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计及柔性限流装置与直流断路器协同动作的电弧抑制暂态特性研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (02) , 59-69 | 电力系统保护与控制
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

直流系统的故障隔离是保证直流系统稳定运行的重要技术。针对传统故障隔离策略对直流断路器(direct current circuit breaker, DCCB)的性能要求较高的问题,提出了一种利用柔性限流装置(flexible current limiting device,FCLD)与DCCB协同动作的故障隔离策略。首先,研究了直流系统永久性故障和瞬时性故障情况下FCLD与DCCB的协同作用机理。其次,分析考虑FCLD电流抑制作用下DCCB开断过程的电弧暂态特性。最后,在Matlab/Simulink平台中进行仿真,验证所提协同策略的可行性。结果表明:FCLD可有效抑制DCCB的开断电弧;基于所提故障隔离策略,直流系统可在瞬时故障情况下实现平稳穿越,永久故障情况下实现DCCB的无弧开断。该策略降低了直流系统故障隔离过程中对DCCB的开断要求,提升了直流系统的故障穿越能力。

Keyword :

协同配合 协同配合 故障隔离策略 故障隔离策略 柔性限流装置 柔性限流装置 直流断路器 直流断路器 直流系统 直流系统


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GB/T 7714 郑峰 , 王威东 , 刘宝谨 et al. 计及柔性限流装置与直流断路器协同动作的电弧抑制暂态特性研究 [J]. | 电力系统保护与控制 , 2024 , 52 (02) : 59-69 .
MLA 郑峰 et al. "计及柔性限流装置与直流断路器协同动作的电弧抑制暂态特性研究" . | 电力系统保护与控制 52 . 02 (2024) : 59-69 .
APA 郑峰 , 王威东 , 刘宝谨 , 刘莞玲 , 梁宁 . 计及柔性限流装置与直流断路器协同动作的电弧抑制暂态特性研究 . | 电力系统保护与控制 , 2024 , 52 (02) , 59-69 .
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A Feedforward Control-Based Power Decoupling Strategy for Grid-Forming Grid-Connected Inverters SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 17 (2) | ENERGIES
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Grid-forming inverters, which are represented by droop control and virtual synchronous generator control, have been widely studied and applied because of their excellent grid-supporting ability and smooth off-grid switching. When a grid-forming inverter is connected to a microgrid or utility grid, the control loops of active power and reactive power will be coupled because of the voltage phase difference, which will affect the power control performance. This paper first derives the small-signal linearized model of the system, based on which a frequency feedforward control and an amplitude feedforward control are proposed to decouple the active power and reactive power control loops, respectively. The proposed decoupling strategy directly modifies the reference values through feedforward with an easily implementable principle that is applicable to various control coordinate systems, control coordinate systems, and control structures. By comparing system models with and without the proposed decoupling strategy, its effectiveness can be theoretically proven. Time-domain simulations and hardware experiments are presented to further validate its effectiveness.

Keyword :

feedforward control feedforward control grid-forming inverter grid-forming inverter power decoupling power decoupling


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Baojin , Song, Zhaofeng , Yu, Bing et al. A Feedforward Control-Based Power Decoupling Strategy for Grid-Forming Grid-Connected Inverters [J]. | ENERGIES , 2024 , 17 (2) .
MLA Liu, Baojin et al. "A Feedforward Control-Based Power Decoupling Strategy for Grid-Forming Grid-Connected Inverters" . | ENERGIES 17 . 2 (2024) .
APA Liu, Baojin , Song, Zhaofeng , Yu, Bing , Yang, Gongde , Liu, Jinjun . A Feedforward Control-Based Power Decoupling Strategy for Grid-Forming Grid-Connected Inverters . | ENERGIES , 2024 , 17 (2) .
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基于改进模型预测的并网变换器自适应虚拟惯性控制策略研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (13) , 35-46 | 电力系统保护与控制
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

并网变换器 并网变换器 模型预测控制 模型预测控制 直流微电网 直流微电网 自适应虚拟惯性控制 自适应虚拟惯性控制


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GB/T 7714 郑峰 , 苏明鸿 , 陈静 et al. 基于改进模型预测的并网变换器自适应虚拟惯性控制策略研究 [J]. | 电力系统保护与控制 , 2024 , 52 (13) : 35-46 .
MLA 郑峰 et al. "基于改进模型预测的并网变换器自适应虚拟惯性控制策略研究" . | 电力系统保护与控制 52 . 13 (2024) : 35-46 .
APA 郑峰 , 苏明鸿 , 陈静 , 刘宝谨 , 刘莞玲 , 梁宁 . 基于改进模型预测的并网变换器自适应虚拟惯性控制策略研究 . | 电力系统保护与控制 , 2024 , 52 (13) , 35-46 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 48 (08) , 3476-3482 | 电网技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

