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High Impact Results & Cited Count Trend for Year Keyword Cloud and Partner Relationship
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“人口流动”视域下中国城市中心性和社群格局分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 26 (03) , 666-678 | 地球信息科学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

区域协调发展 区域协调发展 城市中心性 城市中心性 城市相互作用 城市相互作用 城市群 城市群 城际人口流动网络格局 城际人口流动网络格局 城际人口流动超越指数 城际人口流动超越指数 百度迁徙数据 百度迁徙数据 社区检测 社区检测


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GB/T 7714 尹延中 , 邬群勇 , 林瀚 et al. “人口流动”视域下中国城市中心性和社群格局分析 [J]. | 地球信息科学学报 , 2024 , 26 (03) : 666-678 .
MLA 尹延中 et al. "“人口流动”视域下中国城市中心性和社群格局分析" . | 地球信息科学学报 26 . 03 (2024) : 666-678 .
APA 尹延中 , 邬群勇 , 林瀚 , 赵志远 . “人口流动”视域下中国城市中心性和社群格局分析 . | 地球信息科学学报 , 2024 , 26 (03) , 666-678 .
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Transfer-Learning-Based Approach to Retrieve the Cloud Properties Using Diverse Remote Sensing Datasets SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Clouds play an important role in the Earth's climate system; however, various observational methods describe clouds differently, leading to cloud products being described with different characteristics, and affecting our understanding of cloud effects. To address this problem, this study integrates different cloud products into the transfer-learning procedure of a deep-learning model and determines the cloud effective radius (CER), cloud optical thickness (COT), and cloud top height (CTH) from Himawari-8 thermal infrared measurements. The retrieval results were independently evaluated against the moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer science products and further compared with Himawari-8 operational products during the day. The root mean squared errors (RMSEs) of the model for the CER, COT, and CTH were 4.490 mu m , 11.198, and 1.904 km, respectively, which are lower than those of Himawari-8 operational products (RMSE: 11.172 mu m , 14.755, and 2.860 km). Moreover, validation results against active sensors show that the model performs slightly better during the day than at night, and both are generally better than the Himawari-8 operational product. Overall, the model maintains stable performance during both day and night, and its accuracy is higher than that of Himawari-8 operational products.

Keyword :

Brightness temperature Brightness temperature Cloud properties Cloud properties Clouds Clouds Data models Data models Himawari-8 Himawari-8 MODIS MODIS Optical sensors Optical sensors Remote sensing Remote sensing Satellites Satellites Small Attention-UNet (SmaAt-UNet) Small Attention-UNet (SmaAt-UNet) transfer-learning transfer-learning


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GB/T 7714 Li, Jingwei , Zhang, Feng , Li, Wenwen et al. Transfer-Learning-Based Approach to Retrieve the Cloud Properties Using Diverse Remote Sensing Datasets [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING , 2023 , 61 .
MLA Li, Jingwei et al. "Transfer-Learning-Based Approach to Retrieve the Cloud Properties Using Diverse Remote Sensing Datasets" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 61 (2023) .
APA Li, Jingwei , Zhang, Feng , Li, Wenwen , Tong, Xuan , Pan, Baoxiang , Li, Jun et al. Transfer-Learning-Based Approach to Retrieve the Cloud Properties Using Diverse Remote Sensing Datasets . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING , 2023 , 61 .
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Parameterization of optical properties for liquid cloud droplets containing black carbon based on neural network SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 31 (24) , 40124-40141 | OPTICS EXPRESS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper introduces a novel back propagation (BP) neural network method to accurately characterize optical properties of liquid cloud droplets, including black carbon. The model establishes relationships between black carbon volume fraction, wavelength, cloud effective radius, and optical properties. Evaluated on a test set, the value of the root mean square error (RMSE) of the asymmetry factor, extinction coefficient, single-scattering albedo, and the first 4 moments of the Legendre expansion of the phase function are less than 0.003, with the maximum mean relative error (MRE) reaching 0.2%, which are all better than the traditional method that only uses polynomials to fit the relationship between the effective radius and optical properties. Notably, the BP neural network significantly compresses the optical property database size by 37,800 times. Radiative transfer simulations indicate that mixing black carbon particles in water clouds reduces the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance and heats the atmosphere. However, if the volume fraction of black carbon is less than 10-6, the black carbon mixed in the water cloud has a tiny effect on the simulated TOA reflectance.


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GB/T 7714 Li, Jun , Hang, Feng , Liu, Jia et al. Parameterization of optical properties for liquid cloud droplets containing black carbon based on neural network [J]. | OPTICS EXPRESS , 2023 , 31 (24) : 40124-40141 .
MLA Li, Jun et al. "Parameterization of optical properties for liquid cloud droplets containing black carbon based on neural network" . | OPTICS EXPRESS 31 . 24 (2023) : 40124-40141 .
APA Li, Jun , Hang, Feng , Liu, Jia , Li, Wenwen , Wu, Kun , Hu, Shuai et al. Parameterization of optical properties for liquid cloud droplets containing black carbon based on neural network . | OPTICS EXPRESS , 2023 , 31 (24) , 40124-40141 .
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