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Study on Interaction Between Integral Abutment, H⁃shaped Steel Pile and Soil under Quasi⁃static Test Based on Temperature Deformation Effect; [基于温度变形效应的整体式桥台⁃H 型钢桩⁃土相互作用拟静力试验研究] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 45 (3) , 109-118 | Journal of the China Railway Society
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The swelling⁃shrinkage deformation of the main girder of the integral abutment bridge caused by the ambient temperature leads to the horizontal reciprocating motion of the abutment and the interaction between the abutment⁃soil and the pile⁃soil. In this paper, based on the case study of an integral abutment bridge, a quasi⁃static test of low⁃cycle reciprocating displacement load of integral abutment⁃H⁃shaped steel pile⁃soil system based on diurnal temperature and seasonal temperature deformation effect was carried out to analyze the hysteretic behavior, skeleton curve and abutment angle of the specimens. The results show that the annual hysteretic curve of the specimen can be regarded as the super⁃ position of the hysteretic curves of seasonal temperature and diurnal temperature effects. From the point of view of sea⁃ sonal temperature effect, affected by the temperature rise in spring and summer, the MTS horizontal force increases rap⁃ idly at first. With subsequent continuous temperature rise, the horizontal force growth slows down. Under the influence of continuous temperature drop in summer and autumn, autumn and winter, the horizontal force decreases sharply at first, before decreasing slowly as the temperature continues to drop. Affected by the temperature rise in winter and spring, the horizontal force first increases sharply before slowing down. Its growth rate is similar to that of the first tem⁃ perature rise in spring and summer. Due to the cumulative effect of the soil behind the abutment, the horizontal force is even greater. From the point of view of the effect of diurnal temperature, when the ambient temperature is high (in sum⁃ mer), the effect of temperature drop at night on the interaction of the system is greater than that of temperature rise dur⁃ ing the daytime. When the ambient temperature is low (in winter), the effect of daytime temperature rise on the system interaction is greater than that of nighttime temperature drop. From the perspective of skeleton curve, due to the influ⁃ ence of medium and long⁃term ambient temperature, a process of nonlinear to linear transformation exists in the interac⁃ tion of integral abutment⁃pile⁃soil system. In the initial stage of loading, the rotation angle of the abutment is basically consistent with the change law of loading displacement. With the change of ambient temperature, the two gradually devi⁃ ate. Especially in the first quarter of the next year, the two have produced a more obvious positive direction deviation. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

abutment⁃pile⁃soil interaction abutment⁃pile⁃soil interaction diurnal temperature diurnal temperature integral abutment bridges integral abutment bridges seasonal temperature seasonal temperature soil pressure behind abutment soil pressure behind abutment


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GB/T 7714 Huang, F. , Gui, K. , Yi, Z. et al. Study on Interaction Between Integral Abutment, H⁃shaped Steel Pile and Soil under Quasi⁃static Test Based on Temperature Deformation Effect; [基于温度变形效应的整体式桥台⁃H 型钢桩⁃土相互作用拟静力试验研究] [J]. | Journal of the China Railway Society , 2023 , 45 (3) : 109-118 .
MLA Huang, F. et al. "Study on Interaction Between Integral Abutment, H⁃shaped Steel Pile and Soil under Quasi⁃static Test Based on Temperature Deformation Effect; [基于温度变形效应的整体式桥台⁃H 型钢桩⁃土相互作用拟静力试验研究]" . | Journal of the China Railway Society 45 . 3 (2023) : 109-118 .
APA Huang, F. , Gui, K. , Yi, Z. , Zhou, G. , Zhang, F. . Study on Interaction Between Integral Abutment, H⁃shaped Steel Pile and Soil under Quasi⁃static Test Based on Temperature Deformation Effect; [基于温度变形效应的整体式桥台⁃H 型钢桩⁃土相互作用拟静力试验研究] . | Journal of the China Railway Society , 2023 , 45 (3) , 109-118 .
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基于温度变形效应的整体式桥台-H型钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 45 (03) , 109-118 | 铁道学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

