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According to irregular changes in rail profiles in a fixed-nose crossing, a parametric design method was proposed based on the B-spline theory by considering the section characteristics of rail profiles in a fixed-nose crossing. In addition, the rail profile fitting evaluation indexes and the influence weights of key control parameters on the rail profile fitting were proposed. With No.12 turnout of fixed-nose crossing of 60 kg/m rail as an example, the design of experiment (DOE) was employed to analyze the influence of railhead slope, rail side slope, and proportion coefficient of composite circular arc on the changes in the full railhead profile, rail top profile, and rail side profile of the nose rail. The results show that 1) for nose rail with a section of 20 mm, the influence weights of railhead slope, rail side slope, and proportion coefficient of composite circular arc on the full railhead profile change are 21.08%, 56.89%, and 22.02%, respectively, and the influence weights on the rail top profile change of the nose rail are 8.42%, 61.95%, and 29.63%, respectively. For nose rail with a section of 50 mm, the influence weights of the key control parameters on the full railhead profile change are 55.9%, 33.38%, and 10.72%, respectively. For nose rails with a section of 20 mm and 50 mm, the influence weights of the rail side slope on the rail side profile change are 76.82% and 66.04%, respectively. 2) When the nose railhead width is 20 mm, the influence of the rail side slope on the nose profiles is more than 50%. As the nose railhead width increases, the influence weight of railhead slope on full railhead profile gradually increases from 21.8% to 55.9%, while that of rail side profile and proportion coefficient of composite circular arc is reduced by 41.3% and 51.3%, respectively. © 2024 Science Press. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Curve fitting Curve fitting Design of experiments Design of experiments Interpolation Interpolation Rails Rails
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GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Weihua , Cao, Yang . Influence of Nose Rail Reconstruction Profile Parameters Based on B-Spline Curve [J]. | Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University , 2024 , 59 (2) : 264-272 . |
MLA | Zhao, Weihua 等. "Influence of Nose Rail Reconstruction Profile Parameters Based on B-Spline Curve" . | Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 59 . 2 (2024) : 264-272 . |
APA | Zhao, Weihua , Cao, Yang . Influence of Nose Rail Reconstruction Profile Parameters Based on B-Spline Curve . | Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University , 2024 , 59 (2) , 264-272 . |
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Metro tunnels often experience uneven settlement of the soil beneath them during operation, a problem that is especially pronounced in soft soil layers such as silt. This uneven settlement negatively affects the operational safety of subways, prompting engineers to use soil reinforcement techniques to mitigate ground deformation. However, there is a lack of research on the cumulative deformation of reinforced soils under cyclic train loading. In this study, dynamic triaxial tests were conducted to obtain the deformation parameters of silty reinforced soils under cyclic loading. The principal dynamic relationship was summarized, and the effect of loading frequency on soil deformation was analyzed. The results indicated that as the loading frequency increased, the cumulative deformation of the soil decreased. Using the dynamic constitutive relationship derived from the tests, the finite element method was employed to model the interaction system between the load, tunnel, and strata, as well as the dynamic modulus attenuation behavior of the reinforced soil layer. This approach was used to investigate the cumulative deformation characteristics of reinforced soils under cyclic loading. The findings indicated that the dynamic modulus of the reinforced soil decayed rapidly at the beginning of the loading period, leading to an accelerated increase in the cumulative deformation. Additionally, the cumulative deformation was measured at different train speeds, revealing that when the speeds exceeded 80 km/h, the cumulative strain of the soil increased gradually with speed. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword :
Cyclic loads Cyclic loads Railroad tunnels Railroad tunnels Soil testing Soil testing Subways Subways
