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Numerical Analysis of Imperceptible Mechanical Behavior in Soil Arch Evolution SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The trapdoor test has been widely used to study engineering scenarios where pressure calculation methods need to be re-evaluated due to relative soil displacements. To propose a more reasonable calculation theory, over the past few decades, researchers have primarily focused on understanding soil deformation mechanisms and stress evolution on the surface of the trapdoor. However, the limited availability of experimental data has hindered the development of a universally accepted theory. In contrast, FEMs offer a powerful tool for capturing more comprehensive and precise stress-strain information. In this study, various active trapdoor models were established, each with a width of 2 m and differing burial depths, using the FEM. By integrating the ground reaction curve, the normalized stress distribution on the trapdoor was analyzed to reveal significant stages in soil stress evolution. Additionally, the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion was applied to differentiate between sliding and failure surfaces, shedding light on the evolution trend of the failure surface. Moreover, three lines and four points were selected to monitor the evolution of principal stresses in the soil. Drawing on principles of plane strain mechanics, the distributions and evolutions of the three principal stresses were presented in the xy-plane using vector graphics. Notably, this study highlights the crucial role of the intermediate principal stress in soil arch calculation theory.

Keyword :

Failure mechanism Failure mechanism FEM FEM Soil arching Soil arching Stress redistribution Stress redistribution Stress trajectory Stress trajectory Trapdoor Trapdoor


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GB/T 7714 Lai, Dao-Liang , Chen, Fu-Quan , Lv, Yan-Ping et al. Numerical Analysis of Imperceptible Mechanical Behavior in Soil Arch Evolution [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS , 2025 , 25 (1) .
MLA Lai, Dao-Liang et al. "Numerical Analysis of Imperceptible Mechanical Behavior in Soil Arch Evolution" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 25 . 1 (2025) .
APA Lai, Dao-Liang , Chen, Fu-Quan , Lv, Yan-Ping , Kuang, Yi-Xing . Numerical Analysis of Imperceptible Mechanical Behavior in Soil Arch Evolution . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS , 2025 , 25 (1) .
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Active failure mechanism and earth pressure of narrow backfill behind retaining structures SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Through a series of model tests accomplished by Particle Image Velocimetry analyses, this study presents the visualization of the displacement field of the narrow soil behind retaining structures under translational mode. The progressive development of failure mechanisms and active earth pressure are measured in the process of tests. Finite element limit analyses are supplementally carried out to investigate and verify the ultimate failure mechanism and active earth pressure acting on retaining structures as the tests. Furthermore, this study carried out parameter studies on the development of failure mechanisms and active earth pressure with different aspect ratios, inclinations of the existing structure, and backfill surface surcharge. Experimental and numerical results show a reasonable verification of each other. With the increase in backfill spacing, the failure mechanism of backfill turns from reflective shear bands into a single shear band, and the earth pressure exerted on the retaining structure increases.

Keyword :

Earth pressure Earth pressure Failure mechanism Failure mechanism Model test Model test Narrow backfill Narrow backfill Retaining walls Retaining walls


