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Response of summer Land surface temperature of small and medium-sized cities to their neighboring urban spatial morphology SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 250 | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Buildings, hard surfaces, vegetation, and water bodies are the four main urban surface types in the study region that are categorized in this study. It uses summer land surface temperature (LST)1 data obtained with a spatial resolution of 1 x 1 m using thermal imaging mounted on a drone, with a case study centering on a small to medium-sized Chinese town. To assess urban spatial morphology indicators within different ranges around the sample sites, buffer zones at 30 m, 50 m, 100 m, and 150 m were developed. The study determined the effective response range, identified the important urban spatial morphology indicators influencing LST, and examined the link between summer LST and various urban spatial morphologies for the four surface types. The results show that, close to the sample locations, Natural Environment Indicators (NEI) often have a cooling effect whereas Building Indicators (BI) typically have a warming effect. The influence of spatial morphologies on summer LST was primarily centered between 30 m and 50 m from the sample sites. The primary spatial morphological indicators determining LST for various underlying surface types within various spatial ranges are the building structure index (BSI) and water surface rate (WP). The response modes, response ranges, and response intensities of LST, however, varied significantly among various underlying surface types. This work provides new insights into how urban morphological characteristics affect the fine-scale spatial variation of LST within urban heat islands (UHI).

Keyword :

Influence range Influence range Thermal environment Thermal environment UAV thermal infrared UAV thermal infrared Urban underlying surface Urban underlying surface Yangtze River delta Yangtze River delta


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GB/T 7714 Luo, Tao , He, Qianqian , Wang, Wenkui et al. Response of summer Land surface temperature of small and medium-sized cities to their neighboring urban spatial morphology [J]. | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 2024 , 250 .
MLA Luo, Tao et al. "Response of summer Land surface temperature of small and medium-sized cities to their neighboring urban spatial morphology" . | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 250 (2024) .
APA Luo, Tao , He, Qianqian , Wang, Wenkui , Fan, Xiaoli . Response of summer Land surface temperature of small and medium-sized cities to their neighboring urban spatial morphology . | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 2024 , 250 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2024 , 42 (07) , 32-40 | 小城镇建设
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

乡村振兴 乡村振兴 耦合协调度 耦合协调度 自然资源 自然资源 适应性评价 适应性评价 金山镇 金山镇


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GB/T 7714 陈晓菁 , 罗涛 , 廖红春 et al. 乡村振兴背景下村庄自然资源适应性评价研究——以漳州市金山镇为例 [J]. | 小城镇建设 , 2024 , 42 (07) : 32-40 .
MLA 陈晓菁 et al. "乡村振兴背景下村庄自然资源适应性评价研究——以漳州市金山镇为例" . | 小城镇建设 42 . 07 (2024) : 32-40 .
APA 陈晓菁 , 罗涛 , 廖红春 , 刘江 . 乡村振兴背景下村庄自然资源适应性评价研究——以漳州市金山镇为例 . | 小城镇建设 , 2024 , 42 (07) , 32-40 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , PageCount-页数: 7 (02) , 78-84 | 住区
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

低碳 低碳 住宅能耗 住宅能耗 土地开发强度 土地开发强度 空间尺度 空间尺度


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GB/T 7714 邱瑶 , 罗涛 , 张雪葳 et al. 土地开发强度与住宅能耗关联性的连续尺度研究——以浙江长兴县为例 [J]. | 住区 , 2024 , PageCount-页数: 7 (02) : 78-84 .
MLA 邱瑶 et al. "土地开发强度与住宅能耗关联性的连续尺度研究——以浙江长兴县为例" . | 住区 PageCount-页数: 7 . 02 (2024) : 78-84 .
APA 邱瑶 , 罗涛 , 张雪葳 , 黄丽坤 . 土地开发强度与住宅能耗关联性的连续尺度研究——以浙江长兴县为例 . | 住区 , 2024 , PageCount-页数: 7 (02) , 78-84 .
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Influence of green biomass composition on the urban thermal environment in hot summer and warm winter regions: The example of Fuzhou residential area.; [夏热冬暖地区绿量构成对城市热环境的影响———以福州居住区为例] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 34 (7) , 1932-1940 | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between green biomass composition and thermal environment, as well as their optimal composition pattern. We decomposed total green biomass in a certain spatial range into two categories: trees and shrubs-grasses, with urban residential areas as sampling sites and based on aerial photography and field research data of green biomass and optimized green biomass measurement method. We analyzed the correlation between the green biomass composition indicators (shrub and grass biomass, tree canopy biomass, green biomass, mean tree canopy biomass, number of trees) and ambient temperature and humidity in different spatial ranges. The results showed that the most significant cooling and humidifying effect of different green biomass composition indicators was at 50 m below the building scale. The mean tree canopy biomass and tree canopy biomass were the key factors affecting ambient temperature and humidity, respectively, in different time periods during the day. With an average canopy biomass of about 211 m3 and 62 trees in a 50 m space, the regulation effects of trees on ambient temperature and humidity were closer to the thermal comfort requirements of human body. © 2023 Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