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GB/T 7714 | Li, Jiaofeng , Cao, Yang , Chen, Fasheng et al. Cumulative effects of cyclic train loading on strains in reinforced soils around tunnels [J]. | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering , 2024 , 187 . |
MLA | Li, Jiaofeng et al. "Cumulative effects of cyclic train loading on strains in reinforced soils around tunnels" . | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 187 (2024) . |
APA | Li, Jiaofeng , Cao, Yang , Chen, Fasheng , Lin, Yurui . Cumulative effects of cyclic train loading on strains in reinforced soils around tunnels . | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering , 2024 , 187 . |
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In addition to the lower foundationsupport, the large volume buried structure bears significant friction effect due to the large-area contact between the side wall and the soil, the additional structural displacement caused by which needs to be focused on. Taking the settlement of the stratum and its internal structures induced by external construction disturbances as the research object, the further effect of side wall friction on the structure settlement was investigated with consideration of the buried structure subsidence with the underlying stratum, and more accurate vertical disturbance displacement calculation results were obtained according to the characteristics of large-volume buried structures. With the typical engineering case of the shield tunnel excavation underpassing the underground passageway, the mechanical equilibrium equation of the passageway structure affected by the excavation disturbance was established based on the Pasternak foundation model and the two-stage analysis method.Then, the Clough-Duncan hyperbolic model was introduced between the side wall of the structure and the soil, and the load balance formula under the vertical friction between the structure and the stratum was further established to describe the additional effect of friction on the passageway settlement.The equation was iteratively solved by the finite difference method. Finally, the applicability of the calculation method was verified by practical engineering. The results show that the excavation disturbance of shield tunnel brings different settlement between the buried structure and the surrounding stratum, and the resulting settlement difference between the passageway and the side soil generates significant shear stress in the side wall of the structure.The large contact area between the passageway side wall and the soil makes the structure continue to sink with the stratum, and the settlement calculation result corresponding to the friction in the soft soil stratum increases by more than 30%. Therefore, the additional vertical displacement caused by side wall friction cannot be ignored in large-volume buried structures. © 2024 Editorial Board of Journal of Basic Science and Engineering. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Hyperbolic functions Hyperbolic functions Internal friction Internal friction Settlement of structures Settlement of structures Shear stress Shear stress Shielding Shielding Soil structure interactions Soil structure interactions Tunneling (excavation) Tunneling (excavation) Underground structures Underground structures Underpasses Underpasses Walls (structural partitions) Walls (structural partitions)
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GB/T 7714 | Cao, Yang , Ding, Xiaohan , Tao, Jing et al. Calculation Method of Disturbed Settlement of Buried Structures Considering Side Wall Friction [J]. | Journal of Basic Science and Engineering , 2024 , 32 (5) : 1463-1473 . |
MLA | Cao, Yang et al. "Calculation Method of Disturbed Settlement of Buried Structures Considering Side Wall Friction" . | Journal of Basic Science and Engineering 32 . 5 (2024) : 1463-1473 . |
APA | Cao, Yang , Ding, Xiaohan , Tao, Jing , Li, Guozheng , Yao, Kaijie . Calculation Method of Disturbed Settlement of Buried Structures Considering Side Wall Friction . | Journal of Basic Science and Engineering , 2024 , 32 (5) , 1463-1473 . |
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针对固定辙叉钢轨廓形不规则变化特点,基于B样条理论提出一种考虑固定辙叉钢轨断面廓形特征的参数化设计方法,并提出拟合钢轨廓形贴合度评价指标和关键控制参数对廓形贴合度影响权重指标;以60 kg/m钢轨12号固定辙叉为例,采用DOE (design of experiments)方法分析轨顶横坡、侧面纵坡和复合圆弧段比例系数对心轨轨头整体廓形、轨顶面廓形和侧面廓形的影响.结果表明:1)在心轨20 mm断面,轨顶横坡、侧面纵坡和复合圆弧段比例系数对心轨整体廓形变化的影响权重分别为21.08%、56.89%和22.02%,对心轨顶面廓形变化影响权重分别为8.42%、61.95%、29.63%;在心轨50 mm断面,各关键控制参数对心轨轨头整体廓形变化影响权重分别为55.9%、33.38%、10.72%;侧面纵坡对心轨20 mm和50 mm断面的侧面廓形变化影响权重分别为76.82%、66.04%. 2)当心轨轨头宽度为20 mm时,侧面纵坡对各部分廓形变化影响均达到50%以上;随着心轨轨头宽度的增大,心轨轨顶横坡对整体廓形变化影响权重由21.8%增至55.9%,侧面纵坡和复合圆弧段比例系数影响权重则分别减小41.3%和51.3%.
