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Abstract :
Considering the two measures of information release and congestion charging under uncertain environment,and based on traffic network equilibrium,an optimal toll model of the simple two-route road network is derived and is extended to the general road network. Based on the two-route network,a day-to-day route choice behavior experiment is conducted. The impact of the two measures on travelers’route choice behavior is analyzed. The results show that the implementation of perfect information and congestion charging can both reduce the flow fluctuation,and the effect of congestion charging alone is the best. However,only when the two measures are combined,the trend of road network flow towards user equilibrium is the most stable. Perfect information will increase route switching behavior, while congestion charging can effectively inhibit large route switching. When there is no congestion toll,route switching often increases the travel cost. On the contrary,when congestion toll is implemented,route switching can often reduce the travel cost. The travel time when the two measures of congestion tolling and traffic information release are implemented together is better than that when the two measures are implemented separately. © 2024 Science Press. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Motor transportation Motor transportation Roads and streets Roads and streets Traffic congestion Traffic congestion Transportation routes Transportation routes Travel time Travel time
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Shixu , Wang, Shuyu , Huang, Guoliang et al. Experimental Study on Effect of Congestion Toll and Information on Route Choice Behavior in Uncertain Environment [J]. | Journal of Tongji University , 2024 , 52 (2) : 241-251 . |
MLA | Liu, Shixu et al. "Experimental Study on Effect of Congestion Toll and Information on Route Choice Behavior in Uncertain Environment" . | Journal of Tongji University 52 . 2 (2024) : 241-251 . |
APA | Liu, Shixu , Wang, Shuyu , Huang, Guoliang , Sun, Haoyan , Zhong, Jiacheng , Huang, Yidan . Experimental Study on Effect of Congestion Toll and Information on Route Choice Behavior in Uncertain Environment . | Journal of Tongji University , 2024 , 52 (2) , 241-251 . |
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不确定性路网 不确定性路网 交通均衡 交通均衡 出行信息 出行信息 最优拥挤收费 最优拥挤收费 行为实验 行为实验 路径选择行为 路径选择行为
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GB/T 7714 | 刘诗序 , 王叔雨 , 黄国良 et al. 不确定环境下收费与信息对路径选择行为影响的实验研究 [J]. | 同济大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (02) : 241-251 . |
MLA | 刘诗序 et al. "不确定环境下收费与信息对路径选择行为影响的实验研究" . | 同济大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 02 (2024) : 241-251 . |
APA | 刘诗序 , 王叔雨 , 黄国良 , 孙浩岩 , 钟家承 , 黄易丹 . 不确定环境下收费与信息对路径选择行为影响的实验研究 . | 同济大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (02) , 241-251 . |
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ATIS市场占有率 ATIS市场占有率 交通工程 交通工程 聚类分析 聚类分析 行为试验 行为试验 路径选择机理 路径选择机理
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GB/T 7714 | 刘诗序 , 王智煜 , 阎昊 et al. 不同ATIS市场占有率下的逐日路径选择机理 [J]. | 长安大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 42 (04) : 118-126 . |
MLA | 刘诗序 et al. "不同ATIS市场占有率下的逐日路径选择机理" . | 长安大学学报(自然科学版) 42 . 04 (2022) : 118-126 . |
APA | 刘诗序 , 王智煜 , 阎昊 , 朱建超 , 王叔雨 . 不同ATIS市场占有率下的逐日路径选择机理 . | 长安大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 42 (04) , 118-126 . |
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研究自动驾驶环境下(autonomous vehicles, AVs)路径选择和停车选择的交通均衡分配. AVs的路径选择和停车选择两个过程,分别对应载人状态(从起点到目的地)和空载状态(从终点到停车场),考虑两种状态的交通流在路段上相互影响,针对路段成本函数Jacobian矩阵对称与不对称的情况,提出相应的模型以及求解算法,并证明算法解满足均衡条件.通过算例分析停车费用的变化对停车需求和路段流量的影响.结果表明:随着中心停车场费用的降低,个人出行成本总体上呈减少趋势,局部波动变化,并且流向该停车场的路段交通量增加,远离该停车场的路段交通量减少.结果还表明,当路段两种状态相互影响程度不同时,其...
