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Optimization of one-phase-low-pH enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation method for soil improvement SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 19 (3) , 1611-1625 | ACTA GEOTECHNICA
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

There are two major challenges for the use of enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation (EICP)-based soil improvement method: cost and treatment effect. Optimizing the parameters of the treatment solution is one way to enhance the treatment effect and/or reduce the treatment cost. In this study, three key factors: the initial pH (i.e. pH0) of the enzyme solution used to prepare the treatment solution (i.e. the mixture of enzyme solution, CaCl2 and urea), the urease activity of the treatment solution and the concentration of cementation solution (i.e. CaCl2 and urea) are investigated. Crude soybean enzyme solution and the one-phase-low-pH injection method are adopted for the treatment of sand. The results show that the pH0 of the enzyme solution affects the urease activity of enzyme and thus the urease activity of the prepared treatment solution. It is discovered in this paper that there is a threshold pH value for the treatment solution. Only when the pH of the treatment solution is higher than the threshold pH value, calcium ions convert completely into calcium carbonate. There is also a threshold urease activity which is affected by the concentration of cementation solution, CCS. The optimal CCS is 1.0 M. When the CCS is higher than 1.75 M, the urease activity of soybean enzyme solution would be completely lost. These findings are important in guiding the application of EICP treatment using the crude soybean enzyme in real soil improvement projects.

Keyword :

Crude soybean enzyme Crude soybean enzyme Enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation Enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation Influencing factors Influencing factors Soil improvement Soil improvement


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GB/T 7714 Cui, Ming-Juan , Chu, Jian , Lai, Han-Jiang . Optimization of one-phase-low-pH enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation method for soil improvement [J]. | ACTA GEOTECHNICA , 2024 , 19 (3) : 1611-1625 .
MLA Cui, Ming-Juan 等. "Optimization of one-phase-low-pH enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation method for soil improvement" . | ACTA GEOTECHNICA 19 . 3 (2024) : 1611-1625 .
APA Cui, Ming-Juan , Chu, Jian , Lai, Han-Jiang . Optimization of one-phase-low-pH enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation method for soil improvement . | ACTA GEOTECHNICA , 2024 , 19 (3) , 1611-1625 .
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Biomineralization of soil with crude soybean urease using different calcium salts Scopus CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 16 (5) , 1788-1798 | Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
SCOPUS Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Calcium salt is an important contributing factor for calcium-based biomineralization. To study the effect of calcium salt on soil biomineralization using crude soybean urease, the calcium salts, including the calcium chloride (CaCl2), calcium acetate ((CH3COO)2Ca) and calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2), were used to prepare the biotreatment solution to carry out the biomineralization tests in this paper. Two series of biomineralization tests in solution and sand column, respectively, were conducted. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were performed to determine the microscopic characteristics of the precipitated calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystals. The experimental results indicate that the biomineralization effect is the best for the CaCl2 case, followed by (CH3COO)2Ca, and worst for Ca(NO3)2 under the test conditions of this study (i.e. 1 mol/L of calcium salt-urea). The mechanism for the effect of the calcium salt on the biomineralization of crude soybean urease mainly involves: (1) inhibition of urease activity, and (2) influence on the crystal size and morphology of CaCO3. Besides Ca2+, the anions in solution can inhibit the activity of crude soybean urease, and NO3− has a stronger inhibitory effect on the urease activity compared with both CH3COO− and Cl−. The co-inhibition of Ca2+ and NO3− on the activity of urease is the key reason for the worst biomineralization of the Ca(NO3)2 case in this study. The difference in biomineralization between the CaCl2 and (CH3COO)2Ca cases is strongly correlated with the crystal morphology of the precipitated CaCO3. © 2024 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Keyword :

Biomineralization Biomineralization Calcium salt Calcium salt Crude soybean urease Crude soybean urease Influence mechanism Influence mechanism


