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Achieving Superior Thermoelectric Performance in Ge4Se3Te via Symmetry Manipulation with I-V-VI2 Alloying SCIE
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Abstract :

Although orthorhombic GeSe is predicted to have an ultrahigh figure of merit, ZT approximate to 2.5, up to now, the highest experimental value is approximate to 0.2 due to the low carrier concentration (n(H) approximate to 10(18) cm(-3)). Improving symmetry is an effective approach for enhancing the ZT of GeSe-based materials. With Te-alloying, Ge4Se3Te displays the two-dimensional hexagonal structure and high n(H) approximate to 1.23 x 10(21) cm(-3). Interestingly, Ge4Se3Te transformed from the hexagonal into the rhombohedral phase with only approximate to 2% I-V-VI2-alloying (I = Li, Na, K, Cu, Ag; V = Sb, Bi; VI = Se, Te). According to the calculated results of Ge0.82Ag0.09Bi0.09Se0.614Te0.386 single-crystal grown via AgBiTe2-alloying, it exhibits a higher valley degeneracy than the hexagonal Ge4Se3Te. For instance, AgBiTe2-alloying induces a strong band convergence and band inversion effect, resulting in a significantly enhanced Seebeck coefficient and power factor with a similar n(H) from 17 mu V K-1 and 0.63 mu W cm(-1) K-2 for pristine Ge4Se3Te to 124 mu V K-1 and 5.97 mu W cm(-1) K-2 for 12%AgBiTe2-alloyed sample, respectively. Moreover, the sharply reduced phonon velocity, nano-domain wall structure, and strong anharmonicity lead to low lattice thermal conductivity. As a result, a record-high average ZT approximate to 0.95 over 323-773 K with an excellent ZT approximate to 1.30 is achieved at 723 K.

Keyword :

Ge4Se3Te Ge4Se3Te multi-band convergence multi-band convergence nano-domain wall structure nano-domain wall structure symmetry manipulation symmetry manipulation thermoelectricity thermoelectricity


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Mingjie , Cui, Hong-Hua , Guo, Weiping et al. Achieving Superior Thermoelectric Performance in Ge4Se3Te via Symmetry Manipulation with I-V-VI2 Alloying [J]. | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2024 .
MLA Guo, Mingjie et al. "Achieving Superior Thermoelectric Performance in Ge4Se3Te via Symmetry Manipulation with I-V-VI2 Alloying" . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS (2024) .
APA Guo, Mingjie , Cui, Hong-Hua , Guo, Weiping , Chen, Zixuan , Ming, Hongwei , Luo, Zhong-Zhen et al. Achieving Superior Thermoelectric Performance in Ge4Se3Te via Symmetry Manipulation with I-V-VI2 Alloying . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2024 .
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New thermoelectric semiconductors Pb5Sb12+xBi6-xSe32 with ultralow thermal conductivity SCIE CSCD
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Abstract :

Five new semiconductors Pb5Sb12+xBi6-xSe32 (x = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4) have been synthesized for the first time, which adopt pavonite-type structure and crystallize in monoclinic C2/m space group. The crystal structure is composed of two different types of polyhedral slabs. Slab-I is a galena-like structure motif that forms with [MSe6] (M = Pb, Sb, and Bi) octahedra and slab-II contains one octahedral [MSe6] block and paired squared pyramids [MSe5]. Pb5Sb12+xBi6-xSe32 exhibits n-type semiconductor behaviors and the remarkable Seebeck coefficient from -64.1 mu V K-1 for x = 0 sample to -242 mu V K-1 for x = 4 sample at 300 K. Moreover, the Pb5Sb12Bi6Se32 has the highest carrier concentration of 1.35 x 10(20) cm(-3) in pavonite-type materials. The complex compositions, mixed occupancies of the cations, and quasi-two-dimensional structure lead to the low lattice thermal conductivity (kappa(lat)) less than 0.48 W m(-1) K-1 from 300 to 723 K, at which Pb5Sb16Bi2Se32 especially shows the ultralow value of 0.25 W m(-1) K-1. As a result, the thermoelectric figure of merit, ZT similar to 0.34 at 723 K, is obtained for the intrinsic Pb5Sb12Bi6Se32.

Keyword :

Mixed occupancies Mixed occupancies Pavonite-type structure Pavonite-type structure Pb5Sb12Bi6Se32 Pb5Sb12Bi6Se32 Semiconductors Semiconductors Thermoelectric Thermoelectric Ultralow thermal conductivity Ultralow thermal conductivity


