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Spalling failure and fracturing of brittle sandstone containing rectangular cavity based on biaxial compression test and discrete element method SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Excavation of tunnel in hard brittle rock commonly induces disasters like spalling failure and rock burst, and numerous relevant theoretical, experimental and numerical studies are finished to detect the specific destruction mechanism. However, only a small number of researches focused on the excavation of underground mining stope, and the largest feature is the rectangular cavity and the gradient height of the cavity. Therefore, to mimic the failure procedure of the surrounding rock of the mining stope, six groups of rock samples containing various cavity heights are applied in the biaxial compression test (two types of confining pressures), and the PFC method is utilized to explain the failure mechanism in microscopic scale. The main results and conclusions are as follows: (1) The confining pressure directly affects the time relationship between the visible spalling failure and the typical AE burst incident. (2) As the cavity height increases, the spalling failure cannot cover the whole sidewall at once and transforms into localized destruction, which advances the corresponding initial appearance time. (3) The striped tensile failures distribute in the roof and bottom surrounding rock of rectangular cavity; tensile failures cover the whole spalling regions in sidewalls, while the shear failures are mainly concentrated in the lower part of the spalling areas. (4) When the cavity height is relatively large, the spalling failure in both sidewalls exhibits asymmetric distribution during the majority period of the test, and the final failure surface only shows an approximate symmetrical distribution.

Keyword :

Biaxial compression Biaxial compression PFC2D PFC2D Rectangular cavity Rectangular cavity Spalling failure Spalling failure


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GB/T 7714 Qi, Qi , Zhao, Yusong , Li, Binglei et al. Spalling failure and fracturing of brittle sandstone containing rectangular cavity based on biaxial compression test and discrete element method [J]. | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS , 2024 , 158 .
MLA Qi, Qi et al. "Spalling failure and fracturing of brittle sandstone containing rectangular cavity based on biaxial compression test and discrete element method" . | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 158 (2024) .
APA Qi, Qi , Zhao, Yusong , Li, Binglei , Chen, Long . Spalling failure and fracturing of brittle sandstone containing rectangular cavity based on biaxial compression test and discrete element method . | ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS , 2024 , 158 .
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地下水封洞库施工期洞室围岩变形松弛典型特征与规律 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (02) , 245-252 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

基于地下水封洞库工程特征与典型洞库工程实例,整理分析大量洞室围岩内部变形、表层变形、波速与锚杆应力等监测数据.结果表明:预埋的多点位移计测点位移主要为0.5~3.0 mm,收敛位移监测值主要为4~8 mm,拱顶沉降监测值主要为3~6 mm,围岩时效变形不明显;围岩变形与爆破开挖有关,当掌子面或后续台阶开挖面接近监测断面时,变形出现陡增;围岩质量越差,开挖面空间效应越不明显.提出洞室围岩损失位移确定方法,发现损失位移占最终收敛位移50%~60%;基于波速变化率提出围岩松弛程度评价指标,发现围岩最大松弛程度约为0.47,松弛深度为1.5 m;洞室围岩锚杆受力普遍较小,锚杆拉应力与围岩变形基本同步变化.

Keyword :

围岩变形 围岩变形 围岩松弛 围岩松弛 损失位移 损失位移 施工期监测 施工期监测 水封洞库 水封洞库


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GB/T 7714 曹洋兵 , 江志豪 , 黄月 et al. 地下水封洞库施工期洞室围岩变形松弛典型特征与规律 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (02) : 245-252 .
MLA 曹洋兵 et al. "地下水封洞库施工期洞室围岩变形松弛典型特征与规律" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 02 (2024) : 245-252 .
APA 曹洋兵 , 江志豪 , 黄月 , 李尧 , 王东瑞 , 李兵磊 . 地下水封洞库施工期洞室围岩变形松弛典型特征与规律 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (02) , 245-252 .
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Failure behaviors and acoustic emission characteristics of flawed granite of different grain sizes: Insights from true triaxial experiments with a free face SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this study, a group of experiments using true triaxial stress conditions with free face loading are performed on granite specimens with non-penetrating double flaws. The crack development and failure characteristics of these specimens are explored by integrating video of the free face and acoustic emission technology, with the combination of the four different intermediate principal stresses and three different grain sizes of the granite chosen as variables. First, surface flaws with a depth of 50 mm are found to have limited influence on the specimen's failure mode. The intermediate principal stress has a greater effect as it inhibits the development of surface cracks; however, surface cracks develop much more readily in coarse-grained specimens than in other specimens. Second, when the intermediate principal stress exceeds 10 MPa, the rock burst failure phenomenon occurs in the specimen. Third, irrespective of changes in the intermediate principal stress and granite specimen grain size, the specimens primarily fail by tensile-shear failure and shear failure. Extending inward from the free face in the sigma 3 direction, according to the failure types, the failure types can be classified into tensile failure, shear failure, and tensile-shear failure. Finally, using the stress state synthesis method, the specimen's stress state and crack distribution mechanism on the sigma 2 loading plane are analyzed.

