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A Task Allocation Strategy for Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Collaborative learning is widely applied in practical education due to its high efficiency and positive effectiveness. Virtual reality (VR) has driven the development of collaborative learning with its immersive and interactive characteristics. Task allocation, as the first step in initiating collaboration when applying VR to collaborative learning, plays a crucial role. However, it has not received enough attention and lacks in-depth research. Therefore, we first analyzed the characteristics of VR collaborative learning and found that considering the influence of five key factors on tasks allocation can improve learning outcomes. Consequently, we constructed a model applicable to VR collaborative learning. Subsequently, we proposed a two-way task allocation strategy that balances the interaction between learners' intentions and the requirements of tasks. Then, by invoking an improved sparrow search algorithm for optimization calculations, the assignment results were automatically computed after going through three stages. Finally, evaluation experiments were conducted to validate the feasibility and correctness of our model and strategy by comparing them with other methods. The results indicate that compared to conventional collaborative learning, VR collaborative learning yields better learning outcomes. Moreover, our strategy demonstrates higher learning efficiency and better learning effects compared to using self-negotiation and Agent-based strategies for assigning VR collaborative tasks, providing a valuable reference for the continuous exploration of this scientific issue.

Keyword :

collaborative learning collaborative learning sparrow search algorithm sparrow search algorithm task allocation task allocation Virtual reality Virtual reality


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Yi , Huang, Xiaolong , Guo, Peng et al. A Task Allocation Strategy for Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION , 2024 .
MLA Lin, Yi et al. "A Task Allocation Strategy for Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION (2024) .
APA Lin, Yi , Huang, Xiaolong , Guo, Peng , Chen, Xingwei . A Task Allocation Strategy for Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION , 2024 .
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The research on the self-regulation strategies support for virtual interaction SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

For students, self-regulated learning ability is a basic requirement when learning in a virtual environment. However, there is a lack of research on self-regulated learning for virtual interaction. To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of supporting self-regulation strategies in virtual environment, four scaffoldings in the form of interactive tools were designed in this study based on self-regulation strategies that are applicable to virtual interaction. In doing so, the study can explore the impacts of these tools on students' self-directed learning performances and behaviors. Using a between-subjects experimental design, participants were assigned to the control group (common virtual environment) and experimental group (enhanced virtual environment with self-regulated learning interactive tools). Experimental results showed that students who used interactive tools in the enhanced virtual environment had better self-directed learning performances compared to those who experienced learning in the common virtual environment, and this result were of medium to high practical significance (Cohen's d = 0.79). Meanwhile, there was a correspondence between students' self-report of self-regulatory ability and self-regulatory behaviors presented in the virtual environment. Students who tended to use the tool of Learning Task Progress Tree that support goal-setting and planning strategy perform well in time management, while those who frequently use the tool of Panoramic Video Evaluation that support self-evaluation strategy had stronger self-assessment abilities. In addition, self-regulated learning interactive tools have a relative acceptable usability. Relevant suggestions were summarized through the analysis of the experimental findings meant to provide references for the design of interactive tools for self-regulated learning in a virtual environment.

Keyword :

Self-directed learning Self-directed learning Self-regulation strategy Self-regulation strategy Self-regulatory behaviors Self-regulatory behaviors Virtual environment Virtual environment


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Yi , Wang, Shunbo , Lan, Yangfan . The research on the self-regulation strategies support for virtual interaction [J]. | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS , 2023 .
MLA Lin, Yi et al. "The research on the self-regulation strategies support for virtual interaction" . | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS (2023) .
APA Lin, Yi , Wang, Shunbo , Lan, Yangfan . The research on the self-regulation strategies support for virtual interaction . | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS , 2023 .
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A novel method for improving the perceptual learning effect in virtual reality interaction SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 81 (15) , 21385-21416 | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The development of intellectualization trend in online education has been characterized by constructing a multi-terminal immersive learning environment. Virtual reality (VR) technology has been increasingly used in online education to create multisensory interactive learning. However, the technical features of this technology, including high immersion and strong interactions, have not been entirely played substantially. Consequently, improvements in the perceptual learning effect have been hindered. To address these issues, this study built a novel VR interaction model for perceptual learning by introducing reflective thinking variables and individual participation factors from the task-technology fit perspective. Furthermore, the deployment strategy of this model used to build a VR education system was proposed. The usability evaluation results of the proposed model show that the path hypothesis of the novel model is verified. Particularly, the path coefficients of reflective thinking, learner participation, and instructor participation factors on the perceptual learning effect were 0.238 (p < 0.01), 0.398 (p < 0.001), and 0.348 (p < 0.001), respectively. Compared to the traditional VR education system, the immersion and interaction of the VR education system using the proposed deployment strategy were enhanced by 4.9% and 10.7%, respectively. Further, learners' perceptual learning effect improved by 5.3%.

