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Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high water pressure SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 17 (11) , 1723-1738 | FRONTIERS OF STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Balance of the groundwater and ecology is crucial for controlled discharge. However, regarding the segments of tunnel boring machines (TBMs) under high water pressure, the stability of the lining structure is often reduced by excessive drain holes required to achieve this balance. The large discharge of pinholes can easily have severe consequences, such as the lowering of the groundwater table, drying of springs, and vegetation wilting. Thus, in this study, according to the fluid-structure coupling theory, a new drainage design for TBM segments was developed by considering a mountain tunnel subject to a high water pressure as a case study. The evolution characteristics, including the external water pressure of the lining, discharge volume of the segment, and groundwater-table drawdown, were investigated via numerical modeling with drain holes and pinholes. The results indicated that the optimal design parameters of drainage segments for the project case were as follows: a circumferential spacing angle and longitudinal number on one side of a single ring of 51 degrees and 2, respectively, for the drain holes and an inclination angle and length of 46.41 degrees and 0.25 times the grouting thickness, respectively, for the pin holes.

Keyword :

drain hole drain hole groundwater table drawdown groundwater table drawdown high water pressure high water pressure pinhole pinhole TBM segment TBM segment


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GB/T 7714 Lu, Yao , Huang, Ming , Chen, Zhijie et al. Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high water pressure [J]. | FRONTIERS OF STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2024 , 17 (11) : 1723-1738 .
MLA Lu, Yao et al. "Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high water pressure" . | FRONTIERS OF STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING 17 . 11 (2024) : 1723-1738 .
APA Lu, Yao , Huang, Ming , Chen, Zhijie , Zeng, Zisheng , Liu, Yuchuan , Du, Guangzhao . Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high water pressure . | FRONTIERS OF STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2024 , 17 (11) , 1723-1738 .
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Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high water pressure CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , (11) , 1723-1738 | 结构与土木工程前沿:英文版
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Balance of the groundwater and ecology is crucial for controlled discharge.However,regarding the segments of tunnel boring machines(TBMs)under high water pressure,the stability of the lining structure is often reduced by excessive drain holes required to achieve this balance.The large discharge of pinholes can easily have severe consequences,such as the lowering of the groundwater table,drying of springs,and vegetation wilting.Thus,in this study,according to the fluid-structure coupling theory,a new drainage design for TBM segments was developed by considering a mountain tunnel subject to a high water pressure as a case study.The evolution characteristics,including the external water pressure of the lining,discharge volume of the segment,and groundwater-table drawdown,were investigated via numerical modeling with drain holes and pinholes.The results indicated that the optimal design parameters of drainage segments for the project case were as follows:a circumferential spacing angle and longitudinal number on one side of a single ring of 51°and 2,respectively,for the drain holes and an inclination angle and length of 46.41°and 0.25 times the grouting thickness,respectively,for the pin holes.


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GB/T 7714 Yao LU , Ming HUANG , Zhijie CHEN et al. Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high water pressure [J]. | 结构与土木工程前沿:英文版 , 2023 , (11) : 1723-1738 .
MLA Yao LU et al. "Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high water pressure" . | 结构与土木工程前沿:英文版 11 (2023) : 1723-1738 .
APA Yao LU , Ming HUANG , Zhijie CHEN , Zisheng ZENG , Yuchuan LIU , Guangzhao DU . Drainage design combining drain holes and pinholes for tunnel boring machine segments subject to high water pressure . | 结构与土木工程前沿:英文版 , 2023 , (11) , 1723-1738 .
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促进截流排水与填埋气均匀分布的毛细阻滞型覆盖层 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 | CN202210767892.2
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GB/T 7714 冯嵩 , 王冲 , 刘毓氚 et al. 促进截流排水与填埋气均匀分布的毛细阻滞型覆盖层 : CN202210767892.2[P]. | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 .
MLA 冯嵩 et al. "促进截流排水与填埋气均匀分布的毛细阻滞型覆盖层" : CN202210767892.2. | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 .
APA 冯嵩 , 王冲 , 刘毓氚 , 刘红位 . 促进截流排水与填埋气均匀分布的毛细阻滞型覆盖层 : CN202210767892.2. | 2022-06-30 00:00:00 .
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会议论文 | 2023 , 163-170 | 第十届全国再生混凝土学术交流会暨第六届全国建筑固废学术交流会
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

