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The Plastic Deformation Mechanism in Nano-Polycrystalline Al/Mg Layered Composites: A Molecular Dynamics Study SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (1) | NANOMATERIALS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Understanding plastic deformation behaviour is key to optimising the mechanical properties of nano-polycrystalline layered composites. This study employs the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to comprehensively investigate the effects of various factors, such as grain sizes, strain rates, and the interlayer thicknesses of the intermetallic compounds (IMCs), on the plastic deformation behaviour of nano-polycrystalline Al/Mg layered composites. Our findings reveal that the influence of grain size on deformation behaviour is governed by the strain rate, and an increase in grain size is inversely proportional to yield stress at low strain rates, whereas it is positively proportional to tensile stress at high strain rates. Moreover, an optimal thickness of the intermediate layer contributes to enhanced composite strength, whereas an excessive thickness leads to reduced tensile strength due to the fewer grain boundaries (GBs) available for accommodating dislocations. The reinforcing impact of the intermediate IMCs layer diminishes at excessive strain rates, as the grains struggle to accommodate substantial large strains within a limited timeframe encountered at high strain rates. The insights into grain sizes, strain rates, and interlayer thicknesses obtained from this study enable the tailored development of nanocomposites with optimal mechanical characteristics.

Keyword :

Al/Mg layered composites Al/Mg layered composites intermetallic compounds intermetallic compounds molecular dynamics simulation molecular dynamics simulation plastic deformation mechanism plastic deformation mechanism


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GB/T 7714 Li, Zhou , Shen, Tong , Hu, Xiao et al. The Plastic Deformation Mechanism in Nano-Polycrystalline Al/Mg Layered Composites: A Molecular Dynamics Study [J]. | NANOMATERIALS , 2024 , 14 (1) .
MLA Li, Zhou et al. "The Plastic Deformation Mechanism in Nano-Polycrystalline Al/Mg Layered Composites: A Molecular Dynamics Study" . | NANOMATERIALS 14 . 1 (2024) .
APA Li, Zhou , Shen, Tong , Hu, Xiao , Zhang, Lu , Jia, Xianshi , Li, Jiaqing et al. The Plastic Deformation Mechanism in Nano-Polycrystalline Al/Mg Layered Composites: A Molecular Dynamics Study . | NANOMATERIALS , 2024 , 14 (1) .
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Non-coalescence of nonidentical droplets in oil under a DC electric field SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 | AICHE JOURNAL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Excessive electric field strength causes the droplets to contact but not coalesce, severely deteriorating the oil-water separation efficiency. The investigation of the non-coalescence of nonidentical droplets in oil under a DC electric field is conducted using high-speed photography. The effects of droplet volume ratio and interfacial tension ratio on the characteristics and critical parameters for droplet non-coalescence are systematically explored. The results show the critical electrocapillary number for the non-coalescence of nonidentical droplets and critical contact cone angle decreases as the volume sum increases or the interfacial tension ratio decreases, which is related to the competition between the resultant electric field force and the interfacial tension force. These results contribute to optimizing the operating parameters of the electric coalescer and improving the oil-water separation efficiency.

Keyword :

capillary pressure difference capillary pressure difference droplet droplet electric field electric field liquid bridge liquid bridge nonidentical non-coalescence nonidentical non-coalescence


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Xin , Chen, Mindan , Huang, Yunyun et al. Non-coalescence of nonidentical droplets in oil under a DC electric field [J]. | AICHE JOURNAL , 2024 .
MLA Huang, Xin et al. "Non-coalescence of nonidentical droplets in oil under a DC electric field" . | AICHE JOURNAL (2024) .
APA Huang, Xin , Chen, Mindan , Huang, Yunyun , Luo, Xiaoming , Teng, Lin , Xiao, Longqiang et al. Non-coalescence of nonidentical droplets in oil under a DC electric field . | AICHE JOURNAL , 2024 .
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碳中和目标下绿氨终端站储运技术发展现状及趋势 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 43 (01) , 1-11 | 油气储运
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

