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退火温度对共挤压DP600/AA1060层合板微观组织及力学性能的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 49 (5) , 219-225 | 锻压技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

以转角复合挤压工艺制备的 DP600/AA1060(双相钢/铝)层合板为研究对象,探究不同退火温度(490、520 和550℃)下层合板的界面力学性能及微观组织.通过界面剪切试验和显微硬度测试试验对界面结合处及两侧金属进行了力学性能研究,采用扫描电镜和能谱仪分析不同退火温度对层合板界面形貌变化和成分分布的影响.试验结果表明:退火处理有助于提高层合板结合区域的硬度.随着退火温度的升高,界面剪切强度增加,在 550℃下界面剪切强度相比于未退火时提高了2.2 倍.随着退火温度的升高,钢/铝复合界面开始出现间断的扩散层,界面主要失效形式由脆性断裂转变为韧性断裂,层合板的塑性变形能力得到了改善.

Keyword :

DP600/AA1060层合板 DP600/AA1060层合板 共挤压成形 共挤压成形 微观组织 微观组织 显微硬度 显微硬度 界面强度 界面强度 转角复合挤压工艺 转角复合挤压工艺 退火温度 退火温度


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GB/T 7714 江永涛 , 彭凤英 , 廖娟 . 退火温度对共挤压DP600/AA1060层合板微观组织及力学性能的影响 [J]. | 锻压技术 , 2024 , 49 (5) : 219-225 .
MLA 江永涛 等. "退火温度对共挤压DP600/AA1060层合板微观组织及力学性能的影响" . | 锻压技术 49 . 5 (2024) : 219-225 .
APA 江永涛 , 彭凤英 , 廖娟 . 退火温度对共挤压DP600/AA1060层合板微观组织及力学性能的影响 . | 锻压技术 , 2024 , 49 (5) , 219-225 .
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结构参数对金属丝网夹芯板力学性能的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 47 (02) , 29-35 | 兵器材料科学与工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

力学性能 力学性能 夹芯板 夹芯板 理论弯曲刚度 理论弯曲刚度 轻量化 轻量化 金属丝网 金属丝网


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GB/T 7714 郭晴晴 , 钱金行 , 廖娟 . 结构参数对金属丝网夹芯板力学性能的影响 [J]. | 兵器材料科学与工程 , 2024 , 47 (02) : 29-35 .
MLA 郭晴晴 等. "结构参数对金属丝网夹芯板力学性能的影响" . | 兵器材料科学与工程 47 . 02 (2024) : 29-35 .
APA 郭晴晴 , 钱金行 , 廖娟 . 结构参数对金属丝网夹芯板力学性能的影响 . | 兵器材料科学与工程 , 2024 , 47 (02) , 29-35 .
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Interface property of dissimilar Ti-6Al-4V/AA1050 composite laminate made by non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion and heat treatment SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 33 , 197-208 | DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of processing parameters and subsequent heat treatments on the microstructures and bonding strengths of Ti-6Al-4V/AA1050 laminations formed via a non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion process. The microstructural evolution and growth mechanism in the diffusion layer were discussed further to optimize the bonding quality by appropriately adjusting process parameters. Scanning electron microscopes (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), and Xray diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize interfacial diffusion layers. The shear test was used to determine the mechanical properties of the interfacial diffusion layer. The experimental results indicate that it is possible to co-extrusion Ti-6Al-4V/AA1050 compound profiles using non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion. Different heat treatment processes affect the thickness of the diffusion layer. When the temperature and time of heat treatment increase, the thickness of the reaction layers increases dramatically. Additionally, the shear strength of the Ti-6Al-4V/AA1050 composite interface is proportional to the diffusion layer thickness. It is observed that a medium interface thickness results in superior mechanical performance when compared to neither a greater nor a lesser interface thickness. Microstructural characterization of all heat treatments reveals that the only intermetallic compound observed in the diffusion layers is TiAl3. Due to the inter-diffusion of Ti and Al atoms, the TiAl3 layer grows primarily at AA1050/TiAl3 interfaces. (c) 2023 China Ordnance Society. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keyword :

