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Adhesive nonlinearity analysis of longitudinal guided wave using circumference pasted piezoelectric array based nonlinear shear stress lag model SCIE
期刊论文 | 2025 , 137 (3) | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The adhesive layer between an ultrasonic transducer and a circular tube can generate a nonlinear signal during guided wave excitation and reception, which is called adhesive nonlinearity (AN). It may override the damage-related signals and result in false detection if not adequately evaluated and mitigated. This study investigated the AN of the guided wave excitation model composed of a piezoelectric array in a circular tube structure. The classical shear stress lag model was extended to the circumference pasted piezoelectric array-based nonlinear shear stress lag model to investigate the coupling properties of the AN and to evaluate the AN by comparing it with other nonlinear factors within a circular tube structure. On this basis, the nonlinear shear stress was combined with the normal mode expansion to establish a frequency tuning model for the AN, which allowed the effect of the AN to be minimized by adjusting the half-wavelength of the guided wave to match the length of the actuator. Finite-element analyses and experiments validated the tuning characteristics of the AN mentioned above. This work was used to mitigate the effect of the AN on the nonlinear guided wave during thermal damage evaluation. (c) 2025 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0243631


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GB/T 7714 Fang, Zhou , Lin, Zuxiong , Huang, Yanwei . Adhesive nonlinearity analysis of longitudinal guided wave using circumference pasted piezoelectric array based nonlinear shear stress lag model [J]. | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS , 2025 , 137 (3) .
MLA Fang, Zhou 等. "Adhesive nonlinearity analysis of longitudinal guided wave using circumference pasted piezoelectric array based nonlinear shear stress lag model" . | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 137 . 3 (2025) .
APA Fang, Zhou , Lin, Zuxiong , Huang, Yanwei . Adhesive nonlinearity analysis of longitudinal guided wave using circumference pasted piezoelectric array based nonlinear shear stress lag model . | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS , 2025 , 137 (3) .
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Energy concentration degree periodical variation rule of fatigue crack-induced second harmonic non-axisymmetric guided wave within circular tubes SCIE
期刊论文 | 2025 , 151 | NDT & E INTERNATIONAL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The position of a macrocrack within a circular tube can be determined through the periodic energy distribution variation of a linear non-axisymmetric guided wave. However, to determine the positions of a microcrack within a circular tube is still a difficult job, even for the nonlinear guided wave. Unlike the linear guided wave can detect the axial position through the reflection from a macrocrack, a fatigue crack does not even cause remarkable reflection. This paper investigates the energy concentration degree periodical variation rule of fatigue crack- induced second harmonic non-axisymmetric guided wave within a circular tube. The quantitative relationship between the energy concentration degree and its propagated axial distance is potential to be used to detect a fatigue crack and characterize its axial, circumferential positions. To facilitate the investigation, a specific frequency extracting method was optimized to extract the second harmonic non-axisymmetric guided wave. In addition, an energy concentration degree coefficient was designed to characterize the energy distribution. The fundamental, numerical and experimental work were implemented to verify the studied energy concentration degree periodical variation rule.

Keyword :

Circular tube Circular tube Energy concentration Energy concentration Fatigue crack Fatigue crack Non-axisymmetric guided wave Non-axisymmetric guided wave Second-harmonic wave Second-harmonic wave


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GB/T 7714 Fang, Zhou , Lin, Conglin , Huang, Yanwei . Energy concentration degree periodical variation rule of fatigue crack-induced second harmonic non-axisymmetric guided wave within circular tubes [J]. | NDT & E INTERNATIONAL , 2025 , 151 .
MLA Fang, Zhou 等. "Energy concentration degree periodical variation rule of fatigue crack-induced second harmonic non-axisymmetric guided wave within circular tubes" . | NDT & E INTERNATIONAL 151 (2025) .
APA Fang, Zhou , Lin, Conglin , Huang, Yanwei . Energy concentration degree periodical variation rule of fatigue crack-induced second harmonic non-axisymmetric guided wave within circular tubes . | NDT & E INTERNATIONAL , 2025 , 151 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 43 (02) , 28-37,67 | 长春师范大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

