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BackgroundIt remains unknown whether good neighbourhood perception can enhance the benefits of favourable built environment to physical activity. Moreover, the moderation pattern is less understood in developing countries.ObjectivesThis work aims to examine the moderation effects of perceived neighbourhood safety and aesthetics on the relationship between built environment and time for recreational walking.MethodsWe performed the examination using a sample of 760 residents in Fuzhou City, China. The Negative Binomial Regression Model was developed to examine the moderation roles of neighbourhood safety and aesthetics on the impact of built environment, adjusting for the effects of location, socioeconomic, personal preferences and social environment factors. Moreover, two sensitivity analyses were performed to test whether the moderators found are robust to the control of residential self-selection, and differential measures of conceptually-comparable aspects of built environment.ResultsWe found stronger associations of time for recreational walking with road density and proportion of parks and squares POIs for residents with high perception of neighbourhood safety, compared to those with low perception of neighbourhood safety. There was a greater effect of the proportion of parks and squares POIs, when perceived aesthetics was high than when perceived aesthetics was low. The findings of neighbourhood safety and aesthetics as moderator, were robust in the two sensitivity analyses. No significant moderation effect was found for land use diversity.ConclusionsHigh perceived neighbourhood safety can magnify the positive effects of road connectivity and accessibility to parks and squares. Neighbourhood aesthetics positively moderates the association of time for recreational walking with accessibility to parks and squares. The findings emphasize the need to consider safety- and aesthetics-specific differences in estimates of built environment effects. Improvements in neighbourhood safety and aesthetics are key to effective interventions in built environment to better promote physical activity.
Keyword :
Built environment Built environment Moderation effect Moderation effect Perception of aesthetics Perception of aesthetics Perception of safety Perception of safety Walking for recreation Walking for recreation
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GB/T 7714 | Guo, Huagui , Li, Yayu , Liu, Yufei et al. Can good neighbourhood perception magnify the positive effect of favourable built environment on recreational walking in China? [J]. | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH , 2024 , 24 (1) . |
MLA | Guo, Huagui et al. "Can good neighbourhood perception magnify the positive effect of favourable built environment on recreational walking in China?" . | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 24 . 1 (2024) . |
APA | Guo, Huagui , Li, Yayu , Liu, Yufei , Zhang, Shuyu , Zhang, Yanji , Ho, Hung Chak . Can good neighbourhood perception magnify the positive effect of favourable built environment on recreational walking in China? . | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH , 2024 , 24 (1) . |
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Background: Cycling is known to be beneficial for human health. Studies have suggested significant associations of physical activity with macroscale built environments and streetscapes. However, whether good streetscapes can amplify the benefits of a favorable built environment on physical activity remains unknown. Objective: This study examines whether streetscape perceptions can modify the associations between accessibility, land use mix, and bike-sharing use. Methods: This cross-sectional study used data from 18,019,266 bike-sharing orders during weekends in Shanghai, China. A 500 x 500 m grid was selected as the analysis unit to allocate data. Bike-sharing use was defined as the number of bike-sharing origins. Street view images and a human-machine adversarial scoring framework were combined to evaluate lively, safety, and wealthy perceptions. Negative binomial regression was developed to examine the independent effects of the three perceptual factors in both the univariate model and fully adjusted model, controlling for population density, average building height, distance to nearest transit, number of bus stations, number of points of interest, distance to the nearest park, and distance to the central business district. The moderation effect was then investigated through the interaction term between streetscape perception and accessibility and land use mix, based on the fully adjusted model. We also tested whether the findings of streetscape moderation effects are robust when examinations are performed at different geographic scales, using a small-sample statistics approach and different operationalizations of land use mix and accessibility. Results: High levels of lively, safety, and wealthy perceptions were correlated with more bike-sharing activities. There were negative effects for the interactions between the land use Herfindahl-Hirschman index with the lively perception (beta=-0.63;P=.01) and safety perception (beta=-0.52; P=.001). The interaction between the lively perception and road intersection density was positively associated with the number of bike-sharing uses (beta=0.43; P=.08). Among these, the lively perception showed the greatest independent effect (beta=1.29; P<.001), followed by the safety perception (beta=1.22; P=.001) and wealthy perception(beta=0.72; P=.001). The findings were robust in the three sensitivity analyses. Conclusions: A safer and livelier streetscape can enhance the benefits of land use mix in promoting bike-sharing use, with a safer streetscape also intensifying the effect of accessibility. Interventions focused on streetscape perceptions can encourage cycling behavior and enhance the benefits of accessibility and land use mix. This study also contributes to the literature on potential moderators of built environment healthy behavior associations from the perspective of microscale environmental perceptions.
