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O.O: Optimized One-die Placement for Face-to-face Bonded 3D ICs CPCI-S
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The expansion of the IC dimension is ushering in a morethan-Moore era, necessitating corresponding EDA tools. Existing TSVbased 3D placers focus on minimizing cuts, while burgeoning F2F-bonded ICs features dense interconnection between two planar die. Towards this novel structure, we proposed an integrated adaptation methodology upon mature one-die-based placement strategies. First, we instructively utilized a one-die placer to provide a statistical looking-ahead net diagnosis. The netlist henceforth shall be coarsened topologically and geometrically with a multi-level framework. Level by level, the partition will be refined according to a multi-objective gain formulation, including cut expectation, heterogeneous row height, and balanced cell distribution. Given the partition, we synchronized the behavior of analytical planar placers by balancing the density and wirelength objective function among asymmetric layers. Finally, the result will be further improved by heuristic bonding terminals' detail placement and a post-place partition adjustment. Compared to the top three winners of the 2022 CAD Contest at ICCAD, experiment results show that our fine-grained fusion upon partitioning and placement gets the best normalized average wirelength with a fairly reasonable runtime under all 3D architectural constraints.


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GB/T 7714 Tong, Xingyu , Cai, Zhijie , Zou, Peng et al. O.O: Optimized One-die Placement for Face-to-face Bonded 3D ICs [J]. | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 , 2024 : 71-76 .
MLA Tong, Xingyu et al. "O.O: Optimized One-die Placement for Face-to-face Bonded 3D ICs" . | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 (2024) : 71-76 .
APA Tong, Xingyu , Cai, Zhijie , Zou, Peng , Wei, Min , Wen, Yuan , Lin, Zhifeng et al. O.O: Optimized One-die Placement for Face-to-face Bonded 3D ICs . | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 , 2024 , 71-76 .
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Effective Analytical Placement for Advanced Hybrid-Row-Height Circuit Designs CPCI-S
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Abstract :

Recently, hybrid-row-height designs have been introduced to achieve performance and area co-optimization in advanced nodes. Hybrid-row-height designs incur challenging issues to layout due to the heterogeneous cell and row structures. In this paper, we present an effective algorithm to address the hybrid-row-height placement problem in two major stages: (1) global placement, and (2) legalization. Inspired by the multi-channel processing method in convolutional neural networks (CNN), we use the feature extraction technique to equivalently transform the hybrid-row-height global placement problem into two sub-problems that can be solved effectively. We propose a multi-layer nonlinear framework with alignment guidance and a self-adaptive parameter adjustment scheme, which can obtain a high-quality solution to the hybrid-row-height global placement problem. In the legalization stage, we formulate the hybrid-row-height legalization problem into a convex quadratic programming (QP) problem, then apply the robust modulus-based matrix splitting iteration method (RMMSIM) to solve the QP efficiently. After RMMSIM-based global legalization, Tetris-like allocation is used to resolve remaining physical violations. Compared with the state-of-the-art work, experiments on the 2015 ISPD Contest benchmarks show that our algorithm can achieve 7% shorter final total wirelength and 2.23x speedup.

Keyword :

Hybrid-row-height structure Hybrid-row-height structure Nonlinear placement Nonlinear placement Physical design Physical design Placement Placement


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GB/T 7714 Wen, Yuan , Zhu, Benchao , Lin, Zhifeng et al. Effective Analytical Placement for Advanced Hybrid-Row-Height Circuit Designs [J]. | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 , 2024 : 300-305 .
MLA Wen, Yuan et al. "Effective Analytical Placement for Advanced Hybrid-Row-Height Circuit Designs" . | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 (2024) : 300-305 .
APA Wen, Yuan , Zhu, Benchao , Lin, Zhifeng , Chen, Jianli . Effective Analytical Placement for Advanced Hybrid-Row-Height Circuit Designs . | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 , 2024 , 300-305 .
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An Analytical Placement Algorithm with Routing topology Optimization CPCI-S
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Abstract :

Placement is a critical step in the modern VLSI design flow, as it dramatically determines the performance of circuit designs. Most placement algorithms estimate the design performance with a half-perimeter wirelength (HPWL) and target it as their optimization objective. The wirelength model used by these algorithms limits their ability to optimize the internal routing topology, which can lead to discrepancies between estimates and the actual routing wirelength. This paper proposes an analytical placement algorithm to optimize the internal routing topology. We first introduce a differential wirelength model in the global placement stage based on an ideal routing topology RSMT. Through screening and tracing various segments, this model can generate meaningful gradients for interior points during gradient computation. Then, after global placement, we propose a cell refinement algorithm and further optimize the routing wirelength with swift density control. Experiments on ICCAD2015 benchmarks show that our algorithm can achieve a 3% improvement in routing wirelength, 0.8% in HPWL, and 23.8% in TNS compared with the state-of-the-art analytical placer.