三矢量模型预测 三矢量模型预测 期望扇区 期望扇区 永磁同步电机 永磁同步电机 电流控制 电流控制 计算量小 计算量小


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GB/T 7714 卓书芳 , 黄宴委 , 傅忠云 et al. 期望扇区三矢量模型预测电流控制 [J]. | 长春师范大学学报 , 2024 , 43 (02) : 28-37,67 .
MLA 卓书芳 et al. "期望扇区三矢量模型预测电流控制" . | 长春师范大学学报 43 . 02 (2024) : 28-37,67 .
APA 卓书芳 , 黄宴委 , 傅忠云 , 何用辉 . 期望扇区三矢量模型预测电流控制 . | 长春师范大学学报 , 2024 , 43 (02) , 28-37,67 .
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Distributed periodic event-triggered secondary control for islanded microgrids with switching topologies and communication delays Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 234 | Electric Power Systems Research
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

With the application of distributed generators (DGs), microgrids (MGs) have gained much attention. Combined with the distributed communication of networked systems, we investigates the secondary restoration problem in islanded microgrids. The periodic event-triggered (PET) controllers are designed for voltage restoration and frequency restoration with accurate active power allocation, which can naturally avoid Zeno behavior. By means of a common Lyapunov function, a PET protocol is designed that requires only the information of neighbors for event detection. Both event-checking sampling period and event trigger parameter are taken into account to reduce computation and communication redundancy by choosing appropriate parameters. Furthermore, considering the effect of communication delay, sufficient conditions are given to accomplish the secondary control objectives with allowable delays. Switching topologies are considered in an extra discussion. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed PET control strategies is verified by several MATLAB simulations. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Communication delays Communication delays Distributed secondary control Distributed secondary control Event-triggered control Event-triggered control Islanded microgrid Islanded microgrid Switching topologies Switching topologies


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GB/T 7714 Huang, W. , Tang, L. , Chen, S. et al. Distributed periodic event-triggered secondary control for islanded microgrids with switching topologies and communication delays [J]. | Electric Power Systems Research , 2024 , 234 .
MLA Huang, W. et al. "Distributed periodic event-triggered secondary control for islanded microgrids with switching topologies and communication delays" . | Electric Power Systems Research 234 (2024) .
APA Huang, W. , Tang, L. , Chen, S. , Huang, Y. . Distributed periodic event-triggered secondary control for islanded microgrids with switching topologies and communication delays . | Electric Power Systems Research , 2024 , 234 .
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Visionless Terrain Sensing and Stiffness Adaptive Attitude Control for Quadruped Scopus
其他 | 2024 , 3541-3546
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Aiming at quadruped robots' difficulty stabilizing motion in unstructured terrain, the paper proposes a vision-independent terrain sensing and stiffness adaptive control scheme. The robot state is utilized to predict the external environment and suppress the high-frequency jittering of the body in undulating environments to improve the anti-interference ability. In addition, a stiffness adaptive controller is designed by combining impedance theory, which improves the convergence speed of control deviation and enhances the dynamic stability of the robot by solving the optimal stiffness variation law. The final simulation results show that the method proposed in this paper significantly improves the robot's adaptation to the terrain and motion smoothness. © 2024 IEEE.

Keyword :

Quadruped robot Quadruped robot stiffness adaptive stiffness adaptive terrain perception terrain perception


