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期刊论文 | 2023 , 33 (4) , 99-106 | 西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

批评视角下的话语研究的发展历经批评语言学、批评话语分析和批评话语研究,吸纳各种理论精华,扩展不同的研究范式,不断推成出新.以福勒为代表的批评语言学发端于20 世纪70年代末,探究文本和社会之间的联系;以费尔克劳、范戴克、沃达克为代表的批评话语分析始于 20世纪 80年代末,兴于 90年代初,侧重批评话语分析的实践;范戴克提出的批评话语研究发展于 21世纪第一个 10年,是由问题驱动的,超学科的一种批评范式,注重理论建构.不同发展阶段的学术思想、理论视角、拟解决的社会问题也经历了不断的发展和创新.梳理其发展过程并讨论发展动态,展望话语研究在当代中国语境的广阔前景.

Keyword :

批评 批评 话语 话语 话语研究 话语研究


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GB/T 7714 陈钦 , 林敏奋 , 鲁京晶 . 批评视角下的话语研究发展 [J]. | 西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版) , 2023 , 33 (4) : 99-106 .
MLA 陈钦 等. "批评视角下的话语研究发展" . | 西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版) 33 . 4 (2023) : 99-106 .
APA 陈钦 , 林敏奋 , 鲁京晶 . 批评视角下的话语研究发展 . | 西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版) , 2023 , 33 (4) , 99-106 .
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OSA Patient Monitoring Based on the Beidou System SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper presents an OSA patient interactive monitoring system based on the Beidou system. This system allows OSA patients to get timely rescue when they become sleepy outside. Because the Beidou position marker has an interactive function, it can reduce the anxiety of the patient while waiting for the rescue. At the same time, if a friend helps the OSA patients to call the doctor, the friend can also report the patient's condition in time. This system uses the popular IoT framework. At the bottom is the data acquisition layer, which uses wearable sensors to collect vital signs from patients, with a focus on ECG and SpO2 signals. The middle layer is the network layer that transmits the collected physiological signals to the Beidou indicator using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol. The top layer is the application layer, and the application layer uses the mature rescue interactive platform of Beidou. The Beidou system was developed by China itself, the main coverage of the satellite is in Asia, and is equipped with a high-density ground-based augmentation system. Therefore, the Beidou model improves the positioning accuracy and is equipped with a special communication satellite, which increases the short message interaction function. Therefore, patients can report disease progression in time while waiting for a rescue. After our simulation test, the effectiveness of the OSA patient rescue monitoring system based on the Beidou system and the positioning accuracy of OSA patients have been greatly improved. Especially when OSA patients work outdoors, the cell phone base station signal coverage is relatively weak. The satellite signal is well-covered, plus the SMS function of the Beidou indicator. Therefore, the system can be used to provide timely patient progress and provide data support for the medical rescue team to provide a more accurate rescue plan. After a comparative trial, the rescue rate of OSA patients using the detection device of this system was increased by 15 percentage points compared with the rescue rate using only GPS satellite phones.

Keyword :

android android Beidou indicator Beidou indicator IoT-internet of things IoT-internet of things OSA patient rescue system OSA patient rescue system STM32 microcontroller implementation STM32 microcontroller implementation


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GB/T 7714 Liangming, Cai , Xiaoqiong, Cai , Min, Du et al. OSA Patient Monitoring Based on the Beidou System [J]. | FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH , 2021 , 9 .
MLA Liangming, Cai et al. "OSA Patient Monitoring Based on the Beidou System" . | FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 9 (2021) .
APA Liangming, Cai , Xiaoqiong, Cai , Min, Du , Binxin, Miao , Minfen, Lin , Zhicheng, Zeng et al. OSA Patient Monitoring Based on the Beidou System . | FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH , 2021 , 9 .
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期刊论文 | 2010 , (21) , 174-175,178 | 重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版)
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Abstract :


Keyword :

构建 构建 校园文化 校园文化 理工科高校 理工科高校


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GB/T 7714 林敏奋 . 综合性大学校园文化建设刍议——以福州大学为例 [J]. | 重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版) , 2010 , (21) : 174-175,178 .
MLA 林敏奋 . "综合性大学校园文化建设刍议——以福州大学为例" . | 重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版) 21 (2010) : 174-175,178 .
APA 林敏奋 . 综合性大学校园文化建设刍议——以福州大学为例 . | 重庆科技学院学报(社会科学版) , 2010 , (21) , 174-175,178 .
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