Keyword :

Acoustic emission Acoustic emission Crack damage Crack damage Granite grain size Granite grain size Intermediate principal stress effect Intermediate principal stress effect Non -penetrating flaw Non -penetrating flaw


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GB/T 7714 Li, Binglei , Shi, Wenhao , Zhang, Huajin et al. Failure behaviors and acoustic emission characteristics of flawed granite of different grain sizes: Insights from true triaxial experiments with a free face [J]. | THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS , 2024 , 131 .
MLA Li, Binglei et al. "Failure behaviors and acoustic emission characteristics of flawed granite of different grain sizes: Insights from true triaxial experiments with a free face" . | THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS 131 (2024) .
APA Li, Binglei , Shi, Wenhao , Zhang, Huajin , Long, Yi . Failure behaviors and acoustic emission characteristics of flawed granite of different grain sizes: Insights from true triaxial experiments with a free face . | THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS , 2024 , 131 .
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Failure characteristics of tunnel under the true triaxial condition: Role of a prefabricated flaw SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Flaws such as faults, joints, and bedding planes often exist in natural rock masses, which pose significant safety hazards for tunnel excavation. We conducted a series of experimental tests to analyse the effect of the different flaw occurrences (intact, open-flaw, and filled-flaw) on the rockburst mode around a horseshoe-shaped tunnel. The destruction was monitored by continuous photo imaging (captured inside the tunnel) and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring. Test results show that: 1) Under different flaw occurrences, the rockburst mode is different. mainly for strain rockburst and fault slip rockburst 2) Strain rockburst produces more tensile cracks in the initial stage (I and II) and more shear cracks in the later stage (III, IV and V). However, the fault slip rockburst produces shear cracks from the beginning to the end. 3) The filled material inside the flaws can significantly enhance the stability of the surrounding rock and also inhibit the development of fault slip rockburst. The rockburst modes and mechanisms under different surrounding rock conditions have been verified by PFC.

Keyword :

Acoustic emission Acoustic emission Flaw occurrences Flaw occurrences PFC PFC Rockburst mode Rockburst mode Tunnel excavation Tunnel excavation


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GB/T 7714 Li, Jianing , Hu, Jianhua , Zhao, Yusong et al. Failure characteristics of tunnel under the true triaxial condition: Role of a prefabricated flaw [J]. | THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS , 2024 , 130 .
MLA Li, Jianing et al. "Failure characteristics of tunnel under the true triaxial condition: Role of a prefabricated flaw" . | THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS 130 (2024) .
APA Li, Jianing , Hu, Jianhua , Zhao, Yusong , Zhao, Zhou , Chen, Yanliang , Li, Binglei . Failure characteristics of tunnel under the true triaxial condition: Role of a prefabricated flaw . | THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS , 2024 , 130 .
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三维隐伏溶洞对临近隧道围岩破坏特征的影响 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (04) , 487-495 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对贵州紫金部分矿井巷道围岩存在溶洞经常导致地下工程围岩呈现不稳定状态或剧烈破坏现象这一典型工况,利用简化的类岩石试样开展真三轴压缩试验,结合声发射和内窥摄像头监测围岩的变形和次生破坏行为.研究表明:1)溶洞将导致试样z轴峰值荷载降低约25%,次生破坏的出现时间更早,且主导性破坏更加集中地出现在峰值应力时段. 2)位于隧道右上侧的溶洞导致隧道右侧围岩呈现一种新的板状破坏,即破坏由隧道-溶洞的中间岩柱起始、沿隧道右侧壁表层围岩纵向发展、并最终形成岩块向内移动,该类型破坏的起始位置和岩块厚度与典型板裂破坏明显不同. 3)压缩型应力和剪切破坏在隧道围岩的板裂破坏过程中占据主导地位,且由于三维溶洞位于隧道右上方,其对隧道下方和左侧围岩的影响相对较小. 4)球形溶洞导致其与隧道之间的岩体内出现更为密集的次生拉伸和剪切裂纹,即该区域内岩体破坏程度明显高于其他位置.

