盐度 营养液氮磷 营养液氮磷 银合欢 银合欢


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GB/T 7714 庄朋静 , 李娜 , 刘乐冕 et al. 植物工厂中银合欢幼苗生长条件的优化 [J]. | 福建农业学报 , 2023 , 38 (2) : 183-192 .
MLA 庄朋静 et al. "植物工厂中银合欢幼苗生长条件的优化" . | 福建农业学报 38 . 2 (2023) : 183-192 .
APA 庄朋静 , 李娜 , 刘乐冕 , 郭毅松 , 陈剑锋 . 植物工厂中银合欢幼苗生长条件的优化 . | 福建农业学报 , 2023 , 38 (2) , 183-192 .
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