Keyword :
bike-sharing use bike-sharing use built environment built environment China China cycling cycling moderation effect moderation effect streetscape perceptions streetscape perceptions
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GB/T 7714 | Guo, Huagui , Zhang, Shuyu , Xie, Xinwei et al. Moderation Effects of Streetscape Perceptions on the Associations Between Accessibility, Land Use Mix, and Bike-Sharing Use: Cross-Sectional Study [J]. | JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE , 2024 , 10 . |
MLA | Guo, Huagui et al. "Moderation Effects of Streetscape Perceptions on the Associations Between Accessibility, Land Use Mix, and Bike-Sharing Use: Cross-Sectional Study" . | JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE 10 (2024) . |
APA | Guo, Huagui , Zhang, Shuyu , Xie, Xinwei , Liu, Jiang , Ho, Hung Chak . Moderation Effects of Streetscape Perceptions on the Associations Between Accessibility, Land Use Mix, and Bike-Sharing Use: Cross-Sectional Study . | JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE , 2024 , 10 . |
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The association between built environment and physical activity has been recognized. However, how and to what extent microscale streetscapes are related to running activity remains underexplored, partly due to the lack of running data in large urban areas. Moreover, few studies have examined the interactive effects of macroscale built environment and microscale streetscapes. This study examines the main and interactive effects of the two-level environments on running intensity, using 9.73 million fitness tracker data from Keep in Shanghai, China. Results of spatial error model showed that: 1) the explanatory power of microscale streetscapes was higher than that of macroscale built environment with R2 of 0.245 and 0.240, respectively, which is different from the prior finding that R2 is greater for macroscale built environment than for microscale streetscape; 2) sky and green view indexes were positively associated with running intensity, whereas visual crowdedness had a negative effect; 3) there were negative interactions of land use Herfindahl-Hirschman index with sky and green view indexes, while a positive interaction was observed for visual crowdedness. To conclude, greener, more open and less visually crowded streetscapes, can promote running behavior and enhance the benefits of land use mix as well. The findings highlight the importance of streetscapes in promoting running behavior, instead of a supplement to macroscale built environment.
Keyword :
Built environment Built environment Deep learning Deep learning Running activity Running activity Street view images Street view images
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GB/T 7714 | Guo, Huagui , Zhang, Shuyu , Liu, Yufei et al. Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China [J]. | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH , 2024 , 24 (1) . |
MLA | Guo, Huagui et al. "Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China" . | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 24 . 1 (2024) . |
APA | Guo, Huagui , Zhang, Shuyu , Liu, Yufei , Lin, Runrong , Liu, Jiang . Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China . | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH , 2024 , 24 (1) . |
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Numerous studies have suggested that the perceived built environment is shaped by the objective built environment and influences human physical activity. However, the empirical examination of this pathway remains scant. Addressing this gap, our study investigates whether the built environment affects leisure-time physical activity through its impact on the perceived built environment, utilizing data collected from 760 residents in Fuzhou, China. Structural Equation Modeling results reveal a modest correlation between objective and perceived built environment elements, with the objective built environment being a stronger predictor of leisure-time physical activity. Notably, perceived recreational facilities significantly mediate the relationship between objective recreational facilities and leisure-time physical activity, accounting for 15% of the variance in physical activity due to objective recreational facilities. This mediation effect is consistent across subpopulations, irrespective of residential self-selection biases. These results highlight the imperative for urban planning and policy to extend beyond mere spatial allocation of amenities to enhancing both the actual and perceived accessibility of these facilities, thus underlining the study's profound implications for public health and urban development strategies.
