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Disintegration Characteristics of Highly Weathered Granite under the Influence of Scouring SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 16 (3) | WATER
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In South China, due to climatic factors, highly weathered granite is distributed across a large area and easily disintegrates after encountering water, causing many geological disasters and other problems. To determine the disintegration mechanism of highly weathered granite in South China, disintegration tests were carried out on highly weathered granite in the Fuzhou area under different immersion durations, cycle times, and flow rates, with the help of a self-designed disintegration test device. Moreover, the disintegration mechanism of the highly weathered granite was revealed using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology. The results demonstrated an increase in the cumulative relative disintegration with prolonged immersion time and the number of dry-wet cycles. Beyond a certain flow rate, the cumulative relative disintegration amount stabilized. There was a strong correlation between the steady disintegration rate and immersion time (or dry-wet cycles). The disintegration process of the highly weathered granite was divided into three stages: rapid, moderate, and stable disintegration. Notably, disintegration primarily occurred around the large pores. This study revealed that the variation in the immersion time (or wet-dry-scouring cycles) was fundamentally linked to changes in the relative volume of the large pores in the rock samples. These findings provide valuable insights for predicting and mitigating surface disasters on highly weathered granite slopes.

Keyword :

disintegration disintegration disintegration steady flow rate disintegration steady flow rate dry-wet cycles dry-wet cycles highly weathered granite highly weathered granite immersion time immersion time


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GB/T 7714 He, Xiyang , Liu, Chengyu , Zhang, Xiangxiang et al. Disintegration Characteristics of Highly Weathered Granite under the Influence of Scouring [J]. | WATER , 2024 , 16 (3) .
MLA He, Xiyang et al. "Disintegration Characteristics of Highly Weathered Granite under the Influence of Scouring" . | WATER 16 . 3 (2024) .
APA He, Xiyang , Liu, Chengyu , Zhang, Xiangxiang , Wu, Changyu , Weng, Zhiyu . Disintegration Characteristics of Highly Weathered Granite under the Influence of Scouring . | WATER , 2024 , 16 (3) .
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自然条件下石窟岩石裂缝宽度的变化规律 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , (10) | 岩土力学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

以北京周口店猿人洞遗址侧壁上的钙质胶结砾岩为研究对象,通过12个岩石测缝计连续7年监测数据和周边环境监测数据的统计分析,得出自然条件下石窟岩石裂缝的变化规律。研究表明:(1)自然条件下,岩石裂缝宽度呈现出季节性、周期性变化规律,采用适宜于非平稳季节的ARIMA (2,1,1)模型可对裂缝宽度进行预测;(2)岩石裂缝宽度与环境温度、湿度呈负相关性关系,与环境温度的相关性明显高于湿度;岩石裂缝宽度变化滞后于环境温度和湿度的变化,与温度的滞后相关性高于湿度,与温度的滞后时间远小于与湿度的滞后时间;(3)岩石裂缝宽度与环境温度的相关性及滞后相关性程度为:常温>高温>低温>极端低温;滞后时间为:极端低温>低温>高温;周边环境相对湿度越稳定,它们的相关性越高;(4)相同温度下,岩石裂缝宽度随时间呈缓慢增长趋势,近似呈指数增长或指数渐近式分布;(5)环境温度相同条件下,湿度越稳定,岩石裂缝宽度随时间的增长越缓慢;天然状态下,环境温度越低,岩石裂缝宽度随时间的增长越快。研究成果有助于深入了解石窟岩石裂缝在自然条件下的扩展规律,为温带季风气候地区岩石古遗址、石窟、石刻等的预防性保护提供了裂缝变化的参考依据。

Keyword :

