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Crystal facet engineering of Pd/TiO2 to boost the activity and selectivity for nitroarenes hydrogenation EI
期刊论文 | 2025 , 503 | Chemical Engineering Journal
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Palladium-based catalysts have been intensively investigated for the hydrogenation of nitroarenes due to their high activity. However, it remains a challenge to achieve high selectivity when reducing or halo groups are present. Herein, we propose a facet engineering strategy to regulate the activity and selectivity of Pd/TiO2 and a series of Pd/TiO2 catalysts with adjustable proportions of (101) and (001) facet of TiO2 were synthesized for the selective hydrogenation of nitroarenes. With increased percentage of (101) facet, better dispersed Pd species and more oxygen vacancies (OV) can be generated on the Pd/TiO2 catalyst, thereby providing increasing hydrogenation reaction centers with strongly adsorbed nitro groups. As a result, the Pd/TiO2 with dominant (101) facet and 0.1 wt% of Pd loading (Pd/TiO2-c) delivers an outstanding conversion (100 %) of m-chloronitrobenzene, high selectivity (96.8 %) toward m-chloroaniline, and excellent reusability. In situ characterizations and density functional theory (DFT) simulation reveal that the Pd/TiO2-c exhibits much stronger adsorption toward nitro groups than chlorine group, while the catalyst with more (001) facet shows similar adsorption capability toward these two groups. Thereby, nitro group is more preferentially adsorbed and hydrogenated during the reaction on Pd/TiO2-c, which explains the excellent selectivity. Remarkably, Pd/TiO2-c can also realize excellent conversion (100 %) and selectivity (> 96 %) toward other functional nitroarenes containing −F, –OH, –CHO, –COCH2- groups. This work highlights the facet engineering of supports to tune the physicochemical properties of loaded active metal and the adsorption behavior of reactants, and provides an effective strategy for the further development of efficient Pd-based catalysts for selective nitroarenes hydrogenation. © 2024

Keyword :

Catalyst selectivity Catalyst selectivity Hydrogenation Hydrogenation Palladium Palladium Reusability Reusability Silicon compounds Silicon compounds Sustainable development Sustainable development


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Zhichen , Yang, Zongxuan , Zhang, Hongwei et al. Crystal facet engineering of Pd/TiO2 to boost the activity and selectivity for nitroarenes hydrogenation [J]. | Chemical Engineering Journal , 2025 , 503 .
MLA Liu, Zhichen et al. "Crystal facet engineering of Pd/TiO2 to boost the activity and selectivity for nitroarenes hydrogenation" . | Chemical Engineering Journal 503 (2025) .
APA Liu, Zhichen , Yang, Zongxuan , Zhang, Hongwei , Wang, Shidong , Liu, Qunhong , Zhao, Zhengyu et al. Crystal facet engineering of Pd/TiO2 to boost the activity and selectivity for nitroarenes hydrogenation . | Chemical Engineering Journal , 2025 , 503 .
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Bifunctional Cu-incorporated carbon nanospheres via in-situ complexation strategy as efficient toluene adsorbents and antibacterial agents EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 349 | Chemosphere
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Carbon adsorbents have been widely used to remove indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs), however, the proliferation of bacteria on the carbon adsorbents may deteriorate the indoor air quality and thus pose a serious threat to human health. Herein, we report the synthesis of antibacterial porous carbon spheres (carbonized aminophenol-formaldehyde resin, CAF) with well-dispersed Cu species via an in situ incorporation of Cu2+ during the polymerization of 3-aminophenol-formaldehyde resin followed by a thermal carbonization and reduction process. Compared with CAF, the Cu/CAF-x nanocomposites with Cu loading show a much higher specific surface area (>700 m2 g−1 vs. 569 m2 g−1 for CAF). In addition, the pore size of Cu/CAF-x is ranging from 0.7 to 1.68 nm, which is exactly conducive to adsorb the toluene molecules. As a result, the toluene adsorption capacity is improved from 123.50 mg g−1 for CAF to >170 mg g−1 for Cu/CAF-x. More importantly, such adsorbents possess excellent antibacterial performance, the Cu/CAF-10 (10 wt% of Cu loading) with a concentration of 50 μg mL−1 can completely kill the E. coli within 30 min. Our work paves the way to the development of bifunctional adsorbents with both efficient VOCs adsorption and excellent antibacterial performance. © 2023

