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期刊论文 | 2021 , 52 (3) , 9-13 | 工业用水与废水
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为提高高浓度聚乙二醇(PEG)废水的可生化性,在传统Fenton工艺的基础上结合活性炭组成Fenton-活性炭工艺对废水进行预处理.研究了活性炭在反应体系中的作用,并以PEG的去除率和m(BOD5)/m(COD)作为评价指标,考察活性炭投加量、H2O2投加量、n(Fe2+)/n(H2O2)、初始pH值对预处理效果的影响.结果表明,活性炭在反应体系中主要作为催化剂催化Fenton反应快速产生·OH,·OH的产生量与产生率均高于传统Fenton法.当活性炭投加量为0.2 g/L、H2O2投加量为1 mL/L、n(Fe2+)/n(H2O2)=0.11、pH值为2.4时,PEG去除率与m(BOD5)/m(COD)分别可达72.4%和0.46,较传统Fenton法分别提升10%和32%.


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GB/T 7714 邵享文 , 吴特锐 , 艾翠玲 et al. Fenton-活性炭工艺预处理高浓度聚乙二醇废水研究 [J]. | 工业用水与废水 , 2021 , 52 (3) : 9-13 .
MLA 邵享文 et al. "Fenton-活性炭工艺预处理高浓度聚乙二醇废水研究" . | 工业用水与废水 52 . 3 (2021) : 9-13 .
APA 邵享文 , 吴特锐 , 艾翠玲 , 陈登极 . Fenton-活性炭工艺预处理高浓度聚乙二醇废水研究 . | 工业用水与废水 , 2021 , 52 (3) , 9-13 .
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Organochlorine pesticides contaminated soil decontamination using TritonX-100-enhanced advanced oxidation under electrokinetic remediation SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 29
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Remediation of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs)-contaminated soils is urgently required especially in China. Surfactants have emerged as reliable and efficient co-solvent for the treatment of hardly soluble organic pollutants in contaminated soil. Here, we report the use of TritonX-100 (TX-100) in advanced oxidation under electrokinetic technology (EK) for OCPs removal from a historically contaminated soil from a former pharmaceutical industrial wasteland. Result shows that TX-100 (10%) played a key role in soil remediation. In effect, after a treatment period of 15 days, pollutants washed ranged from 50.68% (4,4'-DDT) to 76.07% (HCB), when TX-100 was used as the electrolyte (EK-TX-100). A simple advanced oxidation of the soil using sodium persulfate (PS) under EK approach (EK-PS) was limited to achieve good removal efficiency of the pollutants; as the result of OCPs' hardly dissolvable nature. The achieved removal efficiency were comprised between 22.62% (2,4-DDT) and 55.78% (1,2,4,5-TCB). With the application of TX-100 as co-solvent (EK-TX-100/PS), the pollutants removal efficiency significantly improved (p < 0.05). The treatment efficiency was shifted and up to 88.05% (1,2,4-TCB) was achieved, while the lowest removal efficiency was 56.36% (4,4'-DDE). We come to the conclusion that the use of TX-100-enhanced advanced oxidation (EK-TX-100/PS) as a reliable treatment for remediating organochlorine contaminated soil.

Keyword :

Advanced oxidation Advanced oxidation Aged contaminated soil Aged contaminated soil Electrokinetic remediation Electrokinetic remediation Organochlorine pesticide residues Organochlorine pesticide residues TritonX-100 TritonX-100


