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Modulating oxygen vacancies of Fe-doped Ti-based materials with ultrathin nanosheets for enhancing H2S-to-S selective oxidation SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Developing highly efficient catalysts for the transformation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) pollutants into value-added products is crucial for both fundamental catalytic research and industrial chemistry. Herein, ferrititanate nanosheets (H0.8Ti1.2Fe0.8O4, denoted as NS-HTFO) exfoliated from lepidocrocite-type titanates are employed for the first time to catalyze the conversion of H2S to elemental sulfur. Collective experimental characterizations reveal that the as-designed NS-HTFO catalyst possesses ultrathin 2D structure and a large specific surface area, featuring abundant oxygen vacancies. Compared with its sandwich-like precursor of K0.8Ti1.2Fe0.8O4 (denoted as L-KTFO), the NS-HTFO catalyst displays notably enhanced desulfurization activity, achieving 100 % H2S conversion and over 93 % sulfur selectivity at temperatures ranging from 90 to 270 degrees C. Moreover, no significant decline in sulfur yield is observed over the course of a 100-hour evaluation, showing outstanding breakthrough sulfur capacity up to 4163 mg/gcat. This performance exceeds that of most recently reported catalysts. The possible catalytic mechanism for H2S-to-S selective oxidation over the NS-HTFO catalyst has also been investigated.

Keyword :

H2S-to-S selective oxidation H2S-to-S selective oxidation Oxygen vacancies Oxygen vacancies Surface basicity Surface basicity Ultrathin 2D structure Ultrathin 2D structure


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GB/T 7714 Lei, Ganchang , Yao, Zheng , Qu, Jingqi et al. Modulating oxygen vacancies of Fe-doped Ti-based materials with ultrathin nanosheets for enhancing H2S-to-S selective oxidation [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2024 , 485 .
MLA Lei, Ganchang et al. "Modulating oxygen vacancies of Fe-doped Ti-based materials with ultrathin nanosheets for enhancing H2S-to-S selective oxidation" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 485 (2024) .
APA Lei, Ganchang , Yao, Zheng , Qu, Jingqi , Chen, Jiaxin , Shen, Lijuan , Zheng, Xiaohai et al. Modulating oxygen vacancies of Fe-doped Ti-based materials with ultrathin nanosheets for enhancing H2S-to-S selective oxidation . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 2024 , 485 .
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一种钴基硫高值化催化剂及其制备方法和应用 incoPat
专利 | 2022-08-24 00:00:00 | CN202211016615.4
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GB/T 7714 江莉龙 , 侯玉飞 , 雷淦昌 et al. 一种钴基硫高值化催化剂及其制备方法和应用 : CN202211016615.4[P]. | 2022-08-24 00:00:00 .
MLA 江莉龙 et al. "一种钴基硫高值化催化剂及其制备方法和应用" : CN202211016615.4. | 2022-08-24 00:00:00 .
APA 江莉龙 , 侯玉飞 , 雷淦昌 , 詹瑛瑛 , 郑小海 , 王世萍 . 一种钴基硫高值化催化剂及其制备方法和应用 : CN202211016615.4. | 2022-08-24 00:00:00 .
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Surface modification of pyrophyllite for optimizing properties of castor oil-based polyurethane composite and its application in controlled-release fertilizer SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 16 (2) | ARABIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY
WoS CC Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The high cost and difficulty in sustainability have hindered the wide application of the general synthetic resins in the controlled-release fertilizers (CRF). Here, the degradable castor oil-based polyurethane (PU) was filled by the natural pyrophyllite (PY) powders, which were pre-modified with few amount (<0.5 %) of NDZ-201 coupling agent though a simple and economic mechanochemical method. Furthermore, the composite materials of PU and the modified PY (MPY/PU) with enhanced comprehensive properties were prepared and applied in CRF. Moreover, the release behaviors of the coated fertilizers were investigated while tuning the addition amount of modifier or the filling amount of MPY, and it was confirmed that the release performance was highly depended on the hydrophobic and mechanical properties of the composite coating. As a result, the best optimized MPY/PU coating exhibited significantly superior performance to the pure PU materials, and the duration of 80 % nitrogen release was more than 40 days. This confirms that the MPY/PU composite is a promising coating material for the CRF granules.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keyword :

Composite material Composite material Controlled-release fertilizer Controlled-release fertilizer Hydrolytic stability Hydrolytic stability Mechanochemical modifica-tion Mechanochemical modifica-tion Pyrophyllite Pyrophyllite