Keyword :

Adsorption Adsorption Air quality Air quality Carbonization Carbonization Copper compounds Copper compounds Escherichia coli Escherichia coli Formaldehyde Formaldehyde Health risks Health risks Indoor air pollution Indoor air pollution Pore size Pore size Porous materials Porous materials Toluene Toluene Volatile organic compounds Volatile organic compounds


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Hongwei , Wu, Guanghui , Liu, Qunhong et al. Bifunctional Cu-incorporated carbon nanospheres via in-situ complexation strategy as efficient toluene adsorbents and antibacterial agents [J]. | Chemosphere , 2024 , 349 .
MLA Zhang, Hongwei et al. "Bifunctional Cu-incorporated carbon nanospheres via in-situ complexation strategy as efficient toluene adsorbents and antibacterial agents" . | Chemosphere 349 (2024) .
APA Zhang, Hongwei , Wu, Guanghui , Liu, Qunhong , Liu, Zhichen , Yang, Qin , Cui, Qingyan et al. Bifunctional Cu-incorporated carbon nanospheres via in-situ complexation strategy as efficient toluene adsorbents and antibacterial agents . | Chemosphere , 2024 , 349 .
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Advances in enhancing hydrodeoxygenation selectivity of lignin-derived oxygenates: From synthetic strategies to fundamental techniques Scopus CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 10 (2) , 292-321 | Green Energy and Environment
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In recent years, studies focusing on the conversion of renewable lignin-derived oxygenates (LDOs) have emphasized their potential as alternatives to fossil-based products. However, LDOs, existing as complex aromatic mixtures with diverse oxygen-containing functional groups, pose a challenge as they cannot be easily separated via distillation for direct utilization. A promising solution to this challenge lies in the efficient removal of oxygen-containing functional groups from LDOs through hydrodeoxygenation (HDO), aiming to yield biomass products with singular components. However, the high dissociation energy of the carbon–oxygen bond, coupled with its similarity to the hydrogenation energy of the benzene ring, creates a competition between deoxygenation and benzene ring hydrogenation. Considering hydrogen consumption and lignin properties, the preference is directed towards generating aromatic hydrocarbons rather than saturated components. Thus, the goal is to selectively remove oxygen-containing functional groups while preserving the benzene ring structure. Studies on LDOs conversion have indicated that the design of active components and optimization of reaction conditions play pivotal roles in achieving selective deoxygenation, but a summary of the correlation between these factors and the reaction mechanism is lacking. This review addresses this gap in knowledge by firstly summarizing the various reaction pathways for HDO of LDOs. It explores the impact of catalyst design strategies, including morphology modulation, elemental doping, and surface modification, on the adsorption–desorption dynamics between reactants and catalysts. Secondly, we delve into the application of advanced techniques such as spectroscopic techniques and computational modeling, aiding in uncovering the true active sites in HDO reactions and understanding the interaction of reactive reactants with catalyst surface-interfaces. Additionally, fundamental insights into selective deoxygenation obtained through these techniques are highlighted. Finally, we outline the challenges that lie ahead in the design of highly active and selective HDO catalysts. These challenges include the development of detection tools for reactive species with high activity at low concentrations, the study of reaction medium–catalyst interactions, and the development of theoretical models that more closely approximate real reaction situations. Addressing these challenges will pave the way for the development of efficient and selective HDO catalysts, thus advancing the field of renewable LDOs conversion. © 2024 Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Keyword :

Catalyst design Catalyst design Hydrodeoxygenation Hydrodeoxygenation Lignin-derived oxygenates Lignin-derived oxygenates Targeted deoxidation Targeted deoxidation Techniques and theoretical calculation Techniques and theoretical calculation


