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期刊论文 | 2024 , 38 (03) , 60-70 | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

以提高人民福利水平为导向,转变经济发展方式,是生态文明建设和可持续发展的必然要求。基于2015—2020年首批国家生态文明试验区福建、江西、贵州三省26个城市数据,运用网络SBM(Slacks Based Measure)模型测算其生态福利绩效,研究发现:(1)整体来看,在研究期内国家生态文明试验区城市生态福利绩效历年均值为0.714,总体上未能实现DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis)有效,城市之间绩效差异较大,只有厦门实现DEA有效,整体城市生态福利绩效呈现先增长后缓慢降低的趋势,相较于研究初期有所增长。(2)区域来看,不同地区城市生态福利绩效有所差异,呈现出“福建最佳,贵州次之,江西最末”的态势。(3)子系统来看,两子系统绩效的不均衡是整体生态福利绩效水平不高的主要原因。为进一步加强生态文明建设,建议优化产业结构,推动产业绿色转型;加强创新能力,推进生态技术进步;深化区域合作,推进区域协同发展。

Keyword :

国家生态文明试验区 国家生态文明试验区 城市生态福利绩效 城市生态福利绩效 生态文明 生态文明 网络SBM模型 网络SBM模型


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GB/T 7714 刘丹 , 蒋政 , 郑宇婷 . 国家生态文明试验区城市生态福利绩效评价研究 [J]. | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2024 , 38 (03) : 60-70 .
MLA 刘丹 等. "国家生态文明试验区城市生态福利绩效评价研究" . | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 38 . 03 (2024) : 60-70 .
APA 刘丹 , 蒋政 , 郑宇婷 . 国家生态文明试验区城市生态福利绩效评价研究 . | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2024 , 38 (03) , 60-70 .
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Study on urban green development efficiency of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian in China: a mixed network SBM approach SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 | KYBERNETES
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Purpose - By studying the green development efficiency (GDE) of 33 cities in the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian in China, this study strives to conduct an analysis of the sustainable practices implemented in these developed regions, and derive valuable insights that can foster the promotion of green transformation. Design/methodology/approach - First, the urban green development system (GDS) was decomposed into the economic benefit subsystem (EBS), social benefit subsystem (SBS), and pollution control subsystem (PCS). Then, a mixed network SBM model was proposed to evaluate the GDE during 20152020, with Moran's I and Bootstrap truncated regression model subsequently applied to measure the spatial characteristics and driving factors of efficiency. Findings - Subsystem efficiency presents a distribution trend of PCS > EBS > SBS. There is a particular spatial aggregation effect in EBS efficiency, whereas SBS and PCS efficiencies have no significant spatial autocorrelation. Furthermore, urbanization level contributes significantly to the efficiency of all subsystems; industrial structure, energy consumption, and technological innovation play a crucial role in EBS and SBS; external openness is a pivotal factor in SBS; and environmental regulation has a significant effect on PCS. Originality/value - This study further decomposes the black box of GDS into subsystems including the economy, society, and environment. Additionally, by employing a mixed network SBM model and Bootstrap truncated regression model to investigate efficiency and its driving factors from the subsystem perspective, it endeavors to derive more detailed research conclusions and policy implications.

Keyword :

Bootstrap truncated regression model Bootstrap truncated regression model Driving factors Driving factors Green development efficiency Green development efficiency Mixed network SBM model Mixed network SBM model


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Dan , Liu, Tiange , Zheng, Yuting . Study on urban green development efficiency of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian in China: a mixed network SBM approach [J]. | KYBERNETES , 2024 .
MLA Liu, Dan 等. "Study on urban green development efficiency of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian in China: a mixed network SBM approach" . | KYBERNETES (2024) .
APA Liu, Dan , Liu, Tiange , Zheng, Yuting . Study on urban green development efficiency of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian in China: a mixed network SBM approach . | KYBERNETES , 2024 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (05) , 109-111,132 | 物流工程与管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

