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地铁6号线 地铁6号线 坑中坑 坑中坑 数值分析 数值分析 温度效应 温度效应 潘墩站 潘墩站 现场监测 现场监测 福州 福州
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GB/T 7714 | 陈林靖 , 罗一鸣 , 戴自航 . 软土地基坑中坑支护体系温度效应的数值分析 [J]. | 地质与勘探 , 2023 , 59 (3) : 637-646 . |
MLA | 陈林靖 等. "软土地基坑中坑支护体系温度效应的数值分析" . | 地质与勘探 59 . 3 (2023) : 637-646 . |
APA | 陈林靖 , 罗一鸣 , 戴自航 . 软土地基坑中坑支护体系温度效应的数值分析 . | 地质与勘探 , 2023 , 59 (3) , 637-646 . |
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The variations of ambient temperature will lead to the increment of axial force and deformation for retaining structures in a foundation pit, which should not be ignored. Taking the pit-in-pit project at Pandun Station of Fuzhou Metro Line 6 as an example, this work simulated the whole process of excavation and construction by the software ABAQUS and Duncan-Chang constitutive model with 3D finite element method. On this basis, the analysis results were compared with the on-site monitor data to verify the reliability of the model and the material parameter values. In addition, the variation regularity of horizontal displacement and axial force of the retaining structure was analyzed with the influence of seasonal or day and night temperature changes. The axial force was linearly related to the temperature after the completion of the foundation pit excavation. The change of the axial force was mainly reflected in the first support of the inner or outer pit and the whole retaining structure moved inside or outside of the pit. The horizontal displacement range of the diaphragm wall affected by the temperatures was mainly concentrated above the excavation depth. The temperature effects caused by temperature changes in different excavation stages were quite different. The most unfavorable condition at Pandun Station occurred after the finish of the last support, the horizontal displacement increment and the change of the axial force were the largest, and the temperature effect was the most obvious. This research will provide important theoretical and practical significance for similar projects. © 2023 Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved.
Keyword :
Duncan-Chang model Duncan-Chang model Fuzhou City Fuzhou City Metro Line 6 Metro Line 6 numerical analysis numerical analysis on-site monitor on-site monitor pit-in-pit pit-in-pit temperature effect temperature effect
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, L. , Luo, Y. , Dai, Z. . Numerical Analysis of Temperature Effect on Retaining System for Pit-in-Pit Excavation Engineering in Soft Soil Ground; [软土地基坑中坑支护体系温度效应的数值分析] [J]. | Geology and Exploration , 2023 , 59 (3) : 637-646 . |
MLA | Chen, L. 等. "Numerical Analysis of Temperature Effect on Retaining System for Pit-in-Pit Excavation Engineering in Soft Soil Ground; [软土地基坑中坑支护体系温度效应的数值分析]" . | Geology and Exploration 59 . 3 (2023) : 637-646 . |
APA | Chen, L. , Luo, Y. , Dai, Z. . Numerical Analysis of Temperature Effect on Retaining System for Pit-in-Pit Excavation Engineering in Soft Soil Ground; [软土地基坑中坑支护体系温度效应的数值分析] . | Geology and Exploration , 2023 , 59 (3) , 637-646 . |
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坑中坑 坑中坑 安全系数 安全系数 强度折减 强度折减 数值模拟 数值模拟 极限破坏 极限破坏 稳定性 稳定性
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GB/T 7714 | 陈林靖 , 孙瑞轩 , 罗一鸣 . 基于强度折减法的坑中坑整体稳定性数值模拟分析 [J]. | 城市地质 , 2023 , 18 (03) : 67-75 . |
MLA | 陈林靖 等. "基于强度折减法的坑中坑整体稳定性数值模拟分析" . | 城市地质 18 . 03 (2023) : 67-75 . |
APA | 陈林靖 , 孙瑞轩 , 罗一鸣 . 基于强度折减法的坑中坑整体稳定性数值模拟分析 . | 城市地质 , 2023 , 18 (03) , 67-75 . |
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双排桩 双排桩 坡顶面 坡顶面 复合荷载 复合荷载 嵌固深度 嵌固深度 数值模拟 数值模拟 桩间距 桩间距 连梁高度 连梁高度
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GB/T 7714 | 陈林靖 , 余其凤 , 郑俊 . 复合荷载作用下坡顶面双排桩设计要素数值模拟 [J]. | 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) , 2023 , 20 (5) : 126-135 . |
MLA | 陈林靖 等. "复合荷载作用下坡顶面双排桩设计要素数值模拟" . | 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) 20 . 5 (2023) : 126-135 . |
APA | 陈林靖 , 余其凤 , 郑俊 . 复合荷载作用下坡顶面双排桩设计要素数值模拟 . | 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版) , 2023 , 20 (5) , 126-135 . |
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To combine the advantages of the Mohr-Coulomb and the Duncan-Chang models, a new model called the nonlinear elastic-perfectly plastic model was established. In the numerical implementation of this model, a newly developed smoothing technique for yield and plastic potential surfaces was employed to accurately fit the side face of the hexagonal pyramid surface of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. A user material subroutine was developed in Abaqus and was verified by modeling a conventional triaxial test of a soil specimen with the feature of a nonlinear elastic-perfectly plastic model. Finally, to further validate the applicability of this model and its subroutine, the 3D numerical simulation of a relatively complex deep excavation project was performed, and the results were compared with measured data, the results determined by the method recommended in the current code, and the results of the Mohr-Coulomb and Duncan-Chang models. The comparison demonstrates that the results of this new model were the closest to the measurements.