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GB/T 7714 Wu, X. , Zhang, H. , Hu, C. et al. Advances in enhancing hydrodeoxygenation selectivity of lignin-derived oxygenates: From synthetic strategies to fundamental techniques [J]. | Green Energy and Environment , 2024 , 10 (2) : 292-321 .
MLA Wu, X. et al. "Advances in enhancing hydrodeoxygenation selectivity of lignin-derived oxygenates: From synthetic strategies to fundamental techniques" . | Green Energy and Environment 10 . 2 (2024) : 292-321 .
APA Wu, X. , Zhang, H. , Hu, C. , Bao, X. , Yuan, P. . Advances in enhancing hydrodeoxygenation selectivity of lignin-derived oxygenates: From synthetic strategies to fundamental techniques . | Green Energy and Environment , 2024 , 10 (2) , 292-321 .
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理论指导构建Cu-O-Ti-Ov活性位点及其高效电催化还原硝酸根研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 59 (4) , 293-302 | 催化学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

面向国家绿色低碳战略目标,变革化石资源合成氨技术路线变得尤为迫切,开发可再生能源制"绿氨"将成为合成氨领域未来的重要发展方向.将工业废水中的硝酸根(NO3-)电催化还原为氨(NO3RR),既可有效回收氨,又能消除硝酸根污染影响.然而,NO3RR涉及缓慢的八电子转移过程,含有多种反应中间体,其反应机理复杂不明.此外,水系电解液中存在的析氢竞争反应也为高效NO3RR催化剂的开发设计带来了巨大的挑战.为突破高效催化剂的发展瓶颈,本文通过理论模拟,在低成本的催化剂上设计了高效的NO3RR催化活性位点,并利用简单的制备策略合成了目标催化剂.同时,结合原位表征技术,阐明了 NO3RR的反应路径及催化机理. 本文通过密度泛函理论(DFT)计算发现,Cu/TiO2催化剂上的Cu-O-Ti-Ov结构具有较好的NO3-还原活性,该结构不仅能够促进反应中间体NOx-的吸附和活化,还能有效抑制竞争析氢反应,从而降低NO3RR的反应能垒.在该结构上,NO3RR的反应路径为:NO3*→NO2*→ HONO*→ NO*→*NOH →*N →*NH →*NH2 →*NH3→NH3.基于理论计算结果,分别采用浸渍法和尿素水解法制备了系列富含Cu-O-Ti-Ov结构的Cu/TiO2催化剂.氮气等温吸附-脱附曲线、拉曼光谱(Raman)、电子顺磁共振波谱、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和傅立叶红外光谱等结果发现,相比于采用浸渍法制备的系列Cu/TiO2催化剂,采用尿素水解法制备的Cu/TiO2(CT-U)催化剂具有更大的比表面积以及更多的Cu-O-Ti-Ov位点,说明尿素水解法可提高Cu颗粒在TiO2载体表面的分散度,增强Cu颗粒与TiO2载体之间的相互作用,提高Cu/TiO2催化剂表面的Cu-O-Ti-Ov位点含量.将以上制备出的催化剂应用于催化NO3RR中,结果表明,在-1.0 V vs.RHE还原电位下,CT-U催化剂上氨产率可达3046.5μg h-1 mgcat-1,高于大多数文献报道结果.循环稳定性测试结果表明,在Cu/TiO2催化剂上构建Cu-O-Ti-Ov位点还能显著抑制电催化反应过程中Cu物种从Cu/TiO2催化剂上溶出,从而显著增强催化剂的稳定性.此外,设计制备了不含氧空位的Cu/TiO2,TiO2-x,Cu,Cu2O以及CuO催化剂,并将其用于催化NO3RR.结果发现,上述催化剂上的氨产率皆明显低于CT-U催化剂,说明Cu,Ti以及Ov构成的Cu-O-Ti-Ov结构具有较好的催化协同作用,从而显著提升了NO3RR反应活性.最后,通过原位Raman及原位XPS表征检测反应中间体,验证了由DFT模拟出的NO3RR反应路径. 综上,通过在Cu/TiO2催化剂上理论指导构建Cu-O-Ti-Ov活性位点,实现了NO3RR性能的有效提升.Cu-O-Ti-Ov结构中的多位点协同作用不仅促进了 NOx-的吸附和活化,而且抑制了电催化过程中Cu物种从催化剂上的溶出,从而提高了催化剂的稳定性.本研究为设计高效稳定的NO3RR催化剂提供了新思路.