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Hao-Biao , Lin, Cheng , Lv, Yan-Ping et al. Active failure mechanism and earth pressure of narrow backfill behind retaining structures [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MODELLING IN GEOTECHNICS , 2024 , 24 (5) : 250-267 .
MLA Chen, Hao-Biao et al. "Active failure mechanism and earth pressure of narrow backfill behind retaining structures" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MODELLING IN GEOTECHNICS 24 . 5 (2024) : 250-267 .
APA Chen, Hao-Biao , Lin, Cheng , Lv, Yan-Ping , Chen, Fu-Quan . Active failure mechanism and earth pressure of narrow backfill behind retaining structures . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MODELLING IN GEOTECHNICS , 2024 , 24 (5) , 250-267 .
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Study on mechanical characteristics of pipe umbrella support in shallow buried tunnels SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Considering the micro-arching effect between pipe umbrella, the paper investigates the mechanical response of pipe umbrellas during tunnel excavation by simulating pipe umbrellas as Timoshenko beams on a Pasternak foundation. The finite difference method is employed to solve the deflection, bending moment, and shear force of pipe umbrellas. By analyzing and contrasting with real-world engineering monitoring data, finite element computation results, and existing theories of other researchers, the reliability of the proposed method is verified, and good agreements are observed. A new parameter delta(p) is introduced in our method to represent the proportion of overlying load transmitted through the pipe umbrella, and influences of stiffness of the surrounding rock in front of the tunnel face, initial support stiffness, pipe umbrella design schemes, and excavation depth on the load transfer capacity of the pipe umbrella are subsequently investigated. The conclusions reveal that increases of surrounding rock stiffness, initial support stiffness, and diameter of pipe umbrellas would all enhance the stability of both the tunnel and pipe umbrellas. However, such enhancements have certain limitations. Particularly, when the excavation footage c <1 m, the pipe umbrella diameter should be specifically selected based on cases.

Keyword :

Finite difference method Finite difference method Load transfer characteristics Load transfer characteristics Micro-arching effect Micro-arching effect Pipe umbrella Pipe umbrella Timoshenko beam Timoshenko beam Variable foundation coefficient Variable foundation coefficient


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Yun-Han , Xiao, Chang-Jin , Chen, Fu-Quan et al. Study on mechanical characteristics of pipe umbrella support in shallow buried tunnels [J]. | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 145 .
MLA Wu, Yun-Han et al. "Study on mechanical characteristics of pipe umbrella support in shallow buried tunnels" . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 145 (2024) .
APA Wu, Yun-Han , Xiao, Chang-Jin , Chen, Fu-Quan , Cai, Gang . Study on mechanical characteristics of pipe umbrella support in shallow buried tunnels . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 145 .
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Determination of the overconsolidation ratio and undrained shear strength of cohesive soils by CPTu measurement SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 146 | APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Estimations of the undrained shear strength (Su) and overconsolition ratio (OCR) of cohesive soil are essential for the evaluation of geology investigation. In comparison to time-consuming laboratory tests, the field piezocone penetration test (CPTu) can rapidly evaluate these parameters. However, existing studies have mainly relied on empirical correlations to estimate the undrained shear strength Su and OCR from CPTu measurements. These correlations are mainly empirical, involving fixed coefficients multiplied by CPTu measurement. Based on the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method, this study employed large deformation finite element modeling to summarize and extend the relationships between CPTu measurement and the estimation of undrained shear strength Su and OCR in cohesive soils. These relationships allow for predictions based on CPTu measurements without the requirement for laboratory calibration or referencing to field benchmarks. The accuracy and applicability of the proposed prediction formulas are validated through field case studies for comparative analysis.

Keyword :

Field piezocone penetration test Field piezocone penetration test Large deformation finite element analysis Large deformation finite element analysis Overconsolidation ratio Overconsolidation ratio Undrained shear strength Undrained shear strength