岩石裂缝 岩石裂缝 温度 温度 猿人洞 猿人洞 相关性 相关性 相对湿度 相对湿度


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GB/T 7714 刘成禹 , 许枝钰 , 吴昌宇 et al. 自然条件下石窟岩石裂缝宽度的变化规律 [J]. | 岩土力学 , 2024 , (10) .
MLA 刘成禹 et al. "自然条件下石窟岩石裂缝宽度的变化规律" . | 岩土力学 10 (2024) .
APA 刘成禹 , 许枝钰 , 吴昌宇 , 张向向 , 郑健 . 自然条件下石窟岩石裂缝宽度的变化规律 . | 岩土力学 , 2024 , (10) .
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Effect of Coarse Aggregate Gradation on the Acoustic Emission and Microseismic Behavior of Concrete Under Load Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, uniaxial compression tests were carried out on nine concrete specimens with different coarse aggregate particle size ranges in single and continuous gradation at curing ages of 3, 7 and 28 d, respectively. The acoustic emission (AE) and microseismic (MS) signals of the whole loading process were monitored by combining AE and MS to investigate. The AE and MS signals characteristics of concrete with different coarse aggregate gradations during load damage at different curing ages were analyzedand the effect of the maximum coarse aggregate size on the damage evolution of concrete were investigated. Based on findings from experiments, as the maximum particle size of the coarse aggregate increases, the initial defects within the concrete specimens initially decrease and then increase. A larger size and the more heterogeneous of the coarse aggregate has an accelerating effect on the emergence and expansion of cracks throughout the load-induced damage process in concrete structures. In addition, when the curing age is brief, the expansion of internal cracks in concrete predominantly depends on the curing age, with the relationship to the maximum particle size of coarse aggregate being less evident. © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Shiraz University 2024.

Keyword :

Acoustic emission Acoustic emission Coarse aggregate gradation Coarse aggregate gradation Curing age Curing age Microseismic Microseismic


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GB/T 7714 Wu, C. , Zheng, Y. , Liu, C. . Effect of Coarse Aggregate Gradation on the Acoustic Emission and Microseismic Behavior of Concrete Under Load [J]. | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering , 2024 .
MLA Wu, C. et al. "Effect of Coarse Aggregate Gradation on the Acoustic Emission and Microseismic Behavior of Concrete Under Load" . | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering (2024) .
APA Wu, C. , Zheng, Y. , Liu, C. . Effect of Coarse Aggregate Gradation on the Acoustic Emission and Microseismic Behavior of Concrete Under Load . | Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering , 2024 .
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Experimental investigations on the failure characteristics of the slit-contained circular opening under biaxial compression: Insights into the rockburst prevention EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 134 | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The slit-cut method for the rockburst prevention and control is believed effective with its easiness in operation, adjustment and compatibility. However, there is limited advance knowledge of the physics of the slit-cut method, which is vital for the engineering designs. In this study, the biaxial compression tests with a synchronous AE (acoustic emission)-DIC (digital image correlation) monitoring are creatively carried out on the slit-contained circular opening specimens with different slit configurations to demonstrate the academic thoughts and mechanisms of the slit-cut method. The experiments document the two typical failure types namely the internal crack propagation and the dynamic rockburst, which occupy different AE hit rate characteristics and different entropy properties. With the occurrence of rockburst, the AE hit rate presents a bouncing ascend-descend trend, and a higher disorder and chaos is faithfully exhibited. Depending on the slit parameters, the slit-cut method can efficiently mitigate rockburst in terms of the occurrence frequency and magnitude. The underlying mechanism lies in the enhancement of the shear mechanism and the development of the internal cracks through which the stored energy can be greatly dissipated. However, due to the unrestricted shear failure in the slit-contained opening specimens, the opening-scale inward instability can be triggered by the internal crack coalescence, thus posing a threat to the safety of the opening. Implementing the slit-cut method with a consideration of the in-situ stress conditions is evidently essential for the safe excavation. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd

Keyword :

Acoustic emission testing Acoustic emission testing Compression testing Compression testing Crack propagation Crack propagation Image compression Image compression Rock bursts Rock bursts Rock mechanics Rock mechanics Shear flow Shear flow