Keyword :

Cu-O-Ti-Ov位点 Cu-O-Ti-Ov位点 Cu/TiO2催化剂 Cu/TiO2催化剂 协同催化 协同催化 合成氨 合成氨 电催化硝酸盐还原 电催化硝酸盐还原


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GB/T 7714 聂翼飞 , 颜红萍 , 鹿苏微 et al. 理论指导构建Cu-O-Ti-Ov活性位点及其高效电催化还原硝酸根研究 [J]. | 催化学报 , 2024 , 59 (4) : 293-302 .
MLA 聂翼飞 et al. "理论指导构建Cu-O-Ti-Ov活性位点及其高效电催化还原硝酸根研究" . | 催化学报 59 . 4 (2024) : 293-302 .
APA 聂翼飞 , 颜红萍 , 鹿苏微 , 张宏伟 , 齐婷婷 , 梁诗景 et al. 理论指导构建Cu-O-Ti-Ov活性位点及其高效电催化还原硝酸根研究 . | 催化学报 , 2024 , 59 (4) , 293-302 .
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Efficient, selective and reversible capture of hydrogen sulfide by [Emim]Cl-Acetamide deep eutectic solvents Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 413 | Journal of Molecular Liquids
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

There is a particular demand to explore low-volatility and structurally tunable absorbents for efficiency, selectivity and reversibility in capturing H2S. For the first time, the performance of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) composed of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([Emim]Cl) and acetamide (AA) were examined as physical absorbents for H2S capture. The physical properties of [Emim]Cl-AA DESs, and solubilities of both H2S and CO2 in them were measured. Relevant experimental results demonstrated that the solubilities of H2S in [Emim]Cl-AA DESs (1.1 mol/kg at 298.2 K and 1.023 bar) significantly exceed those of CO2 (0.040 mol/kg at 298.2 K and 1.027 bar). [Emim]Cl-AA DESs exhibit higher H2S solubilities and superior ideal H2S to CO2 selectivities (e.g., the ideal H2S/CO2 selectivity of [Emim]Cl-AA (1:0.5) is 28.5 at 298.2 K) than those physical absorbents ever reported. The recyclability of [Emim]Cl-AA DESs for H2S selective capture was also evaluated, which was found to be very stable in ten continuous absorption and regeneration cycle experiments. The mechanism of H2S capture by [Emim]Cl-AA DESs was finally illustrated at the molecular level with the support of theoretical calculations. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Absorption selectivity Absorption selectivity Deep eutectic solvent Deep eutectic solvent H2S capture H2S capture Physical solvent Physical solvent Theoretical calculation Theoretical calculation