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GB/T 7714 Li, Y. , Huang, Y. . Visionless Terrain Sensing and Stiffness Adaptive Attitude Control for Quadruped [未知].
MLA Li, Y. et al. "Visionless Terrain Sensing and Stiffness Adaptive Attitude Control for Quadruped" [未知].
APA Li, Y. , Huang, Y. . Visionless Terrain Sensing and Stiffness Adaptive Attitude Control for Quadruped [未知].
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非线性变参数无人船艏向H_∞鲁棒控制 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (05) , 1507-1516 | 控制与决策
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对水流冲击引起无人船(unmanned surface vehicle,USV)转艏呈现非线性特点,建立基于转艏运动的非线性变参数(nonlinear parameter-varying,NPV) USV模型,并提出一种NPV H_∞艏向控制方法,以提高艏向调节的快速性和鲁棒性.首先,考虑低展弦比机翼理论能较好地描述船体受水流冲击的特点,建立基于水动力阻尼的非线性Fossen模型.通过忽略横荡速度和横流阻力将动力学模型简化为操纵动力学模型,并引入艏向角,建立NPV艏向模型.其次,构造与艏向控制系统状态和纵荡速度变参相关的Lyapunov函数,推导出满足艏向闭环控制系统H_∞鲁棒稳定的非线性控制器求解条件,该条件是一个非线性矩阵不等式(nonlinear matrix inequality,NLMI).由于NLMI难以求解,根据平方和(sums of squares,SOS)理论,用多项式矩阵代替NLMI中的非线性矩阵,并将NLMI转化为可使用SOS工具求解的多项式线性矩阵不等式.仿真结果表明,NPV H_∞控制器在艏向调节时具有较快的系统响应和更高的准确性.

Keyword :

H_∞鲁棒控制 H_∞鲁棒控制 平方和 平方和 无人船 无人船 水动力阻尼 水动力阻尼 艏向控制 艏向控制 非线性变参数 非线性变参数


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GB/T 7714 黄宴委 , 黄鹏 . 非线性变参数无人船艏向H_∞鲁棒控制 [J]. | 控制与决策 , 2024 , 39 (05) : 1507-1516 .
MLA 黄宴委 et al. "非线性变参数无人船艏向H_∞鲁棒控制" . | 控制与决策 39 . 05 (2024) : 1507-1516 .
APA 黄宴委 , 黄鹏 . 非线性变参数无人船艏向H_∞鲁棒控制 . | 控制与决策 , 2024 , 39 (05) , 1507-1516 .
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Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays Scopus
其他 | 2024 , 1286-1291
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Due to the prevalence of communication link delay in communication networks, the study of communication delays in smart grids and their impact on economic dispatch is of great practical value. In this paper, a Gossip-based economic dispatch protocol perfected under constant time delay is considered, and it is proved by augmented matrix theory and matrix perturbation theory that a sufficiently small control gain parameter always exists to guarantee the convergence over a constant delay in the communication network. Iterative update rules are given when the neighboring generation units do not receive the initial state due to the time delay to ensure the optimal solution can be obtained. Finally, simulation cases are provided to verify the effectiveness and plug-and-play capability of the algorithm, as well as its feasibility for large-scale systems. © 2024 IEEE.

Keyword :

economic dispatch economic dispatch Gossip Gossip smart grid smart grid time delay time delay


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Z. , Huang, W. , Chen, S. et al. Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays [未知].
MLA Wang, Z. et al. "Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays" [未知].
APA Wang, Z. , Huang, W. , Chen, S. , Huang, Y. . Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays [未知].
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Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods Scopus
其他 | 2024 , 2963-2968
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The secondary control plays an important role in ensuring the power quality of AC island microgrid. Since the traditional time-driven secondary control strategy will cause communication redundancy, the event-triggered mechanism has been widely studied. Under the event-triggered mechanism, the DG performs necessary communication only when its own triggering condition is met. This paper studies the problem of secondary voltage control under periodic event-triggered mechanism, which can restore the output voltage to the reference value. At the same time, considering that each DG has a different sampling and checking period, this is a more general asynchronous communication problem. In the stability analysis, the conditions of event detection period and event parameters to ensure the realization of secondary control are given. Finally, the effectiveness of the mechanism is verified by several simulations. © 2024 IEEE.