产业驱动 产业驱动 人才培养 人才培养 数字化 数字化 物流管理 物流管理


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GB/T 7714 刘丹 , 林杉杉 , 郑宇婷 . 基于产业驱动的物流数字化人才培养探索 [J]. | 物流工程与管理 , 2024 , 46 (05) : 109-111,132 .
MLA 刘丹 等. "基于产业驱动的物流数字化人才培养探索" . | 物流工程与管理 46 . 05 (2024) : 109-111,132 .
APA 刘丹 , 林杉杉 , 郑宇婷 . 基于产业驱动的物流数字化人才培养探索 . | 物流工程与管理 , 2024 , 46 (05) , 109-111,132 .
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The construction efficiency study of China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone with network SBM model: a city-based analysis SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (16) , 47685-47698 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The Chinese government proposed the establishment of China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone in 2016 to further explore the coordinated development of economy and environment. Fujian, Jiangxi, and Guizhou provinces were selected as the first batch of pilot zones. After years of exploration, it is necessary to discuss and summarize the construction progress of the three pilot zones from the perspective of the city. In this study, first, the ecological civilization pilot zone construction system was decomposed into an economic construction subsystem (ECS) and an environmental optimization subsystem (EOS). Then, a two-stage network SBM model was adopted to calculate the efficiencies of the subsystems, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to measure the efficiency difference. Finally, a panel data regression model was applied to explore the influencing factors of both subsystems. The results show that the ECS efficiency is higher than that of the EOS, and the ECS efficiency in Fujian is significantly better than that in Jiangxi and Guizhou. However, there is no significant difference in EOS efficiency in the three provinces. Furthermore, industrial structure and population agglomeration have a significant effect on ECS efficiency, environmental regulation has a significant impact on EOS, and the technology level has a significant impact on both subsystems. Based on the results, policy implications for improving the efficiency of the two subsystems were given respectively.

Keyword :

China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone Efficiency evaluation Efficiency evaluation Influencing factors Influencing factors Network SBM model Network SBM model Nonparametric test Nonparametric test Panel data regression Panel data regression


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Dan , Liu, Tiange , Zheng, Yuting et al. The construction efficiency study of China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone with network SBM model: a city-based analysis [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2023 , 30 (16) : 47685-47698 .
MLA Liu, Dan et al. "The construction efficiency study of China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone with network SBM model: a city-based analysis" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 30 . 16 (2023) : 47685-47698 .
APA Liu, Dan , Liu, Tiange , Zheng, Yuting , Zhang, Qi . The construction efficiency study of China National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone with network SBM model: a city-based analysis . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2023 , 30 (16) , 47685-47698 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 22 (02) , 71-81 | 大连海事大学学报(社会科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

多时期网络DEA 多时期网络DEA 数字化转型 数字化转型 运营效率 运营效率 零售上市企业 零售上市企业


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GB/T 7714 刘丹 , 林志伟 . 数字化转型下零售上市企业运营效率评价研究 [J]. | 大连海事大学学报(社会科学版) , 2023 , 22 (02) : 71-81 .
MLA 刘丹 et al. "数字化转型下零售上市企业运营效率评价研究" . | 大连海事大学学报(社会科学版) 22 . 02 (2023) : 71-81 .
APA 刘丹 , 林志伟 . 数字化转型下零售上市企业运营效率评价研究 . | 大连海事大学学报(社会科学版) , 2023 , 22 (02) , 71-81 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 25 (02) , 89-95,101 | 南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

基于技术异质性,利用Meta-frontier BCC模型,分析在共同前沿与群组前沿下2016-2018年我国93家沿海机场的运营效率,并结合两种前沿面下的技术差距比率和相对产出的差异,探讨我国沿海机场的技术偏向。结果表明,不同地区机场在共同前沿下效率均值皆小于群组前沿下效率均值;东北地区机场在不同前沿下效率均值差距较大,应重点提升东北地区机场运营效率;大多数机场应调整技术改进方向,合理配置客、货运资源,提高机场运营效率,实现机场技术进步。

Keyword :

共同前沿 共同前沿 技术偏向 技术偏向 技术异质性 技术异质性 沿海机场 沿海机场 运营效率 运营效率


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GB/T 7714 刘燕萍 , 刘丹 . 技术偏向视角下我国沿海机场运营效率研究 [J]. | 南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版) , 2023 , 25 (02) : 89-95,101 .
MLA 刘燕萍 et al. "技术偏向视角下我国沿海机场运营效率研究" . | 南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版) 25 . 02 (2023) : 89-95,101 .
APA 刘燕萍 , 刘丹 . 技术偏向视角下我国沿海机场运营效率研究 . | 南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版) , 2023 , 25 (02) , 89-95,101 .
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Regulation of cerium species in Keggin structure of phosphotungstic acid for efficient nitrogen electroreduction to ammonia SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As a sustainable and economical strategy, electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction (eNRR) is a promising alternative of energy-intensive Haber-Bosch process to produce ammonia. Fabricating efficient catalysts for eNRR is still challenging due to the bottleneck of insufficient activity and low electron selectivity. Herein, phosphotungstic acid (PTA) as substrate to anchor cerium species on the 4-fold hollow site was prepared, which reaches high ammonia yield rates of 42 mu g h-1 mgcat-1 and Faradaic efficiencies of 9.2 % at-0.6 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode. Experiments and theoretical calculations reveal that the introduction of Ce species could significantly improve the electronic density of adjacent exposed W atoms, further boosting the effective adsorption and activation of N2 to form active *N2. Finally, the designed Ce-PTA catalysts show high electrocatalytic activity of N2 reduction into ammonia. This work highlights the important role of using PTA as substrate to prepare stable supported metal species for heterogeneous electrocatalysis.

