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Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The maximum ceiling temperature and transverse temperature distribution under the condition of transverse double fire sources are experimentally and theoretically studied. A series of experiments were carried out in a scaling tunnel (1:20) to investigate the effects of heat release rates (HRR) and distance of the two fire sources (S) on the maximum temperature and the transverse temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling. Results shown that when the fire sources were set close to each side of the wall, the location of the maximum temperature was found at the middle ceiling of the tunnel. A inverted "N" shape ceiling temperature distribution, with the ceiling temperature firstly decreased and increased and then decreased, was found along the half-cross section of the tunnel. New maximum and transverse ceiling temperature models were developed with considering the distance and heat release rate of the two fire sources, and considering the air entrainment restrictions by the sidewall. New findings of this work can provide a significant reference for the risk assessment of tunnel fires with two transverse fire sources.

Keyword :

Maximum temperature Maximum temperature Transverse double fire sources Transverse double fire sources Transverse temperature distribution Transverse temperature distribution


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GB/T 7714 Qiu, D. Z. , Yang, J. , Liu, C. X. et al. Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources [J]. | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 132 .
MLA Qiu, D. Z. et al. "Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources" . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 132 (2023) .
APA Qiu, D. Z. , Yang, J. , Liu, C. X. , Zheng, Y. H. , Zheng, J. H. . Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 132 .
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Influence of plants on anammox process in constructed Wetland: Irrelevance, inhibition or enhancement SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) can become the dominant process of nitrogen removal in constructed wetland, yet whether plants that are signature composition of wetland play a significant role in this process is still unknown. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of plants (Phragmites) on the anammox-driven wetlands by comparing the differences between plant group and non-plant group. The results indicated that the proportion range of anammox process in nitrogen metabolism of both groups was estimated to be 45 %-63 % according to the detected abundance of functional genes, and there was a significant positive relationship between anammox proportion and total nitrogen removal efficiency (R = 0.81, P < 0.05), which confirmed anammox process dominating the nitrogen transformation in all systems. The average total nitrogen removal efficiencies in the systems with plants addition (84-85 %) were significantly superior than those in the corresponding control systems (74-82 %), respectively (P < 0.05). The presence of plants significantly contributed to the increase in the anammox proportion of nitrogen metabolism and the total absolute abundances of anammox bacteria (P < 0.05). Partial Least Squares Path Analysis Model (PLSPM) furtherly revealed that the estimated weight coefficients of plants to anammox process (R = 1.24) showed the larger level than denitrification process (R = 0.25). Overall, plants played an enhancing role in the anammox process of anammox-driven wetlands, rather than irrelevant or potential inhibiting role. The reason was mainly related to the plant role for improving biofilm formation by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and a significant positive relationship between EPS concentrations (7-224 mu g.g(-1)) and anammox bacteria abundances (1.63-7.66 x 10(8) cells.g(-1)) was found (R = 0.44, P < 0.05). Besides, the subsidiary reasons also lie in the minimal role of plant roots under higher nitrogen loading and the appropriate nitrogen component of wastewater.

Keyword :

Functional genes Functional genes Metagenomic analysis Metagenomic analysis Microbial community Microbial community Nitrogen metabolism Nitrogen metabolism Wastewater Wastewater


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GB/T 7714 Li, Jie , Liu, Lin , Zheng, Yu-Ming et al. Influence of plants on anammox process in constructed Wetland: Irrelevance, inhibition or enhancement [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2023 , 460 .
MLA Li, Jie et al. "Influence of plants on anammox process in constructed Wetland: Irrelevance, inhibition or enhancement" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 460 (2023) .
APA Li, Jie , Liu, Lin , Zheng, Yu-Ming , Ma, Lin , Zhao, Quan-Bao , Liu, Chao-Xiang . Influence of plants on anammox process in constructed Wetland: Irrelevance, inhibition or enhancement . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2023 , 460 .
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Evaluation of rice straw and its transformation products on norfloxacin degradation and antibiotic resistome attenuation during soil incorporation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 313 | CHEMOSPHERE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Straw incorporation into reclaimed soils has been demonstrated to increase soil nutrients and has the potential to efficiently increase crop production. However, which incorporation mode is more helpful in the control of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) remains unknown. In this study, we systematically compared the occurrence of antibiotic resistome in norfloxacin contaminated soils amended with rice straw (RS) and the transformation products, biochar (RSB) and ash (RSA). RS significantly promoted the degradation of norfloxacin (0.0648 d-1, 3 times faster than control), whereas RSB had little effect and RSA hindered the degradation. Based on metagenomic analysis, RS and RSB significantly reduced the ARGs relative abundance (0.1421 and 0.1991 compared to 0.2540 in control) at the end of soil incubation. Adonis test indicated that all of amendment treatments significantly affect the microbial communities in soils, whereas only RS and RSB significantly affect the variation of antibiotic resistome. Procrustes analysis confirmed the association of microbial communities and ARGs. Network analysis further revealed that the reduction in Actinobacteria was the main reason for the general decrease of ARGs relative abundance during soil incorporation, whereas Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were responsible for temporary promotion of ARGs in RS and RSB at the early stage. Finally, scientifically setting up the usage of rice straw and optimizing the preparation process of biochar are suggested for the synchronous control of the risk of antibiotics and ARGs during soil incorporation.