Keyword :

asynchronous communication asynchronous communication distributed secondary control distributed secondary control islanded microgrids islanded microgrids Periodic event-triggered control Periodic event-triggered control


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GB/T 7714 Tang, L. , Huang, W. , Chen, S. et al. Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods [未知].
MLA Tang, L. et al. "Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods" [未知].
APA Tang, L. , Huang, W. , Chen, S. , Huang, Y. . Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods [未知].
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基于纵荡速度的非线性变参数无人艇模型 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (03) , 595-609 | 系统科学与数学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

无人艇的水动力学具有强非线性与时变性,为便于转艏控制,提出一种基于纵荡速度的非线性变参数(nonlinear parameter varying,NPV)模型.首先从水动学机理出发,引入Ross阻尼模型,建立三自由度的非线性机理模型.其次,在机理模型基础上,将非线性项隐含于线性结构中,使模型构成类线性结构,再忽略数值较小的横荡阻尼项,并以纵荡速度为变参数,建立基于纵荡速度的NPV模型.NPV模型结构简单,具有非线性项与变参项,为Norrbin非线性模型与线性变参数(linear parameter varying,LPV)模型的扩展形式.最后,由仿真和实验验证了NPV模型能够很好地刻画无人艇转艏运动的非线性与时变特性.

Keyword :

无人艇 无人艇 水动力学建模 水动力学建模 非线性变参数模型 非线性变参数模型 非线性时变特性 非线性时变特性


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GB/T 7714 黄宴委 , 闫景辉 . 基于纵荡速度的非线性变参数无人艇模型 [J]. | 系统科学与数学 , 2024 , 44 (03) : 595-609 .
MLA 黄宴委 et al. "基于纵荡速度的非线性变参数无人艇模型" . | 系统科学与数学 44 . 03 (2024) : 595-609 .
APA 黄宴委 , 闫景辉 . 基于纵荡速度的非线性变参数无人艇模型 . | 系统科学与数学 , 2024 , 44 (03) , 595-609 .
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H∞ robust heading control for nonlinear parameter-varying unmanned surface vehicle EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (5) , 1507-1516 | Control and Decision
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Aiming at the nonlinear characteristics of unmanned surface vehicle (USV) yaw caused by the impact of water flow, a nonlinear parameter-varying (NPV) USV model is established based on yaw motion, and the NPV H∞ robust heading control method is proposed to improve the rapidity and robustness of heading regulation. Firstly, a nonlinear Fossen model is established based on the hydrodynamic damping by the low aspect-ratio wing theory, which can better describe the characteristics of ship hull impacted by the flow. The dynamics model is simplified into a maneuvering model by ignoring the roll velocity and cross-flow drag, then an NPV heading model is established by introducing the heading. Secondly, a Lyapunov function related to the state of the heading control system and parameter-varying of the surge velocity is constructed to derive the solving conditions of the nonlinear controller, which satisfies the H∞robust stability of the heading closed-loop control system. This condition is a nonlinear matrix inequality (NLMI). Moreover, since the NLMI is difficult to solve, the nonlinear matrix in the NLMI is replaced with the polynomial matrix based on the sums of squares (SOS) theory to transform into polynomial linear matrix inequalities, which can be solved by SOSTOOLS. Finally, the results of the simulation indicate that the NPV H∞ controller has fast system response and higher accuracy for heading regulation. © 2024 Northeast University. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Aspect ratio Aspect ratio Closed loop control systems Closed loop control systems Controllers Controllers Damping Damping Hulls (ship) Hulls (ship) Hydrodynamics Hydrodynamics Linear matrix inequalities Linear matrix inequalities Lyapunov functions Lyapunov functions Maneuverability Maneuverability Robust control Robust control Unmanned surface vehicles Unmanned surface vehicles


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Yan-Wei , Huang, Peng . H∞ robust heading control for nonlinear parameter-varying unmanned surface vehicle [J]. | Control and Decision , 2024 , 39 (5) : 1507-1516 .
MLA Huang, Yan-Wei et al. "H∞ robust heading control for nonlinear parameter-varying unmanned surface vehicle" . | Control and Decision 39 . 5 (2024) : 1507-1516 .
APA Huang, Yan-Wei , Huang, Peng . H∞ robust heading control for nonlinear parameter-varying unmanned surface vehicle . | Control and Decision , 2024 , 39 (5) , 1507-1516 .
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