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, L. , Li, X. , Cao, Y. et al. Efficient, selective and reversible capture of hydrogen sulfide by [Emim]Cl-Acetamide deep eutectic solvents [J]. | Journal of Molecular Liquids , 2024 , 413 .
MLA Zheng, L. et al. "Efficient, selective and reversible capture of hydrogen sulfide by [Emim]Cl-Acetamide deep eutectic solvents" . | Journal of Molecular Liquids 413 (2024) .
APA Zheng, L. , Li, X. , Cao, Y. , Ma, Y. , Zhang, H. , Cai, Z. et al. Efficient, selective and reversible capture of hydrogen sulfide by [Emim]Cl-Acetamide deep eutectic solvents . | Journal of Molecular Liquids , 2024 , 413 .
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Advanced Catalyst Design Strategies and In-Situ Characterization Techniques for Enhancing Electrocatalytic Activity and Stability of Oxygen Evolution Reaction SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Water electrolysis for hydrogen production holds great promise as an energy conversion technology. The electrolysis process contains two necessary electrocatalytic reactions, one is the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) at the cathode, and the other is the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) at the anode. In general, the kinetics of OER is much slower than that of HER, dominating the overall of performance electrolysis. As identified, the slow kinetics of catalytic OER is mainly resulted from multiple electron transfer steps, and the catalysts often undergo compositional, structural, and electronic changes during operation, leading to complicated dynamic reaction mechanisms which have not been fully understood. Obviously, this challenge presents formidable obstacles to the development of highly efficient OER electrocatalysts. To address the issue, it is crucial to unravel the origins of intrinsic OER activity and stability and elucidate the catalytic mechanisms across diverse catalyst materials. In this context, in-situ/operando characterization techniques would play a pivotal role in understanding the catalytic reaction mechanisms by enabling real-time monitoring of catalyst structures under operational conditions. These techniques can facilitate the identification of active sites for OER and provide essential insights into the types and quantities of key reaction intermediates. This comprehensive review explores various catalyst design and synthesis strategies aimed at enhancing the intrinsic OER activity and stability of catalysts and examines the application of advanced in-situ/operando techniques for probing catalyst mechanisms during the OER process. Furthermore, the imperative need for developing innovative in-situ/operando techniques, theoretical artificial intelligence and machine learning and conducting theoretical research to better understand catalyst structural evolution under conditions closely resembling practical OER working states is also deeply discussed. Those efforts should be able to lay the foundation for the improved fabrication of practical OER catalysts.

Keyword :

Electrocatalysts Electrocatalysts In-situ techniques In-situ techniques Oxygen evolution reaction Oxygen evolution reaction Reaction mechanism Reaction mechanism


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GB/T 7714 Hu, Cejun , Hu, Yanfang , Zhang, Bowen et al. Advanced Catalyst Design Strategies and In-Situ Characterization Techniques for Enhancing Electrocatalytic Activity and Stability of Oxygen Evolution Reaction [J]. | ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY REVIEWS , 2024 , 7 (1) .
MLA Hu, Cejun et al. "Advanced Catalyst Design Strategies and In-Situ Characterization Techniques for Enhancing Electrocatalytic Activity and Stability of Oxygen Evolution Reaction" . | ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY REVIEWS 7 . 1 (2024) .
APA Hu, Cejun , Hu, Yanfang , Zhang, Bowen , Zhang, Hongwei , Bao, Xiaojun , Zhang, Jiujun et al. Advanced Catalyst Design Strategies and In-Situ Characterization Techniques for Enhancing Electrocatalytic Activity and Stability of Oxygen Evolution Reaction . | ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY REVIEWS , 2024 , 7 (1) .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 75 (9) , 3152-3162 | 化工学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

C9石油树脂(C9PR)是由乙烯裂解副产物C9馏分聚合而成的热塑性树脂,经加氢改性后可以制得色度浅、抗氧化稳定性高、相容性好的高附加值氢化石油树脂(HC9PR).但C9PR分子量大、空间位阻高且原料中含有硫化物等杂质易使催化剂中毒失活,因此加氢难度极大.为了同时实现C9PR的加氢和脱杂,采用化学还原法结合球磨法制备了非晶态NiP@γ-Al2O3催化剂.表征结果显示,该催化剂具有较大的比表面积、富含Niδ+活性物种、较多的活性位数量,并对C=C键具有较强的吸附能力.对其进行C9PR加氢性能评价,结果显示非晶态NiP@γ-Al2O3催化剂表现出优异的加氢活性(加氢度98.35%)和脱硫活性(硫含量从122.80 μg/g降低至8.00 μg/g),明显优于利用程序升温还原法结合球磨法制备的不同晶型磷化镍催化剂.此外,经过连续100 h的反应,该催化剂仍能保持较高的加氢度,表明其具有良好的稳定性.