Keyword :
Built environment Built environment Leisure-time physical activity Leisure-time physical activity Mediation effect Mediation effect Perceived environment Perceived environment Urban planning Urban planning
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GB/T 7714 | Zhang, Shuyu , Ran, Lei , Fan, Xinyu et al. Perceived built environment as a mediator linking objective built environment and leisure-time physical activity in Chinese cities [J]. | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 2024 , 14 (1) . |
MLA | Zhang, Shuyu et al. "Perceived built environment as a mediator linking objective built environment and leisure-time physical activity in Chinese cities" . | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 . 1 (2024) . |
APA | Zhang, Shuyu , Ran, Lei , Fan, Xinyu , Zhang, Yuqing , Guo, Huagui . Perceived built environment as a mediator linking objective built environment and leisure-time physical activity in Chinese cities . | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 2024 , 14 (1) . |
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With the prevalence of stroke rising due to both aging societies and more people getting strokes at a younger age, a comprehensive investigation into the relationship between urban characteristics and age-specific stroke mortality for the development of a healthy built environment is necessary. Specifically, assessment of various dimensions of urban characteristics (e.g. short-term environmental change, long-term environmental conditions) is needed for healthy built environment designs and protocols. A multifactorial assessment was conducted to evaluate associations between environmental and sociodemographic characteristics with age-stroke mortality in Hong Kong. We found that short-term (and temporally varying) daily PM10, older age and being female were more strongly associated with all types of stroke deaths compared to all-cause deaths in general. Colder days, being employed and being married were more strongly associated with hemorrhagic stroke deaths in general. Long-term (and spatially varying) regional-level air pollution were more strongly associated with non-hemorrhagic stroke deaths in general. These associations varied by age. Employment (manual workers) and low education were risk factors for stroke mortality at younger ages (age <65). Greenness and open space did not have a significant association with stroke mortality. Since a significant connection was expected, this leads to questions about the health-inducing efficacy of Hong Kong's compact open spaces (natural greenery being limited to steep slopes, and extensive impervious surfaces on public open spaces). In conclusion, urban plans and designs for stroke mortality prevention should implement age specific health care to neighborhoods with particular population segments.
Keyword :
Age-specific Age-specific Asia Asia High-density High-density Mortality Mortality Stroke Stroke Urban characteristics Urban characteristics
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GB/T 7714 | Ho, Hung Chak , Guo, Huagui , Chan, Ta-Chien et al. Community planning for a "healthy built environment" via a human-environment nexus? A multifactorial assessment of environmental characteristics and age-specific stroke mortality in Hong Kong [J]. | CHEMOSPHERE , 2022 , 287 . |
MLA | Ho, Hung Chak et al. "Community planning for a "healthy built environment" via a human-environment nexus? A multifactorial assessment of environmental characteristics and age-specific stroke mortality in Hong Kong" . | CHEMOSPHERE 287 (2022) . |
APA | Ho, Hung Chak , Guo, Huagui , Chan, Ta-Chien , Shi, Yuan , Webster, Chris , Fong, Kenneth N. K. . Community planning for a "healthy built environment" via a human-environment nexus? A multifactorial assessment of environmental characteristics and age-specific stroke mortality in Hong Kong . | CHEMOSPHERE , 2022 , 287 . |
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Background Many studies have reported the effects of PM2.5 and PM10 on human health, however, it remains unclear whether particular matter with finer particle size has a greater effect. Objectives This work aims to examine the varying associations of the incidence rate of female lung cancer with PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 in 436 Chinese cancer registries between 2014 and 2016. Methods The effects of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 were estimated through three regression models, respectively. Mode l only included particular matter, while Model 2 and Model 3 further controlled for time and location factors, and socioeconomic covariates, respectively. Moreover, two sensitivity analyses were performed to investigate the robustness of three particular matte effects. Then, we examined the modifying role of urban-rural division on the effects of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10, respectively. Results The change in the incidence rate of female lung cancer relative to its mean was 5.98% (95% CI: 3.40, 8.56%) for PM1, which was larger than the values of PM2.5 and PM10 at 3.75% (95% CI: 2.33, 5.17%) and 1.57% (95% CI: 0.73, 2.41%), respectively. The effects of three particular matters were not sensitive in the two sensitivity analyses. Moreover, urban-rural division positively modified the associations of the incidence rate of female lung cancer with PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. Conclusions The effect on the incidence rate of female lung cancer was greater for PM1, followed by PM2.5 and PM10. There were positive modifying roles of urban-rural division on the effects of three particular matters. The finding supports the argument that finer particular matters are more harmful to human health, and also highlights the great significance to develop guidelines for PM1 control and prevention in Chinese setting.
