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Compared to duplex stainless steels (DSSs) prepared by traditional methods, specimens produced through laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) exhibit excellent yield strength but lower elongation. To improve elongation, understanding microstructure evolution during uniaxial tensile testing is crucial. This study investigates the slip behavior, grain boundary evolution, and phase transformation of LPBF 2205 duplex stainless steel during tensile deformation using in-situ electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Results show the formation of slip bands, which increase in number as loading stress rises. The primary slip systems activated are {110} in ferrite and {111} in austenite. In the ferrite phase, slip dislocations accumulate and generate low-angle grain boundaries (LAGBs), which evolve into high-angle grain boundaries (HAGBs), refining the grain structure. Numerous Σ3 annealing twins form in the austenite phase, but detwinning and twinning reduce Σ3 content as deformation processes. Ferrite and austenite exhibit good stability during the initial stages of tensile deformation. However, some austenite transforms into martensite through the transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) effect at the final stages of deformation, which helps relieve stress concentration and delays material fracture. This study provides valuable insights for optimizing microstructure to improve the mechanical properties of LPBF materials. © 2024 The Authors
Keyword :
Austenite Austenite Crystal lattices Crystal lattices Duplex stainless steel Duplex stainless steel Fracture mechanics Fracture mechanics Grain boundaries Grain boundaries Plasticity testing Plasticity testing Steel powder metallurgy Steel powder metallurgy Steel testing Steel testing Tensile strength Tensile strength Tensile testing Tensile testing Transformation Induced Plasticity steel Transformation Induced Plasticity steel Yield stress Yield stress
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GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Wei , Xiang, Hongliang , Zhan, Xianming et al. Microstructure evolution in laser powder bed fusion melted 2205 duplex stainless steel using in-situ EBSD during uniaxial tensile testing [J]. | Journal of Materials Research and Technology , 2024 , 33 : 2113-2124 . |
MLA | Zhao, Wei et al. "Microstructure evolution in laser powder bed fusion melted 2205 duplex stainless steel using in-situ EBSD during uniaxial tensile testing" . | Journal of Materials Research and Technology 33 (2024) : 2113-2124 . |
APA | Zhao, Wei , Xiang, Hongliang , Zhan, Xianming , Deng, Tingting , Zhang, Xiangkai , Lu, Yuemei et al. Microstructure evolution in laser powder bed fusion melted 2205 duplex stainless steel using in-situ EBSD during uniaxial tensile testing . | Journal of Materials Research and Technology , 2024 , 33 , 2113-2124 . |
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Duplex stainless steels (DSSs) produced via laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) exhibit excellent strength and plasticity compatibility. In this study, in -situ electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was employed to investigate the coordinated deformation behavior of 2205 DSSs fabricated by LPBF with heat treatment at 1050 degrees C for 1 h, including strain distribution behavior and mechanism of stress concentration release. The results indicate that the initial deformation of LPBF samples is primarily concentrated in the austenite phase. As the tension progresses, austenite gradually transitioned to hard orientation, and the strain in austenite can pass through the phase boundary into the ferrite grain. To coordinate the deformation, ferrite transitioned to soft orientation through rotation towards the slip systems of {110}<- 111> and {1-21}<111>. The stress concentration in ferrite can be alleviated by forming dislocation walls and cells through planar and cross-slip dislocations. In contrast, the stress concentration in austenite can be released by stacking faults and deformation twins. Compared to the as -cast samples, the yield strength of LPBF samples is improved from 472 +/- 13 to 641 +/- 17 MPa due to fine grain strengthening and dislocation strengthening. This study offers guidance for further enhancing the strength and plasticity of materials prepared by LPBF.