能量路由器的核心元件为双有源桥(dual active bridge,DAB)直流变压器,针对其短路故障时电流上升速率快,峰值大,导致DAB内部电力电子器件闭锁的问题,该文提出一种具有限流型结构的直流变压器,限流装置结构为从DAB高压侧H桥连接单相整流桥,再与输出端口的限流电感相连。当直流系统发生短路故障时,限流型直流变压器采用混合控制算法进行整流,为限流电感提供钳位电压,限制故障电流的峰值,并与断路器配合实现无弧开断,该方法避免DAB中电力电子器件发生闭锁,快速实现故障限流和隔离。在仿真系统中搭建了基于10kV/750V直流变压器的限流型直流变压器的模型,仿真结果表明限流型直流变压器与断路器配合实现故障限流和隔离的有效性和可行性。

Keyword :

故障限流和隔离 故障限流和隔离 断路器无弧开断 断路器无弧开断 混合控制算法 混合控制算法 限流型直流变压器 限流型直流变压器


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GB/T 7714 郑峰 , 陈俞澄 , 林燕贞 et al. 限流型直流变压器拓扑结构及其暂态特性研究 [J]. | 电网技术 , 2024 , 48 (08) : 3476-3482 .
MLA 郑峰 et al. "限流型直流变压器拓扑结构及其暂态特性研究" . | 电网技术 48 . 08 (2024) : 3476-3482 .
APA 郑峰 , 陈俞澄 , 林燕贞 , 刘莞玲 , 刘宝谨 , 梁宁 . 限流型直流变压器拓扑结构及其暂态特性研究 . | 电网技术 , 2024 , 48 (08) , 3476-3482 .
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Virtual Inertial Control Strategy of DC Microgrid Based on Improved Model Prediction Control EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 390-395 | 7th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities, ICSGSC 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Aiming at the problem that the bus voltage in low-inertia DC microgrid is prone to be affected by internal power fluctuations, a virtual inertial control strategy of DC microgrid based on improved model prediction control is proposed. Firstly, analog virtual synchronous generator (AVSG) control is introduced into the voltage outer loop, and the inertia of DC microgrid is improved by introducing virtual capacitance and damping coefficient. Secondly, in order to avoid the lag phenomenon caused by control delay, an improved model predictive control is introduced into the current inner loop to achieve fast tracking of the current set value, while eliminating the traditional PI controller and PWM regulator, thus improving the dynamic performance of the control system. Finally, a system model is established based on Matlab/Simulink for simulation. The results show that compared with the traditional PI-based virtual inertia control strategy, the proposed control strategy in this paper has smaller bus voltage fluctuation amplitude and better dynamic performance, which can effectively improve the stability of DC bus voltage and the inertia of DC microgrid. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Capacitance Capacitance MATLAB MATLAB Microgrids Microgrids Model predictive control Model predictive control Power converters Power converters Power electronics Power electronics Virtual Power Plants Virtual Power Plants


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GB/T 7714 Su, Minghong , Zheng, Feng , Liu, Baojin et al. Virtual Inertial Control Strategy of DC Microgrid Based on Improved Model Prediction Control [C] . 2023 : 390-395 .
MLA Su, Minghong et al. "Virtual Inertial Control Strategy of DC Microgrid Based on Improved Model Prediction Control" . (2023) : 390-395 .
APA Su, Minghong , Zheng, Feng , Liu, Baojin , Liu, Wanling . Virtual Inertial Control Strategy of DC Microgrid Based on Improved Model Prediction Control . (2023) : 390-395 .
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Adaptive Virtual Inertia Control Strategy for a Grid-Connected Converter of DC Microgrid Based on an Improved Model Prediction SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (11) | SYMMETRY-BASEL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Aiming at the problem that the bus voltage in a low-inertia DC microgrid is prone to be affected by internal power fluctuations, an adaptive virtual inertia control strategy for a grid-connected converter of a DC microgrid based on an improved model prediction is proposed. Firstly, the adaptive analog virtual synchronous generator (AVSG) is introduced into the voltage outer loop by combining the inertial parameters with the voltage change rate, and the flexible adjustment of the inertial parameters is realized. Secondly, the improved model predictive control is introduced into the current inner loop to realize the fast-tracking of the given current value and improve the dynamic characteristics of the control system. Finally, a system model is established based on Matlab/Simulink for simulation. The results show that compared with the traditional virtual inertia control strategy, the proposed control strategy has smaller bus voltage fluctuation amplitude and better dynamic performance; when a 10 kW load mutation occurs, the magnitude of bus voltage drop is reduced by 60%, and the voltage recovery time is shortened by 30%. The proposed control strategy can effectively improve the stability of DC bus voltage and the operation ability of the system under asymmetric conditions.

