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A study of Chinese air fryer modeling imagery based on factor analysis method and triangular fuzzy number EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 346-352 | 5th International Conference on Decision Science and Management, ICDSM 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This study investigates the visual intent evaluation of various air fryer shapes in the Chinese market, which have emerged as a new generation of baking tools that have contributed significantly to enhancing baking quality and efficiency while also reducing human consumption of fats and oils. To achieve this objective, a total of 12 air fryer brands with the highest market share were selected from the vast range of air fryers available in the Chinese market, and 12 air fryers from each of the 12 brands with a price range of RMB 100-700 were selected as the sample for this study. In the first phase of the research, a total of 140 adjectives were collected, and a team of ten professional design workers shortlisted 40 most appropriate adjectives. Subsequently, through the use of the general consumer semantic difference method (SD method) questionnaire survey, five groups of air fryer modeling visual imagery adjective vocabulary categories were derived through factor analysis statistics, including smooth and simple, perfect and sensual, modern and advanced, simple and convenient, and exquisite and durable. In the second stage of this research, 12 air fryer shapes were selected, and a questionnaire was created using computer simulation drawings, consisting of five groups of shape visual intention descriptors. The responses to the questionnaire were statistically analyzed, and the evaluation scores of the 12 air fryers in the five groups of styling visual intention were calculated using the triangular fuzzy number in fuzzy theory. The findings reveal that some air fryers have highly similar overall shape images and can be conveniently substituted by consumers during selection and application, including the first group (HE, KJ, JY, SB), the second group (MD, XX, LR), and the third group (SP, FL). Subsequently, based on the application of the aforementioned research results, a relevant database was established that is grounded on the evaluation value of different air fryers in terms of their shape image. Designers may then tailor the styling image of air fryers according to the diverse preferences of different individuals, thereby enabling different consumers to have distinct experiences in their future usage. In addition, designers can better meet the psychological needs and aesthetic demands of consumers while designing their products. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Color Color Commerce Commerce Competition Competition Factor analysis Factor analysis Fuzzy rules Fuzzy rules Image analysis Image analysis Multivariant analysis Multivariant analysis Oils and fats Oils and fats Product design Product design Quality control Quality control Semantics Semantics


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Yuan , Li, Min , Lin, Xingmin . A study of Chinese air fryer modeling imagery based on factor analysis method and triangular fuzzy number [C] . 2023 : 346-352 .
MLA Wang, Yuan 等. "A study of Chinese air fryer modeling imagery based on factor analysis method and triangular fuzzy number" . (2023) : 346-352 .
APA Wang, Yuan , Li, Min , Lin, Xingmin . A study of Chinese air fryer modeling imagery based on factor analysis method and triangular fuzzy number . (2023) : 346-352 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2022 , 2 (04) , 70-71 | 雕塑
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

3D成型 3D成型 石雕作品 石雕作品


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GB/T 7714 胡嘉炜 , 林梓波 , 李敏 . 3D成型的石雕作品创新研究 [J]. | 雕塑 , 2022 , 2 (04) : 70-71 .
MLA 胡嘉炜 等. "3D成型的石雕作品创新研究" . | 雕塑 2 . 04 (2022) : 70-71 .
APA 胡嘉炜 , 林梓波 , 李敏 . 3D成型的石雕作品创新研究 . | 雕塑 , 2022 , 2 (04) , 70-71 .
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会议论文 | 2020 | 2020年语言、艺术与文化交流国际学术会议
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

意境 意境 新中式风格 新中式风格 陶瓷设计 陶瓷设计


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GB/T 7714 杨沛余 , 李敏 . 新中式风格的意境衍生设计研究——以陶瓷设计为例 [C] //Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Language,Art and Cultural Exchange(ICLACE 2020)(Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,VOL.445) . 2020 .
MLA 杨沛余 等. "新中式风格的意境衍生设计研究——以陶瓷设计为例" Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Language,Art and Cultural Exchange(ICLACE 2020)(Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,VOL.445) . (2020) .
APA 杨沛余 , 李敏 . 新中式风格的意境衍生设计研究——以陶瓷设计为例 Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Language,Art and Cultural Exchange(ICLACE 2020)(Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,VOL.445) . (2020) .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2020 , (4) , 72-73 | 雕塑
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Abstract :


Keyword :