Keyword :

加氢 加氢 球磨法 球磨法 石油树脂 石油树脂 脱硫 脱硫 非晶态磷化镍 非晶态磷化镍


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GB/T 7714 胡德政 , 王榕 , 王世栋 et al. 兼具加氢和脱硫活性的富含Niδ+非晶态NiP@γ-Al2O3催化剂的构筑及其用于石油树脂加氢的性能研究 [J]. | 化工学报 , 2024 , 75 (9) : 3152-3162 .
MLA 胡德政 et al. "兼具加氢和脱硫活性的富含Niδ+非晶态NiP@γ-Al2O3催化剂的构筑及其用于石油树脂加氢的性能研究" . | 化工学报 75 . 9 (2024) : 3152-3162 .
APA 胡德政 , 王榕 , 王世栋 , 杨文菲 , 张宏伟 , 袁珮 . 兼具加氢和脱硫活性的富含Niδ+非晶态NiP@γ-Al2O3催化剂的构筑及其用于石油树脂加氢的性能研究 . | 化工学报 , 2024 , 75 (9) , 3152-3162 .
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Theory-guided construction of Cu-O-Ti-Ov active sites on Cu/TiO2 catalysts for efficient electrocatalytic nitrate reduction EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 59 , 293-302 | Chinese Journal of Catalysis
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Electrocatalytic nitrate reduction reaction (NO3RR) has been capturing immense interest in the industrial application of ammonia synthesis, and it involves complex reaction routes accompanied by multi-electron transfer, thus causing a challenge to achieve high efficiency for catalysts. Herein, we customized the Cu-O-Ti-Ov (oxygen vacancy) structure on the Cu/TiO2 catalyst, identified through density functional theory (DFT) calculations as the synergic active site for NO3RR. It is found that Cu-O-Ti-Ov site facilitates the adsorption/association of NOx– and promotes the hydrogenation of NO3– to NH3 via adsorbed *H species. This effectively suppresses the competing hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and exhibits a lower reaction energy barrier for NO3RR, with the reaction pathways: NO3* → NO2* → HONO* → NO* → *NOH → *N → *NH → *NH2 → *NH3 → NH3. The optimized Cu/TiO2 catalyst with rich Cu-O-Ti-Ov sites achieves an NH3 yield rate of 3046.5 μg h–1 mgcat–1 at –1.0 V vs. RHE, outperforming most of the reported activities. Furthermore, the construction of Cu-O-Ti-Ov sites significantly mitigates the leaching of Cu species, enhancing the stability of the Cu/TiO2 catalyst. Additionally, a mechanistic study, using in situ characterizations and various comparative experiments, further confirms the strong synergy between Cu, Ti, and Ov sites, which is consistent with previous DFT calculations. This study provides a new strategy for designing efficient and stable electrocatalysts in the field of ammonia synthesis. © 2024 Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Keyword :

Ammonia Ammonia Catalyst activity Catalyst activity Copper compounds Copper compounds Density functional theory Density functional theory Electrocatalysts Electrocatalysts Kinetic theory Kinetic theory Nitrates Nitrates Nitrogen oxides Nitrogen oxides Selective catalytic reduction Selective catalytic reduction Titanium compounds Titanium compounds