Keyword :
交通工程 交通工程 停车选择 停车选择 均衡分配 均衡分配 自动驾驶汽车 自动驾驶汽车 路径选择 路径选择
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GB/T 7714 | 刘诗序 , 贺朝阳 , 朱建超 et al. 自动驾驶环境下交通均衡分配模型及算法 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 50 (02) : 249-257 . |
MLA | 刘诗序 et al. "自动驾驶环境下交通均衡分配模型及算法" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 50 . 02 (2022) : 249-257 . |
APA | 刘诗序 , 贺朝阳 , 朱建超 , 王叔雨 , 王皓宇 . 自动驾驶环境下交通均衡分配模型及算法 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 50 (02) , 249-257 . |
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Logit模型 Logit模型 共享单车 共享单车 出行行为 出行行为 大学生 大学生 联合树 联合树 贝叶斯网络 贝叶斯网络
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GB/T 7714 | 刘诗序 , 唐颖诺 , 王智煜 et al. 基于贝叶斯网络的大学生共享单车出行行为研究 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 49 (01) : 26-32 . |
MLA | 刘诗序 et al. "基于贝叶斯网络的大学生共享单车出行行为研究" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 49 . 01 (2021) : 26-32 . |
APA | 刘诗序 , 唐颖诺 , 王智煜 , 贺朝阳 . 基于贝叶斯网络的大学生共享单车出行行为研究 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 49 (01) , 26-32 . |
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This paper analyzes the utility calculation principle of travelers from the perspective of mental accounting and proposes a travel choice behavior model that considers travel time and cost (MA-TC model). Then, a questionnaire is designed to analyze the results of the travel choice under different decision-making scenarios. Model parameters are estimated using nonlinear regression, and the utility calculation principles are developed under different hypothetical scenarios. Then, new expressions for the utility function under deterministic and risky conditions are presented. For verification, the nonlinear correlation coefficient and hit rate are used to compare the proposed MA-TC model with the other two models: (1) the classical prospect theory with travel time and cost (PT-TC model) and (2) mental accounting based on the original hedonic editing criterion (MA-HE model). The results show that model parameters under deterministic and risky conditions are pretty different. In the deterministic case, travelers have similar sensitivity to the change in gain and loss of travel time and cost. The prediction accuracy of the MA-TC model is 3% lower than the PT-TC model and 6% higher than the MA-HE model. Under risky conditions, travelers are more sensitive to the change in loss than to the change in gain. Additionally, travelers tend to overestimate small probabilities and underestimate high probabilities when losing more than when gaining. The prediction accuracy of the MA-TC model is 2% higher than the PT-TC model and 6% higher than the MA-HE model.
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Shixu , Zhu, Jianchao , Easa, Said M. et al. Travel Choice Behavior Model Based on Mental Accounting of Travel Time and Cost [J]. | JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION , 2021 , 2021 . |
MLA | Liu, Shixu et al. "Travel Choice Behavior Model Based on Mental Accounting of Travel Time and Cost" . | JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION 2021 (2021) . |
APA | Liu, Shixu , Zhu, Jianchao , Easa, Said M. , Guo, Lidan , Wang, Shuyu , Wang, Haoyu et al. Travel Choice Behavior Model Based on Mental Accounting of Travel Time and Cost . | JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION , 2021 , 2021 . |
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本文在自动驾驶环境下,考虑交通网络中自动驾驶车辆(autonomous vehicles,AVs)的载人和空载状态在路段上相互影响,研究AVs路径选择和停车选择的组合均衡问题.首先,提出自动驾驶环境下考虑停车需求的交通均衡条件,建立网络均衡模型,证明模型的等价性以及解的唯一性;其次,采用网络变换法,将原问题变换为经典的用户均衡问题,使用相继平均法求解模型;最后,通过算例分析停车场费用对均衡的影响.结果表明:随着中心停车场费用的降低,个人总出行成本总体呈下降趋势,且局部路段流量变化幅度大;当中心停车场费用在一定范围内降低时,该停车场的需求量显著上升,其余停车场需求量总体上均有不同程度的下降;当中心停车场费用超出这个范围时,停车费的降低不影响停车选择结果.