台后土压力 台后土压力 季节性温度 季节性温度 整体桥 整体桥 昼夜温度 昼夜温度 桥台-桩-土相互作用 桥台-桩-土相互作用


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GB/T 7714 黄福云 , 桂奎 , 易志宏 et al. 基于温度变形效应的整体式桥台-H型钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验研究 [J]. | 铁道学报 , 2023 , 45 (03) : 109-118 .
MLA 黄福云 et al. "基于温度变形效应的整体式桥台-H型钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验研究" . | 铁道学报 45 . 03 (2023) : 109-118 .
APA 黄福云 , 桂奎 , 易志宏 , 周桂吉 , 张峰 . 基于温度变形效应的整体式桥台-H型钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验研究 . | 铁道学报 , 2023 , 45 (03) , 109-118 .
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环境温度作用下半整体桥台后土抗力试验 PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 39 (01) , 47-55 | 铁道工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

半整体桥 半整体桥 台后土抗力 台后土抗力 季节性环境温度 季节性环境温度 拟静力试验 拟静力试验 桥梁工程 桥梁工程 累积效应 累积效应


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GB/T 7714 黄福云 , 周志明 , 宋大东 et al. 环境温度作用下半整体桥台后土抗力试验 [J]. | 铁道工程学报 , 2022 , 39 (01) : 47-55 .
MLA 黄福云 et al. "环境温度作用下半整体桥台后土抗力试验" . | 铁道工程学报 39 . 01 (2022) : 47-55 .
APA 黄福云 , 周志明 , 宋大东 , 严爱国 , 张峰 . 环境温度作用下半整体桥台后土抗力试验 . | 铁道工程学报 , 2022 , 39 (01) , 47-55 .
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非对称条件下整体桥H型钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 49 (03) , 175-186 | 湖南大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

H型钢桩-土相互作用 H型钢桩-土相互作用 不平衡土压力 不平衡土压力 整体桥 整体桥 非对称加载 非对称加载


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GB/T 7714 单玉麟 , 黄福云 , 罗小烨 et al. 非对称条件下整体桥H型钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验研究 [J]. | 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 49 (03) : 175-186 .
MLA 单玉麟 et al. "非对称条件下整体桥H型钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验研究" . | 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) 49 . 03 (2022) : 175-186 .
APA 单玉麟 , 黄福云 , 罗小烨 , 张峰 , 陈宝春 . 非对称条件下整体桥H型钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验研究 . | 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 49 (03) , 175-186 .
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Experiment on the Soil Resistance behind Abutment of Semi-integral Abutment Jointless Bridge under Ambient Temperature EI PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 39 (1) , 47-55 | Journal of Railway Engineering Society
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Research purposes: Semi-integral abutment jointless bridge (SAJB) is a new type of bridge structure. Due to the rigid connection of main girder and abutment, the main girder will induce the bridge abutment to undergo reciprocating displacement along the longitudinal bridge direction, which results the changes of soil resistance behind the abutment under the long-term effects of diurnal and seasonal ambient temperature. In order to study the distribution law of the soil resistance behind the abutment and the influence of the medium long-term ambient temperature on it, a quasi-static test of the semi-integral abutment-soil interaction was carried out under medium and long-term ambient temperature. Research conclusions:(1) The soil resistance with the ambient temperature rises rapidly in the 1st to 6th middle period (the first warming interval from spring to summer), then decrease in the 6th to 16th middle period (the period from summer to summer). In the 16th to 20th middle period (the second warming interval from winter to spring), it starts to increase again, but the increase rate is slightly slow compared to the first warming interval. (2) The soil resistance along the buried depth increases firstly until reaching the maximum at the buried depth of 0.8h, and then decreases under the medium long-term ambient temperature. (3) The law of soil resistance along longitudinal direction in each period is that in the area near the abutment, the soil resistance decreases rapidly; while in the area far away from the abutment, the soil resistance decreases slowly to 0 at the position 1.0h away from the abutment. (4) After a large period of ambient temperature, the soil resistance behind the abutment has a significant cumulative increasing effect, and its cumulative effect has a strong correlation with the longitudinal position and vertical depth of the soil. (5) The research results can provide references for the design of semi-integral bridges and the formulation of related specifications. © 2022, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Abutments (bridge) Abutments (bridge) Beams and girders Beams and girders Soils Soils Temperature Temperature