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Shiping , Li, Xiang , Ren, Kun et al. Surface modification of pyrophyllite for optimizing properties of castor oil-based polyurethane composite and its application in controlled-release fertilizer [J]. | ARABIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY , 2023 , 16 (2) .
MLA Wang, Shiping et al. "Surface modification of pyrophyllite for optimizing properties of castor oil-based polyurethane composite and its application in controlled-release fertilizer" . | ARABIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 16 . 2 (2023) .
APA Wang, Shiping , Li, Xiang , Ren, Kun , Huang, Rui , Lei, Ganchang , Shen, Lijuan et al. Surface modification of pyrophyllite for optimizing properties of castor oil-based polyurethane composite and its application in controlled-release fertilizer . | ARABIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY , 2023 , 16 (2) .
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钾改性氧化铝基羰基硫水解催化剂及其失活机理(英文) CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (09) , 115-124 | 物理化学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

天然气、油田伴生气、高炉煤气等化工生产过程中伴生COS气体,不仅会腐蚀管道和毒害催化剂,还会严重污染环境并危害人类健康。COS催化水解反应可在温和条件下高效的将COS脱除,是最具应用前景的COS脱除技术之一。碱金属元素因其具有独特的电子供体性质、表面碱性和静电吸附等特性,常被用作助催化剂以提高Al_2O_3的COS催化水解性能。近年来,以钾为助剂改性的Al_2O_3催化剂(K_2CO_3/Al_2O_3)在COS催化水解反应中得到广泛的应用,但由于负载在Al_2O_3上的K物种的组成复杂,目前研究者对K_2CO_3/Al_2O_3催化剂上COS水解机理的理解仍存在一定的困惑和争议。本论文通过湿法浸渍法合成出一系列钾盐和钠盐改性的Al_2O_3催化剂,并利用各类先进的表征技术对这些催化剂进行分析。活性测试表明,以K_2CO_3、K_2C_2O_4、NaHCO_3、Na_2CO_3和NaC_2O_4改性Al_2O_3催化剂均有助于COS的水解。其中K_2CO_3/Al_2O_3拥有最佳的COS水解性能,连续运行20 h后其COS转化率仍高于~93%,远远优于未改性的Al_2O_3 (~58%)。我们利用原位红外光谱和X射线光电子能谱探明了反应过程中催化剂的化学结构特征,阐明了H_2O分子在K_2CO_3/Al_2O_3上的水解作用机制。原位红外表明COS在K_2CO_3/Al_2O_3上的水解过程中形成了硫代碳酸氢盐中间产物。X射线光电子能谱表征证明催化剂的失活主要是因为催化剂表面积累了硫酸盐和单质硫。此外,我们还研究了水蒸气含量对COS水解性能的影响,研究发现,由于H_2O和COS分子在催化剂表面存在竞争吸附,过量的H_2O会引起催化活性的下降。上述研究表明,K_2CO_3/Al_2O_3催化剂上COS水解性能的提高主要是形成了HO-Al-O-K界面活性位。更为重要的是,所制备的催化剂都是在模拟工业工况条件下进行的,这为后续的工业应用提供了宝贵理论指导。本工作为理解助剂钾在Al_2O_3催化剂上COS水解活性的增强提供了新的见解,这为未来设计稳定高效的COS水解催化剂打开了新的发展方向。

Keyword :