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GB/T 7714 | 刘诗序 , 贺朝阳 , 关宏志 et al. 自动驾驶环境下考虑停车需求的交通均衡模型 [J]. | 贵州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 38 (4) : 104-111 . |
MLA | 刘诗序 et al. "自动驾驶环境下考虑停车需求的交通均衡模型" . | 贵州大学学报(自然科学版) 38 . 4 (2021) : 104-111 . |
APA | 刘诗序 , 贺朝阳 , 关宏志 , 王智煜 , 朱建超 . 自动驾驶环境下考虑停车需求的交通均衡模型 . | 贵州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 38 (4) , 104-111 . |
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Keyword :
ATIS市场占有率 ATIS市场占有率 Braess悖论 Braess悖论 Logit模型 Logit模型 交通工程 交通工程 行为实验 行为实验 路径选择行为模型 路径选择行为模型
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GB/T 7714 | 刘诗序 , 王智煜 , 关宏志 et al. 不同信息下的逐日路径选择行为实验与模型 [J]. | 交通运输系统工程与信息 , 2020 , 20 (06) : 106-113,144 . |
MLA | 刘诗序 et al. "不同信息下的逐日路径选择行为实验与模型" . | 交通运输系统工程与信息 20 . 06 (2020) : 106-113,144 . |
APA | 刘诗序 , 王智煜 , 关宏志 , 阎昊 , 贺朝阳 . 不同信息下的逐日路径选择行为实验与模型 . | 交通运输系统工程与信息 , 2020 , 20 (06) , 106-113,144 . |
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This paper presents a reliability-based method for the design of intersection sight distance (ISD) at traffic roundabouts using the linear and nonlinear deceleration profiles of the entry vehicles. The reliability method is based on the first-order second moment method which is simple and relatively accurate compared with advanced methods. The nonlinear deceleration profile includes a shape parameter that produces the linear profile as a special case. Deterministic and reliability-based formulas for the required ISD for an approaching vehicle are developed for the entry vehicle on the left and the vehicle on the circulating roadway. Then, the design values of the ISD legs, applicable to any type of roundabout, are presented for different probabilities of non-compliance (Pnc) and different coefficients of variations. For the special case of single-lane symmetrical roundabouts, which have a well-defined geometry, the lateral clearance needs are established. The sensitivity analysis shows that ISD is very sensitive to both the mean and variance of the critical headway. The results show that the deterministic method results in ISD values that correspond to a very small Pnc, indicating that the method is very conservative. The proposed method, which provides flexibility in selecting ISD for any given Pnc, should be of interest to highway designers and practitioners to promote roundabout safety. © 2020 by the authors.
Keyword :
Design aids; First-order second-moment; Intersection sight distance; Lateral clearance; Reliability; Roundabouts Design aids; First-order second-moment; Intersection sight distance; Lateral clearance; Reliability; Roundabouts
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GB/T 7714 | Easa, S.M. , Ma, Y. , Liu, S. et al. Reliability analysis of intersection sight distance at roundabouts [J]. | Infrastructures , 2020 , 5 (8) . |
MLA | Easa, S.M. et al. "Reliability analysis of intersection sight distance at roundabouts" . | Infrastructures 5 . 8 (2020) . |
APA | Easa, S.M. , Ma, Y. , Liu, S. , Yang, Y. , Arkatkar, S. . Reliability analysis of intersection sight distance at roundabouts . | Infrastructures , 2020 , 5 (8) . |
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This paper examines the travelers' day-to-day route-choice behavior with Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) through laboratory-like experimental method. Five groups of route-choice behavior experiments are designed to simulate actual daily behavior of travelers. In the experiment, subjects are provided with different levels of the complete road network information to simulate the proportion of subjects equipped with ATIS equipment (i.e., ATIS market penetration) and choose the routes repeatedly. The subject's route-choice behavior under different proportions of complete road network information is analyzed, and the strategy of releasing such complete information is determined when the performance of road network system is the best. The Braess network which consists of three routes was used in the experiment and analysis. The results show that the fluctuation of traffic flow runs through the entire experiments, but it tends to converge to user equilibrium. When the market penetration is 75%, both the fluctuation of traffic flow and the tendency of subjects to change routes are the smallest, so the road network system is the most stable. This interesting result indicates that releasing traffic information to all travelers is not the best. Other results show that the travel times of the three routes in the five groups of experiments tend to converge to and finally fluctuate around user-equilibrium travel time. With the increase in ATIS market penetration, the average travel time of subjects in each round tends to increase. The overall trend of the five groups of experiments is that as the number of route switches increases, the average travel time increases. The results also indicate that releasing traffic information to all travelers cannot weaken the Braess Paradox. On the contrary, the more travelers are provided with traffic information, the less likely it will weaken the Braess Paradox.
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GB/T 7714 | Liu, Shixu , Guo, Lidan , Easa, Said M. et al. Experimental Study of Day-to-Day Route-Choice Behavior: Evaluating the Effect of ATIS Market Penetration [J]. | JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION , 2020 , 2020 . |
MLA | Liu, Shixu et al. "Experimental Study of Day-to-Day Route-Choice Behavior: Evaluating the Effect of ATIS Market Penetration" . | JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION 2020 (2020) . |
APA | Liu, Shixu , Guo, Lidan , Easa, Said M. , Yan, Hao , Wei, Heng , Tang, Yingnuo . Experimental Study of Day-to-Day Route-Choice Behavior: Evaluating the Effect of ATIS Market Penetration . | JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION , 2020 , 2020 . |
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