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Fuyun , Zhou, Zhiming , Song, Dadong et al. Experiment on the Soil Resistance behind Abutment of Semi-integral Abutment Jointless Bridge under Ambient Temperature [J]. | Journal of Railway Engineering Society , 2022 , 39 (1) : 47-55 .
MLA Huang, Fuyun et al. "Experiment on the Soil Resistance behind Abutment of Semi-integral Abutment Jointless Bridge under Ambient Temperature" . | Journal of Railway Engineering Society 39 . 1 (2022) : 47-55 .
APA Huang, Fuyun , Zhou, Zhiming , Song, Dadong , Yan, Aiguo , Zhang, Feng . Experiment on the Soil Resistance behind Abutment of Semi-integral Abutment Jointless Bridge under Ambient Temperature . | Journal of Railway Engineering Society , 2022 , 39 (1) , 47-55 .
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Pseudo-static Test on Interaction of Soil-Steel H-pile in Integral Abutment Jointless Bridges (IAJBs) under Asymmetric Conditions EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 49 (3) , 175-186 | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to study the effect of mechanical behavior of steel H-pile foundation in integral abutment jointless bridges (IAJBs) by unbalanced earth pressure and asymmetric loading, several reciprocating low-cycle pseudo-static tests on studying the soil-steel H-pile interaction were carried out under symmetric conditions (both balance earth pressure and symmetric loading), only unbalance earth pressure (symmetric loading) and completely asymmetric conditions (both unbalance earth pressure and asymmetric loading), respectively. A comprehensively comparative study was performed to find their behaviors in terms of horizontal deformations, soil resistance, strain, and bending moment of piles. The test results indicate that the horizontal deformation of positive loading is significantly different from that of negative loading under completely asymmetric conditions. In addition, the soil resistance and bending moment of the pile are significantly larger than those of negative loading under positive loading. The unbalance earth pressure and asymmetric loading have a significant impact on the horizontal deformations, soil resistance, and the bending moment of the pile. Among them, the unbalance earth pressure induces the overall negative accumulative deformation and increases the soil resistance and the bending moment of the pile. The positive asymmetric loading decreases the horizontal deformation but increases the soil resistance and bending moment of the pile. The negative asymmetric loading decreases the horizontal deformation, soil resistance and bending moment of the pile. © 2022, Editorial Department of Journal of Hunan University. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Abutments (bridge) Abutments (bridge) Bending moments Bending moments Piles Piles Pressure distribution Pressure distribution Retaining walls Retaining walls Soils Soils


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GB/T 7714 Shan, Yulin , Huang, Fuyun , Luo, Xiaoye et al. Pseudo-static Test on Interaction of Soil-Steel H-pile in Integral Abutment Jointless Bridges (IAJBs) under Asymmetric Conditions [J]. | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences , 2022 , 49 (3) : 175-186 .
MLA Shan, Yulin et al. "Pseudo-static Test on Interaction of Soil-Steel H-pile in Integral Abutment Jointless Bridges (IAJBs) under Asymmetric Conditions" . | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 49 . 3 (2022) : 175-186 .
APA Shan, Yulin , Huang, Fuyun , Luo, Xiaoye , Zhang, Feng , Chen, Baochun . Pseudo-static Test on Interaction of Soil-Steel H-pile in Integral Abutment Jointless Bridges (IAJBs) under Asymmetric Conditions . | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences , 2022 , 49 (3) , 175-186 .
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水平往复大位移作用下整体桥台后土压力计算方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 22 (5) , 173-183 | 交通运输工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为研究强震和温度作用下,整体桥台产生的水平往复大位移对桥台与台后填土相互作用的影响,进行了整体桥台-H形钢桩-土相互作用拟静力试验,并基于试验结果研究了大位移作用下整体桥台后土压力的分布规律;根据台后土压力分布,提出了台后土压力合力作用点位置与加载位移之间的关系式,并在现有研究的基础上给出了改进的整体桥台后土压力计算方法.研究结果表明:正向加载(桥台挤压台后土)时,台后各处土压力随加载位移的增加先增大后减小;台背处和台后20%桥台高度处土压力受桥台位移的影响更大,沿深度方向呈梯形分布;台背处土压力分布中,由于台底H形钢桩的约束,最大土压力位于入土深度0.875 m处,台底位置的土压力则略有减小;台后60%桥台高度和1.4倍桥台高度处土压力受桥台位移影响较小,沿深度方向呈三角形分布;负向加载(桥台背离台后土)时,台后土压力沿深度方向呈三角形分布,且台后各处土压力与加载位移不相关,其值相对于正向加载时可忽略;水平往复大位移作用下,整体桥台后土会产生脱空现象,脱空范围超过桥台高度的37.5%;台后土压力沿纵桥向呈指数型衰减,且相比小位移作用下衰减得更快;台后土压力合力作用点位置随加载位移的增大而逐渐降低,且台后土压力系数与加载位移具有明显的非线性关系,呈现先增大后减小的规律;现有土压力计算方法未考虑桥台位移的影响或认为台后土压力在桥台发生小位移时随桥台位移的增大而增大,发生大位移时则基本不变;提出的土压力拟合公式的判定系数为0.92,计算值与试验值的相对误差为6.2%,可作为现有土压力计算方法的有益补充.