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GB/T 7714 Wei, Min , Tong, Xingyu , Cai, Zhijie et al. An Analytical Placement Algorithm with Routing topology Optimization [J]. | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 , 2024 : 294-299 .
MLA Wei, Min et al. "An Analytical Placement Algorithm with Routing topology Optimization" . | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 (2024) : 294-299 .
APA Wei, Min , Tong, Xingyu , Cai, Zhijie , Zou, Peng , Lin, Zhifeng , Chen, Jianli . An Analytical Placement Algorithm with Routing topology Optimization . | 29TH ASIA AND SOUTH PACIFIC DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, ASP-DAC 2024 , 2024 , 294-299 .
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Electrostatics-Based Analytical Global Placement for Timing Optimization EI
会议论文 | 2024 | 2024 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2024
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Placement is a critical stage for VLSI timing closure. A global placer without considering timing delay might lead to inferior solutions with timing violations. This paper proposes an electrostatics-based timing optimization method for VLSI global placement. Simulating the optimal buffering behavior, we first present an analytical delay model to calculate each connection delay accurately. Then, a timing-driven block distribution scheme is developed to optimize the critical path delay while considering the path-sharing effect. Finally, we develop a timing-aware precondition technique to speed up placement convergence without degrading timing quality. Experimental results on industrial benchmark suites show that our timing-driven placement algorithm outperforms a leading commercial tool by 6.7% worst negative slack (WNS) and 21.6% total negative slack (TNS). © 2024 EDAA.

Keyword :

Dissociation Dissociation Electrostatics Electrostatics Timing circuits Timing circuits VLSI circuits VLSI circuits


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhifeng , Wei, Min , Chen, Yilu et al. Electrostatics-Based Analytical Global Placement for Timing Optimization [C] . 2024 .
MLA Lin, Zhifeng et al. "Electrostatics-Based Analytical Global Placement for Timing Optimization" . (2024) .
APA Lin, Zhifeng , Wei, Min , Chen, Yilu , Zou, Peng , Chen, Jianli , Chang, Yao-Wen . Electrostatics-Based Analytical Global Placement for Timing Optimization . (2024) .
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High-correlation 3D routability estimation for congestion-guided global routing SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 80 (3) , 3114-3141 | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Routability estimation identifies potentially congested areas in advance to achieve high-quality routing solutions. To improve the routing quality, this paper presents a deep learning-based congestion estimation algorithm, which serves to guide the initial pattern routing of a global router to reduce unexpected overflows. Unlike existing methods based on traditional compressed 2D features for model training and prediction, our algorithm extracts appropriate 3D features from the placed netlists. Furthermore, an improved RUDY (Rectangular Uniform wire DensitY) method is developed to estimate 3D routing demands. For the model selection, we employ the U-net model with good image prediction ability as a routability estimator, and the prediction results are used for guiding the initial routing process. Since our training set is formed by cropping training designs, the structural information between two adjacent cropped designs may be missed. Hence, we divide experiments into two parts, experiments based on normal designs and experiments based on big designs. Compared with the state-of-the-art method, experimental results show that our routability estimator can significantly improve the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) index and reduce the Mean Absolute Normalized Error (MANE) and the Standard Deviation in the Normalized Error (SDNE). Furthermore, our congestion-guided global routing can reduce the routing overflows, wirelength, and via count both on normal designs and big designs, compared to CUGR.