influen-cial range influen-cial range residential thermal environment residential thermal environment spatiotemporal variation spatiotemporal variation three-dimensional (3D) green biomass three-dimensional (3D) green biomass urban green space urban green space


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GB/T 7714 Qiu, Y. , Luo, T. , Wang, Q. et al. Influence of green biomass composition on the urban thermal environment in hot summer and warm winter regions: The example of Fuzhou residential area.; [夏热冬暖地区绿量构成对城市热环境的影响———以福州居住区为例] [J]. | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology , 2023 , 34 (7) : 1932-1940 .
MLA Qiu, Y. et al. "Influence of green biomass composition on the urban thermal environment in hot summer and warm winter regions: The example of Fuzhou residential area.; [夏热冬暖地区绿量构成对城市热环境的影响———以福州居住区为例]" . | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 34 . 7 (2023) : 1932-1940 .
APA Qiu, Y. , Luo, T. , Wang, Q. , Jiang, S. . Influence of green biomass composition on the urban thermal environment in hot summer and warm winter regions: The example of Fuzhou residential area.; [夏热冬暖地区绿量构成对城市热环境的影响———以福州居住区为例] . | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology , 2023 , 34 (7) , 1932-1940 .
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Evaluating Spatial Identity Based on Climate Adaptation in Small Cities SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Urban spatial identity is declining in Chinese cities overall due to urbanization, which is attracting increasing attention from the government. Research gaps include systematically comparing urban identities based on causes and manifestations in small cities. We developed a framework for estimating spatial identity from the perspective of climate adaptation, which is based on the relationship between regional climate and spatial form. Five small cities were selected in China: Wu'an, Qingcheng, Jintang, Changxing, and Lianjiang. Our findings suggest that (1) typical indicators include impervious surface rate, green coverage rate, water surface rate, average story number, and total gross floor area, contributing to morphological characteristics influenced by climate drivers; (2) for the hot humid climate zones, the city with the highest level of spatial identity is in Jintang, followed by Lianjiang and Changxing; and for the cold climate zones, the level of spatial identity in Qingcheng was higher than in Wu'an. This can contribute to the understanding and methodology of spatial identity based on climate adaptation in small cities.

Keyword :

climate adaptation climate adaptation coupling coordination coupling coordination small city small city spatial identity spatial identity urban form urban form


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GB/T 7714 Luo, Tao , Zhang, Zijing , Hong, Xinchen et al. Evaluating Spatial Identity Based on Climate Adaptation in Small Cities [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH , 2023 , 20 (1) .
MLA Luo, Tao et al. "Evaluating Spatial Identity Based on Climate Adaptation in Small Cities" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 20 . 1 (2023) .
APA Luo, Tao , Zhang, Zijing , Hong, Xinchen , Wang, Yanyun , Zhang, Xuewei . Evaluating Spatial Identity Based on Climate Adaptation in Small Cities . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH , 2023 , 20 (1) .
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城市视觉景观公众偏好特征研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (11) , 15-21 | 中国园林
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

公众偏好 公众偏好 景观感应 景观感应 特征量化 特征量化 视觉评价 视觉评价 问卷调查 问卷调查 风景园林 风景园林


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GB/T 7714 罗涛 , 徐婵娟 , 蓝思琪 et al. 城市视觉景观公众偏好特征研究 [J]. | 中国园林 , 2023 , 39 (11) : 15-21 .
MLA 罗涛 et al. "城市视觉景观公众偏好特征研究" . | 中国园林 39 . 11 (2023) : 15-21 .
APA 罗涛 , 徐婵娟 , 蓝思琪 , 王文奎 . 城市视觉景观公众偏好特征研究 . | 中国园林 , 2023 , 39 (11) , 15-21 .
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基于视觉关注度与审美偏好的城市景观元素感知特征研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (6) , 82-87 | 中国园林
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