Keyword :

台后土压力 台后土压力 抗震性能 抗震性能 拟静力 拟静力 整体桥 整体桥 桥梁工程 桥梁工程 计算方法 计算方法


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GB/T 7714 李岚 , 黄福云 , 张峰 et al. 水平往复大位移作用下整体桥台后土压力计算方法 [J]. | 交通运输工程学报 , 2022 , 22 (5) : 173-183 .
MLA 李岚 et al. "水平往复大位移作用下整体桥台后土压力计算方法" . | 交通运输工程学报 22 . 5 (2022) : 173-183 .
APA 李岚 , 黄福云 , 张峰 , 刘征峰 , 陈伟 . 水平往复大位移作用下整体桥台后土压力计算方法 . | 交通运输工程学报 , 2022 , 22 (5) , 173-183 .
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Calculation method for earth pressure behind integral abutment under horizontal reciprocating large displacement EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 22 (5) , 173-183 | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To analyze the effect of horizontal reciprocating large displacement generated by the abutment on the interaction between the abutment and the backfill behind the abutment under the actions of strong earthquake and temperature, a quasi-static test for the interaction among the integral abutment, H-shaped steel pile, and soil was carried out. On the basis of the test results, the distribution law of the earth pressure behind the integral abutment under the action of large displacement was studied. According to the distribution of the earth pressure behind the abutment, the relational expression between the action point location of the resultant earth pressure behind the abutment and the loading displacement was proposed, and an improved calculation method for the earth pressure behind the integral abutment was given based on the existing research. Research results indicate that when the abutment is loaded in the positive direction (the abutment squeezes the soil behind the abutment), the earth pressure behind the abutment first increases and then decreases as the loading displacement rises. Earth pressures at the abutment back and 20% of the abutment height behind the abutment are highly affected by the abutment displacement and has a trapezoidal distribution along the depth direction. In the earth pressure distribution at the abutment back, due to the constraint of H-shaped steel pile at the bottom of the abutment, the maximum earth pressure is located at a depth of 0.875 m, and the earth pressure at the bottom of the abutment decreases slightly. Earth pressures at 60% of the abutment height and 1.4 times the abutment height behind the abutment are less affected by the abutment displacement and is triangularly distributed along the depth direction. When the abutment is loaded in the negative direction (the abutment deviates from the soil behind the abutment), the earth pressure behind the abutment is triangularly distributed along the depth direction, and the earth pressure behind the abutment has no connection with the loading displacement, and its value can be neglected relative to the positive loading. Under the action of a horizontal reciprocating large displacement, the soil behind the integral abutment will face a void phenomenon, and the void range will exceed 37.5% of the abutment height. The earth pressure behind the abutment reduces exponentially along the longitudinal direction, and it reduces faster than that under the action of a small displacement. The action point location of the resultant earth pressure behind the abutment decreases gradually as the loading displacement increases, and the earth pressure coefficient behind the abutment has an obvious nonlinear relationship with the loading displacement, which is reflected by the law of first increasing and then decreasing. Existing earth pressure calculation methods do not take into account the effect of the abutment displacement or consider that the earth pressure behind the abutment rises with the increase in the abutment displacement when small displacements occur and remains basically unchanged when large displacements occur. The determination coefficient of the proposed earth pressure fitting formula is 0.92, and the relative error between the calculated value and the test value is 6.2%, which can be a useful supplement to the existing earth pressure calculation methods. © 2022 Chang'an University. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Abutments (bridge) Abutments (bridge) Piles Piles Pressure distribution Pressure distribution Retaining walls Retaining walls Seismology Seismology Soils Soils


