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产品决策支持工具影响移动消费者购买决策的顺序效应:基于神经科学的视角 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 27 (01) , 211-223 | 南开管理评论
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

事件相关电位 事件相关电位 决策支持工具 决策支持工具 神经机制 神经机制 移动消费者 移动消费者 顺序效应 顺序效应


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GB/T 7714 李一然 , 刘启华 . 产品决策支持工具影响移动消费者购买决策的顺序效应:基于神经科学的视角 [J]. | 南开管理评论 , 2024 , 27 (01) : 211-223 .
MLA 李一然 等. "产品决策支持工具影响移动消费者购买决策的顺序效应:基于神经科学的视角" . | 南开管理评论 27 . 01 (2024) : 211-223 .
APA 李一然 , 刘启华 . 产品决策支持工具影响移动消费者购买决策的顺序效应:基于神经科学的视角 . | 南开管理评论 , 2024 , 27 (01) , 211-223 .
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Unveiling the secrets of online consumer choice: A deep learning algorithmic approach to evaluate and predict purchase decisions through EEG responses SCIE SSCI
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Abstract :

This study utilized cognitive neuroscience experiments to assess and predict online individual behavior by evaluating brain activity signals. We conducted an event-related potential (ERP) experiment and analyzed the data obtained from 85 participants. Moreover, we employed a deep learning algorithm to predict purchase decision-making behavior by examining four ERP components as predictive indicators. Empirical results indicated that presentation order effects were induced when participants perceived different presentation orders of three decision support tools. Importantly, the experimental results revealed an accuracy and F1-score of 98% and 0.98, respectively, for consumers' choice prediction using a convolutional neural network (CNN). Our study not only ushered in a new data collection scheme for information system research but also provided robust scientific evidence utilizing a deep learning approach to represent neural data for better prediction of online consumer behaviors.

Keyword :

Choice prediction Choice prediction Consumer purchase decision -making Consumer purchase decision -making Decision support tools Decision support tools Event -related potential (ERP) Event -related potential (ERP)


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GB/T 7714 Li, Yiran , Liu, Qihua , Wu, Jia . Unveiling the secrets of online consumer choice: A deep learning algorithmic approach to evaluate and predict purchase decisions through EEG responses [J]. | INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT , 2024 , 61 (3) .
MLA Li, Yiran 等. "Unveiling the secrets of online consumer choice: A deep learning algorithmic approach to evaluate and predict purchase decisions through EEG responses" . | INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 61 . 3 (2024) .
APA Li, Yiran , Liu, Qihua , Wu, Jia . Unveiling the secrets of online consumer choice: A deep learning algorithmic approach to evaluate and predict purchase decisions through EEG responses . | INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT , 2024 , 61 (3) .
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英国政府数据伦理框架的制定、实施及启示 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 7 (03) , 43-49 | 图书馆学研究
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

数据伦理 数据伦理 数据伦理治理 数据伦理治理 数据治理 数据治理 英国政府 英国政府


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GB/T 7714 冯薇 , 石庆功 , 李一然 . 英国政府数据伦理框架的制定、实施及启示 [J]. | 图书馆学研究 , 2024 , 7 (03) : 43-49 .
MLA 冯薇 等. "英国政府数据伦理框架的制定、实施及启示" . | 图书馆学研究 7 . 03 (2024) : 43-49 .
APA 冯薇 , 石庆功 , 李一然 . 英国政府数据伦理框架的制定、实施及启示 . | 图书馆学研究 , 2024 , 7 (03) , 43-49 .
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Is tourism live streaming a double-edged sword? The paradoxical impact of online flow experience on travel intentions SSCI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (8) , 744-763 | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This study used a mixed method to investigate the dual effects of the flow experience provided by tourism live streaming (TLS) on tourists' travel intentions and how such effects vary across different types of destinations. The results reveal that, in contrast to managers' predictions, while flow experience from TLS may boost offline travel through inspiration, it can also increase tourists' concern for substitutability and thereby reduce their travel intentions. Live streamers' expertise positively moderates the positive effect of flow experience on inspiration. Furthermore, the negative impacts are more salient in highly reputable cultural destinations and natural destinations with limited reputation.

Keyword :

destination destination destination reputation destination reputation destination type destination type double-edged sword double-edged sword flow experience flow experience inspiration inspiration live streamer live streamer perceived substitutability perceived substitutability Tourism live streaming Tourism live streaming travel intention travel intention


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Qihua , Xu, Liyang , Feng, Wenting et al. Is tourism live streaming a double-edged sword? The paradoxical impact of online flow experience on travel intentions [J]. | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING , 2023 , 40 (8) : 744-763 .
MLA Liu, Qihua et al. "Is tourism live streaming a double-edged sword? The paradoxical impact of online flow experience on travel intentions" . | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING 40 . 8 (2023) : 744-763 .
APA Liu, Qihua , Xu, Liyang , Feng, Wenting , Zhou, Jingyi , Li, Yiran . Is tourism live streaming a double-edged sword? The paradoxical impact of online flow experience on travel intentions . | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING , 2023 , 40 (8) , 744-763 .
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