Keyword :

声发射 声发射 板裂破坏 板裂破坏 真三轴加载 真三轴加载 隧道围岩 隧道围岩 预制溶洞 预制溶洞


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GB/T 7714 林尧 , 李兵磊 . 三维隐伏溶洞对临近隧道围岩破坏特征的影响 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (04) : 487-495 .
MLA 林尧 et al. "三维隐伏溶洞对临近隧道围岩破坏特征的影响" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 04 (2024) : 487-495 .
APA 林尧 , 李兵磊 . 三维隐伏溶洞对临近隧道围岩破坏特征的影响 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (04) , 487-495 .
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Mechanical and failure characteristics of flawed granite after high-temperature cycling: An experimental study using biaxial compression Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 133 | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Unveiling the mechanical and failure characteristics of flawed granite subjected to high-temperature (HT) cycles is essential for assessing the stability of underground engineering. There is limited advanced knowledge of the rock performance under HT cycles even today. To that end, biaxial compression experiments with the simultaneous acoustic emission (AE)-digital image correlation (DIC) monitoring are conducted on flawed granite containing the flaw pairs, with the emphasis on the influences of HT cycles on the mechanical and failure characteristics of flawed granite. Experimental results suggest that the rock strength is increased at 400 °C, regardless of the cycle number, while it is weakened at 600 °C, especially under the thermal cycles. By the coupling analysis of acoustic-optical-mechanical data, the levels of cracking in flawed granite are revealed as the process zone nucleation and quasi-static growth, along with the macrocrack initiation, propagation, and coalescence until the eventual failure, dictated by the stress shielding effect and stress amplification effect. The splitting crack, hook crack, and far-field network crack are reported for the first time. Moreover, the flawed granite at different temperatures transitions from tensile-dominated cracks to mixed tensile-shear (T-S) cracks. Besides, thermal cycling causes rock fatigue damage, and the alternating thermal stress generated by HT cycling promotes the initiation and propagation of microcracks, leading to the development and further intensification of thermally induced fracture. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd

Keyword :

Biaxial compression Biaxial compression Crack propagation Crack propagation Flawed granite Flawed granite High-temperature cycle High-temperature cycle Mechanical properties Mechanical properties


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GB/T 7714 Li, B.-L. , Sun, T. , Zhang, J.-Z. et al. Mechanical and failure characteristics of flawed granite after high-temperature cycling: An experimental study using biaxial compression [J]. | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics , 2024 , 133 .
MLA Li, B.-L. et al. "Mechanical and failure characteristics of flawed granite after high-temperature cycling: An experimental study using biaxial compression" . | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 133 (2024) .
APA Li, B.-L. , Sun, T. , Zhang, J.-Z. , Liu, Q.-Y. , Long, Y. . Mechanical and failure characteristics of flawed granite after high-temperature cycling: An experimental study using biaxial compression . | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics , 2024 , 133 .
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一种巷道冒落区的自适应支护装置及其施工方法 incoPat
专利 | 2022-04-21 00:00:00 | CN202210421665.4
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GB/T 7714 李兵磊 , 丘浩禹 , 陈彰威 et al. 一种巷道冒落区的自适应支护装置及其施工方法 : CN202210421665.4[P]. | 2022-04-21 00:00:00 .
MLA 李兵磊 et al. "一种巷道冒落区的自适应支护装置及其施工方法" : CN202210421665.4. | 2022-04-21 00:00:00 .
APA 李兵磊 , 丘浩禹 , 陈彰威 , 陈建华 , 赵周 . 一种巷道冒落区的自适应支护装置及其施工方法 : CN202210421665.4. | 2022-04-21 00:00:00 .
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Cerebroprotein hydrolysate attenuates neurodegenerative changes in Alzheimer's mice model via ferroptosis pathway SCIE
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Abstract :

In the natural geological environment, there are many joints, faults and cavities. These natural defects will have an impact on the stability of tunnels. This paper investigates different conditions of surrounding rock: intact surrounding rock, surrounding rock with open-flaw and surrounding rock with filled-flaw under the true triaxial test. The effect of different surrounding rock conditions on the internal failure characteristics of tunnel under true triaxial conditions is explored. According to the characteristics of energy evolution and chaos theory, the failure characteristics inside the tunnel is divided into stages. The results show that: 1) The failure characteristics in the tunnel are different for different surrounding rock conditions. The failure characteristics do not represent the stability of the surrounding rock of the tunnel; 2) The trend of energy dissipation is different under different surrounding rock conditions. The elastic stage of the surrounding rock is shortened and the dissipation energy shows an earlier upward trend as its integrity declines. 3) When analysing the tunnel, chaos theory can give early warnings about the instability of the surrounding rock, but it can not give early warning of particle spray and spalling inside the tunnel.