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GB/T 7714 Nie, Yifei , Yan, Hongping , Lu, Suwei et al. Theory-guided construction of Cu-O-Ti-Ov active sites on Cu/TiO2 catalysts for efficient electrocatalytic nitrate reduction [J]. | Chinese Journal of Catalysis , 2024 , 59 : 293-302 .
MLA Nie, Yifei et al. "Theory-guided construction of Cu-O-Ti-Ov active sites on Cu/TiO2 catalysts for efficient electrocatalytic nitrate reduction" . | Chinese Journal of Catalysis 59 (2024) : 293-302 .
APA Nie, Yifei , Yan, Hongping , Lu, Suwei , Zhang, Hongwei , Qi, Tingting , Liang, Shijing et al. Theory-guided construction of Cu-O-Ti-Ov active sites on Cu/TiO2 catalysts for efficient electrocatalytic nitrate reduction . | Chinese Journal of Catalysis , 2024 , 59 , 293-302 .
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Study on preparation of Pd catalyst supported on carbon nitride for the selective hydrogenation of SBS [氮化碳负载钯催化剂的制备及对 SBS 选择性催化加氢性能的研究] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 74 (2) , 766-775 | CIESC Journal
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The selective catalytic hydrogenation of styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS) is to selectively hydrogenate the unsaturated C C in polybutadiene segment while maintaining the phenyl group in polystyrene segment intact so as to yield high-valued hydrogenated products SEBS with greatly improved performance. In order to eliminate the diffusion limitation, herein, three-dimensional ordered super-macroporous carbon nitride (3DOM g-C3N4) was successfully synthesized via thermal condensation of cyanamide with colloidal SiO2sub-microspheres as the template. Afterwards, the Pd/3DOM g-C3N4 catalyst was obtained by chemical reduction method and applied for selective catalytic hydrogenation of SBS. The results showed that the Pd/3DOM g-C3N4 catalyst possessed a three-dimensional penetrating structure of super-macroporous-macroporous-mesoporous multistage pore with the small-sized and well-dispersed Pd nanoparticles over it. Such catalyst exhibited excellent hydrogenation activity and selectivity under mild reaction conditions. According to the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) characterization, the total hydrogenation degree of 1,2-C C and 1,4-C C to SBS was 98%, while the benzene ring was not hydrogenated thus the selectivity to C C was 100%. The excellent catalytic performance is mainly attributed to the unique three-dimensional penetrating structure of super-macroporous-macroporous-mesoporous multistage pore of the support, which can effectively eliminate the macromolecules diffusion limitation in pores, thereby greatly improving the accessibility to the active sites. The strong interaction between Pd and pyridinic N in the g-C3N4support is beneficial to anchoring Pd2+ during impregnation process, and then obtains Pd nanoparticles with small particle size and high dispersion and stability. © 2023 Chemical Industry Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

g-C3N4 g-C3N4 hydrogenation hydrogenation SBS SBS super-macroporous support super-macroporous support supported Pd catalyst supported Pd catalyst


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GB/T 7714 Liang, M. , Guo, Y. , Wang, S. et al. Study on preparation of Pd catalyst supported on carbon nitride for the selective hydrogenation of SBS [氮化碳负载钯催化剂的制备及对 SBS 选择性催化加氢性能的研究] [J]. | CIESC Journal , 2023 , 74 (2) : 766-775 .
MLA Liang, M. et al. "Study on preparation of Pd catalyst supported on carbon nitride for the selective hydrogenation of SBS [氮化碳负载钯催化剂的制备及对 SBS 选择性催化加氢性能的研究]" . | CIESC Journal 74 . 2 (2023) : 766-775 .
APA Liang, M. , Guo, Y. , Wang, S. , Zhang, H. , Yuan, P. , Bao, X. . Study on preparation of Pd catalyst supported on carbon nitride for the selective hydrogenation of SBS [氮化碳负载钯催化剂的制备及对 SBS 选择性催化加氢性能的研究] . | CIESC Journal , 2023 , 74 (2) , 766-775 .
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一种用于桥梁工程转体的UHPC壳体转铰结构 incoPat
专利 | 2023-06-30 00:00:00 | CN202321698350.0
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GB/T 7714 詹刚毅 , 刘建红 , 韦建刚 et al. 一种用于桥梁工程转体的UHPC壳体转铰结构 : CN202321698350.0[P]. | 2023-06-30 00:00:00 .
MLA 詹刚毅 et al. "一种用于桥梁工程转体的UHPC壳体转铰结构" : CN202321698350.0. | 2023-06-30 00:00:00 .
APA 詹刚毅 , 刘建红 , 韦建刚 , 钟亮根 , 杨鸿渐 , 皇甫娟 et al. 一种用于桥梁工程转体的UHPC壳体转铰结构 : CN202321698350.0. | 2023-06-30 00:00:00 .
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