Keyword :

Antibiotic resistome Antibiotic resistome Biochar Biochar Microbial communities Microbial communities Rice straw Rice straw Soil amendment Soil amendment


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GB/T 7714 Tian, Shaohua , Sun, Xuecong , Xiao, Hai et al. Evaluation of rice straw and its transformation products on norfloxacin degradation and antibiotic resistome attenuation during soil incorporation [J]. | CHEMOSPHERE , 2023 , 313 .
MLA Tian, Shaohua et al. "Evaluation of rice straw and its transformation products on norfloxacin degradation and antibiotic resistome attenuation during soil incorporation" . | CHEMOSPHERE 313 (2023) .
APA Tian, Shaohua , Sun, Xuecong , Xiao, Hai , Zhou, Yanyan , Huang, Xu , An, Xin-Li et al. Evaluation of rice straw and its transformation products on norfloxacin degradation and antibiotic resistome attenuation during soil incorporation . | CHEMOSPHERE , 2023 , 313 .
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Planktonic microbial community and biological metabolism in a subtropical drinking water river-reservoir system SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 237 | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To understand the dynamics of planktonic microbial community and its metabolism processes in subtropical drinking water river-reservoir system with lower man-made pollution loading, this study selected Dongzhen river-reservoir system in Mulan Creek as object to investigate spatial-temporal characteristics of community profile and functional genes involved in biological metabolism, and to analyze the influence of environmental factors. The results indicated that Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were the most diverse phyla with proportion ranges of 9%-80% in target system, and carbohydrate metabolism (5.76-7.12 x 10(-2)), amino acid metabolism (5.78-7.21 x 10(-2)) and energy metabolism (4.07-5.17 x 10(-2)) were found to be the dominant pathways of biological metabolism. Although there were variations in biological properties both spatially and temporally, seasonal variation had a greater influence on microbial community and biological metabolism, than locational differences. Regarding the role of environmental factors, this study revealed that microbial diversity could be affected by multiple abiotic factors, with total organic carbon, total phosphorus and temperature being more influential (absolute value of standardized regression weights >2.13). Stochastic processes dominated the microbial community assembly (R2 of neutral community model = 0.645), while niche-based processes differences represented by nutrients, temperature and pH level played secondary roles (R > 0.388, P < 0.01). Notably, the synergistic influences among the environmental factors accounted for the higher percentages of community variation (maximum proportion up to 17.6%). Additionally, pH level, temperature, and concentrations of dissolved oxygen, carbon and nitrogen were found to be the significant factors affecting carbon metabolism pathways (P < 0.05), yet only total organic carbon significantly affected on nitrogen transformation (P < 0.05). In summary, the microbial profile in reservoir is not completely dominated by that in feeding river, and planktonic microbial community and its metabolism in subtropical drinking water river-reservoir system are shaped by multiple abiotic and biotic factors with underlying interactions.

Keyword :

Community assembly Community assembly Diversity Diversity Environmental factor Environmental factor Metabolism pathway Metabolism pathway Metagenomic analysis Metagenomic analysis Relative abundance Relative abundance


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Lin , Xin, Yu , Guang, Shan-Bin et al. Planktonic microbial community and biological metabolism in a subtropical drinking water river-reservoir system [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH , 2023 , 237 .
MLA Liu, Lin et al. "Planktonic microbial community and biological metabolism in a subtropical drinking water river-reservoir system" . | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 237 (2023) .
APA Liu, Lin , Xin, Yu , Guang, Shan-Bin , Lin, Guo-Fu , Liu, Chao-Xiang , Zeng, Li-Qin et al. Planktonic microbial community and biological metabolism in a subtropical drinking water river-reservoir system . | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH , 2023 , 237 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 64 (4) , 74-83 | True State and Issues Related to the Usage of Toilets and the Treatment of Human Waste in Times of Disaster
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

