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Cognitive Industrial Internet of Things (CIIoT) permits Secondary Users (SUs) to use the spectrum bands owned by Primary Users (PUs) opportunistically. However, in the absence of the PUs, the selfish SUs could mislead the normal SUs to leave the spectrum bands by initiating a Primary User Emulation Attack (PUEA). In addition, the application of Energy Harvesting (EH) technology can exacerbate the threat of security. Because the energy cost of initiating a PUEA is offset to some extent by EH technology which can proactively replenish the energy of the selfish nodes. Thus, EH technology can increase the motivation of the selfish SUs to initiate a PUEA. To address the higher motivation of the selfish SUs attacking in CIIoT scenario where the EH technology is applied, in this paper, an EH-PUEA system model is first established to study the security countermeasures in this severe scenario of PUEA problems. Next, a new reward and punishment defense management mechanism is proposed, and then the dynamics of the selfish SUs and the normal SUs in a CIIoT network are studied based on Evolutionary Game Theory (EGT), and the punishment parameter is adjusted according to the dynamics of the selfish SUs to reduce the proportion of the selfish SUs’ group choosing an attack strategy, so as to increase the throughput achieved by the normal SUs’ group. Finally, the simulation results show that the proposed mechanism is superior to the conventional mechanism in terms of throughput achieved by the normal SUs’ group in CIIoT scenario with EH technology applied. IEEE
Keyword :
Cognitive Industrial Internet of Things (CIIoT) Cognitive Industrial Internet of Things (CIIoT) Energy harvesting Energy harvesting energy harvesting (EH) energy harvesting (EH) evolutionary game theory (EGT) evolutionary game theory (EGT) Games Games Game theory Game theory Industrial Internet of Things Industrial Internet of Things Jamming Jamming primary user emulation attack (PUEA) primary user emulation attack (PUEA) Security Security Throughput Throughput
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, J. , Pei, H. , Wang, R. et al. Defense Management Mechanism for Primary User Emulation Attack Based on Evolutionary Game in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Industrial Internet of Things [J]. | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , 2024 , 21 (4) : 1-1 . |
MLA | Wang, J. et al. "Defense Management Mechanism for Primary User Emulation Attack Based on Evolutionary Game in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Industrial Internet of Things" . | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 21 . 4 (2024) : 1-1 . |
APA | Wang, J. , Pei, H. , Wang, R. , Lin, R. , Fang, Z. , Shu, F. . Defense Management Mechanism for Primary User Emulation Attack Based on Evolutionary Game in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Industrial Internet of Things . | IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management , 2024 , 21 (4) , 1-1 . |
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小波变换 小波变换 有限元仿真 有限元仿真 疲劳裂纹 疲劳裂纹 非线性系数 非线性系数
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GB/T 7714 | 林丛林 , 方舟 . 基于小波时频分析的疲劳损伤定量表征 [J]. | 无损检测 , 2024 , 46 (10) : 27-33 . |
MLA | 林丛林 et al. "基于小波时频分析的疲劳损伤定量表征" . | 无损检测 46 . 10 (2024) : 27-33 . |
APA | 林丛林 , 方舟 . 基于小波时频分析的疲劳损伤定量表征 . | 无损检测 , 2024 , 46 (10) , 27-33 . |
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An axisymmetric guided wave mode is excited independently within a circular tube structure to reduce the complexity of signal interpretation through the prevention of unwanted wave polarisations and reflections. However, it is difficult to use the axisymmetric guided wave to determine the circumferential position and coverage of a defect within the circular tube structure. Non-axisymmetric guided waves can be used to mitigate the limitation of the axisymmetric guided wave through the adoption of a partially covered transducer design and analysis of the propagation characteristics. The partial excitation of non-axisymmetric guided waves can facilitate the arrangement of a transducer during defect detection. This paper reviews state-of-the-art research on non-axisymmetric guided waves for determining the axial positions, circumferential positions, and circumferential lengths of defects. First, the fundamental analysis of a specific non-axisymmetric guided wave mode based on the normal mode expansion method and beam directivity analysis method reveals that the propagation characteristics of the wave mode are closely related to the working principle and configuration of the corresponding transducer. Then, the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of transducers and transducer arrays for the excitation of non-axisymmetric guided waves are introduced and discussed. Finally, the current defect detection methods based on non-axisymmetric guided waves are discussed and summarised. This review can promote the application of non-axisymmetric guided waves in defect detection.
