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Performance improvement of ORC by breaking the barrier of ambient pressure SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 262 | ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Decreasing the condensation pressure of organic Rankine cycle (ORC), which is usually limited by ambient pressure, can greatly increase the system efficiency. In this paper, the condensation pressure is extended from traditional ambient condensation to vacuum condensation. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is used as the cold sink to generate vacuum condensation pressures between 0.001 MPa and 0.1 MPa. Nine substances with no or low flammability are chosen as the working fluids. The system main parameters are optimized with the objective of maximum exergy efficiency. The results show that the exergy efficiency of R227ea increases from 18.87% to 26.03% as the condensation pressure decreases from 0.1 MPa to 0.001 MPa. For some substances, however, their efficiencies turn to decrease as the condensation pressure is approaching 0.001 MPa and their optimal condensation pressures are different. The working fluids share the same optimal condensation temperature of around -90 degrees C under the studied conditions. R227ea is a generally good substance because of its higher critical temperature to match with heat source and lower triple point pressure (temperature) to reach lower condensation pressure (temperature). The condensation pressure always has opposite effect on exergy destructions of condenser and steam generator, as well as on direct expansion turbine and ORC turbine.

Keyword :

Liquefied natural gas Liquefied natural gas Organic Rankine cycle Organic Rankine cycle Parameter optimization Parameter optimization Vacuum condensation Vacuum condensation


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GB/T 7714 Sun, Zhixin , Huang, Yisheng , Tian, Na et al. Performance improvement of ORC by breaking the barrier of ambient pressure [J]. | ENERGY , 2023 , 262 .
MLA Sun, Zhixin et al. "Performance improvement of ORC by breaking the barrier of ambient pressure" . | ENERGY 262 (2023) .
APA Sun, Zhixin , Huang, Yisheng , Tian, Na , Lin, Kui . Performance improvement of ORC by breaking the barrier of ambient pressure . | ENERGY , 2023 , 262 .
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Modeling and simulation of dynamic characteristics of a green ammonia synthesis system SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Green ammonia production system driven by renewable electricity will be under frequent dynamic operation due to the fluctuation of renewable energy. The nonlinear dynamic model of a green ammonia synthesis system is developed and the dynamic responses of PEM (proton exchange membrane) electrolysis subsystem, PSA (Pressure swing adsorption) subsystem and ammonia synthesis subsystem during the start-up process and under the fluctuation of renewable electrical current are analyzed. The start-up dynamic results show that the hydrogen production rate of PEM electrolysis system is positively correlated to the current. The nitrogen output of PSA system is affected by the adsorption time, adsorption pressure, bed length, and air velocity. A start-up period of 300 min from the warmed-up state to the design state can maintain the temperature rise rate of the ammonia synthesis reactor at approximately 40 K/h. The dynamic results under step fluctuations of electrical current show that the PEM electrolysis subsystem and the PSA subsystem response fast compared to the ammonia synthesis reactor and buffer tanks. Using large buffer tanks to smooth the fluctuation allows the system to slide with the variation of renewable current to some extent, resulting in a higher outlet ammonia fraction when the current increases. Different volume ratios of the hydrogen tank to the nitrogen tank volume can lead to different variations of the hydrogen/nitrogen ratio. PID controllers can effectively maintain the bed temperatures, hydrogen/ nitrogen ratio, and pressure of the ammonia synthesis reactor at their set points despite fluctuations in renewable electrical current. Buffer tanks are necessary to compensate for the imbalance between the flow rate fluctuation caused by current change and the flow rate regulation caused by PID controllers.

