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Arsenic contamination significantly affects the quality of copper concentrates, presenting challenges during smelting processes. Considering that covellite and enargite have similar surface properties, they are difficult to separate by flotation, resulting in copper concentrates with excessive levels of arsenic. To address this issue, this study systematically investigated the flotation separation of covellite and enargite in microflotation and bench-scale flotation tests using calcium lignosulfonate as a depressant, with the results indicating that calcium lignosulfonate can be used to separate covellite and enargite because it enables the separation of arsenic-bearing copper minerals into high- and low-arsenic (As 0.57%) copper concentrates. According to contact angle and adsorption tests, scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the differential adsorption of calcium lignosulfonate onto covellite and enargite is the primary reason for their distinct flotation behaviors in the presence of calcium lignosulfonate. The selective depressive effect of calcium lignosulfonate provides a novel approach for improving the flotation separation of arsenic-bearing minerals from copper sulfide minerals.
Keyword :
Calcium lignosulfonate Calcium lignosulfonate Covellite Covellite Enargite Enargite Flotation Flotation Separation Separation
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GB/T 7714 | Lin, Rongping , Liu, Quanjun , Deng, Rongdong . Calcium Lignosulfonate as a Depressant for Enhancing Flotation Separation of Covellite and Enargite [J]. | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION , 2024 , 41 (2) : 1135-1144 . |
MLA | Lin, Rongping 等. "Calcium Lignosulfonate as a Depressant for Enhancing Flotation Separation of Covellite and Enargite" . | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION 41 . 2 (2024) : 1135-1144 . |
APA | Lin, Rongping , Liu, Quanjun , Deng, Rongdong . Calcium Lignosulfonate as a Depressant for Enhancing Flotation Separation of Covellite and Enargite . | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION , 2024 , 41 (2) , 1135-1144 . |
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Pb2+ plays a modifying role in the flotation behavior of various sulfide and oxide minerals. However, there is currently no consensus on the use of lead salts as modifiers in mineral flotation. Based on previous research, this article provides a comprehensive review of the activation effect of Pb2+ on common oxide and sulfide minerals flotation from the perspective of interfacial reactions. A theoretical model for Pb2+ activation has been proposed in this article. When the pH is less than 7, Pb2+ replaces the metal atoms in the lattice of sulfide minerals or adsorbs on the mineral surface to form PbS. When pH is in the range of 7 similar to 10, chemical adsorption of Pb(OH)+ occurs on the mineral surface, leading to the formation of Me-O-Pb+. When pH = 10 similar to 11, Pb(OH)(2) precipitates on the mineral surface. Under this condition, it activates the flotation of quartz but inhibits the flotation of sulfide minerals.
Keyword :
Activation Activation Lead ion Lead ion Mineral flotation Mineral flotation Reaction mechanism Reaction mechanism
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GB/T 7714 | Miao, Yu , Ding, Xuemin , Min, Jiarui et al. A Review on the Activation Effect of Lead Ions in Mineral Flotation [J]. | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION , 2024 , 41 (3) : 1477-1483 . |
MLA | Miao, Yu et al. "A Review on the Activation Effect of Lead Ions in Mineral Flotation" . | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION 41 . 3 (2024) : 1477-1483 . |
APA | Miao, Yu , Ding, Xuemin , Min, Jiarui , Deng, Rongdong , Guo, Bao , Yu, Chun . A Review on the Activation Effect of Lead Ions in Mineral Flotation . | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION , 2024 , 41 (3) , 1477-1483 . |
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再选 再选 减量化 减量化 综合利用 综合利用 资源化 资源化 铅锌尾矿 铅锌尾矿
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GB/T 7714 | 李鑫 , 王锦荣 , 邓荣东 et al. 我国铅锌尾矿综合利用研究现状及其开发利用意义 [J]. | 地质与勘探 , 2024 , 60 (04) : 724-734 . |