提出路面结构水平向增强排水系统,实现在非饱和条件下排水,抑制水分进入路基土壤,并设置试验段和对照段进行现场试验.结果表明:在试验段,路基含水量波动幅度为10%~20%; 在对照段,波动幅度为50%~60%,降雨影响更显著.通过数值分析发现,使用该系统的路面结构能减少地表变形量,并缓解毛细阻滞效应,防止水分进入路基土壤.通过对碎石垫层材料进行参数分析,确立最佳厚度为10 cm.随着碎石材料的α值、n 值和e0 值的增大,路面结构中水分积聚程度会先增大而后减少.

Keyword :

水力耦合数值分析 水力耦合数值分析 水平向增强排水 水平向增强排水 现场试验 现场试验 路面结构 路面结构 非饱和渗流 非饱和渗流


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GB/T 7714 刘毓氚 , 李樽 , 张川 et al. 路面结构水平向增强排水系统现场试验及水力耦合数值分析 [C] //第十届全国再生混凝土学术交流会暨第六届全国建筑固废学术交流会论文集 . 2023 : 163-170 .
MLA 刘毓氚 et al. "路面结构水平向增强排水系统现场试验及水力耦合数值分析" 第十届全国再生混凝土学术交流会暨第六届全国建筑固废学术交流会论文集 . (2023) : 163-170 .
APA 刘毓氚 , 李樽 , 张川 , 黄成锋 . 路面结构水平向增强排水系统现场试验及水力耦合数值分析 第十届全国再生混凝土学术交流会暨第六届全国建筑固废学术交流会论文集 . (2023) : 163-170 .
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路面结构水平向增强排水系统现场试验及水力耦合数值分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 51 (02) , 163-170 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

提出路面结构水平向增强排水系统,实现在非饱和条件下排水,抑制水分进入路基土壤,并设置试验段和对照段进行现场试验.结果表明:在试验段,路基含水量波动幅度为10%~20%;在对照段,波动幅度为50%~60%,降雨影响更显著.通过数值分析发现,使用该系统的路面结构能减少地表变形量,并缓解毛细阻滞效应,防止水分进入路基土壤.通过对碎石垫层材料进行参数分析,确立最佳厚度为10 cm.随着碎石材料的α值、n值和e_0值的增大,路面结构中水分积聚程度会先增大而后减少.

Keyword :

水力耦合数值分析 水力耦合数值分析 水平向增强排水 水平向增强排水 现场试验 现场试验 路面结构 路面结构 非饱和渗流 非饱和渗流


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GB/T 7714 刘毓氚 , 李樽 , 张川 et al. 路面结构水平向增强排水系统现场试验及水力耦合数值分析 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2023 , 51 (02) : 163-170 .
MLA 刘毓氚 et al. "路面结构水平向增强排水系统现场试验及水力耦合数值分析" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 51 . 02 (2023) : 163-170 .
APA 刘毓氚 , 李樽 , 张川 , 黄成锋 . 路面结构水平向增强排水系统现场试验及水力耦合数值分析 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2023 , 51 (02) , 163-170 .
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考虑上覆压力和渗流路径的土工织物排水性能实验装置 incoPat
专利 | 2022-07-09 | CN202221755312.X
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 刘毓氚 , 黄耀辉 , 李樽 et al. 考虑上覆压力和渗流路径的土工织物排水性能实验装置 : CN202221755312.X[P]. | 2022-07-09 .
MLA 刘毓氚 et al. "考虑上覆压力和渗流路径的土工织物排水性能实验装置" : CN202221755312.X. | 2022-07-09 .
APA 刘毓氚 , 黄耀辉 , 李樽 , 黄成锋 , 李道松 . 考虑上覆压力和渗流路径的土工织物排水性能实验装置 : CN202221755312.X. | 2022-07-09 .
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路面结构S型复合土工材料排水系统性能分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (2) , 245-253 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对传统的排水措施仅限于排除土体饱和条件下水分而无法排除非饱和状态下积水的问题,提出由水力传导层、防渗层和隔离层组成的S型复合排水材料新型路面结构排水系统.首先,开展室内模型试验,在人工降雨条件下监测基层和路基的基质吸力及体积含水量的变化;其次,采用数值软件模拟室内试验情况来验证模型的准确性;最后,探究水力传导层土工织物参数变化对其排水能力的影响.结果表明:新型路面排水系统能够快速有效地排除入渗水,试验过程中基层始终处于非饱和状态,路基土的吸力和体积含水量始终保持在初始值.随着Van Genuchten参数a值和饱和渗透率的增大,土工织物与土壤接触面形成的毛细屏障越弱,排水越快,建议a值取10 kPa左右,饱和渗透系数取0.01~0.10 m·s-1,而土工织物厚度对毛细屏障的影响并不显著,建议厚度取10~15 mm为宜.