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Zhan-Liang , Chen, Hao-Biao , Chen, Fu-Quan et al. Determination of the overconsolidation ratio and undrained shear strength of cohesive soils by CPTu measurement [J]. | APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH , 2024 , 146 .
MLA Wang, Zhan-Liang et al. "Determination of the overconsolidation ratio and undrained shear strength of cohesive soils by CPTu measurement" . | APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH 146 (2024) .
APA Wang, Zhan-Liang , Chen, Hao-Biao , Chen, Fu-Quan , Liu, Li -Yang . Determination of the overconsolidation ratio and undrained shear strength of cohesive soils by CPTu measurement . | APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH , 2024 , 146 .
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Failure Mechanism and Active Earth Pressure of Narrow Backfills behind Retaining Structures Rotating about the Base SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A series of model tests were conducted to simulate the active failure of narrow cohesionless backfills behind retaining walls rotating about the base (RB mode). The tests aimed to investigate the effect of wall displacement magnitude, backfill widths, and the inclinations of retaining walls and existing structures on the failure mechanism and earth pressure. The test results revealed that the rupture propagation follows a progressive top-down failure pattern and does not extend to the base of the wall under RB mode, contrasting with the assumptions of the existing theoretical solution. Notably, a narrower backfill exhibited multiple parallel shear bands in contrast to the semi-infinite backfill, highlighting the significant impact of backfill geometry on the orientation of these shear bands. Furthermore, the active earth pressure distribution under RB mode displayed an approximately linear trend, slightly reducing earth pressure near the base. The development of earth pressure suggested that the backfill reached the active limit state after the wall had experienced a displacement equal to 0.35% of its height (H). It was observed that the active earth pressure for a backfill width-to-height ratio (B/H) of 0.5 closely corresponded to values obtained through the Coulomb method. Moreover, the results indicated that the active earth pressure increased proportionally with an increase in the B/H ratio and a decrease in the inclinations of both the retaining structures and existing structures.

Keyword :

Active earth pressure Active earth pressure Deformation Deformation Narrow backfill Narrow backfill Retaining structure Retaining structure


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Hao-Biao , Chen, Fu-Quan , Chen, Chang et al. Failure Mechanism and Active Earth Pressure of Narrow Backfills behind Retaining Structures Rotating about the Base [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS , 2024 , 24 (5) .
MLA Chen, Hao-Biao et al. "Failure Mechanism and Active Earth Pressure of Narrow Backfills behind Retaining Structures Rotating about the Base" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 24 . 5 (2024) .
APA Chen, Hao-Biao , Chen, Fu-Quan , Chen, Chang , Lai, Dao-Liang . Failure Mechanism and Active Earth Pressure of Narrow Backfills behind Retaining Structures Rotating about the Base . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS , 2024 , 24 (5) .
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Slip-line solution to seismic active earth pressure of narrow c- φ soils on gravity walls rotating about the bottom SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The adaptive finite element limit analysis (AFELA) method was employed to simulate the active failure mechanisms and plastic region distribution properties under complex backfill conditions to study the active earth pressure of backfill near a firm slope on gravity walls rotating about the bottom. The simulation results revealed that the backfill progressively fails from top to bottom and the backfill in the area above the failure surface enters a plastic state. The slip -line method was combined with the pseudo -static technique to compute the seismic active earth pressure. Compared with the traditional limit analysis method and limit equilibrium method, the seismic slip line method does not need to pre -assume the failure mechanisms. The reliability and rationality of the method are confirmed by comparing the computation results of the seismic slip line method with the computation results of the finite element limit analysis method, the existing experimental data, and the existing theoretical solutions. Furthermore, the impacts of parameters such as backfill geometries, seismic acceleration, and interface strength on seismic active earth pressure are discussed in detail.

Keyword :

Narrow soil Narrow soil Rotation about the bottom Rotation about the bottom Seismic active earth pressure Seismic active earth pressure Slip-line method Slip-line method