HO-Al-O-K界面活性位点 HO-Al-O-K界面活性位点 催化水解 催化水解 失活机理 失活机理 工业工况条件 工业工况条件 羰基硫 羰基硫


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GB/T 7714 雷淦昌 , 郑勇 , 曹彦宁 et al. 钾改性氧化铝基羰基硫水解催化剂及其失活机理(英文) [J]. | 物理化学学报 , 2023 , 39 (09) : 115-124 .
MLA 雷淦昌 et al. "钾改性氧化铝基羰基硫水解催化剂及其失活机理(英文)" . | 物理化学学报 39 . 09 (2023) : 115-124 .
APA 雷淦昌 , 郑勇 , 曹彦宁 , 沈丽娟 , 王世萍 , 梁诗景 et al. 钾改性氧化铝基羰基硫水解催化剂及其失活机理(英文) . | 物理化学学报 , 2023 , 39 (09) , 115-124 .
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Advances in Resources Recovery of H2S: A Review of Desulfurization Processes and Catalysts SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (17) , 11723-11752 | ACS CATALYSIS
WoS CC Cited Count: 23
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a notorious andlethal gaswidely generated in human economic activities and natural occurrences.The growing demand for pollution control makes it vital for the developmentof efficient processes to remove and convert H2S into high-valuedproducts. As such, diversified technologies have been extensivelyexplored, including H2S splitting, selective oxidationof H2S, and simultaneous conversion of H2S andCO(2). In this review, the state-of-the-art processes forH(2)S conversion and utilization are reviewed. The potentialsof various value-added products from H2S utilization, suchas H-2, syngas, COS, CH3SH, and other sulfur-containingfine chemicals are elucidated in detail. Notably, the traditionaland emerging materials for H2S removal, mainly includingmetal oxide catalysts and carbon-based materials are also overviewedin this review. In addition, the catalytic mechanisms for these desulfurizationreactions are also briefly discussed. Lastly, perspectives are givenon the viability and technological gaps for each technology and correspondingcatalysts.

Keyword :

catalytic mechanism catalytic mechanism catalytic process catalytic process desulfurization desulfurization H2S H2S resourcesrecovery resourcesrecovery


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Xiaohai , Lei, Ganchang , Wang, Shiping et al. Advances in Resources Recovery of H2S: A Review of Desulfurization Processes and Catalysts [J]. | ACS CATALYSIS , 2023 , 13 (17) : 11723-11752 .
MLA Zheng, Xiaohai et al. "Advances in Resources Recovery of H2S: A Review of Desulfurization Processes and Catalysts" . | ACS CATALYSIS 13 . 17 (2023) : 11723-11752 .
APA Zheng, Xiaohai , Lei, Ganchang , Wang, Shiping , Shen, Lijuan , Zhan, Yingying , Jiang, Lilong . Advances in Resources Recovery of H2S: A Review of Desulfurization Processes and Catalysts . | ACS CATALYSIS , 2023 , 13 (17) , 11723-11752 .
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Surface grafting stearic acid to the coupling agent on attapulgite: A reinforced filler in castor oil-based polyurethane coating SCIE
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Abstract :

Developing economic controlled-release fertilizers (CRFs) with superior performance is an ongoing and important research area. This work investigated the co-modification of acid-activated attapulgite (ac-AT) to optimize its surface properties for polyurethane (PU) composite applications, specifically in the coatings of CRFs. The modified ac-AT (MAT) rods were obtained through treatment with 2.0 wt.% KH-560 coupling agent and in-situ grafting with stearic acid (SA). Varying the addition amount of SA resulted in the synthesis of different MAT fillers. Along with the adjustment of the filling amount, the properties of the MAT/PU composites were controlled. Notably, applying 1.5 wt.% SA onto the KH-560 treated ac-AT produced MAT with a contact angle of 100.8 & DEG;, enhancing hydrophobicity and dispersion within the PU matrix. Furthermore, at a filling amount of 9.0 wt.%, the MAT/PU composite exhibited the most favorable properties with a tensile strength of 2.37 MPa, making it the optimal coating for CRFs with 75% nutrient release within 46 days while the coating efficiency was 3.0 wt.%. This co-modification approach shows great potential in enhancing filler properties and promoting their application in organic coatings.

Keyword :

attapulgite attapulgite composite coating composite coating fertilizer fertilizer polyurethane polyurethane surface modification surface modification


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Shiping , Shen, Lushen , Yang, Honglin et al. Surface grafting stearic acid to the coupling agent on attapulgite: A reinforced filler in castor oil-based polyurethane coating [J]. | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE , 2023 , 140 (44) .
MLA Wang, Shiping et al. "Surface grafting stearic acid to the coupling agent on attapulgite: A reinforced filler in castor oil-based polyurethane coating" . | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 140 . 44 (2023) .
APA Wang, Shiping , Shen, Lushen , Yang, Honglin , Cai, Guohui , Lei, Ganchang , Shen, Lijuan et al. Surface grafting stearic acid to the coupling agent on attapulgite: A reinforced filler in castor oil-based polyurethane coating . | JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE , 2023 , 140 (44) .
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钾改性氧化铝基羰基硫水解催化剂及其失活机理 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (9) , 109-118 | 物理化学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