Keyword :
beam directivity analysis beam directivity analysis circular tube structure circular tube structure defect detection defect detection non-axisymmetric guided wave non-axisymmetric guided wave normal mode expansion normal mode expansion
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GB/T 7714 | Fang, Zhou . A review of non-axisymmetric guided waves and their corresponding transducers for defect detection in circular tube structures [J]. | SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES , 2023 , 32 (6) . |
MLA | Fang, Zhou . "A review of non-axisymmetric guided waves and their corresponding transducers for defect detection in circular tube structures" . | SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES 32 . 6 (2023) . |
APA | Fang, Zhou . A review of non-axisymmetric guided waves and their corresponding transducers for defect detection in circular tube structures . | SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES , 2023 , 32 (6) . |
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The ground conductor is prone to corrosion, which affects its ability to diverge current and the normal operation of the power system. The traditional detection method can't detect its corrosion degree intuitively. This paper proposes a novel method based on Electromechanical impedance (EMI) technique to evaluate the corrosion degree of the grounding conductor. Firstly, based on the analysis of corrosion of metals. The change of ground conductor radius Delta r is used as the corrosion parameter. A linear model of peak frequency Delta fm and corrosion parameter Delta r in asymmetric layout is established by analysing EMI and conductor mechanical admittance. Secondly, the EMI coupling models with different sensor layouts were built on the finite element software. It is verified that the asymmetric sensor layout effectively improves the sensitivity to corrosion. The linear model greatly improves the assessment accuracy compared with the Mean Absolute Percentage Deviation (MAPD) and Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) damage index. Thirdly, the proposed method is verified in a real grounding conductor corrosion experiment. The method based on the EMI technique with asymmetric sensor layout can evaluate the corrosion of the grounding conductor well.
Keyword :
asymmetric sensor layout asymmetric sensor layout corrosion corrosion EMI EMI Grounding conductor Grounding conductor
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GB/T 7714 | Huang, Yanwei , Chen, Yaojie , Fang, Zhou . Evaluation of ground conductor corrosion based on EMI technique with asymmetric sensor layout [J]. | NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION , 2023 . |
MLA | Huang, Yanwei et al. "Evaluation of ground conductor corrosion based on EMI technique with asymmetric sensor layout" . | NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION (2023) . |
APA | Huang, Yanwei , Chen, Yaojie , Fang, Zhou . Evaluation of ground conductor corrosion based on EMI technique with asymmetric sensor layout . | NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION , 2023 . |
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The traditionally used cylindroid guided wave modes are not suitable for the detection of limited circumferential extent defects and the evaluation of the axial extent of defects within a pipe. The reason is that it is difficult to generate reflections from limited circumferential extent defects using traditional modes. It is also difficult to evaluate the axial extent of defects by using them. This article proposes using the spirally propagating circumferential Lamb (CL) wave triggered by a specially designed circumferential Lamb wave-based magnetostrictive patch transducer (CL-MPT). It can rapidly detect the position of a defect regardless of its limited circumferential extent, rather than the axial scanning of pipes using traditional circumferential modes. The axial extent of a defect can also be evaluated by summating the number of the signals that contain defect reflections. It was experimentally proven that the CL wave could be applied to supplement the traditional modes.
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Axial extent Axial extent circumferential extent circumferential extent circumferential Lamb (CL) wave circumferential Lamb (CL) wave magnetostrictive patch transducer (MPT) magnetostrictive patch transducer (MPT) spirally propagating spirally propagating
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GB/T 7714 | Fang, Zhou , Tse, Peter W. . Characteristics of Spiral Lamb Wave Triggered by CL-MPT and Its Application to the Detection of Limited Circumferential Extent Defects and Axial Extent Evaluation Within Pipes [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2021 , 70 . |
MLA | Fang, Zhou et al. "Characteristics of Spiral Lamb Wave Triggered by CL-MPT and Its Application to the Detection of Limited Circumferential Extent Defects and Axial Extent Evaluation Within Pipes" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 70 (2021) . |
APA | Fang, Zhou , Tse, Peter W. . Characteristics of Spiral Lamb Wave Triggered by CL-MPT and Its Application to the Detection of Limited Circumferential Extent Defects and Axial Extent Evaluation Within Pipes . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2021 , 70 . |
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