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湿地甲烷代谢对氮输入响应的复杂性及其机制分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , (04) | 生态学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

不确定性 不确定性 氮输入 氮输入 湿地 湿地 生态系统特征 生态系统特征 甲烷产生和氧化 甲烷产生和氧化 甲烷通量 甲烷通量


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GB/T 7714 仝川 , 罗敏 , 谭季 . 湿地甲烷代谢对氮输入响应的复杂性及其机制分析 [J]. | 生态学报 , 2024 , (04) .
MLA 仝川 等. "湿地甲烷代谢对氮输入响应的复杂性及其机制分析" . | 生态学报 04 (2024) .
APA 仝川 , 罗敏 , 谭季 . 湿地甲烷代谢对氮输入响应的复杂性及其机制分析 . | 生态学报 , 2024 , (04) .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 9 (02) , 53-61 | 高等理科教育
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

DIE模式 DIE模式 “三创五育” “三创五育” “双一流”高校 “双一流”高校 本科人才培养 本科人才培养


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GB/T 7714 许章华 , 张超飞 , 罗敏 et al. “三创五育”背景下“双一流”高校本科人才培养的DIE模式初探及评价 [J]. | 高等理科教育 , 2024 , 9 (02) : 53-61 .
MLA 许章华 et al. "“三创五育”背景下“双一流”高校本科人才培养的DIE模式初探及评价" . | 高等理科教育 9 . 02 (2024) : 53-61 .
APA 许章华 , 张超飞 , 罗敏 , 杨远垚 , 刘智才 . “三创五育”背景下“双一流”高校本科人才培养的DIE模式初探及评价 . | 高等理科教育 , 2024 , 9 (02) , 53-61 .
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海平面上升对河口感潮沼泽湿地CH_4和CO_2产生和排放的影响:机制与复杂性 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (05) , 441-453 | 地球科学进展
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

水淹增加 水淹增加 河口感潮沼泽 河口感潮沼泽 海平面上升 海平面上升 盐水入侵 盐水入侵 碳动态 碳动态


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GB/T 7714 仝川 , 罗敏 , 胡敏杰 et al. 海平面上升对河口感潮沼泽湿地CH_4和CO_2产生和排放的影响:机制与复杂性 [J]. | 地球科学进展 , 2024 , 39 (05) : 441-453 .
MLA 仝川 et al. "海平面上升对河口感潮沼泽湿地CH_4和CO_2产生和排放的影响:机制与复杂性" . | 地球科学进展 39 . 05 (2024) : 441-453 .
APA 仝川 , 罗敏 , 胡敏杰 , 王纯 , 刘白贵 , 展鹏飞 . 海平面上升对河口感潮沼泽湿地CH_4和CO_2产生和排放的影响:机制与复杂性 . | 地球科学进展 , 2024 , 39 (05) , 441-453 .
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Plants moderate the effects of emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 on increased flooding in wetland soils [植物调节湿地 CO2 和 CH4 排放对淹水增强的响应] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (1) , 424-435 | China Environmental Science
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Two mesocosms, with and without plants, were established in the tidal wetlands of the Minjiang Estuary, Southeast China. Each mesocosm contained three elevation treatments: control (CK), CK-20cm, and CK-40cm. The CO2 and CH4 emission fluxes under each elevation treatment in the planted and unplanted mesocosms were investigated. Overall, the results showed that increased flooding did not significantly change the total biomass or stem heights of the plants, but it increased the belowground biomass and decreased the aboveground biomass. In the planted mesocosms, the soil redox potential (ORP) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration increased with increasing flooding. In the unplanted mesocosms, the DOC concentration also increased with increasing flooding, but the soil ORP did not change. In the planted mesocosms, compared to the CK treatment, CO2 emission flux increased by 43% and 61%, respectively and CH4 emission flux increased by 66% and 84%, respectively for the CK-20cm and CK-40cm treatments. In the unplanted mesocosms, the emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 did not significantly change with increasing flooding. Within 50 to 100 years of sea level rises in the future, the sustained-flux global warming potential of vegetated tidal wetland will increase, while the soil organic carbon storage will decrease. Conversely, in unvegetated tidal wetlands, the sustained-flux global warming potential will decrease, while the storage of soil organic carbon will not change. © 2023 Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