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Fu-quan , Chen, Chang , Kang, Wu-zhen et al. Slip-line solution to seismic active earth pressure of narrow c- φ soils on gravity walls rotating about the bottom [J]. | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2024 , 181 .
MLA Chen, Fu-quan et al. "Slip-line solution to seismic active earth pressure of narrow c- φ soils on gravity walls rotating about the bottom" . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 181 (2024) .
APA Chen, Fu-quan , Chen, Chang , Kang, Wu-zhen , Xu, Li , Li, Xi-bin . Slip-line solution to seismic active earth pressure of narrow c- φ soils on gravity walls rotating about the bottom . | SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING , 2024 , 181 .
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Analytical Method for the Buried Pipeline on an Elastic Foundation with Local Ground Subsidence Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 28 (11) , 5004-5016 | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This study addresses the issue of localized ground subsidence and its effect on buried pipelines. Timoshenko beam model, placed on a Pasternak foundation, is used to analyze the internal force response of buried pipelines under foundation subsidence. The load on the pipeline, resulting from localized ground subsidence, is assumed to be symmetric. The load distribution on the buried section of the pipeline is represented using a McLaurin series. Analytical solutions for the deflection and bending moment of the pipeline under arbitrary symmetrical loading are derived based on the theory of elastic foundation beams. Additionally, the accuracy of the analytical solutions is verified through comparisons with experimental studies, finite element analysis, and existing theories. In the analysis, the shear modulus of the Timoshenko beam is set to infinity, resulting in the degeneration of the model into the Euler-Bernoulli beam. The effect of the shear modulus and diameter-span ratio (D/l) of the Timoshenko beam is investigated in the parameter analysis, and the applicability for both beam models is determined. The results indicate that, for buried pipelines with a diameter-span ratio greater than 0.1, the Timoshenko beam model provides more accurate deflection calculations than the Euler-Bernoulli beam model. © Korean Society of Civil Engineers 2024.

Keyword :

Deflection Deflection Elastic foundation beam Elastic foundation beam Ground subsidence Ground subsidence Pipeline Pipeline Timoshenko beam Timoshenko beam


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GB/T 7714 Guo, F.-C. , Lv, Y.-P. , Chen, F.-Q. et al. Analytical Method for the Buried Pipeline on an Elastic Foundation with Local Ground Subsidence [J]. | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering , 2024 , 28 (11) : 5004-5016 .
MLA Guo, F.-C. et al. "Analytical Method for the Buried Pipeline on an Elastic Foundation with Local Ground Subsidence" . | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 28 . 11 (2024) : 5004-5016 .
APA Guo, F.-C. , Lv, Y.-P. , Chen, F.-Q. , Lai, D.-L. . Analytical Method for the Buried Pipeline on an Elastic Foundation with Local Ground Subsidence . | KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering , 2024 , 28 (11) , 5004-5016 .
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Active Earth Pressure on the Rigid Support Structures of Excavations Parallel to Tunnel Construction Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (8) | International Journal of Geomechanics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The failure mode of the soil behind the rigid support structure of excavations parallel to tunneling was simulated using the adaptive finite-element limit analysis method. This study showed the effects of tunnel diameter, tunnel construction clear spacing, excavation insertion ratio, and soil strength on the failure mode of the soil. Based on the simulated results obtained from finite-element software, a stress field was constructed for the portion above the horizontal plane at the bottom of the excavation support structure. Three types of boundary value problems were solved based on different regional divisions. Eventually, the stress state at any point within the plastic zone was calculated, providing the active earth pressure on the support structure adjacent to the tunnel during its construction. A comparison between the stress characteristic method calculation results and the finite-element simulation results showed consistency, confirming the efficiency and accuracy of the stress characteristic method in calculating the earth pressure on the support structure of excavations parallel to tunneling. © 2024 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Keyword :

Earth pressure Earth pressure Excavation support structure Excavation support structure Plastic zone Plastic zone Stress characteristic method Stress characteristic method Tunnel construction Tunnel construction