储氢载体 储氢载体 接收工艺 接收工艺 接收终端 接收终端 液氨泄漏 液氨泄漏 碳中和 碳中和 绿氢 绿氢 绿氨 绿氨 绿色能源 绿色能源


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GB/T 7714 滕霖 , 林崴 , 尹鹏博 et al. 碳中和目标下绿氨终端站储运技术发展现状及趋势 [J]. | 油气储运 , 2024 , 43 (01) : 1-11 .
MLA 滕霖 et al. "碳中和目标下绿氨终端站储运技术发展现状及趋势" . | 油气储运 43 . 01 (2024) : 1-11 .
APA 滕霖 , 林崴 , 尹鹏博 , 李卫东 , 黄鑫 , 李加庆 et al. 碳中和目标下绿氨终端站储运技术发展现状及趋势 . | 油气储运 , 2024 , 43 (01) , 1-11 .
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复杂输送环境下液氨腐蚀行为及防护技术研究进展 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 43 (02) , 121-133,162 | 油气储运
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

应力腐蚀 应力腐蚀 液氨储运 液氨储运 环境腐蚀 环境腐蚀 腐蚀检测 腐蚀检测 防护技术 防护技术


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GB/T 7714 李加庆 , 冯智雨 , 梁辉龙 et al. 复杂输送环境下液氨腐蚀行为及防护技术研究进展 [J]. | 油气储运 , 2024 , 43 (02) : 121-133,162 .
MLA 李加庆 et al. "复杂输送环境下液氨腐蚀行为及防护技术研究进展" . | 油气储运 43 . 02 (2024) : 121-133,162 .
APA 李加庆 , 冯智雨 , 梁辉龙 , 尹鹏博 , 滕霖 , 陈崇启 et al. 复杂输送环境下液氨腐蚀行为及防护技术研究进展 . | 油气储运 , 2024 , 43 (02) , 121-133,162 .
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Study on the mechanism of sessile droplets evaporation enhanced by the electric field SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The evaporation characteristics of a sessile droplet under a direct current electric field were numerically investigated, and a numerical model was developed based on the arbitrary Lagrange-Euler method, combining the flow, heat transfer, vapour transport, and electrostatic equations. The simulations were validated to be in good agreement with previously reported experiments. The results demonstrate that the electric field can enhance the evaporation of the sessile droplet with different evaporative cooling numbers (initial electric field intensity E0 = 280 kV & sdot;m  1; 32.9% decrease in the evaporation time for water) by the following three methods: increasing the surface area of the droplet evaporation (2.6%) through the electric-field-induced deformation, improving the heat transfer efficiency between the droplet and substrate (droplet average temperature increases by 2.3 K) through the internal vortex, and by enhancing the shearing effect on the vapour layer (450.3% increase in vapour diffusion distance dc) through the external vortex. Additionally, the evaporation of a sessile water droplet undergoing thermocapillary convection is further enhanced under the electric field (E0 = 280 kV & sdot;m  1; 20.0% decrease in the evaporation time). As the inhomogeneous temperature distribution inside the droplet was eliminated by thermocapillary convection, the evaporation efficiency was dominated by the increased surface area of the droplet evaporation and the enhanced shearing effect on the vapour layer. These results will provide a better understanding of the electro-hydrodynamic enhanced droplet evaporation.

Keyword :

ALE ALE Droplet deformation Droplet deformation Droplet evaporation Droplet evaporation Electric field Electric field Numerical simulation Numerical simulation


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Weifeng , Huang, Xin , Wang, Liangxu et al. Study on the mechanism of sessile droplets evaporation enhanced by the electric field [J]. | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 2024 , 288 .
MLA Wang, Weifeng et al. "Study on the mechanism of sessile droplets evaporation enhanced by the electric field" . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 288 (2024) .
APA Wang, Weifeng , Huang, Xin , Wang, Liangxu , Teng, Lin , Luo, Xiaoming , Li, Weidong et al. Study on the mechanism of sessile droplets evaporation enhanced by the electric field . | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE , 2024 , 288 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 36 (04) , 57-66 | 油气与新能源
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