Keyword :
B样条曲线 B样条曲线 DOE设计 DOE设计 参数化设计 参数化设计 固定辙叉 固定辙叉 道岔 道岔 钢轨廓形 钢轨廓形
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GB/T 7714 | 赵卫华 , 曹洋 . 基于B样条曲线的心轨重构廓形参数影响分析 [J]. | 西南交通大学学报 , 2024 , 59 (02) : 264-272 . |
MLA | 赵卫华 et al. "基于B样条曲线的心轨重构廓形参数影响分析" . | 西南交通大学学报 59 . 02 (2024) : 264-272 . |
APA | 赵卫华 , 曹洋 . 基于B样条曲线的心轨重构廓形参数影响分析 . | 西南交通大学学报 , 2024 , 59 (02) , 264-272 . |
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参数优化 参数优化 同步注浆 同步注浆 模型试验 模型试验 浆液扩散 浆液扩散 盾构隧道 盾构隧道 离散元法 离散元法
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GB/T 7714 | 曹洋 , 刘杨 , 张超宇 et al. 基于离散元法的盾尾同步注浆扩散及参数优化研究 [J]. | 岩土工程学报 , 2024 , 46 (10) : 2119-2128 . |
MLA | 曹洋 et al. "基于离散元法的盾尾同步注浆扩散及参数优化研究" . | 岩土工程学报 46 . 10 (2024) : 2119-2128 . |
APA | 曹洋 , 刘杨 , 张超宇 , 杨俊杰 , 李国政 . 基于离散元法的盾尾同步注浆扩散及参数优化研究 . | 岩土工程学报 , 2024 , 46 (10) , 2119-2128 . |
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In order to evaluate the quality of the synchronous grouting of shield construction and to propose the regulation means of grouting parameters, taking the coastal sandy soil stratum as the target, the model tests on shield synchronous grouting are designed and carried out to obtain the slurry diffusion laws at various locations at the outside of a tunnel. On the basis of calibrating the contact parameters between particles in the discrete element model with the help of the test results, a continuous-discrete element coupling model for the shield synchronous grouting is established to simulate the process of filling and penetration of the slurry, and to analyze the main reasons leading to the difference in the thickness of the slurry layer in comparison with the test results, and then to optimize the filling effects of the slurry by adjusting the grouting parameters. The results show that the particle migration characteristics of the discrete element simulation model can effectively display the filling and permeation phenomena of the slurry in the excavation gap and the surrounding soil layer. Affected by the mobility, the slurry is easy to gather in the grouting hole, and if the grouting pressure is insufficient, it will lead to poor homogeneity of the slurry layer at the upper and lower sides of the tunnel which are far away from the grouting hole. The filling effects can be effectively improved by adjusting the pressure difference between the grouting holes of the shield machine. Affected by the pressure of the soil layer, the thickness of the slurry layer at the upper side of the tunnel is relatively thinner compared to that at the lower side, and the slurry at the lateral side of the tunnel will deposit under the action of its own gravity, and shows a distribution of 'thin on the upper part and thick on the lower part'. © 2024 Chinese Society of Civil Engineering. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Concrete beams and girders Concrete beams and girders Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Grouting Grouting Mortar Mortar Shielding Shielding Soil testing Soil testing Tunneling (excavation) Tunneling (excavation)
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GB/T 7714 | Cao, Yang , Liu, Yang , Zhang, Chaoyu et al. Synchronous grouting diffusion and parameter optimization of shield tunnels based on discrete element method [J]. | Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering , 2024 , 46 (10) : 2119-2128 . |
MLA | Cao, Yang et al. "Synchronous grouting diffusion and parameter optimization of shield tunnels based on discrete element method" . | Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 46 . 10 (2024) : 2119-2128 . |
APA | Cao, Yang , Liu, Yang , Zhang, Chaoyu , Yang, Junjie , Li, Guozheng . Synchronous grouting diffusion and parameter optimization of shield tunnels based on discrete element method . | Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering , 2024 , 46 (10) , 2119-2128 . |
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The milled shape of point blades is one of the main factors causing structural problems with railway points (also known as turnouts or switches). Choosing the right type of milling for point blades can improve train running performance. Based on wheel-rail system dynamics, a vehicle-points dynamic model with various milling methods was established, from which a selection and evaluation method for milling was proposed. The service performance of four milling types was compared and combined with point blade robustness to provide a comprehensive evaluation. It was found that a small rate of railhead width change for an oblique tangent point blade resulted in better running performance of trains. The oblique secant point blade caused an abrupt change in the rail layout, which reduced train running steadiness. The railhead widths of longitudinal secant and longitudinal secant-oblique tangent point blades increased quickly, and the corresponding dynamic responses were at an intermediate level. The proposed selection and evaluation method for milling types took into account the dynamic characteristics and structural durability of the points. It will be beneficial in selecting an appropriate milling type for points blades according to their service requirements.