MLA | 李鑫 et al. "我国铅锌尾矿综合利用研究现状及其开发利用意义" . | 地质与勘探 60 . 04 (2024) : 724-734 . |
APA | 李鑫 , 王锦荣 , 邓荣东 , 幸鼎权 , 陈钦 . 我国铅锌尾矿综合利用研究现状及其开发利用意义 . | 地质与勘探 , 2024 , 60 (04) , 724-734 . |
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针对辉钼矿在浮选矿浆中易团聚并包裹黄铜矿,导致铜钼浮选分离困难的问题,通过光学显微镜和聚焦光束反射测量仪研究了超声波分散、机械搅拌和添加分散剂六偏磷酸钠3种方式对辉钼矿分散行为的影响;采用红外光谱、扫描电子显微镜、Zeta电位并结合浮选溶液化学技术对分散机理进行了研究。结果表明,3种分散方式都可起到分散辉钼矿团聚体的作用,其中以添加六偏磷酸钠的效果最好;加入400 mg/L六偏磷酸钠,不但能够有效降低辉钼矿团聚体的尺寸、减少其数量,还能降低辉钼矿团聚体内黄铜矿含量,使人工混合矿浮选钼精矿的铜含量由3.86%降低至2.73%;六偏磷酸钠在辉钼矿表面吸附并产生空间位阻排斥力,电离出的阴离子增大了颗粒间的静电斥力,致使辉钼矿表现出较好的分散行为。
Keyword :
六偏磷酸钠 六偏磷酸钠 分散方式 分散方式 团聚体 团聚体 浮选 浮选 铜钼分离 铜钼分离
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GB/T 7714 | 肖世洁 , 邓荣东 , 代旺 et al. 铜钼分离过程中辉钼矿的多方式分散效果研究 [J]. | 金属矿山 , 2024 , PageCount-页数: 8 (05) : 250-257 . |
MLA | 肖世洁 et al. "铜钼分离过程中辉钼矿的多方式分散效果研究" . | 金属矿山 PageCount-页数: 8 . 05 (2024) : 250-257 . |
APA | 肖世洁 , 邓荣东 , 代旺 , 赵睿祺 , 吴思远 , 郭宝 . 铜钼分离过程中辉钼矿的多方式分散效果研究 . | 金属矿山 , 2024 , PageCount-页数: 8 (05) , 250-257 . |
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在处理含细泥、高硅有色金属矿物时,常出现沉降速率慢、固液分离难等问题,不利于后续的萃取-电积过程,从而影响生产的正常运转。为解决酸浸矿浆中除硅难的问题,本工作以-2000目(6.5μm)高岭土为原料,探究了细粒高岭土在酸性体系下的絮凝沉降行为。结果表明,聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)对高岭土的絮凝性能强于聚乙二醇(PEO)。助凝剂聚苯乙烯磺酸钠(PSS)可以进一步提高絮凝效果,PAM和PEO与100 g/t PSS配合使用时絮凝作用最佳;而单宁酸(TA)的助凝效果不明显;利用聚焦光束反射测量(FBRM)发现,絮凝过程中产生絮团的大小与用药量呈正相关,但絮团越大,抗剪切能力越弱,且絮团的破坏过程是不可逆的;Zeta电位表明,PSS能够有效降低其表面电位,这是高岭土能够在酸性体系下絮凝的主要机理。
Keyword :
助凝剂 助凝剂 絮凝沉降 絮凝沉降 酸性体系 酸性体系 高岭土 高岭土
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GB/T 7714 | 俞新煌 , 李世淇 , 展鑫磊 et al. 酸性体系下高岭土的絮凝沉降行为 [J]. | 过程工程学报 , 2024 , 24 (08) : 993-1000 . |
MLA | 俞新煌 et al. "酸性体系下高岭土的絮凝沉降行为" . | 过程工程学报 24 . 08 (2024) : 993-1000 . |
APA | 俞新煌 , 李世淇 , 展鑫磊 , 郭宝 , 邓荣东 , 蒋开喜 et al. 酸性体系下高岭土的絮凝沉降行为 . | 过程工程学报 , 2024 , 24 (08) , 993-1000 . |
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某矿山钼精选尾矿含铜0.526%,铜主要以黄铜矿形式存在,具有综合回收利用价值。尾矿中其它矿物主要为石英、绿泥石和黄铁矿。尾矿粒度极细,且黄铁矿含量高,铜硫分离困难。采用单因素条件试验系统研究了浮选工艺参数条件和药剂制度对铜精矿铜品位和铜回收率的影响,进一步优化工艺参数条件,并分别开展了开路和闭路浮选试验。结果表明,最佳浮选工艺参数条件和药剂用量分别为:矿浆浓度30%、水玻璃用量1 000 g/t、石灰用量500 g/t、硫酸铜用量300 g/t、丁基黄药50 g/t、充气量0.2 m~3/h;采用一次粗选、三次精选、三次扫选(一粗三精三扫)的浮选工艺流程,最终可获得铜品位24.18%、铜回收率85.65%的铜精矿,综合浮选指标较佳,可实现钼精选尾矿中有价金属铜的高效回收。
Keyword :
尾矿 尾矿 浮选 浮选 钼 钼 钼精选 钼精选 铜回收 铜回收 铜精矿 铜精矿
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GB/T 7714 | 车文芳 , 杨剑波 , 代旺 et al. 钼精选尾矿浮选回收铜 [J]. | 矿冶 , 2024 , 33 (02) : 210-216,224 . |
MLA | 车文芳 et al. "钼精选尾矿浮选回收铜" . | 矿冶 33 . 02 (2024) : 210-216,224 . |
APA | 车文芳 , 杨剑波 , 代旺 , 邓荣东 . 钼精选尾矿浮选回收铜 . | 矿冶 , 2024 , 33 (02) , 210-216,224 . |
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工科 工科 思想政治 思想政治 教学 教学
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GB/T 7714 | 晏全香 , 库建刚 , 邓荣东 . 工科专业课程思政的自由探索 [J]. | 教育教学论坛 , 2023 , (19) : 169-172 . |
MLA | 晏全香 et al. "工科专业课程思政的自由探索" . | 教育教学论坛 19 (2023) : 169-172 . |
APA | 晏全香 , 库建刚 , 邓荣东 . 工科专业课程思政的自由探索 . | 教育教学论坛 , 2023 , (19) , 169-172 . |
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In this study, a comprehensive approach was adopted by combining micro-flotation, microscopy (optical and scanning electron microscopy), spectroscopy (X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy), contact angle, and electron backscatter diffraction analysis techniques. The effects of differences in oxidation rates on the floatability and surface properties of high-sulfur epithermal pyrite (HSEP) in a shallow ore belt and porphyry pyrite (PP) in a deep ore belt of a hydrothermal deposit were investigated, and the relationship between the mineralogical properties and oxidation rate was studied. The experimental results showed that the discrepancy in the oxidation rate led to distinct differences in the flotation performances of HSEP and PP; the former exhibited a higher oxidation rate, and the floatability significantly decreased, whereas the latter exhibited a lower oxidation rate, and the floatability remained essentially unchanged. This is attributed to the difference in the crystal structures of the two types of pyrite. In addition to the various reaction sensitivities of the different crystal planes, the distribution densities of Fe and S atoms along the preferred orientation crystal plane of HSEP were higher than those of PP. This was conducive to the formation of Fe(III)-S and S2-, thereby accelerating the oxidation reaction.