采用成品油管道顺序输送甲醇不仅可以拓展甲醇运输方式、降低运输成本,还能够提升管道运力、缓解现有成品油管道低输量难题,但目前成品油管道顺序输送甲醇工艺相关研究鲜有报道,技术的推广和应用受限。针对顺序输送过程中的混油问题,结合ALE(Arbitrary LagrangianEulerian)方法、流体控制方程以及物质传递方程,建立了甲醇和汽油顺序输送混油模型,分析了输送次序和管道流速对甲醇和汽油顺序输送过程中混油长度和混油浓度演化的影响规律。研究表明,该模型模拟的混油长度略短于VOF(流体体积)方法,在实际顺序输送过程中选择甲醇前行汽油后行的输送次序,能够有效缩短混油长度。研究结论可为成品油管道顺序输送甲醇工艺提供理论指导。

Keyword :

ALE方法 ALE方法 数值模拟 数值模拟 混油扩散 混油扩散 甲醇输送 甲醇输送


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GB/T 7714 黄鑫 , 施鸿翔 , 王良旭 et al. 水平管道中甲醇和汽油顺序输送过程混油规律研究 [J]. | 油气与新能源 , 2024 , 36 (04) : 57-66 .
MLA 黄鑫 et al. "水平管道中甲醇和汽油顺序输送过程混油规律研究" . | 油气与新能源 36 . 04 (2024) : 57-66 .
APA 黄鑫 , 施鸿翔 , 王良旭 , 李卫东 , 李加庆 , 尹鹏博 et al. 水平管道中甲醇和汽油顺序输送过程混油规律研究 . | 油气与新能源 , 2024 , 36 (04) , 57-66 .
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"双碳"目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (12) , 6226-6238 | 化工进展
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

新能源氨应用 新能源氨应用 氨储运 氨储运 氨合成 氨合成 氨氢能源 氨氢能源 经济性 经济性


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GB/T 7714 李卫东 , 李逸龙 , 滕霖 et al. "双碳"目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展 [J]. | 化工进展 , 2023 , 42 (12) : 6226-6238 .
MLA 李卫东 et al. ""双碳"目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展" . | 化工进展 42 . 12 (2023) : 6226-6238 .
APA 李卫东 , 李逸龙 , 滕霖 , 尹鹏博 , 黄鑫 , 李加庆 et al. "双碳"目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展 . | 化工进展 , 2023 , 42 (12) , 6226-6238 .
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不同温度下管线钢氢脆的多尺度综合试验研究 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (10) , 10-14 | 实验室研究与探索
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对氢能源管道储运过程中的氢脆问题,设计电化学充氢条件下的X80管线钢临氢行为综合测试试验,实测温度对管线钢氢脆敏感性的影响。结果表明:氢扩散系数和钢内壁氢浓度随着温度的升高而增加;315 K下X80管线钢的断后伸长率及断面收缩率最小,氢脆指数最高;试样断口形貌呈脆性断裂特征。分子动力学模拟结果进一步表明,315 K下裂纹尖端的位错和孪晶释放极少,因此诱发了脆性扩展行为。

Keyword :