Co -extrusion Co -extrusion Heat treatment Heat treatment Intermetallic compounds Intermetallic compounds Microstructure Microstructure Shear strength Shear strength


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GB/T 7714 Liao, Juan , Tian, Mengmeng , Xue, Xin . Interface property of dissimilar Ti-6Al-4V/AA1050 composite laminate made by non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion and heat treatment [J]. | DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 33 : 197-208 .
MLA Liao, Juan 等. "Interface property of dissimilar Ti-6Al-4V/AA1050 composite laminate made by non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion and heat treatment" . | DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY 33 (2024) : 197-208 .
APA Liao, Juan , Tian, Mengmeng , Xue, Xin . Interface property of dissimilar Ti-6Al-4V/AA1050 composite laminate made by non-equal channel lateral co-extrusion and heat treatment . | DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 33 , 197-208 .
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Experimental study on single point incremental forming of PEEK sheets assisted with hot air local heating; [聚醚醚酮板材热风局部加热单点渐进成形实验研究] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (12) , 91-99 | Journal of Plasticity Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To investigate the formability of polymer under local heating, Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) pyramid parts were fabricated by single point incremental forming assisted with hot air local heating. The effect laws of local heating temperature field, step size and feed rate on the forming force and forming accuracy of PEEK parts were analyzed by single factor method. The results show that the forming accuracy of the parts cannot be improved by preheating treatment before forming. The effect of step size on forming force is more significant than that of feed rate. At different forming temperatures, the forming force of the parts decreases with the increase of the temperature of processing point. The effect of processing point temperature on the forming accuracy of parts is mainly reflected in the implicated deformation in the clamping area. The accuracy is the highest when the part is formed at 140 ℃. The effect of step size and feed rate on the forming accuracy of parts is mainly reflected in the springback and side wall bulge of clamping area. The parts have the highest forming accuracy with the feed rate of 1500 mm·min-1 and the step size of 0. 25 mm. © 2023 Beijing Res. Inst. of Mechanical and Elec. Technology. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

forming accuracy forming accuracy incremental forming incremental forming local heating local heating PEEK PEEK preheating treatment preheating treatment