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GB/T 7714 Weng, Y. , Zheng, J. , Lai, H. et al. Biomineralization of soil with crude soybean urease using different calcium salts [J]. | Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering , 2024 , 16 (5) : 1788-1798 .
MLA Weng, Y. et al. "Biomineralization of soil with crude soybean urease using different calcium salts" . | Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 16 . 5 (2024) : 1788-1798 .
APA Weng, Y. , Zheng, J. , Lai, H. , Cui, M. , Ding, X. . Biomineralization of soil with crude soybean urease using different calcium salts . | Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering , 2024 , 16 (5) , 1788-1798 .
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Application of Non-Reinforced Rigid Inclusion Columns as Foundation Support for Container Yard CPCI-S
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Steel reinforced concrete piles have commonly been adopted as foundations to support container yards in Singapore. However, such a type of foundation causes great difficulties for demolition for future redevelopment. To overcome this problem, a new foundation type has been developed. Non-reinforced rigid inclusion columns together with T-beams are used to support a load transfer platform to provide bearing capacity and reduce settlements for the containers. The arching effect is created in the top sand fill to distribute the loads and control the deformation of the foundation. A conceptual design based on the new approach is proposed. An analytical method is established for the design of the proposed foundation. The key factors controlling the design are discussed. The performance of the proposed foundation is evaluated using 3D finite element analyses.


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Hao , Lai, Hanjiang , Wu, Shifan et al. Application of Non-Reinforced Rigid Inclusion Columns as Foundation Support for Container Yard [J]. | GEO-CONGRESS 2023: FOUNDATIONS, RETAINING STRUCTURES, AND GEOSYNTHETICS , 2023 : 105-113 .
MLA Chen, Hao et al. "Application of Non-Reinforced Rigid Inclusion Columns as Foundation Support for Container Yard" . | GEO-CONGRESS 2023: FOUNDATIONS, RETAINING STRUCTURES, AND GEOSYNTHETICS (2023) : 105-113 .
APA Chen, Hao , Lai, Hanjiang , Wu, Shifan , Lim, Stephen , Song, Tiancheng , Chu, Jian . Application of Non-Reinforced Rigid Inclusion Columns as Foundation Support for Container Yard . | GEO-CONGRESS 2023: FOUNDATIONS, RETAINING STRUCTURES, AND GEOSYNTHETICS , 2023 , 105-113 .
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Methods for Enhancing Uniformity of Biocementation Treatment in Sand CPCI-S
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

One of the difficulties for the application of microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) or enzyme induced carbonate precipitation (EICP) for soil treatment is to ensure uniformity in the treatment across the whole soil sample or soil profile. Methods that can be adopted to improve the uniformity of MICP or EICP treatment are reviewed and compared. Experimental data are presented to demonstrate that a newly proposed one-phase-low-pH injection method enables better uniformity to be achieved among different methods. Other factors affecting the uniformity of treatment are discussed. Measures to be adopted to enhance the uniformity of MICP or EICP treatment in sand are suggested.


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GB/T 7714 Lai, Han-Jiang , Cui, Ming-Juan , Wu, Shi-Fan et al. Methods for Enhancing Uniformity of Biocementation Treatment in Sand [J]. | GEO-CONGRESS 2023: SOIL IMPROVEMENT, GEOENVIRONMENTAL, AND SUSTAINABILITY , 2023 , 339 : 361-369 .
MLA Lai, Han-Jiang et al. "Methods for Enhancing Uniformity of Biocementation Treatment in Sand" . | GEO-CONGRESS 2023: SOIL IMPROVEMENT, GEOENVIRONMENTAL, AND SUSTAINABILITY 339 (2023) : 361-369 .
APA Lai, Han-Jiang , Cui, Ming-Juan , Wu, Shi-Fan , Chu, Jian . Methods for Enhancing Uniformity of Biocementation Treatment in Sand . | GEO-CONGRESS 2023: SOIL IMPROVEMENT, GEOENVIRONMENTAL, AND SUSTAINABILITY , 2023 , 339 , 361-369 .
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适用于不同尺寸圆柱样直剪试验的剪切盒装置及其应用 incoPat
专利 | 2021-10-30 00:00:00 | CN202111277276.0
Abstract&Keyword Cite