Keyword :

Individual participation factors Individual participation factors Perceptual learning Perceptual learning Reflective thinking Reflective thinking Task-technology fit Task-technology fit Virtual reality interaction Virtual reality interaction


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Yi , Lan, Yangfan , Wang, Shunbo . A novel method for improving the perceptual learning effect in virtual reality interaction [J]. | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS , 2022 , 81 (15) : 21385-21416 .
MLA Lin, Yi et al. "A novel method for improving the perceptual learning effect in virtual reality interaction" . | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS 81 . 15 (2022) : 21385-21416 .
APA Lin, Yi , Lan, Yangfan , Wang, Shunbo . A novel method for improving the perceptual learning effect in virtual reality interaction . | MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS , 2022 , 81 (15) , 21385-21416 .
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基于学习风格的自适应式虚拟交互方法的研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 58 (2) , 274-280 | 计算机工程与应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

学习风格 学习风格 自适应学习 自适应学习 虚拟现实 虚拟现实


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GB/T 7714 林一 , 王舜波 . 基于学习风格的自适应式虚拟交互方法的研究 [J]. | 计算机工程与应用 , 2022 , 58 (2) : 274-280 .
MLA 林一 et al. "基于学习风格的自适应式虚拟交互方法的研究" . | 计算机工程与应用 58 . 2 (2022) : 274-280 .
APA 林一 , 王舜波 . 基于学习风格的自适应式虚拟交互方法的研究 . | 计算机工程与应用 , 2022 , 58 (2) , 274-280 .
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A method for evaluating the learning concentration in head-mounted virtual reality interaction SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 27 (2) , 863-885 | VIRTUAL REALITY
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In education, learning concentration is closely related to the quality of learning, and teachers can adjust their teaching methods accordingly to improve the learning outcomes of students. Particularly in head-mounted virtual reality interactions, current methods for assessing learning concentration cannot be fully applied to new interactive environments because immersion shaping and cognitive formation differ from the conventional education. Therefore, in this study, a learning concentration assessment method is proposed to measure the learning concentration of students in head-mounted virtual interaction, using the expression score, visual focus rate, and task mastery as evaluation indicators. In addition, the weights of the evaluation indicators can be configured to be included in the calculation of learning concentration depending on the characteristics of different types of courses. The results of a usability evaluation indicate that the learning concentration of students can be effectively evaluated using the proposed method. By developing and implementing strategies for optimizing learning effects, the learning concentration and assessment scores of students increased by 18% and 15.39%, respectively.

Keyword :

Head-mounted virtual reality interaction Head-mounted virtual reality interaction Learning concentration Learning concentration Virtual reality education Virtual reality education Weight configuration Weight configuration


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Yi , Lan, Yangfan , Wang, Shunbo . A method for evaluating the learning concentration in head-mounted virtual reality interaction [J]. | VIRTUAL REALITY , 2022 , 27 (2) : 863-885 .
MLA Lin, Yi et al. "A method for evaluating the learning concentration in head-mounted virtual reality interaction" . | VIRTUAL REALITY 27 . 2 (2022) : 863-885 .
APA Lin, Yi , Lan, Yangfan , Wang, Shunbo . A method for evaluating the learning concentration in head-mounted virtual reality interaction . | VIRTUAL REALITY , 2022 , 27 (2) , 863-885 .
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The study of virtual reality adaptive learning method based on learning style model SCIE SSCI
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Learning style is the endogenous cause of students' unique behaviors when they are performing learning tasks. The adaptive learning system that considers learning style can provide a personalized experience to stimulate students' enthusiasm, which had been widely studied in recent years. However, most of such existing systems are constructed based on a desktop environment, which leads to the less-than-ideal effect of personalized learning due to the limitation of interaction means and environmental dimension. Therefore, an adaptive virtual reality learning method based on the learning style model was proposed in this study. This method continuously iterated the identification of learning style based on students' subjective and objective data. Then, the content of virtual learning environment was sustainedly adjusted according to the identification results, thus enabling the environment to dynamically adapt to students' learning styles. To evaluate the feasibility of this proposed method, a controlled experiment on 152 participants was conducted. Results show that this method obtained relatively stable and accurate results of learning style identification, with an accuracy range of 74.38%-80.30%. Moreover, learning in the virtual environment constructed based on this method had a positive impact on students' learning motivation and outcomes.