天然气、油田伴生气、高炉煤气等化工生产过程中伴生COS气体,不仅会腐蚀管道和毒害催化剂,还会严重污染环境并危害人类健康.COS催化水解反应可在温和条件下高效的将COS脱除,是最具应用前景的COS脱除技术之一.碱金属元素因其具有独特的电子供体性质、表面碱性和静电吸附等特性,常被用作助催化剂以提高Al2O3的COS催化水解性能.近年来,以钾为助剂改性的Al2O3催化剂(K2CO3/Al2O3)在COS催化水解反应中得到广泛的应用,但由于负载在Al2O3上的K物种的组成复杂,目前研究者对K2CO3/Al2O3催化剂上COS水解机理的理解仍存在一定的困惑和争议.本论文通过湿法浸渍法合成出一系列钾盐和钠盐改性的Al2O3催化剂,并利用各类先进的表征技术对这些催化剂进行分析.活性测试表明,以K2CO3、K2C2O4、NaHCO3、Na2CO3和NaC2O4改性Al2O3催化剂均有助于COS的水解.其中K2CO3/Al2O3拥有最佳的COS水解性能,连续运行20 h后其COS转化率仍高于~93%,远远优于未改性的Al2O3(~58%).我们利用原位红外光谱和X射线光电子能谱探明了反应过程中催化剂的化学结构特征,阐明了H2O分子在K2CO3/Al2O3上的水解作用机制.原位红外表明COS在K2CO3/Al2O3上的水解过程中形成了硫代碳酸氢盐中间产物.X射线光电子能谱表征证明催化剂的失活主要是因为催化剂表面积累了硫酸盐和单质硫.此外,我们还研究了水蒸气含量对COS水解性能的影响,研究发现,由于H2O和COS分子在催化剂表面存在竞争吸附,过量的H2O会引起催化活性的下降.上述研究表明,K2CO3/Al2O3催化剂上COS水解性能的提高主要是形成了HO-Al-O-K界面活性位.更为重要的是,所制备的催化剂都是在模拟工业工况条件下进行的,这为后续的工业应用提供了宝贵理论指导.本工作为理解助剂钾在Al2O3催化剂上COS水解活性的增强提供了新的见解,这为未来设计稳定高效的COS水解催化剂打开了新的发展方向.

Keyword :

HO-Al-O-K界面活性位点 HO-Al-O-K界面活性位点 催化水解 催化水解 失活机理 失活机理 工业工况条件 工业工况条件 羰基硫 羰基硫


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GB/T 7714 雷淦昌 , 郑勇 , 曹彦宁 et al. 钾改性氧化铝基羰基硫水解催化剂及其失活机理 [J]. | 物理化学学报 , 2023 , 39 (9) : 109-118 .
MLA 雷淦昌 et al. "钾改性氧化铝基羰基硫水解催化剂及其失活机理" . | 物理化学学报 39 . 9 (2023) : 109-118 .
APA 雷淦昌 , 郑勇 , 曹彦宁 , 沈丽娟 , 王世萍 , 梁诗景 et al. 钾改性氧化铝基羰基硫水解催化剂及其失活机理 . | 物理化学学报 , 2023 , 39 (9) , 109-118 .
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Carbon-doped boron nitride nanosheets as an efficient metal-free catalyst for the selective oxidation of H2S SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 25 (47) , 32317-32322 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

We report the first use of carbon-doped boron nitride (BCN) for H2S-selective catalytic oxidation. The obtained carbon-doped BN with an ultrathin layer structure exhibits outstanding H2S elimination and high S yield. In particular, BN doped carbon nanosheets display better catalytic performance than traditional catalysts, such as iron- and carbon-based catalysts. The findings of the present work shed a new light on metal-free catalysts for efficient catalytic removal of toxic H2S.


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GB/T 7714 Lei, Ganchang , Qi, Sihui , Li, Haiyan et al. Carbon-doped boron nitride nanosheets as an efficient metal-free catalyst for the selective oxidation of H2S [J]. | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS , 2023 , 25 (47) : 32317-32322 .
MLA Lei, Ganchang et al. "Carbon-doped boron nitride nanosheets as an efficient metal-free catalyst for the selective oxidation of H2S" . | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 25 . 47 (2023) : 32317-32322 .
APA Lei, Ganchang , Qi, Sihui , Li, Haiyan , Xue, Yinjiang , Shen, Lijuan , Zheng, Xiaohai et al. Carbon-doped boron nitride nanosheets as an efficient metal-free catalyst for the selective oxidation of H2S . | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS , 2023 , 25 (47) , 32317-32322 .
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