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GB/T 7714 陈志波 , 蔡锦阳 , 潘生贵 et al. 适用于不同尺寸圆柱样直剪试验的剪切盒装置及其应用 : CN202111277276.0[P]. | 2021-10-30 00:00:00 .
MLA 陈志波 et al. "适用于不同尺寸圆柱样直剪试验的剪切盒装置及其应用" : CN202111277276.0. | 2021-10-30 00:00:00 .
APA 陈志波 , 蔡锦阳 , 潘生贵 , 赖汉江 , 曾旭明 , 杨辉 . 适用于不同尺寸圆柱样直剪试验的剪切盒装置及其应用 : CN202111277276.0. | 2021-10-30 00:00:00 .
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Stress-Dilatancy Behavior of Biocementation-Enhanced Geogrid-Reinforced Sand SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The performance of geogrid reinforcement is largely influenced by the interlocking effect between the geogrid and soil. To enhance the performance of geogrid reinforcement in sand, a novel biocementation-enhanced geogrid reinforcement method was proposed. Biocementation could be carried out in situ via microbially-induced carbonate precipitation (MICP). To understand the mechanisms of the biocementation enhancement effect, the stress-dilatancy behavior of coarse sand (CS) that was treated with the biocementation-enhanced geogrid reinforcement method was studied through a series of triaxial tests. The test results showed that the interlocking effect between the geogrid and CS could be effectively improved when the CS around the geogrid was biocemented by the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that was generated in situ through MICP. The stress-dilatancy behavior of geogrid-reinforced CS was significantly enhanced after biocementation. In addition, the interlocking effect that was provided by the geogrid could mitigate or even avoid brittle failure, restrain the further development of dilation, and enhance the mobilization of the friction strength (q(f)) of the biocemented coarse sand (Bio-CS) during shearing.

Keyword :

Biocementation Biocementation Coarse sand Coarse sand Geogrid reinforcement Geogrid reinforcement Interlocking effect Interlocking effect Stress-dilatancy behavior Stress-dilatancy behavior


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GB/T 7714 Lai, Han-Jiang , Cui, Ming-Juan , Chu, Jian . Stress-Dilatancy Behavior of Biocementation-Enhanced Geogrid-Reinforced Sand [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS , 2023 , 23 (5) .
MLA Lai, Han-Jiang et al. "Stress-Dilatancy Behavior of Biocementation-Enhanced Geogrid-Reinforced Sand" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 23 . 5 (2023) .
APA Lai, Han-Jiang , Cui, Ming-Juan , Chu, Jian . Stress-Dilatancy Behavior of Biocementation-Enhanced Geogrid-Reinforced Sand . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS , 2023 , 23 (5) .
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Extraction of crude soybean urease using ethanol and its effect on soil cementation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 63 (3) | SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

One nature-based soil improvement method is the Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation (EICP) approach using the crude soy-bean urease solution. This study aims to investigate the extraction of soybean urease using different contents of ethanol, and its effect on the cementation of EICP-treated sand. Crude urease enzyme was extracted from the soybean powder using the grinding-extraction method with distilled water containing ethanol. The activity of crude soybean urease extracted with various ethanol contents was studied. Sand columns treated using the crude soybean urease were tested to evaluate the calcium carbonate precipitation and unconfined com-pressive strength. The test results show that the proposed extraction method using ethanol can produce clearer crude urease solution from soybean powder. The urease activity and turbidity of the extracted urease enzyme solution are highly dependent on the content of ethanol, with the optimal ethanol content of 20%-30% (v/v) for the preparation of 100 g/L crude soybean urease solution. The extracted relatively clear urease solution contributes to improve the uniformity of calcium carbonate distribution and thus the strength of the EICP-treated sand column. (c) 2023 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keyword :

Crude soybean urease solution Crude soybean urease solution EICP EICP Ethanol Ethanol Extraction Extraction Soil cementation Soil cementation


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GB/T 7714 Lai, Han-Jiang , Cui, Ming-Juan , Wu, Shi-Fan et al. Extraction of crude soybean urease using ethanol and its effect on soil cementation [J]. | SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS , 2023 , 63 (3) .
MLA Lai, Han-Jiang et al. "Extraction of crude soybean urease using ethanol and its effect on soil cementation" . | SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS 63 . 3 (2023) .
APA Lai, Han-Jiang , Cui, Ming-Juan , Wu, Shi-Fan , Yang, Yang , Chu, Jian . Extraction of crude soybean urease using ethanol and its effect on soil cementation . | SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS , 2023 , 63 (3) .
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Application of Non-Reinforced Rigid Inclusion Columns as Foundation Support for Container Yard Scopus
会议论文 | 2023 , 2023-March (GSP 341) , 105-113 | 2023 Geo-Congress: Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions from the Ground Up - Foundations, Retaining Structures, and Geosynthetics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Steel reinforced concrete piles have commonly been adopted as foundations to support container yards in Singapore. However, such a type of foundation causes great difficulties for demolition for future redevelopment. To overcome this problem, a new foundation type has been developed. Non-reinforced rigid inclusion columns together with T-beams are used to support a load transfer platform to provide bearing capacity and reduce settlements for the containers. The arching effect is created in the top sand fill to distribute the loads and control the deformation of the foundation. A conceptual design based on the new approach is proposed. An analytical method is established for the design of the proposed foundation. The key factors controlling the design are discussed. The performance of the proposed foundation is evaluated using 3D finite element analyses. © 2023 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). All rights reserved.