景观偏好 景观偏好 景观照片 景观照片 景观认知 景观认知 注视热力点 注视热力点 风景园林 风景园林


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GB/T 7714 邱瑶 , 罗涛 , 王艳云 et al. 基于视觉关注度与审美偏好的城市景观元素感知特征研究 [J]. | 中国园林 , 2023 , 39 (6) : 82-87 .
MLA 邱瑶 et al. "基于视觉关注度与审美偏好的城市景观元素感知特征研究" . | 中国园林 39 . 6 (2023) : 82-87 .
APA 邱瑶 , 罗涛 , 王艳云 , 范小利 , 赵冲 . 基于视觉关注度与审美偏好的城市景观元素感知特征研究 . | 中国园林 , 2023 , 39 (6) , 82-87 .
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夏热冬暖地区绿量构成对城市热环境的影响——以福州居住区为例 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 34 (7) , 1932-1940 | 应用生态学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为探究绿量构成与热环境的关联特征及绿量的最优构成模式,选择城市居住区为研究样地,结合航拍影像和实地调研获取绿量数据并优化绿量测算方法,将一定空间范围内的总绿量分解为乔木和灌草两大类,研究不同空间范围内的绿量构成指标(灌草总绿量、乔木树冠总绿量、乔灌草总绿量、乔木单株树冠平均绿量和乔木株数)与环境温度和湿度的关系.结果表明:不同绿量构成指标起降温增湿作用最显著的尺度和空间范围均为楼间尺度下50 m.乔木单株树冠平均绿量和乔木树冠总绿量分别是影响温度和湿度的关键因素,且反映在白天不同时段.在50 m空间范围内,当乔木树冠平均体积为211 m3、乔木株数为62棵时,乔木对于环境温度和湿度的调控效果更接近于人体的热舒适度需求.

Keyword :

三维绿量 三维绿量 住区热环境 住区热环境 城市绿地 城市绿地 影响范围 影响范围 时空变化 时空变化


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GB/T 7714 邱瑶 , 罗涛 , 王琼 et al. 夏热冬暖地区绿量构成对城市热环境的影响——以福州居住区为例 [J]. | 应用生态学报 , 2023 , 34 (7) : 1932-1940 .
MLA 邱瑶 et al. "夏热冬暖地区绿量构成对城市热环境的影响——以福州居住区为例" . | 应用生态学报 34 . 7 (2023) : 1932-1940 .
APA 邱瑶 , 罗涛 , 王琼 , 蒋思雨 . 夏热冬暖地区绿量构成对城市热环境的影响——以福州居住区为例 . | 应用生态学报 , 2023 , 34 (7) , 1932-1940 .
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浙闽地区县城镇空间形态与居住建筑能耗相关性的连续尺度研究——以浙江长兴、福建连江为例 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , (08) , 1-12 | 生态学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

低碳效应 低碳效应 城乡规划 城乡规划 尺度识别 尺度识别 居住建筑能耗 居住建筑能耗 空间形态 空间形态


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GB/T 7714 范小利 , 罗涛 , 张雪葳 et al. 浙闽地区县城镇空间形态与居住建筑能耗相关性的连续尺度研究——以浙江长兴、福建连江为例 [J]. | 生态学报 , 2022 , (08) : 1-12 .
MLA 范小利 et al. "浙闽地区县城镇空间形态与居住建筑能耗相关性的连续尺度研究——以浙江长兴、福建连江为例" . | 生态学报 08 (2022) : 1-12 .
APA 范小利 , 罗涛 , 张雪葳 , 吴良龙 . 浙闽地区县城镇空间形态与居住建筑能耗相关性的连续尺度研究——以浙江长兴、福建连江为例 . | 生态学报 , 2022 , (08) , 1-12 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2022 , (2) , 148-151 | 建筑与文化
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

协调度 协调度 温和湿润气候 温和湿润气候 空间形态 空间形态 长兴县 长兴县


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GB/T 7714 王艳云 , 罗涛 , 吴良龙 et al. 街区空间紧凑度的气候适应性评估——以浙江长兴县为例 [J]. | 建筑与文化 , 2022 , (2) : 148-151 .
MLA 王艳云 et al. "街区空间紧凑度的气候适应性评估——以浙江长兴县为例" . | 建筑与文化 2 (2022) : 148-151 .
APA 王艳云 , 罗涛 , 吴良龙 , 许文豪 , 洪昕晨 . 街区空间紧凑度的气候适应性评估——以浙江长兴县为例 . | 建筑与文化 , 2022 , (2) , 148-151 .
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