Keyword :
5 5 China China Lung cancer Lung cancer PM1 PM1 PM10 PM10 PM2 PM2
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GB/T 7714 | Guo, Huagui , Li, Xin , Wei, Jing et al. Smaller particular matter, larger risk of female lung cancer incidence? Evidence from 436 Chinese counties [J]. | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH , 2022 , 22 (1) . |
MLA | Guo, Huagui et al. "Smaller particular matter, larger risk of female lung cancer incidence? Evidence from 436 Chinese counties" . | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 22 . 1 (2022) . |
APA | Guo, Huagui , Li, Xin , Wei, Jing , Li, Weifeng , Wu, Jiansheng , Zhang, Yanji . Smaller particular matter, larger risk of female lung cancer incidence? Evidence from 436 Chinese counties . | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH , 2022 , 22 (1) . |
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The effective modeling of urban growth is crucial for urban planning and analyzing the causes of land-use dynamics. As urbanization has slowed down in most megacities, improved urban growth modeling with minor changes has become a crucial open issue for these cities. Most existing models are based on stationary factors and spatial proximity, which are unlikely to depict spatial connectivity between regions. This research attempts to leverage the power of real-world human mobility and consider intra-city spatial interaction as an imperative driver in the context of urban growth simulation. Specifically, the gravity model, which considers both the scale and distance effects of geographical locations within cities, is employed to characterize the connection between land areas using individual trajectory data from a macro perspective. It then becomes possible to integrate human mobility factors into a neural-network-based cellular automata (ANN-CA) for urban growth modeling in Beijing from 2013 to 2016. The results indicate that the proposed model outperforms traditional models in terms of the overall accuracy with a 0.60% improvement in Cohen's Kappa coefficient and a 0.41% improvement in the figure of merit. In addition, the improvements are even more significant in districts with strong relationships with the central area of Beijing. For example, we find that the Kappa coefficients in three districts (Chaoyang, Daxing, and Shunyi) are considerably higher by more than 2.00%, suggesting the possible existence of a positive link between intense human interaction and urban growth. This paper provides valuable insights into how fine-grained human mobility data can be integrated into urban growth simulation, helping us to better understand the human-land relationship.