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Jian-Zhi , Zhou, Yi-Jie , Liu, Cheng-Yu et al. Experimental investigations on the failure characteristics of the slit-contained circular opening under biaxial compression: Insights into the rockburst prevention [J]. | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics , 2024 , 134 .
MLA Zhang, Jian-Zhi et al. "Experimental investigations on the failure characteristics of the slit-contained circular opening under biaxial compression: Insights into the rockburst prevention" . | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 134 (2024) .
APA Zhang, Jian-Zhi , Zhou, Yi-Jie , Liu, Cheng-Yu , Yu, Jin , Li, Xing-Shang , Zhang, Ting . Experimental investigations on the failure characteristics of the slit-contained circular opening under biaxial compression: Insights into the rockburst prevention . | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics , 2024 , 134 .
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Multiple-scale crack propagation characteristics and failure precursor identification of freeze-thawed sandstone during loading SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To study the effect of freeze-thaw temperature change rate on the crack propagation characteristics and failure precursor in freeze-thawed sandstone, uniaxial compression tests were simultaneous monitoring for acoustic emission (AE) and microseismic (MS) signals. The results demonstrate that increased temperature change rates resulted in accelerated crack propagation, earlier rock failure, and lower brittleness; the failure mode changes from tensile to shear-tensile mixing; the proportion of tensile cracks decreases from 90.9% to 70.8%; and shear cracks increase from 9.1% to 29.2%. A comparative analysis of AE and MS provided insights into the evolution of crack propagation at multiple scales, enabling the classification of crack types and their relationship with propagation scale. Based on the precursor characteristic of the original waveform and time-domain curve in AE and MS signals, the advantageous areas of early-warming indicators for rock failure were identified. Compared with traditional indicators, the precursory indicators calculated using MS b-values and AE energy rates can obtain a larger early warning window, with maximum windows of 20.52%-29.29% and 7.09%-13.73% in high initial damage rocks and low initial damage rocks, respectively. Examined temperature change rate effects on mechanics and failure modes. Investigate multi-scale crack propagation evolution during loading using AE and MS. Crack type was classified and identified through normalization and KDE methods. The advantages field of early warning indicators for rock failure were evaluated.

Keyword :

acoustic emission acoustic emission crack classification crack classification failure precursor failure precursor freeze-thaw temperature change rate freeze-thaw temperature change rate microseismic microseismic multiple-scale crack multiple-scale crack


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Daozhe , Liu, Chengyu , Zhou, Annan et al. Multiple-scale crack propagation characteristics and failure precursor identification of freeze-thawed sandstone during loading [J]. | FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES , 2024 , 47 (8) : 2934-2954 .
MLA Zheng, Daozhe et al. "Multiple-scale crack propagation characteristics and failure precursor identification of freeze-thawed sandstone during loading" . | FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 47 . 8 (2024) : 2934-2954 .
APA Zheng, Daozhe , Liu, Chengyu , Zhou, Annan , Zhang, Xiangxiang , Chen, Chenghai , Huang, Shengfeng . Multiple-scale crack propagation characteristics and failure precursor identification of freeze-thawed sandstone during loading . | FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES , 2024 , 47 (8) , 2934-2954 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 47 (10) , 149-161 | 重庆大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

九曲栈道 九曲栈道 数值计算 数值计算 稳定性 稳定性 精细化建模 精细化建模 行人荷载 行人荷载


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GB/T 7714 鲍方伟 , 刘成禹 , 麻润杰 et al. 行人荷载下乐山大佛九曲栈道赋存岩体稳定性研究 [J]. | 重庆大学学报 , 2024 , 47 (10) : 149-161 .
MLA 鲍方伟 et al. "行人荷载下乐山大佛九曲栈道赋存岩体稳定性研究" . | 重庆大学学报 47 . 10 (2024) : 149-161 .
APA 鲍方伟 , 刘成禹 , 麻润杰 , 谢永宁 , 吴昌宇 . 行人荷载下乐山大佛九曲栈道赋存岩体稳定性研究 . | 重庆大学学报 , 2024 , 47 (10) , 149-161 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 47 (10) , 138-148 | 重庆大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