德化瓷塑 德化瓷塑 文化内涵 文化内涵 气韵生动 气韵生动


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GB/T 7714 李敏 , 王志惠 . 德化传统瓷塑艺术的审美特性探析 [J]. | 雕塑 , 2020 , (4) : 72-73 .
MLA 李敏 等. "德化传统瓷塑艺术的审美特性探析" . | 雕塑 4 (2020) : 72-73 .
APA 李敏 , 王志惠 . 德化传统瓷塑艺术的审美特性探析 . | 雕塑 , 2020 , (4) , 72-73 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2018 , (05) , 46-48 | 艺术生活-福州大学厦门工艺美术学院学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

传统手工艺 传统手工艺 创新设计 创新设计 旅游产业 旅游产业


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GB/T 7714 赖玄 , 李敏 . 闽南传统手工艺与旅游业的融合再造探析 [J]. | 艺术生活-福州大学厦门工艺美术学院学报 , 2018 , (05) : 46-48 .
MLA 赖玄 等. "闽南传统手工艺与旅游业的融合再造探析" . | 艺术生活-福州大学厦门工艺美术学院学报 05 (2018) : 46-48 .
APA 赖玄 , 李敏 . 闽南传统手工艺与旅游业的融合再造探析 . | 艺术生活-福州大学厦门工艺美术学院学报 , 2018 , (05) , 46-48 .
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闽南传统手工艺与旅游业的融合再造探析 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2018 , 0 (5) , 46-48 | 艺术生活
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

传统手工艺 传统手工艺 创新设计 创新设计 旅游产业 旅游产业


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GB/T 7714 赖玄 , 李敏 . 闽南传统手工艺与旅游业的融合再造探析 [J]. | 艺术生活 , 2018 , 0 (5) : 46-48 .
MLA 赖玄 等. "闽南传统手工艺与旅游业的融合再造探析" . | 艺术生活 0 . 5 (2018) : 46-48 .
APA 赖玄 , 李敏 . 闽南传统手工艺与旅游业的融合再造探析 . | 艺术生活 , 2018 , 0 (5) , 46-48 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2016 , (04) , 27-29 | 艺术生活-福州大学厦门工艺美术学院学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

客家瓷艺 客家瓷艺 客家精神 客家精神 谐适性 谐适性


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GB/T 7714 李敏 , 韩馨 . 浅论客家瓷艺与客家精神的谐适性 [J]. | 艺术生活-福州大学厦门工艺美术学院学报 , 2016 , (04) : 27-29 .
MLA 李敏 等. "浅论客家瓷艺与客家精神的谐适性" . | 艺术生活-福州大学厦门工艺美术学院学报 04 (2016) : 27-29 .
APA 李敏 , 韩馨 . 浅论客家瓷艺与客家精神的谐适性 . | 艺术生活-福州大学厦门工艺美术学院学报 , 2016 , (04) , 27-29 .
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浅论客家瓷艺与客家精神的谐适性 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2016 , 0 (4) , 27-29 | 艺术生活
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

客家瓷艺 客家瓷艺 客家精神 客家精神 谐适性 谐适性


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GB/T 7714 李敏 , 韩馨 . 浅论客家瓷艺与客家精神的谐适性 [J]. | 艺术生活 , 2016 , 0 (4) : 27-29 .
MLA 李敏 等. "浅论客家瓷艺与客家精神的谐适性" . | 艺术生活 0 . 4 (2016) : 27-29 .
APA 李敏 , 韩馨 . 浅论客家瓷艺与客家精神的谐适性 . | 艺术生活 , 2016 , 0 (4) , 27-29 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2016 , (5) , 56-57 | 雕塑
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

客家古瓷 客家古瓷 文化交流 文化交流 海外运销 海外运销


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GB/T 7714 李敏 . 闽西客家古陶瓷的外销考析 [J]. | 雕塑 , 2016 , (5) : 56-57 .
MLA 李敏 . "闽西客家古陶瓷的外销考析" . | 雕塑 5 (2016) : 56-57 .
APA 李敏 . 闽西客家古陶瓷的外销考析 . | 雕塑 , 2016 , (5) , 56-57 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2016 , (4) , 64-65 | 雕塑
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

客家瓷艺 客家瓷艺 工艺演变 工艺演变 融合创新 融合创新


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GB/T 7714 李敏 . 闽西客家瓷历代工艺之嬗变探究 [J]. | 雕塑 , 2016 , (4) : 64-65 .
MLA 李敏 . "闽西客家瓷历代工艺之嬗变探究" . | 雕塑 4 (2016) : 64-65 .
APA 李敏 . 闽西客家瓷历代工艺之嬗变探究 . | 雕塑 , 2016 , (4) , 64-65 .
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