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GB/T 7714 Ou, Y.-C. , Huang, Y.-C. , Liao, J. . Experimental study on single point incremental forming of PEEK sheets assisted with hot air local heating; [聚醚醚酮板材热风局部加热单点渐进成形实验研究] [J]. | Journal of Plasticity Engineering , 2023 , 30 (12) : 91-99 .
MLA Ou, Y.-C. 等. "Experimental study on single point incremental forming of PEEK sheets assisted with hot air local heating; [聚醚醚酮板材热风局部加热单点渐进成形实验研究]" . | Journal of Plasticity Engineering 30 . 12 (2023) : 91-99 .
APA Ou, Y.-C. , Huang, Y.-C. , Liao, J. . Experimental study on single point incremental forming of PEEK sheets assisted with hot air local heating; [聚醚醚酮板材热风局部加热单点渐进成形实验研究] . | Journal of Plasticity Engineering , 2023 , 30 (12) , 91-99 .
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集成式抗冲击减振车载电控箱及其制作方法 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-17 00:00:00 | CN202210688405.3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 廖娟 , 郑志 , 薛新 . 集成式抗冲击减振车载电控箱及其制作方法 : CN202210688405.3[P]. | 2022-06-17 00:00:00 .
MLA 廖娟 等. "集成式抗冲击减振车载电控箱及其制作方法" : CN202210688405.3. | 2022-06-17 00:00:00 .
APA 廖娟 , 郑志 , 薛新 . 集成式抗冲击减振车载电控箱及其制作方法 : CN202210688405.3. | 2022-06-17 00:00:00 .
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局部动态加热与成形一体式渐进成形装置 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-07 00:00:00 | CN202221401419.4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 廖娟 , 黄友纯 . 局部动态加热与成形一体式渐进成形装置 : CN202221401419.4[P]. | 2022-06-07 00:00:00 .
MLA 廖娟 等. "局部动态加热与成形一体式渐进成形装置" : CN202221401419.4. | 2022-06-07 00:00:00 .
APA 廖娟 , 黄友纯 . 局部动态加热与成形一体式渐进成形装置 : CN202221401419.4. | 2022-06-07 00:00:00 .
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金属丝网夹芯板制备与渐进成形一体式装置 incoPat
专利 | 2023-05-05 00:00:00 | CN202321041409.9
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GB/T 7714 廖娟 , 黄友纯 . 金属丝网夹芯板制备与渐进成形一体式装置 : CN202321041409.9[P]. | 2023-05-05 00:00:00 .
MLA 廖娟 等. "金属丝网夹芯板制备与渐进成形一体式装置" : CN202321041409.9. | 2023-05-05 00:00:00 .
APA 廖娟 , 黄友纯 . 金属丝网夹芯板制备与渐进成形一体式装置 : CN202321041409.9. | 2023-05-05 00:00:00 .
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Thermodynamic property of sandwich cylindrical shell structure with metallic wire mesh: Numerical modeling and experimental analysis SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , 37 (1) , 138-152 | CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As a new addition to lightweight composite structures, the sandwich cylindrical shell with a metallic wire mesh core has emerged as a promising solution for thermodynamic performance analysis at elevated temperatures. The intricate interwoven cellular formations within the metallic wire mesh pose difficulties for thermo-mechanical modeling and property evaluation. First, the constitutive models employed to characterize hysteresis phenomena were presented, comprising isotropic elasticity, Bergstrom-Boyce model, Ogden hyper-elasticity, and parameter identification through mechanical examinations at varying temperatures. Second, the finite element modeling of cylindrical shell structures was determined for modal and steady-state dynamic analyses. Third, the experimental procedures were carried out, including the preparation of the sandwich cylindrical shell and the dynamic testing platform. The first-order natural frequency of the cylindrical shell structure is close to the resonance frequency of the dynamic test results, with a maximum error of 6.5%, demonstrating the accuracy of the simulation model. When compared to the solid-core cylindrical shell, the average insertion loss of the sandwich cylindrical shell structure within the frequency range of 10-1000 Hz at room temperature is up to 11.09 dB. Furthermore, at elevated temperatures, the average insertion loss of the sandwich cylindrical shell decreases but fluctuates as the temperature changes. (c) 2023 Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keyword :

Energy dissipation Energy dissipation Metallic matrix composites Metallic matrix composites Numerical analysis Numerical analysis Sandwich structure Sandwich structure Thermodynamic properties Thermodynamic properties


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GB/T 7714 Xue, Xin , Shen, Guojian , Liao, Juan . Thermodynamic property of sandwich cylindrical shell structure with metallic wire mesh: Numerical modeling and experimental analysis [J]. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS , 2023 , 37 (1) : 138-152 .
MLA Xue, Xin 等. "Thermodynamic property of sandwich cylindrical shell structure with metallic wire mesh: Numerical modeling and experimental analysis" . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS 37 . 1 (2023) : 138-152 .
APA Xue, Xin , Shen, Guojian , Liao, Juan . Thermodynamic property of sandwich cylindrical shell structure with metallic wire mesh: Numerical modeling and experimental analysis . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS , 2023 , 37 (1) , 138-152 .
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聚醚醚酮板材热风局部加热单点渐进成形实验研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , (12) , 91-99 | 塑性工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为探究聚合物在局部加热下的成形性能,使用热风局部加热单点渐进成形工艺制备聚醚醚酮四棱台零件。采用单因素法分析了局部加热温度场、层间距以及进给速度对聚醚醚酮零件成形力及成形精度的影响规律。结果表明,成形前预热处理不能有效提高零件成形精度。相比进给速度,层间距对成形力的影响更显著;在不同的成形温度下,零件成形力随加工点温度的上升而下降。加工点温度对零件成形精度的影响主要体现在夹持区域牵连变形,零件在140℃下成形时精度最高;层间距和进给速度对零件成形精度的影响主要体现在夹持区域回弹与侧壁鼓突,零件在1500 mm·min~(-1)进给速度、 0.25 mm层间距下成形精度最高。