川渝石窟 川渝石窟 数值分析 数值分析 稳定性 稳定性 窟檐 窟檐


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GB/T 7714 冯新 , 刘成禹 , 吴昌宇 et al. 川渝地区石窟窟檐的稳定性研究 [J]. | 重庆大学学报 , 2024 , 47 (10) : 138-148 .
MLA 冯新 et al. "川渝地区石窟窟檐的稳定性研究" . | 重庆大学学报 47 . 10 (2024) : 138-148 .
APA 冯新 , 刘成禹 , 吴昌宇 , 麻润杰 . 川渝地区石窟窟檐的稳定性研究 . | 重庆大学学报 , 2024 , 47 (10) , 138-148 .
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Crack propagation law and failure precursor of steel fiber reinforced concrete based on acoustic emission and microseism monitoring; [基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (4) , 2240-2250 | Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Uniaxial compression tests were performed on the steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) specimens with different ages and steel fiber volume fractions. The acoustic emission (AE) and microseismic (MS) signals were monitored during the loading progress. Through the in-depth analysis of testing results, the feature of AE and MS signals and the evolution of crack propagation in SFRC were studied. The results show that: (1) The crack propagation of SFRC during uniaxial compression can be divided into four stages: Crack compaction stage (I), crack stable development stage (II), crack unstable propagation stage (III) and post-peak failure stage (IV). Different stages show different AE and MS characteristics. (2) With the increase of age, the energy rates and count rates of AE and MS in stages I and II decrease, as well as the generation rates of micro-, meso- and macro- cracks of the whole specimen. However, the energy rate and count rate of AE and MS in stages III and IV increase, as well as the generation rates of micro-, meso- and macro-cracks of the whole specimen increase. (3) With the increase of steel fiber volume fraction, the AE energy rate, AE count rate and micro-crack generation rate of the whole specimen in stages II, III and IV increase, while the MS energy rate and MS count rate in each stage decrease, and the MS energy surge time rate in each stage increase. Furthermore, the generation rates of meso- and macro- cracks of the whole specimen in each stage decrease, and the failure time is delayed. (4) Before the failure of SFRC, the energy rates and count rates of AE and MS increase sharply, as well as MS energy ratio. These variables can be used as the precursor index of SFRC failure. © 2023 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA). All rights reserved.

Keyword :

acoustic emission acoustic emission crack propagation crack propagation failure precursor failure precursor microseismic microseismic steel fiber reinforced concrete steel fiber reinforced concrete


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GB/T 7714 Liu, C. , Chen, C. , Zhang, X. et al. Crack propagation law and failure precursor of steel fiber reinforced concrete based on acoustic emission and microseism monitoring; [基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆] [J]. | Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica , 2023 , 40 (4) : 2240-2250 .
MLA Liu, C. et al. "Crack propagation law and failure precursor of steel fiber reinforced concrete based on acoustic emission and microseism monitoring; [基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆]" . | Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica 40 . 4 (2023) : 2240-2250 .
APA Liu, C. , Chen, C. , Zhang, X. , Cao, Y. , He, X. . Crack propagation law and failure precursor of steel fiber reinforced concrete based on acoustic emission and microseism monitoring; [基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆] . | Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica , 2023 , 40 (4) , 2240-2250 .
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基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (04) , 2240-2250 | 复合材料学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

对不同龄期、不同钢纤维掺量的钢纤维/混凝土(SFRC)单轴压缩过程中声发射(AE)和微震(MS)信号进行分析,探究SFRC的声震信号特征及裂纹扩展规律。结果表明:(1) SFRC加载过程中裂纹扩展可分为裂纹压密(I)、裂纹稳定发育(II)、裂纹急速扩展(III)和峰后破坏(IV) 4个阶段;(2)随龄期增加,第I、第II阶段中AE、MS的能率、振率及微观裂纹和细、宏观裂纹的整体扩展速率均逐渐降低;第III、第IV阶段中AE、MS的能率、振率及微观裂纹及细、宏观裂纹的整体扩展速率均逐渐增大;(3)随钢纤维掺量增加,除第I阶段外,其余3个阶段的AE能率和振率、微观裂纹整体扩展速率均逐渐增大;各个阶段的MS能率和振率逐渐减小,MS能量突增点的时间比逐渐增大,表明细、宏观裂纹整体扩展速率降低,破坏时间延迟;(4) SFRC失稳前,AE、MS的能率和振率、MS能量占比均出现明显陡增,可作为SFRC的失稳前兆指标。