CO2 and CH4 eflux CO2 and CH4 eflux increased flooding increased flooding Minjiang Estuary Minjiang Estuary redox potential redox potential sea level rise sea level rise tidal wetland tidal wetland


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GB/T 7714 Tan, F.-F. , Luo, M. , Zhang, C.-W. et al. Plants moderate the effects of emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 on increased flooding in wetland soils [植物调节湿地 CO2 和 CH4 排放对淹水增强的响应] [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2023 , 43 (1) : 424-435 .
MLA Tan, F.-F. et al. "Plants moderate the effects of emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 on increased flooding in wetland soils [植物调节湿地 CO2 和 CH4 排放对淹水增强的响应]" . | China Environmental Science 43 . 1 (2023) : 424-435 .
APA Tan, F.-F. , Luo, M. , Zhang, C.-W. , Chen, X. , Huang, J.-F. . Plants moderate the effects of emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 on increased flooding in wetland soils [植物调节湿地 CO2 和 CH4 排放对淹水增强的响应] . | China Environmental Science , 2023 , 43 (1) , 424-435 .
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Aquaculture drastically increases methane production by favoring acetoclastic rather than hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in shrimp pond sediments SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 563 | AQUACULTURE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Emissions of methane (CH4), a major greenhouse gas, should be cut by at least 30% by 2030 according to the last Conference of the Parties, CoP26. Aquaculture pond is a major CH4 emitter, yet the microbial mechanisms ruling methanogenesis by degradation of organic matter in sediments remain unclear. In particular, the respective roles of hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis, and the impact of aquaculture farming practices are unknown. We studied methanogenesis in the surface sediments from a freshwater and an oligohaline pond before, during, and after shrimp farming. Hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic contributions were distinguished by acetoclastic inhibition with methylfluoride (CH3F), and by C-13-analysis of CO2 and CH4. We also monitored the methanogenic community structure, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels, carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratios, and humification indices derived from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results reveal that aquaculture farming practices increased methanogenesis rates, and these increases were explained by higher levels of DOC and lower C/N ratios during farming. Of the total methane produced, 51%-78% was by hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. However, the total methane contribution from acetoclastic methanogenesis increased from approximately 22% before farming to approximately 45% during and after farming, with a decreasing isotope fractionation factor alpha c and an increasing relative abundance of Methanosaeta acetoclastic methanogen. All hu-mification indices decreased during and after farming compared to before farming due to the input of polysaccharide-rich aquafeed. The close relationship between the humification indices and methanogenesis pathways indicates that the changes in sediment substrate quality drove the variation in the methanogenesis pathways. Increases in salinity decreased the methanogenesis rates but did not change the methanogenesis pathways. Overall, our findings reveal that aquaculture farming practices increase methanogenesis rates and favor acetoclastic over hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, and that adjusting shrimp diets, increasing salinity, and removing residual aquafeed could reduce methanogenesis.

Keyword :

Acetoclastic methanogenesis Acetoclastic methanogenesis Coastal aquaculture pond Coastal aquaculture pond Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis Isotopic fractionation factors Isotopic fractionation factors Methane Methane Methanogenic community structure Methanogenic community structure


