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Supportfree printing in laser powder bed fusion: Formation mechanisms of discontinuity, dross and surface roughness SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The supportfree printing of overhanging structure arouses enormous interest for its advantages to eliminate the need for support removal and to improve the efficiency in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing. However, the improvement of down -facing surface quality remains a significant challenge, where an in-depth understanding of the formation of overhanging tracks is essential. This paper developed a multiphysics model of overhanging tracks in L-PBF to systematically investigate the formation mechanisms of key features such as discontinuity and dross, as well as their correlation with surface roughness. It reveals that there are two main causes of discontinuity of overhanging tracks: the coalescence and balling of the melt under low energy density, and the irregular sinking of melt pool at the overhanging edge. The high energy density could mitigate the occurrence of discontinuous tracks, but it might also lead to undesirable dross upon the complete penetration of the overhanging structure. The relationship between processing parameters, morphological defects and surface roughness were systematically discussed, which revealed the necessity to tailor processing parameters for different overhang angles to improve the down -facing surface quality. Furthermore, the significant correlation between the single-track morphology and the down -facing surface roughness has been demonstrated quantitatively, which proposed a practical way to predict the trend of the down -facing surface quality by single-track simulation. This could help improve the supportfree printing process in metal additive manufacturing.

Keyword :

Laser powder bed fusion Laser powder bed fusion Multi-physics modeling Multi-physics modeling Overhanging structure Overhanging structure Supportfree printing Supportfree printing Surface roughness Surface roughness


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GB/T 7714 Xiang, Hongliang , Zhou, Yulong , Zhang, Xiangkai et al. Supportfree printing in laser powder bed fusion: Formation mechanisms of discontinuity, dross and surface roughness [J]. | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 177 .
MLA Xiang, Hongliang et al. "Supportfree printing in laser powder bed fusion: Formation mechanisms of discontinuity, dross and surface roughness" . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 177 (2024) .
APA Xiang, Hongliang , Zhou, Yulong , Zhang, Xiangkai , Li, Jie , Huang, Ye , Mou, Gang et al. Supportfree printing in laser powder bed fusion: Formation mechanisms of discontinuity, dross and surface roughness . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 177 .
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Failure mechanism of parallel gap resistance welding joint between Ag foil and GaAs solar cell by temperature cycling SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Reliability of joints in solar arrays significantly influences the service life of satellites. Interface between solar cell and interconnector experiences serious temperature cycling during space service which would further lead to failure. To further improve the interface joining thermal reliability, elucidation of the interface formation and corresponding microstructure evolution during thermal fatigue is necessary. In this study, parallel gap resistance welded (PGRW) multi-layered joint between GaAs solar cell and Ag foil are subjected to different temperature cycling tests (-160-120 C-degrees, -165-160 (degrees)olution interdiffusion between Ag foil and Au surface of solar cell electrode. Also, conducted temperature cycling essentially lead to thermal fatigue process at Ag/Au interface, therefore more serious interface strength degradation is generated by larger temperature cycling range. Joint failure is initiated by thermal fatigue induced dislocation and residual strain concentrations around dissimilar interface. And the large mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of the multilayer structure amplifies the thermal fatigue effect.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keyword :

Ag foil Ag foil Dissimilar interface Dissimilar interface GaAs solar cell GaAs solar cell Parallel gap resistance welding Parallel gap resistance welding Thermal fatigue Thermal fatigue


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GB/T 7714 Ding, Yuhan , Li, Xiaoran , Shen, Chen et al. Failure mechanism of parallel gap resistance welding joint between Ag foil and GaAs solar cell by temperature cycling [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , 2023 , 26 : 3272-3284 .
MLA Ding, Yuhan et al. "Failure mechanism of parallel gap resistance welding joint between Ag foil and GaAs solar cell by temperature cycling" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T 26 (2023) : 3272-3284 .
APA Ding, Yuhan , Li, Xiaoran , Shen, Chen , Huang, Ye , Wei, Yi , Chen, Nannan et al. Failure mechanism of parallel gap resistance welding joint between Ag foil and GaAs solar cell by temperature cycling . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T , 2023 , 26 , 3272-3284 .
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Fracture Mode Variation Mechanism of Al/Steel Dissimilar Overlap Joint Made Using Variable Polarity Cold Metal Transfer-Based Arc Brazing SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Rapid development of new energy vehicle desires more advanced lightweight design; such need makes the use of more Al continuously attractive to automotive industry. Since welding is the most commonly used method to build a car, the quality of Al/steel dissimilar joint becomes a key factor influencing the vehicle reliability. There is a common sense that Al/steel dissimilar joint would fracture either along Al/steel interface or Al heat-affected zone (HAZ), but the mechanism of such fracture mode variation is lack of experimental support. And as the joint interface is inevitably composed of Fe2Al5 and Fe4Al13 intermetallic layers, the detailed fracture procedure is usually too fast to be captured in situ and therefore rarely reported. In the present work, the fracture mode of Al/steel dissimilar overlap joints made using variable polarity cold metal transfer-based arc brazing is investigated using high-speed camera under special instrument setup. And by combining the high-speed camera results with interface material characterization results, the mechanism of fracture mode variation in Al/steel dissimilar overlap joint under axial tensile force is clarified. It is found that along with the increase in arc welding heat input, the fracture propagation path would experience a variation in "Al/steel interface -> Al HAZ." And such variation is practically induced by the synergistic effect of both overlap joint stress concentration and Al/steel interface strength, which is subsequently confirmed by numerical model analysis and a specially designed interface shear strength test.

Keyword :

dissimilar joint dissimilar joint fracture fracture interface interface numerical simulation numerical simulation welding welding


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Peizhi , Hua, Xueming , Shen, Chen et al. Fracture Mode Variation Mechanism of Al/Steel Dissimilar Overlap Joint Made Using Variable Polarity Cold Metal Transfer-Based Arc Brazing [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE , 2022 , 32 (2) : 512-523 .
MLA Xu, Peizhi et al. "Fracture Mode Variation Mechanism of Al/Steel Dissimilar Overlap Joint Made Using Variable Polarity Cold Metal Transfer-Based Arc Brazing" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE 32 . 2 (2022) : 512-523 .
APA Xu, Peizhi , Hua, Xueming , Shen, Chen , Mou, Gang , Huang, Ye , Wu, Kanglong et al. Fracture Mode Variation Mechanism of Al/Steel Dissimilar Overlap Joint Made Using Variable Polarity Cold Metal Transfer-Based Arc Brazing . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE , 2022 , 32 (2) , 512-523 .
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