Keyword :

参数分析 参数分析 复合土工合成排水材料 复合土工合成排水材料 模型试验 模型试验 路面结构 路面结构 非饱和渗流 非饱和渗流


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GB/T 7714 刘毓氚 , 张川 . 路面结构S型复合土工材料排水系统性能分析 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 49 (2) : 245-253 .
MLA 刘毓氚 et al. "路面结构S型复合土工材料排水系统性能分析" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 49 . 2 (2021) : 245-253 .
APA 刘毓氚 , 张川 . 路面结构S型复合土工材料排水系统性能分析 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 49 (2) , 245-253 .
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Effects of biochar content on gas diffusion coefficient of soil with different compactness and air contents SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Biochar has been found to be a potentially suitable amendment for landfill cover material and agricultural soil. The addition of biochar can improve the physical (e.g., adsorption capacity) and hydrological properties (e.g., water/gas permeability) of soil. However, no experimental study is available about the effect of biochar content (BC) on the gas diffusion coefficient (D-P) of soil. The present study investigated the effect of BC on D-P under different degree of compaction (DOC; 85%, 90%, and 95%) and soil air contents (SAC; 5%, 10%, and 15%). It was found that DOC and BC had negligible effects on D-P when SAC was low (similar to 5%). In contrast, when the SAC was relatively high (similar to 15%), soil with DOC of 85% had the largest D-P for BC ranging from 0 to 15% (w/w). Only when the SAC was large (similar to 15%), the addition of biochar generally increased D-P.

Keyword :

Biochar-amended soil Biochar-amended soil Degree of compaction Degree of compaction Gas diffusion coefficient Gas diffusion coefficient Pore characteristics Pore characteristics Soil air content Soil air content


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Fu Quan , Zhao, Neng Kai , Feng, Song et al. Effects of biochar content on gas diffusion coefficient of soil with different compactness and air contents [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2020 .
MLA Chen, Fu Quan et al. "Effects of biochar content on gas diffusion coefficient of soil with different compactness and air contents" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2020) .
APA Chen, Fu Quan , Zhao, Neng Kai , Feng, Song , Liu, Hong Wei , Liu, Yu Chuan . Effects of biochar content on gas diffusion coefficient of soil with different compactness and air contents . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2020 .
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Research on Performance of New Pavement Drainage System Under Rainfall Infiltration EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2017 , 30 (5) , 1-9 | China Journal of Highway and Transport
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to ensure the fast and effective drainage of pavement structure, a new drainage system of pavement structure made up of geocomposite drainage materials was proposed based on unsaturated seepage theory, including the hydraulic transport layer, capillary barrier layer and isolation layer from top to bottom. The model test and numerical simulation analysis of new pavement drainage system were carried out to investigate the drainage performance of new pavement drainage system under the condition of rainfall infiltration. In the model test, tensiometers in the base and subgrade monitored the suction change. An unsaturated seepage numerical analysis model was established to analyse the effects of thickness, slope and position of new drainage system on the drainage performance of pavement structure by the control variable method. The results show that water seeping through the pavement is drained away quickly and effectively by new drainage system. Base material has always been unsaturated in the whole test process and base suction starts to rise ten minutes after the rain stops. The new drainage system can prevent the water infiltration to subgrade with subgrade suction keeping at the initial value. In terms of the new drainage system, the volumetric water content of the base increases constantly in the rainfall without reaching the saturation volume moisture content. After the rain stops, the volumetric water content of the subgrade decreases slightly while the volumetric water content of subgrade remains the same. The construction of new pavement drainage systems between surface course and base, base and subgrade respectively has advantage of controlling the suction and volumetric water content of base.The water content of the base material decreases and the bearing capacity of the base increases to a certain extent with the increase of the thickness and slope of the new drainage system. The results provide the theoretical basis for application of the new pavement drainage system. © 2017, Editorial Department of China Journal of Highway and Transport. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Curricula Curricula Drainage Drainage Numerical methods Numerical methods Pavements Pavements Rain Rain Seepage Seepage Testing Testing Water content Water content


