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三质点等效模型 三质点等效模型 倾覆破坏 倾覆破坏 多振型高宽比公式 多振型高宽比公式 高层隔震建筑 高层隔震建筑
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GB/T 7714 | 祁皑 , 徐翔 , 范宏伟 . 高层隔震结构高宽比限值研究 [J]. | 建筑结构 , 2013 , 43 (6) : 50-53,44 . |
MLA | 祁皑 等. "高层隔震结构高宽比限值研究" . | 建筑结构 43 . 6 (2013) : 50-53,44 . |
APA | 祁皑 , 徐翔 , 范宏伟 . 高层隔震结构高宽比限值研究 . | 建筑结构 , 2013 , 43 (6) , 50-53,44 . |
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To study the torsional effect of high-rise isolation structure under seismic action, with Etabs software spatial models of a high-rise seismic structure and 4 high-rise isolation structures which have different torsional properties are established, and comparative seismic response analyses of the above-metioned 5 models are done to check up the influence of "the upper structure mass center coincident with the isolation layer rigidity center or not" on the torsion inhibition of the high-rise isolation structures. Then the torsional effect of the high-rise isolation structure under accidental eccentric seismic action is observed in the case that upper structure mass center and the isolation layer rigidity center is not coincident. The results show that as the intensity of earthquakes decreases, torsion effect is far smaller than the original seismic structure and the isolation itself has better inhibitory effect to torsion than the case of the upper structure mass center coincident with the isolation layer rigidity center; the isolation rate of torsion is greater than the isolation rate of translation. Lead rubber bearings arranged in the periphery of isolation layer plane have some control effect on the torsion of isolation layer.
Keyword :
Control of torsion; High-rise isolated structure; Lead rubber bearing; Mass center; Occasional eccentricity; Rigidity center Control of torsion; High-rise isolated structure; Lead rubber bearing; Mass center; Occasional eccentricity; Rigidity center
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GB/T 7714 | Qi, A. , Shang, H. , Fan, H. . Study on torsion of high-rise isolation structures [J]. | World Information on Earthquake Engineering , 2011 , 27 (1) : 121-130 . |
MLA | Qi, A. 等. "Study on torsion of high-rise isolation structures" . | World Information on Earthquake Engineering 27 . 1 (2011) : 121-130 . |
APA | Qi, A. , Shang, H. , Fan, H. . Study on torsion of high-rise isolation structures . | World Information on Earthquake Engineering , 2011 , 27 (1) , 121-130 . |
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The internal forces of a four-row three-span building with and without base isolation were compared in this paper. The influence of parameters, such as the load of isolation layer ' s top beam-slab, the stiffness of it and beam - column stiffness ratio of upper structure, were considered in the research. It is found that the end moments of the first floor ' s columns in base isolation structure increase remarkably compared to that of non - isolated structure , the end moments of the beams on the rubber bearings are proportional to the loads acted on it . Meanwhile, a method to calculate the internal force of base isolated structure under the vertical load is proposed based on non-isolated structure and a new concept of isolation influencing coefficient is present, in which, the internal forces of base isolated structure are obtained by multiplying that of non-isolated structure and the corresponding isolation influencing coefficient. On the other hand, the influence of some structural parameters and load to the factors was also investigated quantitatively, and the formulas to calculate these factors were given. Method proposed in this paper is consistent with that for horizontal load calculation. So, it improves the design theory of base isolated structure.