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GB/T 7714 Suanon, Fidele , Tang, Liu , Sheng, Hongjie et al. Organochlorine pesticides contaminated soil decontamination using TritonX-100-enhanced advanced oxidation under electrokinetic remediation [J]. | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2020 , 393 .
MLA Suanon, Fidele et al. "Organochlorine pesticides contaminated soil decontamination using TritonX-100-enhanced advanced oxidation under electrokinetic remediation" . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 393 (2020) .
APA Suanon, Fidele , Tang, Liu , Sheng, Hongjie , Fu, Yuhao , Xiang, Leilei , Wang, Ziquan et al. Organochlorine pesticides contaminated soil decontamination using TritonX-100-enhanced advanced oxidation under electrokinetic remediation . | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS , 2020 , 393 .
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Synthesis and Photocatalytic Sterilization Performance of SA/TiO2 SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The photocatalyst sorbic acid (SA)/titanium dioxide (TiO2) was successfully synthesized by sol-gel method and characterized. The composite exhibited regularly spherical particles with the size of 50 nm and the specific surface area of 90.3 m(2) g(-1), furthermore, it showed mesoporous structure and significantly improved dispersion. SA was grafted on TiO2 surface by -COOTi and TiO2 existed as pure anatase phase in the composite. The addition of SA made the band gap of TiO2 increased from 3.03 to 3.35 eV, which indicting that the composite exhibited a strong response to the ultraviolet light. The optimum preparation parameters of the catalyst were as follows: n(Ti):n(SA) = 1:0.05, ethanol 60 mL, glacial acetic acid 40 mL, hydrothermal temperature 180 degrees C, hydrothermal time 12 h. The composite could reach the 4.31 log reduction of E. coli, with the optimum catalyst dosage of 0.7 g L-1, irradiated by UV light for 60 min. SA/TiO2 was an environmentally friendly, non-toxic and safe sterilized nanocomposite material appropriate for future bactericidal applications, providing a new way to effectively increase the dispersion of TiO2 particles to achieve superior photocatalytic sterilization efficiency.

Keyword :

coli coli E E In situ modification In situ modification Sorbic acid Sorbic acid Sterilization activity Sterilization activity TiO2 TiO2


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GB/T 7714 Ai, Cuiling , Wu, Xuefang , Ke, Yuting et al. Synthesis and Photocatalytic Sterilization Performance of SA/TiO2 [J]. | JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS AND MATERIALS , 2020 , 30 (9) : 3378-3387 .
MLA Ai, Cuiling et al. "Synthesis and Photocatalytic Sterilization Performance of SA/TiO2" . | JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS AND MATERIALS 30 . 9 (2020) : 3378-3387 .
APA Ai, Cuiling , Wu, Xuefang , Ke, Yuting , Lei, Yingjie , Shao, Xiangwen . Synthesis and Photocatalytic Sterilization Performance of SA/TiO2 . | JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS AND MATERIALS , 2020 , 30 (9) , 3378-3387 .
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Bioaugmentation for improving acidification recovery of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor after organic shock load SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 185 , 62-70 | DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Bioaugmentation was investigated as a method to accelerate the recovery of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR) exposed to the organic shock load. Two sets of ASBRs were subjected to double organic load that influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations were increased from 4,000 +/- 100 to 8,000 +/- 150 mg L-1 for a week. Bioaugmented reactor received the enriched butyric acid-utilizing syntrophic culture (10% w/w) and evolutions of microbial community were analyzed by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Aftershock load, the performance of acidification was attained with the effluent COD concentrations increased from 70 to 5,300 mg L-1 and pH decreasing from 7.1 to 5.1 approximately in two reactors. Smithella was badly inhibited by the VFAs accumulation and high H-2 partial pressure. Bioaugmented reactor achieved significantly less time to recover than the non-bioaugmented reactor, 40 and 110 d respectively. The rapid recovery for the bioaugmented reactor was mainly attributed to the added microorganisms containing a large number of Methanobacteriales and Syntrophomonas, released the feed-back inhibition and resulted in a rapid recovery of Smithella, thus accelerated the degradation of propionic acid. Therefore, bioaugmentation is a promising approach for promoting the recovery of the acidified anaerobic reactors caused by the organic shock load.