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GB/T 7714 Chen, H. , Lai, H. , Wu, S. et al. Application of Non-Reinforced Rigid Inclusion Columns as Foundation Support for Container Yard [C] . 2023 : 105-113 .
MLA Chen, H. et al. "Application of Non-Reinforced Rigid Inclusion Columns as Foundation Support for Container Yard" . (2023) : 105-113 .
APA Chen, H. , Lai, H. , Wu, S. , Lim, S. , Song, T. , Chu, J. . Application of Non-Reinforced Rigid Inclusion Columns as Foundation Support for Container Yard . (2023) : 105-113 .
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Methods for Enhancing Uniformity of Biocementation Treatment in Sand Scopus
会议论文 | 2023 , 2023-March (GSP 339) , 361-369 | 2023 Geo-Congress: Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions from the Ground Up - Soil Improvement, Geoenvironmental, and Sustainability
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

One of the difficulties for the application of microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) or enzyme induced carbonate precipitation (EICP) for soil treatment is to ensure uniformity in the treatment across the whole soil sample or soil profile. Methods that can be adopted to improve the uniformity of MICP or EICP treatment are reviewed and compared. Experimental data are presented to demonstrate that a newly proposed one-phase-low-pH injection method enables better uniformity to be achieved among different methods. Other factors affecting the uniformity of treatment are discussed. Measures to be adopted to enhance the uniformity of MICP or EICP treatment in sand are suggested. © 2023 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). All rights reserved.


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GB/T 7714 Lai, H.-J. , Cui, M.-J. , Wu, S.-F. et al. Methods for Enhancing Uniformity of Biocementation Treatment in Sand [C] . 2023 : 361-369 .
MLA Lai, H.-J. et al. "Methods for Enhancing Uniformity of Biocementation Treatment in Sand" . (2023) : 361-369 .
APA Lai, H.-J. , Cui, M.-J. , Wu, S.-F. , Chu, J. . Methods for Enhancing Uniformity of Biocementation Treatment in Sand . (2023) : 361-369 .
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Experimental Investigation on Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Solution by Sporosarcina pasteurii under Some Complex Conditions SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 14 (4) | WATER
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Bioremediation of contaminated solutions has attracted extensive attention in recent years due to its wide range of applicability to various types of contaminants and environmental friendliness. Previous studies adequately confirmed the potential of Sporosarcina pasteurii (i.e., S. pasteurii)-based bioremediation for heavy metal contaminated solutions, but they focused mainly on the bioremediation ability of single-heavy-metal contaminated solutions. This study focuses on S. pasteurii-based bioremediation under more complex pollution conditions. A series of laboratory experiments were performed to explore the efficiency and mechanism of S. pasteurii-based bioremediation to heavy metal contaminated solutions under various conditions, including single-heavy-metal pollution condition, heavy metal pollution under high mineral salinity context and multi-heavy-metal pollution scenarios. The results show that S. pasteurii can effectively remove heavy metals such as Cd, Cr(III), and Zn through biomineralization; for the typical range of mineral salinity (including NaCl and KCl) possibly encountered in practice in some contaminated solutions, such as leachate of landfills, the detrimental influence of high mineral salinity on efficiency of S. pasteurii-based bioremediation can be neglected; more importantly, S. pasteurii-based bioremediation can be considered as a potential option for remedying multi-heavy-metal contaminated solutions, though the addition of some heavy metals tends to produce a substantially detrimental influence on the bioremediation ability of S. pasteurii to other heavy metals.

Keyword :

bioremediation bioremediation heavy metal contaminated solution heavy metal contaminated solution high salinity high salinity multi-heavy-metal pollution multi-heavy-metal pollution Sporosarcina pasteurii Sporosarcina pasteurii


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Xiaosong , Zhang, Rongjun , Cui, Mingjuan et al. Experimental Investigation on Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Solution by Sporosarcina pasteurii under Some Complex Conditions [J]. | WATER , 2022 , 14 (4) .
MLA Huang, Xiaosong et al. "Experimental Investigation on Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Solution by Sporosarcina pasteurii under Some Complex Conditions" . | WATER 14 . 4 (2022) .
APA Huang, Xiaosong , Zhang, Rongjun , Cui, Mingjuan , Lai, Hanjiang . Experimental Investigation on Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Solution by Sporosarcina pasteurii under Some Complex Conditions . | WATER , 2022 , 14 (4) .
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