Keyword :

Ammonia synthesis reactor Ammonia synthesis reactor Dynamic characteristics Dynamic characteristics Green ammonia synthesis Green ammonia synthesis PEM electrolysis PEM electrolysis PID control PID control Pressure swing adsorption Pressure swing adsorption


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GB/T 7714 Sun, Zhixin , Zhang, Yuanchao , Huang, Hongji et al. Modeling and simulation of dynamic characteristics of a green ammonia synthesis system [J]. | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 300 .
MLA Sun, Zhixin et al. "Modeling and simulation of dynamic characteristics of a green ammonia synthesis system" . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 300 (2023) .
APA Sun, Zhixin , Zhang, Yuanchao , Huang, Hongji , Luo, Yu , Lin, Li , Jiang, Lilong . Modeling and simulation of dynamic characteristics of a green ammonia synthesis system . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 300 .
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一种液化天然气冷能发电与重整制氢联合系统 incoPat
专利 | 2022-03-31 00:00:00 | CN202210333040.2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 孙志新 , 田娜 , 黄毅圣 et al. 一种液化天然气冷能发电与重整制氢联合系统 : CN202210333040.2[P]. | 2022-03-31 00:00:00 .
MLA 孙志新 et al. "一种液化天然气冷能发电与重整制氢联合系统" : CN202210333040.2. | 2022-03-31 00:00:00 .
APA 孙志新 , 田娜 , 黄毅圣 , 赵强 . 一种液化天然气冷能发电与重整制氢联合系统 : CN202210333040.2. | 2022-03-31 00:00:00 .
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Optimal configuration optimization of islanded microgrid using improved grey wolf optimizer algorithm EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 43 (1) , 256-262 | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

An improved grey wolf optimization (IGWO) algorithm is presented to determine the optimal combination of a WT-PV-BS-DE islanded microgrid in order to achieve a cost effective and reliable hybrid generation system. As the traditional grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm has the disadvantages of slow convergence and high possibility of being trapped in local optimum, the proposed IGWO algorithm used Tent chaos mapping strategy to generate the initial population, which increases the diversity of the population. Then, the convergence factor is dynamically adjusted to maintain a better balance between global search and local search. Thirdly, Cauchy mutation operator is carried out on the current optimal individual of each generation, thus it could effectively jump out of local minima. Finally, the IGWO is applied for optimal sizing of wind power-photovoltaic modules cells-battery storage-diesel generation islanded microgrid, in which the optimization objective is minimizing of annualized system cost and the constraint condition are power supply reliability. The results show the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed method. © 2022, Solar Energy Periodical Office Co., Ltd. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Cost effectiveness Cost effectiveness Optimization Optimization Solar cells Solar cells Wind power Wind power


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Chao , Wang, Bin , Sun, Zhixin et al. Optimal configuration optimization of islanded microgrid using improved grey wolf optimizer algorithm [J]. | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica , 2022 , 43 (1) : 256-262 .
MLA Zhao, Chao et al. "Optimal configuration optimization of islanded microgrid using improved grey wolf optimizer algorithm" . | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 43 . 1 (2022) : 256-262 .
APA Zhao, Chao , Wang, Bin , Sun, Zhixin , Wang, Xuan . Optimal configuration optimization of islanded microgrid using improved grey wolf optimizer algorithm . | Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica , 2022 , 43 (1) , 256-262 .
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基于改进灰狼算法的独立微电网容量优化配置 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 43 (01) , 256-262 | 太阳能学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

光伏组件 光伏组件 容量优化配置 容量优化配置 改进灰狼优化算法 改进灰狼优化算法 独立微电网 独立微电网 风力发电 风力发电


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GB/T 7714 赵超 , 王斌 , 孙志新 et al. 基于改进灰狼算法的独立微电网容量优化配置 [J]. | 太阳能学报 , 2022 , 43 (01) : 256-262 .
MLA 赵超 et al. "基于改进灰狼算法的独立微电网容量优化配置" . | 太阳能学报 43 . 01 (2022) : 256-262 .
APA 赵超 , 王斌 , 孙志新 , 汪轩 . 基于改进灰狼算法的独立微电网容量优化配置 . | 太阳能学报 , 2022 , 43 (01) , 256-262 .
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双级串联有机朗肯循环发电系统性能 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 49 (6) , 41-45 | 化学工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为充分研究双级串联有机朗肯循环发电系统的性能,以150℃的低温余热为热源,液化天然气(LNG)为冷源,(火用)效率最大为评价指标,对不同影响因素下双级串联有机朗肯循环系统进行了工质选择与参数优化.选用7种工质,采用粒子群算法,对系统的蒸发温度、膨胀机入口温度、冷凝温度和LNG蒸发压力进行了优化,对一定过热度及中间换热温度进行了分析.结果 表明:一定过热度能提高系统的效率,中间换热温度对系统效率没有明显的影响,选用常温作为中间温度有较大意义;对系统效率影响最大的工质参数是常压沸点温度,常压沸点温度越低,系统(火用)效率越高.