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Yu-Chuan , Miao, Hong-Jie . Research on Performance of New Pavement Drainage System Under Rainfall Infiltration [J]. | China Journal of Highway and Transport , 2017 , 30 (5) : 1-9 .
MLA Liu, Yu-Chuan et al. "Research on Performance of New Pavement Drainage System Under Rainfall Infiltration" . | China Journal of Highway and Transport 30 . 5 (2017) : 1-9 .
APA Liu, Yu-Chuan , Miao, Hong-Jie . Research on Performance of New Pavement Drainage System Under Rainfall Infiltration . | China Journal of Highway and Transport , 2017 , 30 (5) , 1-9 .
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降雨入渗条件下新型路面排水系统性能研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2017 , 30 (5) , 1-9 | 中国公路学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为实现路面结构快速有效排水,基于非饱和渗流理论,提出采用复合土工合成排水材料的新型路面排水系统,该系统由三部分组成,从上而下依次为水力传导层、毛细防渗层和隔离层.开展了新型路面排水系统模型试验和数值模拟分析以研究降雨入渗条件下新型路面排水系统性能;模型试验通过在路面结构的基层和路基分别设置张力计,实时监测基层和路基基质吸力变化;采用控制变量方法,建立考虑非饱和渗流的数值分析模型,分析新型路面排水系统设置位置、厚度、坡度对排水性能的影响.研究结果表明:新型路面排水系统可将入渗水快速有效排除,基层材料在试验过程始终处于非饱和状态,并在降雨停止后第10 min基层的基质吸力开始回升;新型路面排水系统能够防止水下渗至路基,降雨过程中路基土的吸力始终保持在初始吸力值;采用新型路面排水系统时,基层体积含水率在降雨过程中不断上升但未达到饱和体积含水率,在降雨停止后基层体积含水率呈现小幅下降,路基体积含水率则保持不变;在面层和基层之间、基层和路基之间均设置新型路面排水系统更有利于控制基层吸力和体积含水率;增加新型路面排水系统厚度和坡度可在一定程度上减小基层材料的含水量,提高基层承载比;研究成果可为新型路面排水系统工程应用提供理论依据.

Keyword :

排水性能 排水性能 新型路面排水系统 新型路面排水系统 模型试验 模型试验 道路工程 道路工程 非饱和渗流 非饱和渗流


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GB/T 7714 刘毓氚 , 缪宏杰 . 降雨入渗条件下新型路面排水系统性能研究 [J]. | 中国公路学报 , 2017 , 30 (5) : 1-9 .
MLA 刘毓氚 et al. "降雨入渗条件下新型路面排水系统性能研究" . | 中国公路学报 30 . 5 (2017) : 1-9 .
APA 刘毓氚 , 缪宏杰 . 降雨入渗条件下新型路面排水系统性能研究 . | 中国公路学报 , 2017 , 30 (5) , 1-9 .
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