Keyword :

Acidification Acidification ASBR ASBR Bioaugmentation Bioaugmentation Butyric acid metabolic pathway Butyric acid metabolic pathway Recovery Recovery Smithella Smithella


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GB/T 7714 Shao, Xiangwen , Zhang, Tingting , Chen, Yao et al. Bioaugmentation for improving acidification recovery of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor after organic shock load [J]. | DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT , 2020 , 185 : 62-70 .
MLA Shao, Xiangwen et al. "Bioaugmentation for improving acidification recovery of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor after organic shock load" . | DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT 185 (2020) : 62-70 .
APA Shao, Xiangwen , Zhang, Tingting , Chen, Yao , Ai, Cuiling . Bioaugmentation for improving acidification recovery of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor after organic shock load . | DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT , 2020 , 185 , 62-70 .
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γ-Fe_2O_3/Ag/TiO_2的制备与抗菌性能 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 40 (04) , 645-651 | 高等学校化学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

采用两步法合成了γ-Fe_2O_3/Ag/TiO_2复合光催化剂,以大肠埃希氏菌(E. coli)为目标菌,对数去除率为评价指标评价了催化剂的抗菌性能,优化了催化剂的最佳制备参数.通过X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、X射线光电子能谱和紫外-可见漫反射光谱等手段对催化剂进行了表征.结果表明,当Ti/Ag摩尔比为1∶0. 05,煅烧时间为3 h,煅烧温度为350℃时,γ-Fe_2O_3/Ag/TiO_2表现出最佳抗菌活性.复合催化剂具有介孔结构,比表面积为89. 1 m~2/g;光吸收边界达690 nm,有良好的可见光响应能力;磁性较强,在水处理应用中可有效分离和重复使用.反应条件不受光源限制,在有/...

Keyword :

Ag/TiO2 Ag/TiO2 Fe2O3 Fe2O3 大肠埃希氏菌 大肠埃希氏菌 抗菌性能 抗菌性能


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GB/T 7714 艾翠玲 , 吴丽娜 , 张嵘嵘 et al. γ-Fe_2O_3/Ag/TiO_2的制备与抗菌性能 [J]. | 高等学校化学学报 , 2019 , 40 (04) : 645-651 .
MLA 艾翠玲 et al. "γ-Fe_2O_3/Ag/TiO_2的制备与抗菌性能" . | 高等学校化学学报 40 . 04 (2019) : 645-651 .
APA 艾翠玲 , 吴丽娜 , 张嵘嵘 , 邵享文 , 许俊鸽 . γ-Fe_2O_3/Ag/TiO_2的制备与抗菌性能 . | 高等学校化学学报 , 2019 , 40 (04) , 645-651 .
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丁酸驯化及氢胁迫对厌氧污泥菌群及生物强化的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 35 (19) , 12-19 | 中国给水排水
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为解决厌氧反应器的酸化问题,采用丁酸辅以氢分压控制驯化培养两类分别以产氢产乙酸菌与产甲酸产乙酸菌为产乙酸优势菌群的中温互营丁酸氧化产甲烷菌群B-H、B-F.试验结果表明,驯化后丁酸氧化菌得到明显富集,而丙酸氧化菌出现不同程度下降,菌群B-H、B-F中丁酸氧化菌属Syntrophomonas的基因相对丰度分别由(0.43±0.01)%、(1.05土0.06)%显著提升至(18.84±1.68)%、(14.13±0.47)%,成为产乙酸菌中的优势菌属.产甲烷菌中甲烷杆菌目Methanobacteriales与产甲烷丝状菌属Methanosaeta spp.分别成为氢营养型与乙酸营养型产甲烷菌中的优势菌属(目),在氢胁迫下,甲烷微菌目Methanomicrob iales的生长更优.B-H、B-F以丁酸为基质的比产甲烷活性(SMA)分别由0.453、0.438 gCOD/(gVSS·d)提升至3.510、2.855 gCOD/(gVSS·d),而氢胁迫下B-F以甲酸为基质的SMA由0.290 gCOD/(gVSS·d)提升至1.540gCOD/(gVSS·d).此外,考察了两类菌群对厌氧序批式反应器(ASBR)恢复的生物强化作用,投加B-H与B-F(投加量为MLVSS的10%)的生物强化反应器相比非生物强化反应器恢复时间分别缩短了70 d与25 d.