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GB/T 7714 Tan, Ji , Lichtfouse, Eric , Luo, Min et al. Aquaculture drastically increases methane production by favoring acetoclastic rather than hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in shrimp pond sediments [J]. | AQUACULTURE , 2023 , 563 .
MLA Tan, Ji et al. "Aquaculture drastically increases methane production by favoring acetoclastic rather than hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in shrimp pond sediments" . | AQUACULTURE 563 (2023) .
APA Tan, Ji , Lichtfouse, Eric , Luo, Min , Liu, Yuxiu , Tan, Fengfeng , Zhang, Changwei et al. Aquaculture drastically increases methane production by favoring acetoclastic rather than hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis in shrimp pond sediments . | AQUACULTURE , 2023 , 563 .
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Soil microbial metabolism limitation and carbon use efficiency in four different wetland habitats of Jiulong River estuary; [九龙江河口湿地 4 种不同生境土壤微生物代谢限制及碳利用效率] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (6) , 471-482 | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Carbon(C)sequestration of coastal tidal wetland ecosystems is affected by metabolic capacity of microbial decomposers to maintain nutrient cycling and energy flow. To explore the soil microbial metabolic restriction and microbial carbon use efficiency(CUE)of different plant communities in coastal tidal wetlands,we collected the soil samples from the surface(0~5 cm)soil and the deep(20~40 cm)soil in four wetland habitats in the Jiulong River estuary,which are the mangrove community,the Spartina alterniflora community,the community dominated by the mangrove,and the community dominated by the S. alterniflora in the ecotone between the mangrove forest and the S. alterniflora marsh. We measured the soil physicochemical parameters,the contents of soil microbial biomass C,nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P)and the extracellular enzyme activities. The vector length(VL)and the vector Angle(VA)were calculated by the ratio of C,N and P of extracellular enzyme activity,and the microbial CUE was calculated by the biogeochemical model. Soil microorganisms in the four wetland habitats were generally restricted by the contents of C and P. Microbial CUE in the surface and deep soil showed different rules with habitat changes. Microbial CUE in the surface soil significantly changed in the different habitats,vegetation competition significantly reduced the microbial CUE,and microbial CUE in the deep soil relatively remained stable among the four habitats. RDA analysis showed that the correlation between microbial metabolic limitation and environmental factors in the different soil layers was inconsistent. In the surface soil,soil nutrients were positively correlated with microbial CUE,and negatively correlated with C limitation;and the microbial biomass C,N,P was positively correlated with CUE and P limitation,and was negatively correlated with C limitation;while in the deep soil,microbial CUE and C limitation were not strongly correlated with the SOC. The P limitation was negatively correlated with the microbial biomass C. Overall,our findings suggested,invasion of S. alterniflora into mangrove forest significantly affected metabolic characteristics and microbial CUE of surface soil. Soil microorganisms in the mixed plant community face with stronger C restriction,and maintain higher C∶N and C∶P of extracellular enzyme,and lower CUE,which would exacerbate soil C pool loss in coastal/estuarine wetlands. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

carbon use efficiency(CUE) carbon use efficiency(CUE) estuarine wetland estuarine wetland Jiulong River estuary Jiulong River estuary mangrove forest mangrove forest phosphorus limitation phosphorus limitation Spartina alterniflora marsh Spartina alterniflora marsh