Keyword :

adaptive learning adaptive learning engineering education engineering education learning style learning style personalized learning experience personalized learning experience virtual reality virtual reality


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Yi , Wang, Shunbo , Lan, Yangfan . The study of virtual reality adaptive learning method based on learning style model [J]. | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION , 2021 , 30 (2) : 396-414 .
MLA Lin, Yi et al. "The study of virtual reality adaptive learning method based on learning style model" . | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION 30 . 2 (2021) : 396-414 .
APA Lin, Yi , Wang, Shunbo , Lan, Yangfan . The study of virtual reality adaptive learning method based on learning style model . | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION , 2021 , 30 (2) , 396-414 .
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反思性思维和个人参与因素在虚拟现实交互中对感知学习的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 41 (S1) , 202-210 | 计算机应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

个人参与因素 个人参与因素 任务技术匹配 任务技术匹配 反思性思维 反思性思维 感知学习 感知学习 虚拟现实交互 虚拟现实交互


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GB/T 7714 林一 , 兰扬帆 , Jiangyu Zheng . 反思性思维和个人参与因素在虚拟现实交互中对感知学习的影响 [J]. | 计算机应用 , 2021 , 41 (S1) : 202-210 .
MLA 林一 et al. "反思性思维和个人参与因素在虚拟现实交互中对感知学习的影响" . | 计算机应用 41 . S1 (2021) : 202-210 .
APA 林一 , 兰扬帆 , Jiangyu Zheng . 反思性思维和个人参与因素在虚拟现实交互中对感知学习的影响 . | 计算机应用 , 2021 , 41 (S1) , 202-210 .
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期刊论文 | 2019 , (42) , 49-50 | 教育教学论坛
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

任务技术匹配 任务技术匹配 技术接受模型 技术接受模型 虚拟现实 虚拟现实


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GB/T 7714 林一 , 兰扬帆 . 从任务技术匹配视角探讨虚拟现实在信息化教育中的作用 [J]. | 教育教学论坛 , 2019 , (42) : 49-50 .
MLA 林一 et al. "从任务技术匹配视角探讨虚拟现实在信息化教育中的作用" . | 教育教学论坛 42 (2019) : 49-50 .
APA 林一 , 兰扬帆 . 从任务技术匹配视角探讨虚拟现实在信息化教育中的作用 . | 教育教学论坛 , 2019 , (42) , 49-50 .
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The Study and Application of Adaptive Learning Method Based on Virtual Reality for Engineering Education EI
会议论文 | 2019 , 11903 LNCS , 372-383 | 10th International Conference on Image and Graphics, ICIG 2019
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As educational reform efforts continue, a challenge for most adaptive learning software is how to integrate theoretical knowledge with practice, especially in the field of engineering education. Developing an understanding of how to incorporate virtual reality in education to enhance the quality of learning has become a research hotspot in the e-learning field. For this purpose, a novel adaptive virtual reality learning method based on learning styles model is proposed in this paper, then a virtual reality learning system for engineering education is constructed based on the proposed approach. In this method, learning style are categorized via learning style index to predict learning preferences, then differentiated virtual learning environment of engineering education are provided to students according to their individual learning preferences. During the learning process, various types of learning data are recorded and analyzed automatically. Then the prejudged learning preferences are continually adjusted by the learning data when the immersive learning experience is offered to students by the customization of learning scene and teaching material in virtual environment. To adapt to differentiated individuals, the structure and content of virtual learning environment are gradually optimized, with the ultimate goal of equipping the environment to meet an unlimited array of actual student learning needs. Compared with the traditional adaptive learning method based on learning style, a comparison of experimental results shows that the proposed method is more effective in stimulating learner enthusiasm and can greatly improve student academic performance. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Keyword :

Computer aided instruction Computer aided instruction Education computing Education computing E-learning E-learning Engineering education Engineering education Learning systems Learning systems Students Students Virtual reality Virtual reality


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Yi , Wang, Shunbo . The Study and Application of Adaptive Learning Method Based on Virtual Reality for Engineering Education [C] . 2019 : 372-383 .
MLA Lin, Yi et al. "The Study and Application of Adaptive Learning Method Based on Virtual Reality for Engineering Education" . (2019) : 372-383 .
APA Lin, Yi , Wang, Shunbo . The Study and Application of Adaptive Learning Method Based on Virtual Reality for Engineering Education . (2019) : 372-383 .
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期刊论文 | 2019 , (44) , 156-157 | 教育教学论坛
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

增强现实 增强现实 工程教育 工程教育 自适应学习交互 自适应学习交互


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GB/T 7714 林一 , 陈锋 , 王舜波 . 增强现实交互技术在工程教育中的研究与应用 [J]. | 教育教学论坛 , 2019 , (44) : 156-157 .
MLA 林一 et al. "增强现实交互技术在工程教育中的研究与应用" . | 教育教学论坛 44 (2019) : 156-157 .
APA 林一 , 陈锋 , 王舜波 . 增强现实交互技术在工程教育中的研究与应用 . | 教育教学论坛 , 2019 , (44) , 156-157 .
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