Keyword :

Deep learning Deep learning Machine learning Machine learning Physical design Physical design Routing congestion Routing congestion Very large-scale integration Very large-scale integration


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Yilu , Su, Miaodi , Ding, Hongzhi et al. High-correlation 3D routability estimation for congestion-guided global routing [J]. | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING , 2023 , 80 (3) : 3114-3141 .
MLA Chen, Yilu et al. "High-correlation 3D routability estimation for congestion-guided global routing" . | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING 80 . 3 (2023) : 3114-3141 .
APA Chen, Yilu , Su, Miaodi , Ding, Hongzhi , Weng, Shaohong , Lin, Zhifeng , Bai, Xiqiong . High-correlation 3D routability estimation for congestion-guided global routing . | JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING , 2023 , 80 (3) , 3114-3141 .
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Toward Optimal Filler Cell Insertion with Complex Implant Layer Constraints CPCI-S
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Abstract :

Modern circuits often contain standard cells of different threshold voltages (multi-VTs) to achieve a better trade-off between timing and power consumption. Due to the heterogeneous cell structures, the multiVTs cells impose various implant layer constraints, further complicating the already time-consuming filler cell insertion process. In this paper, we present a fast and near-optimal algorithm to solve the filler insertion problem with complex implant layer rules and minimum filler width constraints. We first propose an inference-driven detecting algorithm to identify each design rule violation accurately. Then, a dynamic-programming-based insertion method is developed to reduce the implant layer violations. Finally, we design a contour-driven violation refinement strategy to further improve manufacturability. Experimental results show that our algorithm can reduce the number of violations significantly compared with state-of-the-art works. Besides, with our identifier in the legalization stage, we can avoid conflicts in advance and solve almost all violations after filler insertion in industrial cases.

Keyword :

dynamic programming dynamic programming filler insertion filler insertion implant layer constraints implant layer constraints rule generation rule generation


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GB/T 7714 Zou, Peng , Chen, Guohao , Lin, Zhifeng et al. Toward Optimal Filler Cell Insertion with Complex Implant Layer Constraints [J]. | IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, DAC , 2023 .
MLA Zou, Peng et al. "Toward Optimal Filler Cell Insertion with Complex Implant Layer Constraints" . | IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, DAC (2023) .
APA Zou, Peng , Chen, Guohao , Lin, Zhifeng , Yu, Jun , Chen, Jianli . Toward Optimal Filler Cell Insertion with Complex Implant Layer Constraints . | IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE, DAC , 2023 .
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Hotspot Detection with Machine Learning Based on Pixel-Based Feature Extraction SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 2022 | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The complexity of physical verification increases rapidly with fast shrinking technology nodes. Considering only design rule checking (DRC) constraints or lithography models cannot capture the side physical effects in the fabrication process well. Thus, it is desirable to consider a more general physical verification problem with various types of hotspots. In this paper, we apply machine learning which is based on pixel-based feature extraction to deal with the generalized hotspot detection problem. First, a two-dimensional discrete Fourier transformation-based pixel extraction method is proposed to alleviate the shifting effect and produce stable hotspot features. Then, a pattern-based layout scanning approach is developed to enhance the program efficiency while preserving good detection accuracy. Finally, we design two false alarm reduction strategies to effectively reduce the number of detected nonhotspots and further improve the accuracy of hotspot position. Experimental results based on the industrial benchmarks show that our algorithm outperforms three competitive works in terms of accuracy, false alarm rate, efficiency, and time.


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhifeng , Gu, Zhenghua , Huang, Zhipeng et al. Hotspot Detection with Machine Learning Based on Pixel-Based Feature Extraction [J]. | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING , 2022 , 2022 .
MLA Lin, Zhifeng et al. "Hotspot Detection with Machine Learning Based on Pixel-Based Feature Extraction" . | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING 2022 (2022) .
APA Lin, Zhifeng , Gu, Zhenghua , Huang, Zhipeng , Bai, Xiqiong , Luo, Lixuan , Lin, Geng . Hotspot Detection with Machine Learning Based on Pixel-Based Feature Extraction . | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING , 2022 , 2022 .
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An Incremental Placement Flow for Advanced FPGAs With Timing Awareness SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As interconnects dominate circuit performance in modern field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), placement becomes a crucial stage for timing closure. Traditional FPGA placers seldom consider the timing constraints and, thus, may lead to illegal routing solutions. In this article, we present an incremental timing-driven placement flow for advanced FPGAs. First, a timing-based global placement strategy is designed to guide heterogeneous blocks to desired locations with satisfied timing constraints. Then, a timing-aware packing algorithm is developed to mitigate the design complexity while improving the timing results. Finally, we propose a critical path-based optimization method to generate optimized layout without timing violations. We evaluate our algorithm based on industrial circuits using an advanced FPGA device. The experimental results show that our placer achieves a 5.1% improvement in worst slack and produce placements that require 16.7% less time to route when compared with the leading commercial tool Xilinx Vivado.