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GB/T 7714 | Xu, X. , Dai, Z-H , Chen, L-J et al. Nonlinear Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Model of Soil and its Numerical Implementation and Application [J]. | SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING , 2022 , 59 (3) : 215-223 . |
MLA | Xu, X. et al. "Nonlinear Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Model of Soil and its Numerical Implementation and Application" . | SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 59 . 3 (2022) : 215-223 . |
APA | Xu, X. , Dai, Z-H , Chen, L-J , Xu, X-T . Nonlinear Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Model of Soil and its Numerical Implementation and Application . | SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING , 2022 , 59 (3) , 215-223 . |
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坡顶面 坡顶面 复合荷载 复合荷载 影响因素 影响因素 数值模拟 数值模拟
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GB/T 7714 | 陈林靖 , 郑俊 , 余其凤 . 坡顶面复合荷载刚性短桩工程设计要素分析 [J]. | 工程地质学报 , 2017 , 25 (6) : 1593-1602 . |
MLA | 陈林靖 et al. "坡顶面复合荷载刚性短桩工程设计要素分析" . | 工程地质学报 25 . 6 (2017) : 1593-1602 . |
APA | 陈林靖 , 郑俊 , 余其凤 . 坡顶面复合荷载刚性短桩工程设计要素分析 . | 工程地质学报 , 2017 , 25 (6) , 1593-1602 . |
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损伤模型 损伤模型 有效应力 有效应力 流固耦合 流固耦合 破坏准则 破坏准则 风化岩 风化岩
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GB/T 7714 | 许德祥 , 黄明 , 陈林靖 et al. 滨海高水位下渗透性风化岩的损伤模型研究 [J]. | 自然灾害学报 , 2017 , 26 (6) : 147-154 . |
MLA | 许德祥 et al. "滨海高水位下渗透性风化岩的损伤模型研究" . | 自然灾害学报 26 . 6 (2017) : 147-154 . |
APA | 许德祥 , 黄明 , 陈林靖 , 沈启炜 , 柴元四 , 闫冬雪 . 滨海高水位下渗透性风化岩的损伤模型研究 . | 自然灾害学报 , 2017 , 26 (6) , 147-154 . |
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内撑式支护结构 内撑式支护结构 基坑工程 基坑工程 增量法 增量法 有限差分算法 有限差分算法 综合刚度原理和双参数法 综合刚度原理和双参数法
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GB/T 7714 | 陈林靖 , 孙永佳 , 王志刚 . 深基坑内撑式支护结构的有限差分算法研究 [J]. | 岩石力学与工程学报 , 2016 , 35 (S1) : 3315-3322 . |
MLA | 陈林靖 et al. "深基坑内撑式支护结构的有限差分算法研究" . | 岩石力学与工程学报 35 . S1 (2016) : 3315-3322 . |
APA | 陈林靖 , 孙永佳 , 王志刚 . 深基坑内撑式支护结构的有限差分算法研究 . | 岩石力学与工程学报 , 2016 , 35 (S1) , 3315-3322 . |
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双参数法 双参数法 变形和内力 变形和内力 有限差分法 有限差分法 桩基工程 桩基工程 纵横弯曲桩 纵横弯曲桩 综合刚度原理 综合刚度原理
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GB/T 7714 | 陈林靖 , 余其凤 , 戴自航 . 纵横弯曲桩计算的综合刚度和双参数法的有限差分解 [J]. | 岩石力学与工程学报 , 2016 , 35 (03) : 613-622 . |
MLA | 陈林靖 et al. "纵横弯曲桩计算的综合刚度和双参数法的有限差分解" . | 岩石力学与工程学报 35 . 03 (2016) : 613-622 . |
APA | 陈林靖 , 余其凤 , 戴自航 . 纵横弯曲桩计算的综合刚度和双参数法的有限差分解 . | 岩石力学与工程学报 , 2016 , 35 (03) , 613-622 . |
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Abstract :
To improve the accuracy and effectiveness in calculating the deformations and internal forces of piles with large exposure lengths under horizontal and vertical loads, a finite difference solution was established based on the composite stiffness principle and the bi-parameter method. A computation program was compiled by means of MATLAB. The reliability of this approach was verified through comparisons with the measured data from model tests or the calculated results of an engineering example with the existing methods. The comparisons showed that the approach was more convenient and faster than the link finite element method based on the same principle. It was also showed that, for piles with large exposure lengths under vertical loads, the gravity second-order effect must not be ignored and the vertical loads increased not only the bending moments of piles but also the shear forces. The influence of vertical loads on shear forces was not reflected in the current methods, which tended to be unsafe and should be noted in design calculations of vertical and horizontal bending piles. © 2016, Science Press. All right reserved.
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Beams and girders Beams and girders Bending (deformation) Bending (deformation) Composite materials Composite materials Finite difference method Finite difference method MATLAB MATLAB Pile foundations Pile foundations Piles Piles Shear flow Shear flow Stiffness Stiffness
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GB/T 7714 | Chen, Linjing , Yu, Qifeng , Dai, Zihang . Finite difference solution based on composite stiffness and bi-parameter method for calculating vertical and horizontal bending piles [J]. | Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering , 2016 , 35 (3) : 613-622 . |
MLA | Chen, Linjing et al. "Finite difference solution based on composite stiffness and bi-parameter method for calculating vertical and horizontal bending piles" . | Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering 35 . 3 (2016) : 613-622 . |
APA | Chen, Linjing , Yu, Qifeng , Dai, Zihang . Finite difference solution based on composite stiffness and bi-parameter method for calculating vertical and horizontal bending piles . | Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering , 2016 , 35 (3) , 613-622 . |
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