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Abstract :
Several methods have been developed to determine the axial creep properties of nuclear fuel cladding tubes. However, the anisotropic creep properties of nuclear fuel cladding tubes requires that their circumferential creep behaviour be evaluated as well. Nonetheless, this task remains extremely challenging owing to need to employ unaltered cylindrical cladding tube specimens directly and the general low accuracy of the methods developed for this purpose. The present work addresses these issues by developing a modified small punch creep test (SPCT). Equations are proposed to calculate the creep stress and strain of the modified SPCT. The accuracy of the equations is analysed using the finite element method. Finally, the methodology is applied to investigate the circumferential creep behaviour of an FeCrAl nuclear fuel cladding tube experimentally. These results clearly demonstrate that the modified SPCT is suitable for investigating the creep behaviour of irregularly shaped material specimens with anisotropic creep properties. Moreover, the semi -cylindrical specimens employed in the modified SPCT also enable the effective fracture strain of the specimen to be easily determined.
Keyword :
Anisotropic creep Anisotropic creep Nuclear fuel cladding tube Nuclear fuel cladding tube Small punch test Small punch test
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GB/T 7714 | Zhong, Yuntao , Lai, Huan Sheng , Guo, Jinquan et al. Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES , 2024 , 267 . |
MLA | Zhong, Yuntao et al. "Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES 267 (2024) . |
APA | Zhong, Yuntao , Lai, Huan Sheng , Guo, Jinquan , Du, Peinan , Huang, Qifei . Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES , 2024 , 267 . |
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For the application of medium-entropy alloys (MEAs) in engineering, high cycle fatigue behavior of CoCrNi-based MEAs with different Al and Ti additions was investigated at room temperature (RT) and 350 degrees C in this study. When Al and Ti contents were increased from 1 to 4 at.% and 2 to 3 at.%, respectively, yield and fatigue strength increased by 70% and 43%, respectively, hardness and ultimate tensile strength increased by 40%, and fracture elongation was >37%. Between RT and 350 degrees C, the effect of temperature on the tensile and fatigue strength was not significant. The fatigue crack propagation resistance increased with increase in Al and Ti contents. Based on the fatigue strength determined in the study, fatigue life prediction equations were derived. Microstructure analysis indicated that higher tensile and fatigue strength were attributed to uniformly distributed precipitates of nanoscale L1(2) particles formed in the FCC matrix.
Keyword :
fatigue strength fatigue strength high cycle fatigue high cycle fatigue medium-entropy alloy medium-entropy alloy
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GB/T 7714 | Lai, Huan Sheng , Tang, Chaozhongzheng , Zhong, Yuntao et al. Effect of Al and Ti additions on the high cycle fatigue behavior of CoCrNi-based medium-entropy alloys at room and high temperatures [J]. | FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES , 2023 , 46 (7) : 2603-2616 . |
MLA | Lai, Huan Sheng et al. "Effect of Al and Ti additions on the high cycle fatigue behavior of CoCrNi-based medium-entropy alloys at room and high temperatures" . | FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 46 . 7 (2023) : 2603-2616 . |
APA | Lai, Huan Sheng , Tang, Chaozhongzheng , Zhong, Yuntao , Guo, Jinquan , Huang, Qifei , Sun, Runye . Effect of Al and Ti additions on the high cycle fatigue behavior of CoCrNi-based medium-entropy alloys at room and high temperatures . | FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES , 2023 , 46 (7) , 2603-2616 . |
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The manufacturing process of nuclear fuel cladding tubes endows them with anisotropic material properties. In this study, a small punch testing (SPT) method was established to investigate the circumferential tensile behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes. The specimen of the proposed SPT method was bended and stretched in a single stress state under a punching force. The proposed SPT method was then used to analyze the circumferential tensile behavior of a FeCrAl fuel cladding tube. Finite element simulation results indicated that the SPT method established herein determined ultimate tensile stress with higher accuracy than standard SPT because the plastic strain in the proposed method under maximum force is considerably smaller than that in standard SPT. Moreover, the proposed method can more accurately determine yield stress compared with standard SPT, as reflected by the elastic stage in the load-displacement curve that was a straight line. The test results indicated that the proposed SPT can be used to accurately determine the circumferential yield stress and ultimate tensile stress of nuclear fuel cladding tubes.