Keyword :

adaptive virtual inertia control adaptive virtual inertia control bidirectional grid-connected converter bidirectional grid-connected converter DC microgrid DC microgrid dynamic performance dynamic performance model predictive control model predictive control


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Feng , Su, Minghong , Liu, Baojin et al. Adaptive Virtual Inertia Control Strategy for a Grid-Connected Converter of DC Microgrid Based on an Improved Model Prediction [J]. | SYMMETRY-BASEL , 2023 , 15 (11) .
MLA Zheng, Feng et al. "Adaptive Virtual Inertia Control Strategy for a Grid-Connected Converter of DC Microgrid Based on an Improved Model Prediction" . | SYMMETRY-BASEL 15 . 11 (2023) .
APA Zheng, Feng , Su, Minghong , Liu, Baojin , Liu, Wanling . Adaptive Virtual Inertia Control Strategy for a Grid-Connected Converter of DC Microgrid Based on an Improved Model Prediction . | SYMMETRY-BASEL , 2023 , 15 (11) .
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Resonance suppression strategy of DC distribution system based on reduced-order hybrid control algorithm SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As a complex dynamically strongly coupled system, DC distribution system often suffers from voltage collapse due to system resonance. In order to suppress distribution network resonance and bus voltage fluctuation, this paper proposes a hybrid control algorithm to suppress DC distribution system resonance to further enhance DC system stability. In this paper, the output voltage of the line regulation converter (LRC) is the target of the study. A current prediction model is introduced in the inner loop of the converter control, which can enhance the dynamic responsiveness of the system and eliminate the PWM modulator and parameter tuning, achieve the unitization of the inner loop of the current. By constructing the inverse model of the controlled object, the outer voltage loop is unitized under the control of two-degree-of-freedom. The hybrid control enables the bus voltage to follow the reference voltage exactly, which suppresses resonance peaks in the voltage transfer function and reduces bus voltage fluctuations. Finally, the proposed hybrid control algorithm is simulated and verified in MATLAB/Simulink platform. The results show that the control strategy can effectively suppress the resonance and bus voltage fluctuation of the DC distribution system and enhance the dynamic characteristics and anti-interference capability of the distribution network.

Keyword :

DC distribution system DC distribution system hybrid control algorithm hybrid control algorithm model predictive control model predictive control resonance suppression resonance suppression stability analysis stability analysis


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Zonghua , Wu, Xudong , Zheng, Feng et al. Resonance suppression strategy of DC distribution system based on reduced-order hybrid control algorithm [J]. | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH , 2023 , 11 .
MLA Zheng, Zonghua et al. "Resonance suppression strategy of DC distribution system based on reduced-order hybrid control algorithm" . | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH 11 (2023) .
APA Zheng, Zonghua , Wu, Xudong , Zheng, Feng , Liu, Baojin , Liang, Ning . Resonance suppression strategy of DC distribution system based on reduced-order hybrid control algorithm . | FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH , 2023 , 11 .
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Multi-parameter online identification of IPMSM based on trapezoidal-wave current injection EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 26 (5) , 96-103 | Electric Machines and Control
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The stator resistance, d-axis inductance, q-axis inductance and rotor permanent magnet flux linkage of inner permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSM) will be changed easily at the moment, which can deteriorate operation performance of the motor control system. To settle this issue, multi-parameter online identification method of the IPMSM based on trapezoidal-wave current injection was proposed. Forgetting factor recursive least square was adopted to identify the stator resistance, d-axis inductance, q-axis inductance and rotor permanent magnet flux linkage of the IPMSM and the problem of under-ranking in simultaneous online identification of four parameters was solved. Compared with the square-wave current injection method, the proposed method reduces the torque ripple of the motor. To achieve fast and accurate convergence of the identification parameters, the condition of persistence excitation was studied. To reduce influence of inverter nonlinearity on parameter identification accuracy, the inverter nonlinearity model in the two-phase synchronous rotation coordinate system was built and analyzed. Simulation and experiment results demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed method. © 2022, Harbin University of Science and Technology Publication. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Electric inverters Electric inverters Flux linkage Flux linkage Inductance Inductance Parameter estimation Parameter estimation Permanent magnets Permanent magnets Stators Stators Synchronous motors Synchronous motors