Keyword :

声发射 声发射 失稳前兆 失稳前兆 微震 微震 裂纹扩展 裂纹扩展 钢纤维/混凝土 钢纤维/混凝土


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GB/T 7714 刘成禹 , 陈成海 , 张向向 et al. 基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆 [J]. | 复合材料学报 , 2023 , 40 (04) : 2240-2250 .
MLA 刘成禹 et al. "基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆" . | 复合材料学报 40 . 04 (2023) : 2240-2250 .
APA 刘成禹 , 陈成海 , 张向向 , 曹洋兵 , 何锡阳 . 基于声震监测的钢纤维/混凝土裂纹扩展规律及失稳前兆 . | 复合材料学报 , 2023 , 40 (04) , 2240-2250 .
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Combined effects of solution environment and freeze-thaw cycling on the crack propagation characteristics in sandstone during loading SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The failure of ancient rock ruins is affected by freeze-thaw cycles is an important phenomenon in cold region. The degree of freeze-thaw damage be significantly influenced and show an obvious difference during the complex solution environments. However, few studies have been conducted to investigate the combined effects of complex solution environments and freeze-thaw (F-T) cycles to the crack propagation mechanism of loading freezethawed sandstones. To study the coupling effects of complex solution environments and freeze-thaw on argillaceous sandstone in ancient ruins, the physical and mechanical properties were investigated through weighing tests, ultrasonic tests, and uniaxial compression tests. The complete failure process of each sample was concurrently monitored using a combination of AE and MS techniques. The crack propagation mechanism at different scales was systematacially investigated through a comparative analysis of microseismic (MS) and acoustic emission (AE) signal characteristics. Additionally, the orthogonal test was designed to effectively analyse the sensitivity of the primary influencing factors to freeze-thawed damage. The findings indicate that:(1) NaCl concentration influences the frost heave force and salt crystallization pressure. While pH levels impact the integrity of the rock structure, leading to significant changes in volume expansion and frost heave force. These aspects are regarded as the main causes of sandstone softening. (2) Compared to the NaCl concentration, varying pH have a more pronounced effect on the freeze-thawed damage. (3) The micro-cracks propagation during loading process is classified into three stages: initial compaction, incubation, and rapid propagation. The macrocracks propagation is divided into two stages: uniform propagation and rapid propagation. With the increase of NaCl concentration and acidity of solution, the relative duration of incubation in micro-cracks propagation decreased, while the relative duration of uniform propagation in macro-cracks increased. When NaCl concentration and acidity surpass a specific threshold, both the micro-cracks and macro-cracks rapidly propagate from the beginning of the loading process.

Keyword :

Acoustic emission and microseismic properties Acoustic emission and microseismic properties Crack propagation Crack propagation Damage mechanism Damage mechanism Freeze -thaw cycles Freeze -thaw cycles Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis Solution environment Solution environment


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Daozhe , Liu, Chengyu , Zhang, Xiangxiang et al. Combined effects of solution environment and freeze-thaw cycling on the crack propagation characteristics in sandstone during loading [J]. | COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 217 .
MLA Zheng, Daozhe et al. "Combined effects of solution environment and freeze-thaw cycling on the crack propagation characteristics in sandstone during loading" . | COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 217 (2023) .
APA Zheng, Daozhe , Liu, Chengyu , Zhang, Xiangxiang , Huang, Shengfeng , Chen, Chenghai , Yuan, Yeqing . Combined effects of solution environment and freeze-thaw cycling on the crack propagation characteristics in sandstone during loading . | COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 217 .
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