Keyword :

丁酸氧化菌 丁酸氧化菌 厌氧消化 厌氧消化 氢胁迫 氢胁迫 污泥驯化 污泥驯化 生物强化 生物强化


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GB/T 7714 邵享文 , 黄心昊 , 陈尧 et al. 丁酸驯化及氢胁迫对厌氧污泥菌群及生物强化的影响 [J]. | 中国给水排水 , 2019 , 35 (19) : 12-19 .
MLA 邵享文 et al. "丁酸驯化及氢胁迫对厌氧污泥菌群及生物强化的影响" . | 中国给水排水 35 . 19 (2019) : 12-19 .
APA 邵享文 , 黄心昊 , 陈尧 , 张婷婷 , 艾翠玲 . 丁酸驯化及氢胁迫对厌氧污泥菌群及生物强化的影响 . | 中国给水排水 , 2019 , 35 (19) , 12-19 .
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油田回注水中次氯酸钠除硫杀菌研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 39 (4) , 86-88 | 工业水处理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

在某油田采油厂回注水处理站进行电解法次氯酸钠除硫杀菌试验,考察了次氯酸钠对硫化物、硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)、铁细菌(IB)、腐生菌(TGB)的去除效果.结果表明,次氯酸钠投加量为60~65 mg/L时,对硫化物有良好的去除效果,去除率达99%以上;对SRB、TGB、IB的杀菌效果明显,且在注水管网中具有持续灭菌能力,细菌与硫化物指标均达到油田回注水标准.电解法次氯酸钠杀菌技术在油田回注水处理中具有良好的应用前景.

Keyword :

次氯酸钠 次氯酸钠 硫化物 硫化物 硫酸盐还原菌 硫酸盐还原菌 腐生菌 腐生菌 铁细菌 铁细菌


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GB/T 7714 邵享文 , 张婷婷 , 艾翠玲 et al. 油田回注水中次氯酸钠除硫杀菌研究 [J]. | 工业水处理 , 2019 , 39 (4) : 86-88 .
MLA 邵享文 et al. "油田回注水中次氯酸钠除硫杀菌研究" . | 工业水处理 39 . 4 (2019) : 86-88 .
APA 邵享文 , 张婷婷 , 艾翠玲 , 许俊鸽 . 油田回注水中次氯酸钠除硫杀菌研究 . | 工业水处理 , 2019 , 39 (4) , 86-88 .
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Novel magnetically separable gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/AgCl/g-C3N4 composite for enhanced disinfection under visible light SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 31
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A magnetically recoverable gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/AgCl/g-C3N4 nanocomposite was successfully synthesized by a combination of the solvothermal method and photodeposition approach. The obtained nanocomposite was characterized by HRTEM, SEM, XRD, PL, XPS, BET, VSM and DRS analyses, and the photocatalytic antibacterial performance of the sample was evaluated by the inactivation of Escherichia Coll (E. coil) beneath visible-light irradiation. The results showed that the gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/AgCl/g-C3N4 nanocomposite exhibited a potent bacteria disinfection activity and that the quantity of viable bacteria was nearly inactivate after being illuminated for 1 h. The reactive species scavenging experiments revealed that the hydroxyl radical and hydrogen peroxide played the most important roles in the photocatalytic bacterial inactivation. During the photocatalytic process, the relative differences between the conduction band and valence band potentials of four materials (gamma-Fe2O3, Ag, AgCl, and g-C3N4) promoted the continuous transfer of photogenerated electrons, which suppressed the recombination of electron-hole pairs and enhanced the photocatalytic antibacterial activity under visible-light irradiation.