Keyword :
Deformation behavior Deformation behavior Duplex stainless steel Duplex stainless steel Laser powder bed fusion Laser powder bed fusion Microstructure evolution Microstructure evolution
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GB/T 7714 | Zhao, Wei , Xiang, Hongliang , Zhan, Xianming et al. In-situ EBSD study of the coordinated deformation behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel fabricated via laser powder bed fusion during the tensile process [J]. | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING , 2024 , 901 . |
MLA | Zhao, Wei et al. "In-situ EBSD study of the coordinated deformation behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel fabricated via laser powder bed fusion during the tensile process" . | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING 901 (2024) . |
APA | Zhao, Wei , Xiang, Hongliang , Zhan, Xianming , Zhang, Xiangkai , Wu, Chaochao . In-situ EBSD study of the coordinated deformation behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel fabricated via laser powder bed fusion during the tensile process . | MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING , 2024 , 901 . |
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The supportfree printing of overhanging structure arouses enormous interest for its advantages to eliminate the need for support removal and to improve the efficiency in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) additive manufacturing. However, the improvement of down -facing surface quality remains a significant challenge, where an in-depth understanding of the formation of overhanging tracks is essential. This paper developed a multiphysics model of overhanging tracks in L-PBF to systematically investigate the formation mechanisms of key features such as discontinuity and dross, as well as their correlation with surface roughness. It reveals that there are two main causes of discontinuity of overhanging tracks: the coalescence and balling of the melt under low energy density, and the irregular sinking of melt pool at the overhanging edge. The high energy density could mitigate the occurrence of discontinuous tracks, but it might also lead to undesirable dross upon the complete penetration of the overhanging structure. The relationship between processing parameters, morphological defects and surface roughness were systematically discussed, which revealed the necessity to tailor processing parameters for different overhang angles to improve the down -facing surface quality. Furthermore, the significant correlation between the single-track morphology and the down -facing surface roughness has been demonstrated quantitatively, which proposed a practical way to predict the trend of the down -facing surface quality by single-track simulation. This could help improve the supportfree printing process in metal additive manufacturing.
Keyword :
Laser powder bed fusion Laser powder bed fusion Multi-physics modeling Multi-physics modeling Overhanging structure Overhanging structure Supportfree printing Supportfree printing Surface roughness Surface roughness
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GB/T 7714 | Xiang, Hongliang , Zhou, Yulong , Zhang, Xiangkai et al. Supportfree printing in laser powder bed fusion: Formation mechanisms of discontinuity, dross and surface roughness [J]. | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 177 . |
MLA | Xiang, Hongliang et al. "Supportfree printing in laser powder bed fusion: Formation mechanisms of discontinuity, dross and surface roughness" . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 177 (2024) . |
APA | Xiang, Hongliang , Zhou, Yulong , Zhang, Xiangkai , Li, Jie , Huang, Ye , Mou, Gang et al. Supportfree printing in laser powder bed fusion: Formation mechanisms of discontinuity, dross and surface roughness . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 177 . |
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One of key factors in designing high-performance alloys is to understand their incipient behavior. To get detailed real-time atomic scale evolutions of multi-principal element alloys (MPEAs) during nanoindentation incipient yielding, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out. Emphases are given to the effects of lattice distortion (LD) and chemical short-range ordering (CSRO) on the initiation of plasticity in body-centered cubic (BCC) MPEAs. The initial plastic mechanism is embryo nucleation assisted and the incipient behavior is strongly affected by LD and CSRO. Specifically, the embryo nucleation load Pe is reduced by LD and CSRO and the incipient drop P0 is lowered by LDI that only comes from atomic size difference and further declined by CSRO. This is because LD and CSRO could boost embryo nucleation, which can act as precursors for dislocation nucleation. This is consistent with the free-end nudged elastic band observations. Although Pe is weakened by LDII generated by introducing extra elements, P0 is intensified because severe LD could dominate the following process. The dislocation starvation mechanism is found in an average-atom (AA) model. However, it is replaced by dislocation in-teractions due to LD and CSRO. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations suggest that charge density distribution and the amount of directional Al-Al bonding would play a critical role in the onset of plastic deformation. When a larger indenter radius was used in MD simulations, the dislocation starvation mechanism is absent in AA model due to the reduced maximum shear stress. Instead, the dislocation propagation prevails. With respect to the orientation effect, three investigated orientations demonstrate a distinct yielding behavior.
Keyword :
Chemical short-range ordering Chemical short-range ordering Incipient behavior Incipient behavior Lattice distortion Lattice distortion Multi -principal element alloy Multi -principal element alloy Nanoindentation simulations Nanoindentation simulations
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Xiangkai , Yan, Jie , Chen, Yen-Hsiang et al. Effects of lattice distortion and chemical short-range ordering on the incipient behavior of Ti-based multi-principal element alloys: MD simulations and DFT calculations [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY , 2023 , 166 . |
MLA | Zhang, Xiangkai et al. "Effects of lattice distortion and chemical short-range ordering on the incipient behavior of Ti-based multi-principal element alloys: MD simulations and DFT calculations" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY 166 (2023) . |
APA | Zhang, Xiangkai , Yan, Jie , Chen, Yen-Hsiang , Kevorkyants, Ruslan , Wen, Tongqi , Sun, Xun et al. Effects of lattice distortion and chemical short-range ordering on the incipient behavior of Ti-based multi-principal element alloys: MD simulations and DFT calculations . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY , 2023 , 166 . |
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