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GB/T 7714 Liu, N. , Yang, Y. , Tong, C. et al. Soil microbial metabolism limitation and carbon use efficiency in four different wetland habitats of Jiulong River estuary; [九龙江河口湿地 4 种不同生境土壤微生物代谢限制及碳利用效率] [J]. | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae , 2023 , 43 (6) : 471-482 .
MLA Liu, N. et al. "Soil microbial metabolism limitation and carbon use efficiency in four different wetland habitats of Jiulong River estuary; [九龙江河口湿地 4 种不同生境土壤微生物代谢限制及碳利用效率]" . | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 43 . 6 (2023) : 471-482 .
APA Liu, N. , Yang, Y. , Tong, C. , Luo, M. , Huang, J. . Soil microbial metabolism limitation and carbon use efficiency in four different wetland habitats of Jiulong River estuary; [九龙江河口湿地 4 种不同生境土壤微生物代谢限制及碳利用效率] . | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae , 2023 , 43 (6) , 471-482 .
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Effects of conversion of estuarine marshes to shrimp ponds on soil extracellular enzymes and CO2 and CH4 production potentials; [河口沼泽湿地转化为养虾塘对土壤胞外酶活性及 CO2和CH4产生潜力的影响] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (6) , 460-470 | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to scientifically assess the impact of land use/cover changes on carbon cycle of coastal blue carbon wetland ecosystem,it is important to reveal the effect of conversion of estuarine marshes to aquaculture ponds on soil extracellular enzyme activity and greenhouse gases production. Soil samples(0~30cm)from the Phragmites australis marshes,Cyperus malatensis marshes and Spartina alterniflora marshes,and 0~30 cm sediment samples from the shrimp ponds reclaimed from the above marshes were collected in the Min River estuary. The soil/sediment extracellular enzyme activity,and CO2,CH4 production potentials were measured via anaerobic incubation experiment. Compared with the marshes,the average value of activity of 4 extracellular enzymes in the shrimp ponds decreased by 27.3%. The production potentials of carbon greenhouse gases significantly changed after estuarine marshes converting to shrimp ponds. The CO2 production potentials of the P. australis marshes,C. malaccensis marshes,S. altemiflora marshes increased by 5.1%,38.5% and 38.8%,respectively,and the CH4 production potentials reduced by 24.9%,11.1% and 21.1%,respectively,and the organic carbon anaerobic mineralization rates increased by 4.9%,38.6% and 38.4%,respectively. The SOC content was key factor affecting the soil/sediment extracellular enzyme activity. The extracellular enzyme activity and conductivity were main factors controlling organic carbon anaerobic mineralization rate of the marshes soils and shrimp ponds sediments,respectively. The study results show that conversion from marsh to shrimp ponds in the Min River estuary increase organic carbon anaerobic mineralization rate,which may cause more loss of soil organic carbon,and is unfavorable to reach carbon goal of peak and neutrality and to mitigate global climate warming. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

CH4 production potential CH4 production potential CO2 production potential CO2 production potential extracellular enzymes extracellular enzymes marshes marshes Min River estuary Min River estuary shrimp ponds shrimp ponds


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GB/T 7714 Hu, F. , Cao, Q. , Huang, J. et al. Effects of conversion of estuarine marshes to shrimp ponds on soil extracellular enzymes and CO2 and CH4 production potentials; [河口沼泽湿地转化为养虾塘对土壤胞外酶活性及 CO2和CH4产生潜力的影响] [J]. | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae , 2023 , 43 (6) : 460-470 .
MLA Hu, F. et al. "Effects of conversion of estuarine marshes to shrimp ponds on soil extracellular enzymes and CO2 and CH4 production potentials; [河口沼泽湿地转化为养虾塘对土壤胞外酶活性及 CO2和CH4产生潜力的影响]" . | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 43 . 6 (2023) : 460-470 .
APA Hu, F. , Cao, Q. , Huang, J. , Luo, M. , Guo, P. , Tong, C. . Effects of conversion of estuarine marshes to shrimp ponds on soil extracellular enzymes and CO2 and CH4 production potentials; [河口沼泽湿地转化为养虾塘对土壤胞外酶活性及 CO2和CH4产生潜力的影响] . | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae , 2023 , 43 (6) , 460-470 .
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Incorporating biotic phosphorus-acquisition strategies into soil phosphorus transformation under long-term salinization in a tidal wetland SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 231 | CATENA
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Tidal wetland plants can maintain high primary productivity under salinization, even with low phosphorus (P) availability. However, little is known about how they adapt to salinization-induced ecosystem P limitation over time. We established mesocosms using tidal freshwater wetland soils and the salt-tolerant plant Cyperus malaccensis and subjected them to short-term (6 months) and long-term (3.5 years) salinization. Overall, short-term salinization did not change plant or microbial biomass nitrogen/P ratios, whereas long-term salinization increased both, indicating that short-term salinization did not alter ecosystem P limitation, but long-term salinization exacerbated it. Concurrently, short-term salinization reduced the moderately labile inorganic P (Pi) pool, whereas long-term salinization also reduced the hydrolyzable organic P (Po) and primary mineral P pools. During both short- and long-term salinization, moderately labile Pi mobilization exhibited a negative correlation with Fe sulfide concentration and a positive correlation with Fe(III) concentrations. These results suggested that both short- and long-term salinization obtained P through abiotic P-acquisition strategies. Mobilization of the primary mineral P pool and hydrolyzable Po pools was negatively linked to root arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) biomass and soil alkaline phosphomonoesterase (ALP) activity, respectively. This indicated that long-term salinization acquired P via biotic P-acquisition strategies. Specifically, soil microorganisms increased fungi predominance and thereby increased ALP activity to convert hydrolyzable Po, while tidal wetland plants enhanced root AMF associations to release carboxylate to transform primary mineral P. Overall, our results highlight that abiotic P-acquisition strategies could offset the ecosystem P limitation during short-term salinization, whereas biotic P-acquisition strategies play a more important role in soil P transformation under longterm salinization. Through biotic P-acquisition, tidal wetland ecosystems can maintain high plant primary productivity through biotic P-acquisition even under P-limited conditions, exhibiting increased resilience to sealevel rise.