Keyword :
Atomic distribution density Atomic distribution density Crystallographic orientation Crystallographic orientation Floatability Floatability Oxidation rate Oxidation rate Pyrite Pyrite
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GB/T 7714 | Duan, Wenting , Wang, Yi , Rao, Feng et al. Correlation Between the Mineralogical Properties and Oxidation Rate of Different Minerogenetic Pyrites: a Reflection on Floatability [J]. | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION , 2023 , 40 (4) : 1369-1381 . |
MLA | Duan, Wenting et al. "Correlation Between the Mineralogical Properties and Oxidation Rate of Different Minerogenetic Pyrites: a Reflection on Floatability" . | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION 40 . 4 (2023) : 1369-1381 . |
APA | Duan, Wenting , Wang, Yi , Rao, Feng , Liu, Wenyuan , Yang, Yuankun , Deng, Rongdong . Correlation Between the Mineralogical Properties and Oxidation Rate of Different Minerogenetic Pyrites: a Reflection on Floatability . | MINING METALLURGY & EXPLORATION , 2023 , 40 (4) , 1369-1381 . |
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福建某铅锌浮选尾矿中铅、锌、银的品位分别为0.23%、2.11%、36.3 g/t,其中锌和银有较高回收价值。该尾矿中主要金属矿物为闪锌矿、黄铁矿和方铅矿,非金属矿物以方解石和石英为主。针对矿石特点,采用优先浮选开展工艺优化试验。结果表明:在磨矿细度为-0.074 mm占69.92%的条件下,以石灰为pH调整剂,硫酸锌为抑制剂,乙硫氮为捕收剂,2~#油为起泡剂,经1粗3精1扫浮铅,可获得铅品位4.56%、银品位320 g/t,铅回收率15.55%、银回收率6.63%的银铅精矿;针对选铅尾矿,以石灰为pH调整剂,硫酸铜为活化剂,丁基黄药为捕收剂,2~#油为起泡剂,经1粗3精2扫浮锌,可获得锌品位37.32%、银品位152 g/t,锌回收率73.25%、银回收率18.80%的锌精矿。试验指标较好,可为该尾矿的综合利用提供数据支撑。
Keyword :
优先浮选 优先浮选 尾矿再选 尾矿再选 铅锌分离 铅锌分离 铅锌尾矿 铅锌尾矿
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GB/T 7714 | 李鑫 , 邓荣东 , 王锦荣 et al. 福建某铅锌浮选尾矿再选试验研究 [J]. | 金属矿山 , 2023 , 8 (03) : 127-134 . |
MLA | 李鑫 et al. "福建某铅锌浮选尾矿再选试验研究" . | 金属矿山 8 . 03 (2023) : 127-134 . |
APA | 李鑫 , 邓荣东 , 王锦荣 , 陈钦 , 张承杰 , 何环银 et al. 福建某铅锌浮选尾矿再选试验研究 . | 金属矿山 , 2023 , 8 (03) , 127-134 . |
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Keyword :
机理分析 机理分析 硅孔雀石 硅孔雀石 硫化浮选 硫化浮选 组合捕收剂 组合捕收剂
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GB/T 7714 | 马英强 , 李诗澜 , 宋振国 et al. 异戊基黄药与水杨羟肟酸对硅孔雀石硫化浮选行为的影响 [J]. | 金属矿山 , 2023 , (4) : 117-123 . |
MLA | 马英强 et al. "异戊基黄药与水杨羟肟酸对硅孔雀石硫化浮选行为的影响" . | 金属矿山 4 (2023) : 117-123 . |
APA | 马英强 , 李诗澜 , 宋振国 , 饶峰 , 邓荣东 , 印万忠 . 异戊基黄药与水杨羟肟酸对硅孔雀石硫化浮选行为的影响 . | 金属矿山 , 2023 , (4) , 117-123 . |
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