Keyword :

Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl Disinfection Disinfection g-C3N4 g-C3N4 Magnetic separation Magnetic separation Photocatalyst Photocatalyst Visible light Visible light


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GB/T 7714 Ai, Cuiling , Wu, ShenChao , Li, LingYun et al. Novel magnetically separable gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/AgCl/g-C3N4 composite for enhanced disinfection under visible light [J]. | COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS , 2019 , 583 .
MLA Ai, Cuiling et al. "Novel magnetically separable gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/AgCl/g-C3N4 composite for enhanced disinfection under visible light" . | COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS 583 (2019) .
APA Ai, Cuiling , Wu, ShenChao , Li, LingYun , Lei, Yingjie , Shao, Xiangwen . Novel magnetically separable gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/AgCl/g-C3N4 composite for enhanced disinfection under visible light . | COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS , 2019 , 583 .
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Ag/AgCl-GO: A composite for degradation of Rhodamine B in dye wastewater SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 30 (12) , 3193-3202 | ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Ag/AgCl-GO composite was fabricated by deposition-precipitation method and photoplasmic reduction method at room temperature. The resulting products were characterized by XRD, XPS, SEM, TEM, Zeta potential and UV-Vis DRS. The results indicated that the samples were composed of Ag, AgCl and graphene oxide (GO). During the photoreduction, the crystallinity of Ag-0 particles gradually increased with prolonging the time of UV irradiation, then remained stable after 90 min. The addition of GO had little effect on the crystal structure of Ag/AgCl, however, this reduced the particle size and enhances the dispersibility of the composite. After 100 min of visible light irradiation, the degradation efficiency of rhodamine B (RhB) reached 98.43%. Therefore, the Ag/AgCl-GO photocatalyst exhibited significant photocatalytic activity during the degradation of RhB under visible light. (C) 2019 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Ag/AgCl-GO Ag/AgCl-GO Deposition-precipitation Deposition-precipitation Photocatalyst Photocatalyst Photoplasmic-reduction Photoplasmic-reduction


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GB/T 7714 Ai, Cuiling , Yang, Sikai , Zhang, Fan et al. Ag/AgCl-GO: A composite for degradation of Rhodamine B in dye wastewater [J]. | ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY , 2019 , 30 (12) : 3193-3202 .
MLA Ai, Cuiling et al. "Ag/AgCl-GO: A composite for degradation of Rhodamine B in dye wastewater" . | ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY 30 . 12 (2019) : 3193-3202 .
APA Ai, Cuiling , Yang, Sikai , Zhang, Fan , Shao, Xiangwen , Xu, Junge . Ag/AgCl-GO: A composite for degradation of Rhodamine B in dye wastewater . | ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY , 2019 , 30 (12) , 3193-3202 .
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Synthesis and Antibacterial Performance of gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/TiO2 SCIE CSCD PKU
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Abstract :

The photocatalyst gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/TiO2 with highly visible-light response was synthesized by two-step process. The photocatalytic antibacterial performance under visible light was evaluated by the lgReduction on the E. coli. The physical and chemical properties of gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/TiO2 were analyzed by means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), magnetic property measurement system(MPMS) and other characterization methods. The results indicate that the catalyst has mesoporous structure with a specific surface area of 89. 1 m(2)/g and its absorption boundary reaches 690 nm. The catalyst exhibited excellent visible light response, remarkable antibacterial properties and strong magnetic properties , which can be effectively separated and reused in the water treatment. The optimal preparation parameters , such as the calcination temperature , the calcination time and n (Ti)/n (Ag) were determined as 350 degrees C , 3 h and 1 : 0. 05, respectively.

Keyword :

Ag/TiO2 Ag/TiO2 Antibacterial performance Antibacterial performance E. coli E. coli gamma-Fe2O3 gamma-Fe2O3


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GB/T 7714 Ai Cuiling , Wu Lina , Zhang Rongrong et al. Synthesis and Antibacterial Performance of gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/TiO2 [J]. | CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE , 2019 , 40 (4) : 645-651 .
MLA Ai Cuiling et al. "Synthesis and Antibacterial Performance of gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/TiO2" . | CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 40 . 4 (2019) : 645-651 .
APA Ai Cuiling , Wu Lina , Zhang Rongrong , Shao Xiangwen , Xu Junge . Synthesis and Antibacterial Performance of gamma-Fe2O3/Ag/TiO2 . | CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE , 2019 , 40 (4) , 645-651 .
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