Keyword :

Computer architecture Computer architecture Delays Delays Field programmable gate array (FPGA) Field programmable gate array (FPGA) Field programmable gate arrays Field programmable gate arrays Law Law physical design physical design placement placement Random access memory Random access memory Routing Routing Table lookup Table lookup timing timing


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhifeng , Xie, Yanyue , Zou, Peng et al. An Incremental Placement Flow for Advanced FPGAs With Timing Awareness [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS , 2022 , 41 (9) : 3092-3103 .
MLA Lin, Zhifeng et al. "An Incremental Placement Flow for Advanced FPGAs With Timing Awareness" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS 41 . 9 (2022) : 3092-3103 .
APA Lin, Zhifeng , Xie, Yanyue , Zou, Peng , Wang, Sifei , Yu, Jun , Chen, Jianli . An Incremental Placement Flow for Advanced FPGAs With Timing Awareness . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS , 2022 , 41 (9) , 3092-3103 .
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Late Breaking Results: Incremental 3D Global Routing Considering Cell Movement CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2021 , 1366-1367 | 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
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Abstract :

Placement and routing are two key problems in VLSI physical design. However, there may be out of sync between the two problems with congestion and routing resources. Therefore, it is desirable to design an efficient and highly coupled placement and routing engine. This paper proposes an incremental 3D global routing engine considering cell movement and complex routing constraints to relocate cells and reroute nets. We develop an efficient movement evaluation method to find desired locations and estimated routing resources for each cell. Then, we adopt an iterative approach to move cells to reduce routing resources. To reduce the time consumption of rerouting, we propose two technologies (searching space reduction and data structure optimization) to speed up the rerouting process. Compared with the participating teams at the 2020 CAD Contest at ICCAD based on the contest benchmarks, experiment results show that our proposed algorithm achieves the best runtime and routing resources while satisfying all the routing constraints.


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GB/T 7714 Zou, Peng , Lin, Zhifeng , Ma, Chenyue et al. Late Breaking Results: Incremental 3D Global Routing Considering Cell Movement [C] . 2021 : 1366-1367 .
MLA Zou, Peng et al. "Late Breaking Results: Incremental 3D Global Routing Considering Cell Movement" . (2021) : 1366-1367 .
APA Zou, Peng , Lin, Zhifeng , Ma, Chenyue , Yu, Jun , Chen, Jianli . Late Breaking Results: Incremental 3D Global Routing Considering Cell Movement . (2021) : 1366-1367 .
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Timing-Driven Placement for FPGAs with Heterogeneous Architectures and Clock Constraints EI
会议论文 | 2021 , 2021-February , 1564-1569 | 2021 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2021
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Modern FPGAs often contain heterogeneous architectures and clocking resources which must be considered to achieve desired solutions. As the design complexity keeps growing, placement has become critical for FPGA timing closure. In this paper, we present an analytical placement algorithm for heterogeneous FPGAs to optimize its worst slack and clock constraints simultaneously. First, a heterogeneity-aware and memory-friendly delay model is developed to accurately and rapidly assess each connection delay. Then, a two-stage clock region refinement method is presented to effectively resolve the clock and resource violations. Finally, we develop a novel timing-based co-optimization method to generate optimized placement without any clocking violations. Compared with the state-of-the-art placer based on the advanced commercial tool Xilinx Vivado 2019.1 with the Xilinx 7 Series FPGA architecture, our algorithm achieves the best worst slack and routed wirelength while satisfying all clock constraints. © 2021 EDAA.

Keyword :

Clocks Clocks Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) Field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) Timing circuits Timing circuits


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhifeng , Xie, Yanyue , Qian, Gang et al. Timing-Driven Placement for FPGAs with Heterogeneous Architectures and Clock Constraints [C] . 2021 : 1564-1569 .
MLA Lin, Zhifeng et al. "Timing-Driven Placement for FPGAs with Heterogeneous Architectures and Clock Constraints" . (2021) : 1564-1569 .
APA Lin, Zhifeng , Xie, Yanyue , Qian, Gang , Chen, Jianli , Wang, Sifei , Yu, Jun et al. Timing-Driven Placement for FPGAs with Heterogeneous Architectures and Clock Constraints . (2021) : 1564-1569 .
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