Keyword :
cellular automata cellular automata human mobility human mobility massive trajectories massive trajectories urban growth simulation urban growth simulation
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GB/T 7714 | Wang, Siying , Fei, Teng , Li, Weifeng et al. Incorporation of intra-city human mobility into urban growth simulation: A case study in Beijing [J]. | JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES , 2022 , 32 (5) : 892-912 . |
MLA | Wang, Siying et al. "Incorporation of intra-city human mobility into urban growth simulation: A case study in Beijing" . | JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES 32 . 5 (2022) : 892-912 . |
APA | Wang, Siying , Fei, Teng , Li, Weifeng , Zhang, Anqi , Guo, Huagui , Du, Yunyan . Incorporation of intra-city human mobility into urban growth simulation: A case study in Beijing . | JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES , 2022 , 32 (5) , 892-912 . |
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失序 失序 犯罪恐惧感 犯罪恐惧感 社会解组 社会解组 街道眼 街道眼 防卫空间 防卫空间
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GB/T 7714 | 张延吉 , 游永熠 , 朱春武 et al. 犯罪恐惧感与犯罪活动空间分布的匹配关系及其影响因素——以北京市为例 [J]. | 地理科学 , 2022 , 42 (06) : 1024-1033 . |
MLA | 张延吉 et al. "犯罪恐惧感与犯罪活动空间分布的匹配关系及其影响因素——以北京市为例" . | 地理科学 42 . 06 (2022) : 1024-1033 . |
APA | 张延吉 , 游永熠 , 朱春武 , 郭华贵 . 犯罪恐惧感与犯罪活动空间分布的匹配关系及其影响因素——以北京市为例 . | 地理科学 , 2022 , 42 (06) , 1024-1033 . |
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刑事判决书 刑事判决书 地理探测器 地理探测器 犯罪地理学 犯罪地理学 犯罪模式理论 犯罪模式理论 社会解组理论 社会解组理论
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GB/T 7714 | 张延吉 , 庄宇丹 , 邓伟涛 et al. 盗窃犯罪易发地的构成、影响及其区域异质性:基于地理探测器方法 [J]. | 地理研究 , 2022 , 41 (11) : 2884-2896 . |
MLA | 张延吉 et al. "盗窃犯罪易发地的构成、影响及其区域异质性:基于地理探测器方法" . | 地理研究 41 . 11 (2022) : 2884-2896 . |
APA | 张延吉 , 庄宇丹 , 邓伟涛 , 郭华贵 . 盗窃犯罪易发地的构成、影响及其区域异质性:基于地理探测器方法 . | 地理研究 , 2022 , 41 (11) , 2884-2896 . |
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It remains unknown whether exposure to ambient air pollution can be a mediator linking socioeconomic indicator to health outcome. The present study aims to examine the mediation effect of PM2.5 air pollution on the association between urban-rural division and the incidence (mortality) rate of male lung cancer. We performed a nationwide analysis in 353 counties (districts) of China between 2006 and 2015. A structural equation model was developed to determine the mediation effect of exposure to PM2.5. We also tested whether the findings of the mediation effect of exposure to PM2.5 are sensitive to the controls of smoking factors and additional air pollutant, and PM2.5 exposures with different lag structures. According to the results, we found that exposure to PM2.5 significantly mediated the association between urban-rural division and the incidence rate of male lung cancer. Specifically, there were significant associations between urban-rural division, exposure to PM2.5, and the incidence rate of male lung cancer, with PM2.5 exposure accounting for 29.80% of total urban-rural difference in incidence rates of male lung cancer. A similar pattern of results was observed for the mortality rate of male lung cancer. That is, there was a significant mediation effect by PM2.5 on the association of the mortality rate with urban-rural division. The findings of exposure to PM2.5 as a mediator were robust in the three sensitivity analyses. In conclusion, urban-rural difference in exposures to PM2.5 may be a potential factor that contributes to urban-rural disparity in male lung cancer diseases in China. The findings inform that air pollution management and control may be effective measures to alleviate the great difference in male lung cancer diseases between urban and rural areas in China.
Keyword :
Air pollution Air pollution China China Lung cancer Lung cancer Mediation effect Mediation effect Urban-rural division Urban-rural division
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GB/T 7714 | Guo, Huagui , Li, Weifeng , Wu, Jiansheng et al. Does air pollution contribute to urban-rural disparity in male lung cancer diseases in China? [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2021 , 29 (16) : 23905-23918 . |
MLA | Guo, Huagui et al. "Does air pollution contribute to urban-rural disparity in male lung cancer diseases in China?" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 29 . 16 (2021) : 23905-23918 . |
APA | Guo, Huagui , Li, Weifeng , Wu, Jiansheng , Ho, Hung Chak . Does air pollution contribute to urban-rural disparity in male lung cancer diseases in China? . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2021 , 29 (16) , 23905-23918 . |
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