Keyword :

Alkaline phosphomonoesterase Alkaline phosphomonoesterase Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Phosphorus limitation Phosphorus limitation Salinization Salinization Soil phosphorus fractions Soil phosphorus fractions Tidal wetland soils Tidal wetland soils


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GB/T 7714 Fan, Tianning , Luo, Min , Tan, Ji et al. Incorporating biotic phosphorus-acquisition strategies into soil phosphorus transformation under long-term salinization in a tidal wetland [J]. | CATENA , 2023 , 231 .
MLA Fan, Tianning et al. "Incorporating biotic phosphorus-acquisition strategies into soil phosphorus transformation under long-term salinization in a tidal wetland" . | CATENA 231 (2023) .
APA Fan, Tianning , Luo, Min , Tan, Ji , Hu, Dehong , Chen, Xin , Huang, Jiafang et al. Incorporating biotic phosphorus-acquisition strategies into soil phosphorus transformation under long-term salinization in a tidal wetland . | CATENA , 2023 , 231 .
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Impact of salinization on soil labile carbon fractions and carbon-acquiring enzyme activities in a tidal freshwater wetland; [盐分增强对河口淡水潮汐湿地土壤活性碳组分和碳获取酶活性的影响] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (5) , 459-470 | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To study the effect of future seawater intrusion on the soil organic carbon decomposition in tidal freshwater wetland,we transferred soil samples from freshwater tidal wetland to brackish tidal wetland in the Min Estuary of southeast China. The contents of soil labile organic carbon(LOC)fractions and activities of carbon-acquiring enzymes,including 1,4-glucosidase,cellobiohydrolase,peroxidase,and phenol oxidase,were also studied after 30,180,and 510 days of soil transfer. Increased soil salinity had a significant impact on the contents of soil LOC fractions. The increasing soil salinity increased soil microbial biomass carbon and dissolved organic carbon contents,and decreased soil easily oxidized organic carbon contents. As salinity increased,aboveground plant biomass decreased but belowground biomass increased,fungal abundance increased,and bacterial abundance decreased. Activities of the four carbon-acquiring enzymes increased as soil salinity increased. Correlation and regression analysis results showed that carbon-acquiring enzyme activities were regulated by soil Fe(III)/Fe(II)ratios,soil carbon/nitrogen ratios,and soil fungi/bacteria ratios. Overall,when the soil salinity increased from freshwater to oligohaline,plant root oxygen loss and root exudates increased,and the quality of soil organic matter became worse. These changes led to increases in soil carbon-acquiring enzyme activities and decreases in soil LOC contents. The finding indicates that rapid sea-level rise in the future will lead to decline of soil organic carbon storage in historical tidal freshwater wetlands,and the ecosystem function will be threatened. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

carbon-acquiring enzyme carbon-acquiring enzyme labile organic carbon labile organic carbon Min River Estuary Min River Estuary salinity salinity tidal freshwater wetland tidal freshwater wetland