Keyword :

Ammonia synthesis Ammonia synthesis Ce species modification Ce species modification Electrocatalysis Electrocatalysis N2 reduction reaction N2 reduction reaction Phosphotungstic acid Phosphotungstic acid


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Dan , Yan, Hongping , Lin, Jiawei et al. Regulation of cerium species in Keggin structure of phosphotungstic acid for efficient nitrogen electroreduction to ammonia [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 2023 , 283 .
MLA Liu, Dan et al. "Regulation of cerium species in Keggin structure of phosphotungstic acid for efficient nitrogen electroreduction to ammonia" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 283 (2023) .
APA Liu, Dan , Yan, Hongping , Lin, Jiawei , Lu, Suwei , Xie, Yaoqi , Peng, Xiaobo et al. Regulation of cerium species in Keggin structure of phosphotungstic acid for efficient nitrogen electroreduction to ammonia . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 2023 , 283 .
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Version :

我国物流上市企业技术创新效率影响机制——基于政府补贴和股权集中度的门槛视角 CSSCI-E
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (24) , 117-127 | 科技管理研究
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

技术创新 技术创新 政府补贴 政府补贴 物流上市企业 物流上市企业 股权集中度 股权集中度 门槛效应 门槛效应


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GB/T 7714 刘丹 , 黄珺涵 , 郑宇婷 . 我国物流上市企业技术创新效率影响机制——基于政府补贴和股权集中度的门槛视角 [J]. | 科技管理研究 , 2023 , 43 (24) : 117-127 .
MLA 刘丹 et al. "我国物流上市企业技术创新效率影响机制——基于政府补贴和股权集中度的门槛视角" . | 科技管理研究 43 . 24 (2023) : 117-127 .
APA 刘丹 , 黄珺涵 , 郑宇婷 . 我国物流上市企业技术创新效率影响机制——基于政府补贴和股权集中度的门槛视角 . | 科技管理研究 , 2023 , 43 (24) , 117-127 .
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Insights into Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia via Cu-Based Bimetallic Catalysts SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 55
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Cu-based bimetallic catalysts have been studied in the electrocatalytic nitrate (NO3-) reduction reaction (NO3-RR) for a long time. However, few studies have focused on horizontal comparison of CuNi, CuCo, and CuFe (abbreviated as CuM) bimetallic catalysts in electrocatalytic NO3-RR for ammonia synthesis. Herein, we prepare the three series of Cu-based bimetallic catalysts, with different atom ratios of Cu/M (Cu/M = 7/3, 5/5, or 3/7) and ordered mesoporous carbon (OMC) as support (denoted as CuM/OMC). The characterization results reveal that the metallic particles of Cu and M components possess an intimate relationship on the CuM/ OMC catalysts. The electrocatalytic NO3-RR performance uncovers that the optimal NH3 yield rates of CuM/ OMC catalysts at -0.8 V (vs reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE)) follow this order: Cu5Fe5/OMC > Cu5Co5/OMC > Cu7Ni3/OMC > Cu/OMC > Fe/OMC > Co/OMC > Ni/OMC > OMC. The bimetallic CuM/OMC catalysts exhibit higher NH3 yield rates than the monometallic catalysts. This is attributed to strong synergistic effects between the Cu and M components. We expect that these insights can stimulate new developments of bimetallic catalysts in electrocatalysis.

Keyword :

Ammonia synthesis Ammonia synthesis Bimetal Bimetal Cu-based catalyst Cu-based catalyst Electrocatalytic nitrate reduction Electrocatalytic nitrate reduction Synergistic effect Synergistic effect


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Jing , Liu, Lijuan , Yang, Ya et al. Insights into Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia via Cu-Based Bimetallic Catalysts [J]. | ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING , 2023 .
MLA Zhao, Jing et al. "Insights into Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia via Cu-Based Bimetallic Catalysts" . | ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING (2023) .
APA Zhao, Jing , Liu, Lijuan , Yang, Ya , Liu, Dan , Peng, Xiaobo , Liang, Shijing et al. Insights into Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia via Cu-Based Bimetallic Catalysts . | ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING , 2023 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 36 (02) , 36-43 | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
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Abstract :


Keyword :

生态文明 生态文明 绩效评价 绩效评价 网络SBM模型 网络SBM模型


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GB/T 7714 刘丹 , 张琦 , 刘俊玲 . 基于网络SBM模型的国家生态文明试验区建设绩效评价 [J]. | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2022 , 36 (02) : 36-43 .
MLA 刘丹 et al. "基于网络SBM模型的国家生态文明试验区建设绩效评价" . | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 36 . 02 (2022) : 36-43 .
APA 刘丹 , 张琦 , 刘俊玲 . 基于网络SBM模型的国家生态文明试验区建设绩效评价 . | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2022 , 36 (02) , 36-43 .
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