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Gong-De , Wang, Peng , Liu, Bao-Jin . Multi-parameter online identification of IPMSM based on trapezoidal-wave current injection [J]. | Electric Machines and Control , 2022 , 26 (5) : 96-103 .
MLA Yang, Gong-De et al. "Multi-parameter online identification of IPMSM based on trapezoidal-wave current injection" . | Electric Machines and Control 26 . 5 (2022) : 96-103 .
APA Yang, Gong-De , Wang, Peng , Liu, Bao-Jin . Multi-parameter online identification of IPMSM based on trapezoidal-wave current injection . | Electric Machines and Control , 2022 , 26 (5) , 96-103 .
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A Comprehensive Solution to Decentralized Coordinative Control of Distributed Generations in Islanded Microgrid Based on Dual-Frequency-Droop SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 37 (3) , 3583-3598 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In an autonomous ac microgrid system, a peer-to-peer decentralized solution would be a preferred choice for the coordinative control of distributed generation units. However, due to the dispersed sources and loads, and mismatched line impedances, it is hard to achieve satisfactory power sharing performance and power quality without communication links. Therefore, a comprehensive decentralized solution based on dual-frequency-droop is proposed in this article. With only local information, appropriate virtual impedances could be obtained to compensate the mismatched complex line impedances in the required frequency range, and hence active, reactive, unbalanced, and harmonic powers could be shared accurately among parallel inverters under various load conditions. Then, the frequency deviation caused by the droop control is effectively attenuated without affecting power sharing through a dynamic droop-slope regulator. Moreover, the causes of steady-state ripples on virtual impedance waveforms are carefully analyzed, and the design criterions to eliminate these ripples are provided. Finally, case studies are provided in simulations and experiments to validate the effectiveness of this method.

Keyword :

Decentralized Decentralized dual-frequency-droop dual-frequency-droop dynamic droop-slope regulator (DDR) dynamic droop-slope regulator (DDR) Frequency control Frequency control Harmonic analysis Harmonic analysis Impedance Impedance Microgrids Microgrids Power distribution Power distribution power sharing power sharing small-ac-signal injection small-ac-signal injection Voltage control Voltage control Voltage measurement Voltage measurement


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GB/T 7714 An, Ronghui , Liu, Zeng , Liu, Jinjun et al. A Comprehensive Solution to Decentralized Coordinative Control of Distributed Generations in Islanded Microgrid Based on Dual-Frequency-Droop [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS , 2022 , 37 (3) : 3583-3598 .
MLA An, Ronghui et al. "A Comprehensive Solution to Decentralized Coordinative Control of Distributed Generations in Islanded Microgrid Based on Dual-Frequency-Droop" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS 37 . 3 (2022) : 3583-3598 .
APA An, Ronghui , Liu, Zeng , Liu, Jinjun , Liu, Baojin . A Comprehensive Solution to Decentralized Coordinative Control of Distributed Generations in Islanded Microgrid Based on Dual-Frequency-Droop . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS , 2022 , 37 (3) , 3583-3598 .
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梯形波电流注入法的IPMSM多参数在线辨识 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 26 (05) , 96-103 | 电机与控制学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

交轴电感 交轴电感 内嵌式永磁同步电动机 内嵌式永磁同步电动机 参数在线辨识 参数在线辨识 定子电阻 定子电阻 梯形波电流注入法 梯形波电流注入法 直轴电感 直轴电感 转子永磁磁链 转子永磁磁链 递推最小二乘算法 递推最小二乘算法


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GB/T 7714 杨公德 , 王朋 , 刘宝谨 . 梯形波电流注入法的IPMSM多参数在线辨识 [J]. | 电机与控制学报 , 2022 , 26 (05) : 96-103 .
MLA 杨公德 et al. "梯形波电流注入法的IPMSM多参数在线辨识" . | 电机与控制学报 26 . 05 (2022) : 96-103 .
APA 杨公德 , 王朋 , 刘宝谨 . 梯形波电流注入法的IPMSM多参数在线辨识 . | 电机与控制学报 , 2022 , 26 (05) , 96-103 .
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