分子动力学模拟 分子动力学模拟 慢应变速率拉伸 慢应变速率拉伸 氢渗透 氢渗透 氢脆敏感性 氢脆敏感性 电化学充氢 电化学充氢


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GB/T 7714 李加庆 , 吴子悦 , 朱礼洁 et al. 不同温度下管线钢氢脆的多尺度综合试验研究 [J]. | 实验室研究与探索 , 2023 , 42 (10) : 10-14 .
MLA 李加庆 et al. "不同温度下管线钢氢脆的多尺度综合试验研究" . | 实验室研究与探索 42 . 10 (2023) : 10-14 .
APA 李加庆 , 吴子悦 , 朱礼洁 , 滕霖 , 尹鹏博 , 张朱武 . 不同温度下管线钢氢脆的多尺度综合试验研究 . | 实验室研究与探索 , 2023 , 42 (10) , 10-14 .
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An investigation of slip transmission during uniaxial tensile deformation of a coarse-grained copper via EBSD characterization and crystal plasticity modelling SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This study explores the phenomenon of slip transmission across grain boundaries in coarse-grained copper. The associated effects on the deformation gradient are also investigated, using both experiment and simulation. An in-situ tensile test of a fully annealed copper specimen was conducted first using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The deformation gradient and geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) maps at selected tensile strain values were obtained and characterized by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). In addition, a physically based strain gradient crystal plasticity finite element method model has been developed to simulate the early stage of tensile deformation behaviour of copper. In this model, slip transmission across the grain boundary is either allowed or blocked, depending on the alignment of adjacent grains. Slip transmission is allowed at grain boundaries between suitably aligned grains according to the Luster-Morris factor, residual Burgers vector is applied to consider the slip misalignment at GB region, and dislocation accumulation at grain boundaries is included following the Kocks-Mecking law. It was found that dislocation pile-up, lattice rotation and stress concentration were much higher near the impenetrable grain boundaries than at the penetrable ones. Due to the slip transmissions across grain boundaries, the stress and strain concentrations can be partially relaxed, and the slip transmission induced relaxation is associated with the number of active slip systems and shear strain on the best aligned slip systems. This study provides an effective strategy to investigate the early stage of plastic deformation, and a good agreement between experimental observations and simulation results has been achieved.

Keyword :

Copper polycrystals Copper polycrystals Deformation heterogeneity Deformation heterogeneity Finite element simulation Finite element simulation Grain boundary Grain boundary Slip transmission Slip transmission Strain gradient crystal plasticity Strain gradient crystal plasticity


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Rui , Lu, Cheng , Zhang, Che et al. An investigation of slip transmission during uniaxial tensile deformation of a coarse-grained copper via EBSD characterization and crystal plasticity modelling [J]. | COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE , 2023 , 226 .
MLA Wang, Rui et al. "An investigation of slip transmission during uniaxial tensile deformation of a coarse-grained copper via EBSD characterization and crystal plasticity modelling" . | COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE 226 (2023) .
APA Wang, Rui , Lu, Cheng , Zhang, Che , Godbole, Ajit , Davis, Bradley , Li, Jiaqing et al. An investigation of slip transmission during uniaxial tensile deformation of a coarse-grained copper via EBSD characterization and crystal plasticity modelling . | COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE , 2023 , 226 .
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Investigations of temperature effects on hydrogen diffusion and hydrogen embrittlement of X80 pipeline steel under electrochemical hydrogen charging environment SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 223 | CORROSION SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The influence of temperature on hydrogen diffusion and hydrogen embrittlement of X80 steel was studied using electrochemical hydrogen charging. The hydrogen diffusion and subsurface hydrogen concentration in the steel increased with increasing the temperature. Macro slow strain rate tensile tests and microstructural analysis were performed to unveil the dependence of hydrogen-induced embrittlement susceptibility on temperature, which suggested a temperature threshold THE, max of 315 K. The demonstration of THE, max would be crucial for determining test temperatures of hydrogen-related engineering material applications.

Keyword :

Electrochemical hydrogen charging Electrochemical hydrogen charging Embrittlement susceptibility Embrittlement susceptibility Hydrogen embrittlement Hydrogen embrittlement Hydrogen permeation Hydrogen permeation Temperature effect Temperature effect


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GB/T 7714 Li, Jiaqing , Wu, Ziyue , Zhu, Lijie et al. Investigations of temperature effects on hydrogen diffusion and hydrogen embrittlement of X80 pipeline steel under electrochemical hydrogen charging environment [J]. | CORROSION SCIENCE , 2023 , 223 .
MLA Li, Jiaqing et al. "Investigations of temperature effects on hydrogen diffusion and hydrogen embrittlement of X80 pipeline steel under electrochemical hydrogen charging environment" . | CORROSION SCIENCE 223 (2023) .
APA Li, Jiaqing , Wu, Ziyue , Zhu, Lijie , Zhang, Zhuwu , Teng, Lin , Zhang, Liang et al. Investigations of temperature effects on hydrogen diffusion and hydrogen embrittlement of X80 pipeline steel under electrochemical hydrogen charging environment . | CORROSION SCIENCE , 2023 , 223 .
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