Keyword :
Fuel cladding tube Fuel cladding tube Small punch test Small punch test Tensile behavior Tensile behavior Tensile test Tensile test Yield stress Yield stress
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GB/T 7714 | Lai, Huan Sheng , Wang, Rongcheng , Zhong, Yuntao et al. A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes [J]. | JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS , 2023 , 583 . |
MLA | Lai, Huan Sheng et al. "A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes" . | JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 583 (2023) . |
APA | Lai, Huan Sheng , Wang, Rongcheng , Zhong, Yuntao , Du, Peinan , Guo, Jinquan , Huang, Qifei . A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes . | JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS , 2023 , 583 . |
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Fuel cladding tubes of nuclear power plants are operated at high temperatures. Creep behavior is therefore a crucial factor during the design and safety assessment of fuel cladding tubes. In this study, small punch creep tests (SPCTs) were conducted for tube specimens to examine the creep behavior of FeCrAl fuel cladding tubes. According to Chakrabarty's membrane stretching theory and finite element simulation results, specimen shape had a negligible influence on the equivalent uniaxial creep stress and minimum creep strain rate. Therefore, the calculation equations of equivalent uniaxial creep stress and creep strain of plate specimens were directly used for tube specimens. When the lower die round radius was 0.2 mm, its effect on the calculated creep stress was within 5%, and it was negligible for the calculated minimum creep strain rate. The power law creep model of the FeCrAl fuel cladding tube was obtained based on the test results of SPCT using tube specimens.
Keyword :
FeCrAl FeCrAl Fuel cladding tube Fuel cladding tube Small punch creep test Small punch creep test Tube specimen Tube specimen
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GB/T 7714 | Lai, Huan Sheng , Jiang, Xiaowei , Zhong, Yuntao et al. Using tube specimen to investigate the creep behavior of FeCrAl fuel cladding tubes [J]. | ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS , 2023 , 284 . |
MLA | Lai, Huan Sheng et al. "Using tube specimen to investigate the creep behavior of FeCrAl fuel cladding tubes" . | ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS 284 (2023) . |
APA | Lai, Huan Sheng , Jiang, Xiaowei , Zhong, Yuntao , Du, Peinan , Guo, Jinquan , Huang, Qifei . Using tube specimen to investigate the creep behavior of FeCrAl fuel cladding tubes . | ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS , 2023 , 284 . |
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针对传统高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)材料硬度不足、热稳定性较差的问题,提出一种无机纳米粒子和抗氧化剂共同改性HDPE的方法。当HDPE与纳米硫酸钠质量比为9∶1时,HDPE/纳米硫酸钠复合材料拉伸强度为27.15 MPa;加入了抗氧化剂的HDPE/纳米硫酸钠复合材料热氧老化20 d后,断裂伸长率和拉伸强度分别为36.0%和39.50 MPa,热稳定性明显增强。经过增强的HDPE,拉伸强度和热稳定性均表现良好,可以作为包装行业的备选材料使用。
Keyword :
抗氧化剂 抗氧化剂 无机纳米粒子 无机纳米粒子 热稳定性 热稳定性 高密度聚乙烯 高密度聚乙烯
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GB/T 7714 | 赵宏泽 , 陈照春 , 王栓紧 et al. 无机纳米粒子结合抗氧化剂改性HDPE及性能 [J]. | 现代塑料加工应用 , 2023 , 35 (04) : 8-11 . |
MLA | 赵宏泽 et al. "无机纳米粒子结合抗氧化剂改性HDPE及性能" . | 现代塑料加工应用 35 . 04 (2023) : 8-11 . |
APA | 赵宏泽 , 陈照春 , 王栓紧 , 黄齐飞 . 无机纳米粒子结合抗氧化剂改性HDPE及性能 . | 现代塑料加工应用 , 2023 , 35 (04) , 8-11 . |
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3XXX series Al alloys belong to the high-corrosion-resistant Al alloys. One of their main applications is in heat exchange systems. However, under a harsh tropical marine environment, the serving lifetime of a 3003 Al alloy-based heat exchange system will be shortened by corrosion. Therefore, the corrosion protection of 3XXX series Al alloys needs to be paid much attention. To address this issue, an investigation was undertaken to study NaVO3 as a possible corrosion inhibitor for the 3003 Al alloy. The cathodic and anodic polarization tests were employed to study the inhibition mechanism of NaVO3. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests were carried out to monitor the long-term inhibition performance of NaVO3. After applying 10 mM NaVO3 into 3.5 wt.% NaCl, the corrosion current density was reduced from 1.179 & mu;A/cm(2) to 148.3 nA/cm(2). Additionally, the impedance increased with the immersion time. Followed by the characterization by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the protection mechanism of NaVO3 was ascribed to the hydrolysis and adsorbed reduction of pentavalent vanadium.