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GB/T 7714 王蜀家 , 孙志新 . 双级串联有机朗肯循环发电系统性能 [J]. | 化学工程 , 2021 , 49 (6) : 41-45 .
MLA 王蜀家 et al. "双级串联有机朗肯循环发电系统性能" . | 化学工程 49 . 6 (2021) : 41-45 .
APA 王蜀家 , 孙志新 . 双级串联有机朗肯循环发电系统性能 . | 化学工程 , 2021 , 49 (6) , 41-45 .
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Thermodynamic comparison of modified Rankine cycle configurations for LNG cold energy recovery under different working conditions SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this study, we present the evaluation of two modified single-stage Rankine cycles (RC) and two two-stage RCs to provide a guidance for configuration selection under different working conditions. Moreover, a regenerativereheat RC, which is the combination of the modified single-stage RCs, is proposed to utilize the cold energy of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the thermal energy of low grade heat. The key parameters of these five configurations using eight working fluids are optimized with exergy efficiency as the optimization objective. The results show that the modified single-stage RCs are usually better than the two-stage RCs since they have simpler configurations with similar or higher efficiencies. The regenerative-reheat RC performs even better under most working conditions and it achieves the maximum efficiency of 24.57% by using ethane as the working fluid under the heat source temperature of 180 degrees C and the pipeline pressure of 3 MPa. The addition of direct expansion cycle can improve the exergy efficiencies of most fluids and configurations under lower pipeline pressures. However, the improvements decrease greatly for fluids with low normal boiling point temperatures (NBPTs) and especially under higher pipeline pressures. As to the fluid selection, high critical temperature and low NBPT are both important for reheat RC and parallel two-stage RC. NBPT weights more than critical temperature for regenerative RC and regenerative-reheat RC. Besides, wet working fluids are more suitable for reheat RC while dry and isentropic fluids are more suitable for regenerative RC and regenerative-reheat RC. The optimal regenerative ratio and reheat pressure ratio vary with different working fluids and working conditions. Lower reheat pressure ratio usually leads to higher regenerative ratio.

Keyword :

Direct expansion cycle Direct expansion cycle Fluid selection Fluid selection Liquefied natural gas Liquefied natural gas Organic Rankine cycle Organic Rankine cycle Parameter optimization Parameter optimization


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GB/T 7714 Sun, Zhixin , Zhao, Qiang , Wu, Zhenquan et al. Thermodynamic comparison of modified Rankine cycle configurations for LNG cold energy recovery under different working conditions [J]. | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2021 , 239 .
MLA Sun, Zhixin et al. "Thermodynamic comparison of modified Rankine cycle configurations for LNG cold energy recovery under different working conditions" . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 239 (2021) .
APA Sun, Zhixin , Zhao, Qiang , Wu, Zhenquan , Lin, Kui . Thermodynamic comparison of modified Rankine cycle configurations for LNG cold energy recovery under different working conditions . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2021 , 239 .
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低压发生器进出口温差对AGX变效循环性能的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 41 (11) , 167-175 | 太阳能学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