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GB/T 7714 Li, Lan , Huang, Fu-Yun , Zhang, Feng et al. Calculation method for earth pressure behind integral abutment under horizontal reciprocating large displacement [J]. | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering , 2022 , 22 (5) : 173-183 .
MLA Li, Lan et al. "Calculation method for earth pressure behind integral abutment under horizontal reciprocating large displacement" . | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 22 . 5 (2022) : 173-183 .
APA Li, Lan , Huang, Fu-Yun , Zhang, Feng , Liu, Zheng-Feng , Chen, Wei . Calculation method for earth pressure behind integral abutment under horizontal reciprocating large displacement . | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering , 2022 , 22 (5) , 173-183 .
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Effect mechanism of acidification and vulcanization on SBS-modified asphalt SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 37 (5) , 559-567 | INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) modified asphalt compound was prepared by the addition of polyphosphoric acid (PPA) and sulfur. The effect of PPA and sulfur on major physical properties, including toughness and tenacity, aging resistance, and storage stability was investigated. The structural characteristics of SBS-modified (SM) asphalt, SBS/PPA-modified (SPM) asphalt, and SBS/PPA/sulfur-modified (SPSM) asphalt were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), gel filtration chromatography (GPC), and thermal analysis. It has been found that acidification prompted the clustering of SBS particles and confined the swelling of SBS, making SPM asphalt more susceptible to aging. Vulcanization changed the morphological characteristics of SBS in asphalt, improved the compatibility between SBS and asphalt, and weakened the aging susceptibility. Therefore, it is reasonable to modify SM asphalt by using PPA and sulfur together.

Keyword :

asphalt asphalt polyphosphoric acid polyphosphoric acid styrene-butadiene-styrene styrene-butadiene-styrene sulfur sulfur


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Feng , Li, Lei . Effect mechanism of acidification and vulcanization on SBS-modified asphalt [J]. | INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING , 2022 , 37 (5) : 559-567 .
MLA Zhang, Feng et al. "Effect mechanism of acidification and vulcanization on SBS-modified asphalt" . | INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING 37 . 5 (2022) : 559-567 .
APA Zhang, Feng , Li, Lei . Effect mechanism of acidification and vulcanization on SBS-modified asphalt . | INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING , 2022 , 37 (5) , 559-567 .
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整体桥预应力桩-土相互作用试验 PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 38 (01) , 31-40 | 建筑科学与工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

变形能力 变形能力 拟静力试验 拟静力试验 整体式桥台无缝桥 整体式桥台无缝桥 桥梁工程 桥梁工程 桩-土相互作用 桩-土相互作用 预应力桩 预应力桩


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GB/T 7714 黄福云 , 何凌峰 , 单玉麟 et al. 整体桥预应力桩-土相互作用试验 [J]. | 建筑科学与工程学报 , 2021 , 38 (01) : 31-40 .
MLA 黄福云 et al. "整体桥预应力桩-土相互作用试验" . | 建筑科学与工程学报 38 . 01 (2021) : 31-40 .
APA 黄福云 , 何凌峰 , 单玉麟 , 王静杰 , 张峰 . 整体桥预应力桩-土相互作用试验 . | 建筑科学与工程学报 , 2021 , 38 (01) , 31-40 .
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