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Y. , Tan, J. , Tan, F. et al. Impact of salinization on soil labile carbon fractions and carbon-acquiring enzyme activities in a tidal freshwater wetland; [盐分增强对河口淡水潮汐湿地土壤活性碳组分和碳获取酶活性的影响] [J]. | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae , 2023 , 43 (5) : 459-470 .
MLA Wang, Y. et al. "Impact of salinization on soil labile carbon fractions and carbon-acquiring enzyme activities in a tidal freshwater wetland; [盐分增强对河口淡水潮汐湿地土壤活性碳组分和碳获取酶活性的影响]" . | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 43 . 5 (2023) : 459-470 .
APA Wang, Y. , Tan, J. , Tan, F. , Zhang, C. , Chen, X. , Quan, W. et al. Impact of salinization on soil labile carbon fractions and carbon-acquiring enzyme activities in a tidal freshwater wetland; [盐分增强对河口淡水潮汐湿地土壤活性碳组分和碳获取酶活性的影响] . | Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae , 2023 , 43 (5) , 459-470 .
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Plants moderate the effects of emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 on increased flooding in wetland soils EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (1) , 424-435 | China Environmental Science
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Two mesocosms, with and without plants, were established in the tidal wetlands of the Minjiang Estuary, Southeast China. Each mesocosm contained three elevation treatments: control (CK), CK-20cm, and CK-40cm. The CO2 and CH4 emission fluxes under each elevation treatment in the planted and unplanted mesocosms were investigated. Overall, the results showed that increased flooding did not significantly change the total biomass or stem heights of the plants, but it increased the belowground biomass and decreased the aboveground biomass. In the planted mesocosms, the soil redox potential (ORP) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration increased with increasing flooding. In the unplanted mesocosms, the DOC concentration also increased with increasing flooding, but the soil ORP did not change. In the planted mesocosms, compared to the CK treatment, CO2 emission flux increased by 43% and 61%, respectively and CH4 emission flux increased by 66% and 84%, respectively for the CK-20cm and CK-40cm treatments. In the unplanted mesocosms, the emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 did not significantly change with increasing flooding. Within 50 to 100 years of sea level rises in the future, the sustained-flux global warming potential of vegetated tidal wetland will increase, while the soil organic carbon storage will decrease. Conversely, in unvegetated tidal wetlands, the sustained-flux global warming potential will decrease, while the storage of soil organic carbon will not change. © 2023 Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Biomass Biomass Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide Floods Floods Global warming Global warming Organic carbon Organic carbon Redox reactions Redox reactions Sea level Sea level Soils Soils Wetlands Wetlands


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GB/T 7714 Tan, Feng-Feng , Luo, Min , Zhang, Chang-Wei et al. Plants moderate the effects of emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 on increased flooding in wetland soils [J]. | China Environmental Science , 2023 , 43 (1) : 424-435 .
MLA Tan, Feng-Feng et al. "Plants moderate the effects of emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 on increased flooding in wetland soils" . | China Environmental Science 43 . 1 (2023) : 424-435 .
APA Tan, Feng-Feng , Luo, Min , Zhang, Chang-Wei , Chen, Xin , Huang, Jia-Fang . Plants moderate the effects of emission fluxes of CO2 and CH4 on increased flooding in wetland soils . | China Environmental Science , 2023 , 43 (1) , 424-435 .
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