优化 优化 变效循环 变效循环 吸收式制冷 吸收式制冷 模拟 模拟 溴化锂 溴化锂


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GB/T 7714 林立 , 熊锋 , 郑文杰 et al. 低压发生器进出口温差对AGX变效循环性能的影响 [J]. | 太阳能学报 , 2020 , 41 (11) : 167-175 .
MLA 林立 et al. "低压发生器进出口温差对AGX变效循环性能的影响" . | 太阳能学报 41 . 11 (2020) : 167-175 .
APA 林立 , 熊锋 , 郑文杰 , 孙志新 , 刘曦 . 低压发生器进出口温差对AGX变效循环性能的影响 . | 太阳能学报 , 2020 , 41 (11) , 167-175 .
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Thermodynamic improvements of LNG cold exergy power generation system by using supercritical ORC with unconventional condenser SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Organic Rankine cycle (ORC) is the most commonly used power generation cycle that is adopted in this paper to make full use of the cold exergy of liquefied natural gas (LNG). As the heat exchangers are mainly responsible for the exergy destruction of the system, two improvement techniques: supercritical system and unconventional condenser, are proposed to decrease the exergy destructions in steam generator and condenser. The performances of ten preselected working fluids are tested by optimizing five key parameters at three heat source temperatures. The results show that using the supercritical system can improve the system efficiency for fluids with low critical temperatures by reducing the exergy destructions in steam generators. Using the unconventional condenser can greatly improve the system efficiency by decreasing the exergy destruction during the LNG regasification process of most fluids, barring a few wet expansion fluids. The improvements offered by both techniques become more obvious as the heat source temperature increases. However, combining the two techniques only improves the performance for fluids with low critical temperatures, and does not work for most fluids. The highest efficiency is always achieved by the subcritical system with an unconventional condenser at each heat source temperature. When the heat source temperatures are 100 degrees C and 150 degrees C, R290 obtains the highest efficiency values of 17.89% and 21.26%, respectively. At 200 degrees C, R600a achieves the highest efficiency of 25.35%.

Keyword :

Liquefied natural gas Liquefied natural gas Organic Rankine cycle Organic Rankine cycle Parameter optimization Parameter optimization Power generation Power generation Supercritical system Supercritical system Unconventional condenser Unconventional condenser


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GB/T 7714 Sun, Zhixin , Wu, Zhenquan , Zhao, Qiang et al. Thermodynamic improvements of LNG cold exergy power generation system by using supercritical ORC with unconventional condenser [J]. | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2020 , 223 .
MLA Sun, Zhixin et al. "Thermodynamic improvements of LNG cold exergy power generation system by using supercritical ORC with unconventional condenser" . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT 223 (2020) .
APA Sun, Zhixin , Wu, Zhenquan , Zhao, Qiang , Liu, Xi , Lin, Kui . Thermodynamic improvements of LNG cold exergy power generation system by using supercritical ORC with unconventional condenser . | ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT , 2020 , 223 .
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不同热源温度的低温热能-液化天然气联合发电系统经济性分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 48 (4) , 532-538 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

有机朗肯循环可高效地同时回收低温热能和液化天然气(LNG)冷能.在3个不同的热源温度下,选定10种有机工质,以标准发电成本为目标函数,采用粒子群优化算法,对带有直接膨胀循环的双级并联有机朗肯系统进行优化.结果表明,在373.15、398.15和423.15 K下,最优低温工质始终为氨,其最佳标准发电成本分别为0.4199、0.3997和0.3776元·(kW·h)-1.在最佳经济性下,热源温度为423.15 K时,其静态投资回收期约为7.1a,动态投资回收期约为10.5a.各设备的投资成本占比中,换热器总占比最大,为60%以上,工质泵占比最小,约为17%.

Keyword :

双级有机朗肯循环 双级有机朗肯循环 投资回收期 投资回收期 液化天然气 液化天然气 经济性分析 经济性分析


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GB/T 7714 张天峰 , 孙志新 , 张涵 et al. 不同热源温度的低温热能-液化天然气联合发电系统经济性分析 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2020 , 48 (4) : 532-538 .
MLA 张天峰 et al. "不同热源温度的低温热能-液化天然气联合发电系统经济性分析" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 48 . 4 (2020) : 532-538 .
APA 张天峰 , 孙志新 , 张涵 , 林魁 . 不同热源温度的低温热能-液化天然气联合发电系统经济性分析 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2020 , 48 (4) , 532-538 .
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