Keyword :

局部加热 局部加热 成形精度 成形精度 渐进成形 渐进成形 聚醚醚酮 聚醚醚酮 预热处理 预热处理


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GB/T 7714 欧烨琛 , 黄友纯 , 廖娟 . 聚醚醚酮板材热风局部加热单点渐进成形实验研究 [J]. | 塑性工程学报 , 2023 , (12) : 91-99 .
MLA 欧烨琛 等. "聚醚醚酮板材热风局部加热单点渐进成形实验研究" . | 塑性工程学报 12 (2023) : 91-99 .
APA 欧烨琛 , 黄友纯 , 廖娟 . 聚醚醚酮板材热风局部加热单点渐进成形实验研究 . | 塑性工程学报 , 2023 , (12) , 91-99 .
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Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics of a Sandwich Cylindrical Shell with Entangled Metallic Wire Mesh: Numerical and Experimental Analysis SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As a novel lightweight composite structure with notable mechanical resistance and thermal insulation characteristics in high-temperature environments, the sandwich cylindrical shell with entangled metallic wire mesh (SCS-EMWM) has been growing interest in industrial applications. This study focuses on investigating the thermo-mechanical behavior of the SCS-EMWM in high-temperature environments. The static mechanical properties of entangled metal wire mesh (EMWM) are first characterized, and the macroscopic mechanical properties are identified using the Ogden-Mullins model. Subsequently, the deformation modes at different densities and temperatures are analyzed through theoretical and finite element methods. The radial compression test of SCS-EMWM is performed to characterize its energy dissipation (Delta W), loss factor (eta), and secant stiffness (K). The quasi-static loading-unloading results of the EMWM reveal a positive correlation between temperature, density, and the mechanical behavior. In addition, as the density and temperature increase, the peak load of SCS-EMWM continuously increases from 20 to 200 N. Under high-temperature conditions, the radial compression test of SCS-EMWM reveals a significant concurrence between experimental and simulation results regarding load variations. Furthermore, in comparison to EMWM, the loss factor of SCS-EMWM exhibits an approximate increase of 0.1 and shows a positive correlation with temperature, while it decreases with increasing density. This study focuses on investigating the thermo-mechanical behavior of the sandwich cylindrical shell with entangled metallic wire mesh (SCS-EMWM) in high-temperature environments. The numerical and experimental methods are applied to systematically analyze the high-temperature state of its energy dissipation, loss factor, and secant stiffness.image (c) 2023 WILEY-VCH GmbH

Keyword :

energy dissipation energy dissipation entangled metallic wire material entangled metallic wire material parameter identification parameter identification sandwich cylindrical shell sandwich cylindrical shell thermo-mechanical properties thermo-mechanical properties


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GB/T 7714 Xue, Xin , Lin, Congcong , Wei, Yuhan et al. Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics of a Sandwich Cylindrical Shell with Entangled Metallic Wire Mesh: Numerical and Experimental Analysis [J]. | ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS , 2023 , 26 (3) .
MLA Xue, Xin et al. "Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics of a Sandwich Cylindrical Shell with Entangled Metallic Wire Mesh: Numerical and Experimental Analysis" . | ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 26 . 3 (2023) .
APA Xue, Xin , Lin, Congcong , Wei, Yuhan , Xiong, Yunlingzi , Zhang, Mangong , Shao, Yichuan et al. Thermo-Mechanical Characteristics of a Sandwich Cylindrical Shell with Entangled Metallic Wire Mesh: Numerical and Experimental Analysis . | ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS , 2023 , 26 (3) .
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