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GB/T 7714 Chen, C. , Lv, Y.-P. , Li, X.-J. et al. Active Earth Pressure on the Rigid Support Structures of Excavations Parallel to Tunnel Construction [J]. | International Journal of Geomechanics , 2024 , 24 (8) .
MLA Chen, C. et al. "Active Earth Pressure on the Rigid Support Structures of Excavations Parallel to Tunnel Construction" . | International Journal of Geomechanics 24 . 8 (2024) .
APA Chen, C. , Lv, Y.-P. , Li, X.-J. , Chen, F.-Q. . Active Earth Pressure on the Rigid Support Structures of Excavations Parallel to Tunnel Construction . | International Journal of Geomechanics , 2024 , 24 (8) .
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Complex variable solution on over-/under-break shallow tunnelling in gravitational geomaterial with reasonable far-field displacement EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 174 | Computers and Geotechnics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Over-/under-break excavation is a common phenomenon in shallow tunnelling, which is nonetheless not generally considered in existing complex variable solutions. In this paper, a new equilibrium mechanical model on over-/under-break shallow tunnelling in gravitational geomaterial is established by fixing far-field ground surface to form a corresponding mixed boundary problem. With integration of a newly proposed bidirectional composite conformal mapping using Charge Simulation Method, a complex variable solution of infinite complex potential series is subsequently derived using analytic continuation to transform the mixed boundaries into a homogenerous Riemann–Hilbert problem, which is iteratively solved to obtain the stress and displacement in geomaterial. The infinite complex potential series of the complex variable solution are truncated to obtain numerical results, which is rectified by Lanczos filtering to reduce the oscillation of Gibbs phenomena. The bidirectional conformal mapping is discussed and validated via several numerical cases, and the subsequent complex variable solution is verified by examining the Lanczos filtering and solution convergence, and comparing with corresponding finite element solution and existing analytical solutions. Parametric investigation is conducted to illustrate possible usage of the proposed analytical solution. Further discussions are made to disclose possible defects of the proposed solution for objectivity. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd

Keyword :

Conformal mapping Conformal mapping Iterative methods Iterative methods Tunneling (excavation) Tunneling (excavation)


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Luo-bin , Chen, Fu-quan , Zhuang, Jin-ping . Complex variable solution on over-/under-break shallow tunnelling in gravitational geomaterial with reasonable far-field displacement [J]. | Computers and Geotechnics , 2024 , 174 .
MLA Lin, Luo-bin et al. "Complex variable solution on over-/under-break shallow tunnelling in gravitational geomaterial with reasonable far-field displacement" . | Computers and Geotechnics 174 (2024) .
APA Lin, Luo-bin , Chen, Fu-quan , Zhuang, Jin-ping . Complex variable solution on over-/under-break shallow tunnelling in gravitational geomaterial with reasonable far-field displacement . | Computers and Geotechnics , 2024 , 174 .
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Influence of drainage conditions on piezocone penetration mechanism in offshore clays Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 | Ships and Offshore Structures
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

CPTu (piezocone penetration test) is widely used in engineering practice to determine various parameters of clays under partially drained conditions. However, most existing research is based on undrained or fully drained conditions for clays, leading to underestimation or overestimation of soil strength. By applying the Eulerian-Lagrangian large deformation finite element method to analyse the water-soil interaction, the CPTu driving mechanism in offshore saturated soft clays under different drainage conditions is revealed. An advanced hypoplastic constitutive model for clays is used to simulate the nonlinear behaviour of kaolin under different drainage conditions. The generation, accumulation, and dissipation of excess pore water pressure under different drainage conditions are analysed, as well as the influence of excess pore water pressure on cone tip resistance and the effective stress of the soil during the CPTu penetration process. © 2024 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

Keyword :

Large deformation finite element analysis Large deformation finite element analysis normalised permeability normalised permeability partially drained partially drained piezocone penetration test piezocone penetration test water-soil interaction water-soil interaction


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GB/T 7714 Chen, C. , Liu, L.-Y. , Chen, F.-Q. et al. Influence of drainage conditions on piezocone penetration mechanism in offshore clays [J]. | Ships and Offshore Structures , 2024 .
MLA Chen, C. et al. "Influence of drainage conditions on piezocone penetration mechanism in offshore clays" . | Ships and Offshore Structures (2024) .
APA Chen, C. , Liu, L.-Y. , Chen, F.-Q. , Chen, H.-B. . Influence of drainage conditions on piezocone penetration mechanism in offshore clays . | Ships and Offshore Structures , 2024 .
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