Keyword :
Base isolation; Calculating model; Isolation bearing; Isolation layer; Moment; Vertical load Base isolation; Calculating model; Isolation bearing; Isolation layer; Moment; Vertical load
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GB/T 7714 | Qi, A. , Fan, H. . Research on internal forces distribution of base-isolated structure [J]. | World Information on Earthquake Engineering , 2011 , 27 (4) : 52-64 . |
MLA | Qi, A. 等. "Research on internal forces distribution of base-isolated structure" . | World Information on Earthquake Engineering 27 . 4 (2011) : 52-64 . |
APA | Qi, A. , Fan, H. . Research on internal forces distribution of base-isolated structure . | World Information on Earthquake Engineering , 2011 , 27 (4) , 52-64 . |
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线性回归滤波器法 线性回归滤波器法 脉动风模拟 脉动风模拟 隔震层屈服 隔震层屈服 顶部加速度 顶部加速度 高层隔震结构 高层隔震结构
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GB/T 7714 | 商昊江 , 祁皑 , 范宏伟 . 高层隔震结构风振研究 [J]. | 工程抗震与加固改造 , 2011 , 33 (2) : 37-42,56 . |
MLA | 商昊江 等. "高层隔震结构风振研究" . | 工程抗震与加固改造 33 . 2 (2011) : 37-42,56 . |
APA | 商昊江 , 祁皑 , 范宏伟 . 高层隔震结构风振研究 . | 工程抗震与加固改造 , 2011 , 33 (2) , 37-42,56 . |
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基础隔震 基础隔震 弯矩 弯矩 竖向荷载 竖向荷载 计算模型 计算模型 隔震层 隔震层 隔震支座 隔震支座
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GB/T 7714 | 祁皑 , 范宏伟 . 基础隔震结构在竖向荷载作用下的内力分布特点 [J]. | 世界地震工程 , 2011 , 27 (4) : 52-64 . |
MLA | 祁皑 等. "基础隔震结构在竖向荷载作用下的内力分布特点" . | 世界地震工程 27 . 4 (2011) : 52-64 . |
APA | 祁皑 , 范宏伟 . 基础隔震结构在竖向荷载作用下的内力分布特点 . | 世界地震工程 , 2011 , 27 (4) , 52-64 . |
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偶然偏心 偶然偏心 刚度中心 刚度中心 扭转控制 扭转控制 质量中心 质量中心 铅芯橡胶支座 铅芯橡胶支座 高层隔震结构 高层隔震结构
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GB/T 7714 | 祁皑 , 商昊江 , 范宏伟 . 高层隔震结构扭转分析 [J]. | 世界地震工程 , 2011 , 27 (1) : 121-130 . |
MLA | 祁皑 等. "高层隔震结构扭转分析" . | 世界地震工程 27 . 1 (2011) : 121-130 . |
APA | 祁皑 , 商昊江 , 范宏伟 . 高层隔震结构扭转分析 . | 世界地震工程 , 2011 , 27 (1) , 121-130 . |
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剪切 剪切 弯剪 弯剪 等效模型 等效模型 质点 质点 高层隔震结构 高层隔震结构
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GB/T 7714 | 商昊江 , 祁皑 , 范宏伟 . 高层隔震结构等效模型研究 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2011 , 39 (1) : 110-119 . |
MLA | 商昊江 等. "高层隔震结构等效模型研究" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 39 . 1 (2011) : 110-119 . |
APA | 商昊江 , 祁皑 , 范宏伟 . 高层隔震结构等效模型研究 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2011 , 39 (1) , 110-119 . |
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加层隔震结构 加层隔震结构 设计方法 设计方法
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GB/T 7714 | 许航莉 , 祁皑 , 范宏伟 . 钢筋混凝土框架加层隔震设计方法与应用研究 [J]. | 工程抗震与加固改造 , 2010 , 32 (2) : 57-61,56 . |
MLA | 许航莉 等. "钢筋混凝土框架加层隔震设计方法与应用研究" . | 工程抗震与加固改造 32 . 2 (2010) : 57-61,56 . |
APA | 许航莉 , 祁皑 , 范宏伟 . 钢筋混凝土框架加层隔震设计方法与应用研究 . | 工程抗震与加固改造 , 2010 , 32 (2) , 57-61,56 . |
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仿真分析 仿真分析 参数优化 参数优化 高位层间隔震结构 高位层间隔震结构
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GB/T 7714 | 祁皑 , 许航莉 , 郑国琛 et al. 高位层间隔震结构地震反应参数影响研究 [J]. | 工程抗震与加固改造 , 2010 , 32 (2) : 51-56 . |
MLA | 祁皑 et al. "高位层间隔震结构地震反应参数影响研究" . | 工程抗震与加固改造 32 . 2 (2010) : 51-56 . |
APA | 祁皑 , 许航莉 , 郑国琛 , 范宏伟 . 高位层间隔震结构地震反应参数影响研究 . | 工程抗震与加固改造 , 2010 , 32 (2) , 51-56 . |
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橡胶隔震支座 橡胶隔震支座 毕业设计 毕业设计 隔震结构 隔震结构
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GB/T 7714 | 黄伟聪 , 祁皑 , 林于东 et al. 某高校文科楼隔震结构设计的分析 [J]. | 福建建筑 , 2009 , 137 (11) : 86-88,119 . |
MLA | 黄伟聪 et al. "某高校文科楼隔震结构设计的分析" . | 福建建筑 137 . 11 (2009) : 86-88,119 . |
APA | 黄伟聪 , 祁皑 , 林于东 , 林涛 , 范宏伟 . 某高校文科楼隔震结构设计的分析 . | 福建建筑 , 2009 , 137 (11) , 86-88,119 . |
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