中国 中国 カーボンニュートラル政策 カーボンニュートラル政策 水環境 水環境 環境政策 環境政策 生態環境 生態環境 第14次五カ年計画 第14次五カ年計画


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GB/T 7714 徐 開欽 , 陳姝 , 陳 暁晨 et al. 中国における生態環境の現状とその保全対策の動向 [J]. | True State and Issues Related to the Usage of Toilets and the Treatment of Human Waste in Times of Disaster , 2022 , 64 (4) : 74-83 .
MLA 徐 開欽 et al. "中国における生態環境の現状とその保全対策の動向" . | True State and Issues Related to the Usage of Toilets and the Treatment of Human Waste in Times of Disaster 64 . 4 (2022) : 74-83 .
APA 徐 開欽 , 陳姝 , 陳 暁晨 , 劉 超翔 , 範 功端 . 中国における生態環境の現状とその保全対策の動向 . | True State and Issues Related to the Usage of Toilets and the Treatment of Human Waste in Times of Disaster , 2022 , 64 (4) , 74-83 .
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Performance of tidal and non-tidal mangrove constructed wetlands in treating maricultural wastewater SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 85 (9) , 2772-2785 | WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This study aims to evaluate the removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus in the tidal and non-tidal constructed wetlands with typical mangrove (Aegiceras corniculatum) as a wetland plant model to treat simulated marine wastewater. The results showed that the average removals of NO2--N, NH4+-N, TN and TP were 88.4, 80.5, 81.4, 79.7 and 40.8% in the non-tidal subsurface flow (HF) mangrove wetland, respectively, and 65.3, 61.3, 90.6, 60.1 and 19.2% in the tidal (TF) mangrove wetland, and 11.4, 64.6, 68.7, 56.6 and 16.3% in the non-tidal free water surface (FWS) mangrove wetland, respectively. Moreover, it was observed that the composition of microbial communities in the HF mangrove wetland was beneficial to the nitrogen cycle and has more quantitative associations of N-metabolism genes. The results indicated that non-tidal HF mangrove wetland has a stable and an effective capacity for potential treatment of marine wastewater compared to the non-tidal FWS mangrove wetland and tidal TF mangrove wetland.

Keyword :

constructed wetland constructed wetland mangrove mangrove nutrient removal nutrient removal tidal tidal


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Tingfeng , Liu, Chaoxiang , Wei, Lili et al. Performance of tidal and non-tidal mangrove constructed wetlands in treating maricultural wastewater [J]. | WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 85 (9) : 2772-2785 .
MLA Zhang, Tingfeng et al. "Performance of tidal and non-tidal mangrove constructed wetlands in treating maricultural wastewater" . | WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 85 . 9 (2022) : 2772-2785 .
APA Zhang, Tingfeng , Liu, Chaoxiang , Wei, Lili , Tian, Shaohua , Li, Jie , Ndayambaje, Patrick et al. Performance of tidal and non-tidal mangrove constructed wetlands in treating maricultural wastewater . | WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 85 (9) , 2772-2785 .
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Decomposition and Nutrient Release into Water from Litter Mixtures of Coastal Wetland Species SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 42 (5) | WETLANDS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Coastal wetlands are among the most carbon-rich ecosystems in the world. Litter decomposition is a major process controlling soil carbon input. Non-additive effect of litter mixture on decomposition has been observed in many terrestrial plants but rarely tested in coastal species. We selected three common mangrove species and one saltmarsh species co-occurring in subtropical coasts to test whether the non-additive effect occurs when their litters mixed together, and how the nutrients release into water are impacted consequently. A litter-bag experiment was carried out in a glasshouse with single and mixed leaf litters. Non-additive effects were observed in the litter mixtures of mangrove species Aegiceras corniculatum vs. Kandelia obovata (antagonistic) and A. corniculatum vs. Avicennia marina (synergistic), but not in the litter mixtures of A. corniculatum (mangrove species) vs. Spartina alterniflora (saltmarsh species). The strength of the non-additive effect was unrelated to the initial trait dissimilarity of litters. Instead, the decomposition rate and mass remaining of litter mixtures were strongly related to the carbon concentrations in litter mixtures. Nutrient content in waters was dependent on the decomposition rate of litter mixtures but not on the initial nutrient concentrations in litters. Despite the behind mechanisms were not yet revealed by the current study, our findings have improved the understanding of the litter decomposition of coastal species and the consequent nutrient release.

Keyword :

Aegiceras corniculatum Aegiceras corniculatum Avicennia marina Avicennia marina Community-weighted mean Community-weighted mean Cordgrass Cordgrass Kandelia obovata Kandelia obovata Litter mixture Litter mixture Non-additive effect Non-additive effect Trait dissimilarity Trait dissimilarity


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GB/T 7714 Ndayambaje, Patrick , Zhang, Tingfeng , Wei, Lili et al. Decomposition and Nutrient Release into Water from Litter Mixtures of Coastal Wetland Species [J]. | WETLANDS , 2022 , 42 (5) .
MLA Ndayambaje, Patrick et al. "Decomposition and Nutrient Release into Water from Litter Mixtures of Coastal Wetland Species" . | WETLANDS 42 . 5 (2022) .
APA Ndayambaje, Patrick , Zhang, Tingfeng , Wei, Lili , Liu, Lin , Huang, Xu , Li, Jie et al. Decomposition and Nutrient Release into Water from Litter Mixtures of Coastal Wetland Species . | WETLANDS , 2022 , 42 (5) .
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