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GB/T 7714 | Huang, Qifei , Zhong, Haolang , Li, Jiao et al. Corrosion Inhibition of 3003 Al Alloy by Aqueous Vanadate [J]. | JOM , 2023 , 76 (1) : 291-299 . |
MLA | Huang, Qifei et al. "Corrosion Inhibition of 3003 Al Alloy by Aqueous Vanadate" . | JOM 76 . 1 (2023) : 291-299 . |
APA | Huang, Qifei , Zhong, Haolang , Li, Jiao , Yang, Qinglin , Yao, Tiefu , Liu, Xiaotao et al. Corrosion Inhibition of 3003 Al Alloy by Aqueous Vanadate . | JOM , 2023 , 76 (1) , 291-299 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 张经伟 , 陈雄 , 刘康林 et al. 一种微通道换热器清洗设备 : CN202223394008.X[P]. | 2022-12-17 00:00:00 . |
MLA | 张经伟 et al. "一种微通道换热器清洗设备" : CN202223394008.X. | 2022-12-17 00:00:00 . |
APA | 张经伟 , 陈雄 , 刘康林 , 黄晏明 , 黄齐飞 , 苏昆焕 . 一种微通道换热器清洗设备 : CN202223394008.X. | 2022-12-17 00:00:00 . |
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通过对Q245R钢在550℃不同应力条件下进行高温蠕变试验,并根据试验获得的数据,建立该材料的蠕变本构方程,最后将建立的蠕变本构方程用于仿真一台在役催化裂化再生器筒体的蠕变.结果表明,该材料高温单轴拉伸的材料力学性能与常温差别较大,试验得到了该材料的蠕变Norton幂律本构方程,并判断出其在550℃下的蠕变机制主要为位错攀移;有限元仿真知最大蠕变变形发生在接管与筒体相贯处筒体母线上,离相贯点约为600 mm,最大蠕变变形量为91.3 mm,与现场实测相近,说明建立的蠕变本构模型和有限元仿真是有效的,可为再生器的安全服役提供数据基础和参考价值.
Keyword :
Norton幂律本构方程 Norton幂律本构方程 Q245R钢 Q245R钢 有限元仿真 有限元仿真 蠕变试验 蠕变试验
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GB/T 7714 | 郭金泉 , 刘海林 , 张经伟 et al. 基于Norton幂律方程的再生器筒体蠕变性能分析及仿真 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 50 (05) : 675-680 . |
MLA | 郭金泉 et al. "基于Norton幂律方程的再生器筒体蠕变性能分析及仿真" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 50 . 05 (2022) : 675-680 . |
APA | 郭金泉 , 刘海林 , 张经伟 , 刘康林 , 黄齐飞 , 郭帅 . 基于Norton幂律方程的再生器筒体蠕变性能分析及仿真 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 50 (05) , 675-680 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 张经伟 , 昝静一 , 梁坤 et al. 一种基于3D打印蜂窝式高效换热器 : CN202120795920.2[P]. | 2021-04-19 . |
MLA | 张经伟 et al. "一种基于3D打印蜂窝式高效换热器" : CN202120795920.2. | 2021-04-19 . |
APA | 张经伟 , 昝静一 , 梁坤 , 刘康林 , 黄齐飞 , 童晨垚 . 一种基于3D打印蜂窝式高效换热器 : CN202120795920.2. | 2021-04-19 . |
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本发明涉及一种基于超声波空化的磷酸铁锂回收试验仿真模拟方法,包括以下步骤:步骤S1 : 构建基于超声波的磷酸铁锂回收试验系统;步骤S2 : 根据基于超声波的磷酸铁锂回收试验系统,采用ANSYS‑ICEM建立二维仿真模型;步骤S3 : 对步骤S2得到的二维仿真模型进行简化处理;步骤S4 : 对简化后的二维仿真模型进行网格划分,并建立几何关联,得到对应的几何模型;步骤S5 : 在Fluent中导入几何模型后再导入udf模型,并进行边界条件及动网格设置,最后对设置完成简化后的二维仿真模型进行求解;步骤S6 : 将得到的解决结果导出,用于调用查看。本发明生成气相云图动画,可以观察到空化的分布区域,以及空化随着时间的实时变化情况。
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GB/T 7714 | 刘康林 , 周铭 , 张经伟 et al. 基于超声波空化的磷酸铁锂回收试验仿真模拟方法 : CN202111033326.0[P]. | 2021-09-03 . |
MLA | 刘康林 et al. "基于超声波空化的磷酸铁锂回收试验仿真模拟方法" : CN202111033326.0. | 2021-09-03 . |
APA | 刘康林 , 周铭 , 张经伟 , 黄齐飞 , 郭金泉 . 基于超声波空化的磷酸铁锂回收试验仿真模拟方法 : CN202111033326.0. | 2021-09-03 . |
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