Keyword :

chaos theory chaos theory energy evolution energy evolution flaw flaw surrounding rock condition surrounding rock condition tunnel tunnel


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GB/T 7714 Li, Binglei , Li, Jianing , Hu, Hongyuan et al. Cerebroprotein hydrolysate attenuates neurodegenerative changes in Alzheimer's mice model via ferroptosis pathway [J]. | FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE , 2023 , 11 .
MLA Li, Binglei et al. "Cerebroprotein hydrolysate attenuates neurodegenerative changes in Alzheimer's mice model via ferroptosis pathway" . | FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 11 (2023) .
APA Li, Binglei , Li, Jianing , Hu, Hongyuan , Gong, Jinrui , Luo, Tao . Cerebroprotein hydrolysate attenuates neurodegenerative changes in Alzheimer's mice model via ferroptosis pathway . | FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE , 2023 , 11 .
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用于破碎区域的空心鱼鳞状注浆双重膨胀式锚杆 incoPat
专利 | 2022-04-29 00:00:00 | CN202210462422.5
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GB/T 7714 李兵磊 , 叶子 , 汪斯乔 . 用于破碎区域的空心鱼鳞状注浆双重膨胀式锚杆 : CN202210462422.5[P]. | 2022-04-29 00:00:00 .
MLA 李兵磊 et al. "用于破碎区域的空心鱼鳞状注浆双重膨胀式锚杆" : CN202210462422.5. | 2022-04-29 00:00:00 .
APA 李兵磊 , 叶子 , 汪斯乔 . 用于破碎区域的空心鱼鳞状注浆双重膨胀式锚杆 : CN202210462422.5. | 2022-04-29 00:00:00 .
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Experimental Investigation on the Destruction Features and Acoustic Characteristics of a Brittle Rock Sample Containing Both 2D and 3D Preset Flaws SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (23) | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Original fracture structures always present discontinuity in the real rock mass, and many invisible fractures hide inside the rock mass, which may cause serious engineering safety issues. To mimic the true 3D fracture structures through the experimental method, the gypsum rock-like samples containing both 2D through-type and 3D internal-type preset flaws are prepared, and multiple sets of inclination angles of the twin parallel flaws are set in the test. By applying the AE and DIC monitoring technologies during the uniaxial compression tests, the main results are as follows: (1) The flaw inclination angle presents a direct influence on the surface cracks distribution, maximum principal strain field, and the density of secondary failure in the middle rock; (2) AE events initially distribute around the internal 3D preset flaw, while the gradient inclination angle shows a slight impact on the events' location before reaching the UCS status of samples; (3) mutations in b-values and S values can serve as evidence for predicting local damage, and the final failures quickly form at various scales and energy levels; (4) when the statistical analysis grid is divided sufficiently, the data window width and moving step length have little impact on the evaluation results, while the recommended bin width of event magnitude is 0.5 or 1.0.

Keyword :

acoustic emission acoustic emission b-values b-values internal 3D flaw internal 3D flaw parallel twin flaws parallel twin flaws S values S values


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GB/T 7714 Luo, Tao , Chen, Siyu , Li, Binglei . Experimental Investigation on the Destruction Features and Acoustic Characteristics of a Brittle Rock Sample Containing Both 2D and 3D Preset Flaws [J]. | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (23) .
MLA Luo, Tao et al. "Experimental Investigation on the Destruction Features and Acoustic Characteristics of a Brittle Rock Sample Containing Both 2D and 3D Preset Flaws" . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 13 . 23 (2023) .
APA Luo, Tao , Chen, Siyu , Li, Binglei . Experimental Investigation on the Destruction Features and Acoustic Characteristics of a Brittle Rock Sample Containing Both 2D and 3D Preset Flaws . | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL , 2023 , 13 (23) .
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