Keyword :
dynamics dynamics numerical modelling numerical modelling railway tracks railway tracks
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GB/T 7714 | Cao, Yang , Zhao, Weihua , Li, Jiaofeng et al. Dynamic selection and evaluation of alternative milling types for railway points [J]. | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT , 2023 . |
MLA | Cao, Yang et al. "Dynamic selection and evaluation of alternative milling types for railway points" . | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT (2023) . |
APA | Cao, Yang , Zhao, Weihua , Li, Jiaofeng , Ding, Xiaohan , Shi, Hao . Dynamic selection and evaluation of alternative milling types for railway points . | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT , 2023 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 张进 , 曹洋 , 王子义 et al. 骨肿瘤治疗、修复一体化的自适应性含硒纳米复合水凝胶 : CN202211668411.9[P]. | 2022-12-24 00:00:00 . |
MLA | 张进 et al. "骨肿瘤治疗、修复一体化的自适应性含硒纳米复合水凝胶" : CN202211668411.9. | 2022-12-24 00:00:00 . |
APA | 张进 , 曹洋 , 王子义 , 郭文静 , 龚晨池 , 刘燕芸 et al. 骨肿瘤治疗、修复一体化的自适应性含硒纳米复合水凝胶 : CN202211668411.9. | 2022-12-24 00:00:00 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 吴学震 , 关振长 , 蒋宇静 et al. 可智能化反映原岩应力变化的注浆模拟试验系统 : CN202210098681.4[P]. | 2022-01-27 00:00:00 . |
MLA | 吴学震 et al. "可智能化反映原岩应力变化的注浆模拟试验系统" : CN202210098681.4. | 2022-01-27 00:00:00 . |
APA | 吴学震 , 关振长 , 蒋宇静 , 邓涛 , 曹洋 . 可智能化反映原岩应力变化的注浆模拟试验系统 : CN202210098681.4. | 2022-01-27 00:00:00 . |
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The stability of coastal soft soil stratum is dramatically affected by external construction. To clarify the disturbance mechanism of the shallow shield tunnel engineering to the stratum, a refined numerical model for simulation of shield dynamic excavation was established based on the finite difference scheme, and the disturbance effect of every construction factor on the stratum was studied according to the modeling results. In the model, the combined effects of four factors on surrounding soil, including cutter head friction, excavation supporting force, grouting pressure, and shield friction, were considered. Referring to the behavior change of the grouting layer in the practical project, the relationship between pressure dissipation and slurry solidification during the shield tail grouting was divided into three stages to simulate the flowing state, the initial setting state and the final setting state of the slurry, respectively, and the corresponding parameters were sectionally assigned to the grouting layer of the newly-built tunnel and adjusted in real-time along with the excavation process. This model can realistically reflect the whole process of shield tunneling and realize the refined simulation of the construction. The numerical model was verified by comparison with the results from the field monitoring of the shield tunnel project with 1.0D (D is the outer diameter of the tunnel) burial depth in Xiamen Metro, and the influence of the above four construction factors on the soft soil stratum disturbance during the shallow excavation process was calculated and compared, and the effect of the factors on the disturbance deformation was summarized. The results show that the cutter head pushing causes the radial expansion of the forward soil. In the grouting process, a settlement groove is formed within 1.0D on both sides of the excavation space, and the near-field rebound and far-field expansion occur to the soil lateral displacements on two sides of the tunnel during the solidification of the grouting layer. The increase of the cutter head friction and shield friction will further aggravate the stratum disturbance deformation, and with the increase of the excavation supporting force and grouting pressure, the surface settlement slightly slows down and the stratum lateral displacement significantly increases. The results are of guiding significance for disturbance prediction and parameter selection in shallow shield excavation. Copyright ©2022 Advanced Engineering Sciences. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Concrete construction Concrete construction Deformation Deformation Expansion Expansion Finite difference method Finite difference method Friction Friction Grouting Grouting Mortar Mortar Numerical models Numerical models Shielding Shielding Soils Soils Solidification Solidification Subways Subways Tunneling (excavation) Tunneling (excavation)
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GB/T 7714 | Cao, Yang , Lin, Xiangrong , Li, Zilu . Refined Numerical Simulation of Shallow Shield Construction in Soft Soil Stratum [J]. | Advanced Engineering Science , 2022 , 54 (3) : 149-158 . |
MLA | Cao, Yang et al. "Refined Numerical Simulation of Shallow Shield Construction in Soft Soil Stratum" . | Advanced Engineering Science 54 . 3 (2022) : 149-158 . |
APA | Cao, Yang , Lin, Xiangrong , Li, Zilu . Refined Numerical Simulation of Shallow Shield Construction in Soft Soil Stratum . | Advanced Engineering Science , 2022 , 54 (3) , 149-158 . |
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