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Ruizhi , Li, Xia , Guo, Weiping et al. New thermoelectric semiconductors Pb5Sb12+xBi6-xSe32 with ultralow thermal conductivity [J]. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY , 2024 , 43 (3) .
MLA Yang, Ruizhi et al. "New thermoelectric semiconductors Pb5Sb12+xBi6-xSe32 with ultralow thermal conductivity" . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY 43 . 3 (2024) .
APA Yang, Ruizhi , Li, Xia , Guo, Weiping , Chen, Zixuan , Ming, Hongwei , Luo, Zhong-Zhen et al. New thermoelectric semiconductors Pb5Sb12+xBi6-xSe32 with ultralow thermal conductivity . | CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY , 2024 , 43 (3) .
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Vacancy-Induced Extraordinary Second Harmonic Generation Response for Diamond-Like Cu3PS4 SCIE
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Improving polarizability is an important strategy for designing high-performance mid-infrared (mid-IR) nonlinear optical (NLO) materials. The substitution of equivalent or aliovalent atoms can manipulate the polarizability by adjusting the symmetry of the polyhedron. Herein, the Li+ and Cd2+ are introduced into the Cu3PS4 as the equivalent and aliovalent dopants for the Cu site. As a result, Li+ can significantly improve the bandgap (E-g) of LixCu3-xPS4 from 2.38 to 2.88 eV, leading to a higher laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of 4.9 times than AgGaS2 (AGS) with a comparable second harmonic generation (SHG) response of AGS (26-45 mu m). Interestingly, Cd2+ can improve the SHG response and enlarge the E-g simultaneously. As a result, Cd0.4Cu2.2PS4 has a large SHG response of 10 x AGS at 2050 nm (26-45 mu m) and a LIDT of 2.6 x AGS. Theoretical calculations reveal that lattice vacancies induced by Cd2+ significantly boost polarizability compared to LixCu3-xPS4 with no vacancy, leading to a strong NLO response.

Keyword :

aliovalent substitution aliovalent substitution lattice vacancies lattice vacancies Mid-IR NLO Mid-IR NLO polarizability polarizability SHG response SHG response


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Weiping , Fu, Yudi , Cui, Hong-Hua et al. Vacancy-Induced Extraordinary Second Harmonic Generation Response for Diamond-Like Cu3PS4 [J]. | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2024 .
MLA Guo, Weiping et al. "Vacancy-Induced Extraordinary Second Harmonic Generation Response for Diamond-Like Cu3PS4" . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS (2024) .
APA Guo, Weiping , Fu, Yudi , Cui, Hong-Hua , Li, Lingyun , Yu, Yan , Luo, Zhong-Zhen et al. Vacancy-Induced Extraordinary Second Harmonic Generation Response for Diamond-Like Cu3PS4 . | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS , 2024 .
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一种中远红外非线性光学晶体硫磷镉的制备及应用 incoPat
专利 | 2022-04-25 00:00:00 | CN202210442332.X
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GB/T 7714 罗中箴 , 郭卫平 , 李凌云 et al. 一种中远红外非线性光学晶体硫磷镉的制备及应用 : CN202210442332.X[P]. | 2022-04-25 00:00:00 .
MLA 罗中箴 et al. "一种中远红外非线性光学晶体硫磷镉的制备及应用" : CN202210442332.X. | 2022-04-25 00:00:00 .
APA 罗中箴 , 郭卫平 , 李凌云 , 邹志刚 . 一种中远红外非线性光学晶体硫磷镉的制备及应用 : CN202210442332.X. | 2022-04-25 00:00:00 .
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Enhanced thermoelectric performance in Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/SiC composites prepared by low-temperature liquid phase sintering SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 11 (16) , 8912-8921 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A
WoS CC Cited Count: 9
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Amongst thermoelectrics, Bi2Te3 is special owing to its peak performance near room temperature, which enables it to be used for both energy harvesting and cooling. Despite extensive studies on this compound, Bi2Te3-based bulk materials are usually prepared by field-assisted sintering and hot pressing. This necessitates sophisticated equipment and tedious compositional control, both of which are undesirable for large scale applications. In this work, a low-temperature liquid phase sintering (LPS) method was employed to prepare p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/SiC composites with enhanced thermoelectric properties. In addition, a nearly two-fold increase in the power factor was observed post heat treatment at 350 degrees C. This can be ascribed to carrier concentration modulation due to porosity induced by heat treatment. Further addition of 0.6 vol% SiC results in a low lattice thermal conductivity of 0.33 W m(-1) K-1, which can be ascribed to phonon scattering due to various defects induced by the SiC inclusion. Ultimately, a figure of merit ZT of 1.05 at 340 K was achieved for Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/0.6 vol% SiC, 20% higher than that of the pristine sample. Moreover, an average ZT of 0.87 at 300-500 K was attained, comparable to state-of-the-art values via high-temperature processing. This work showcases the promising application of the low-temperature LPS technique for energy-efficient processing of thermoelectrics.


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GB/T 7714 Zhu, Bo , Luo, Yi , Wu, Haiyi et al. Enhanced thermoelectric performance in Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/SiC composites prepared by low-temperature liquid phase sintering [J]. | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2023 , 11 (16) : 8912-8921 .
MLA Zhu, Bo et al. "Enhanced thermoelectric performance in Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/SiC composites prepared by low-temperature liquid phase sintering" . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 11 . 16 (2023) : 8912-8921 .
APA Zhu, Bo , Luo, Yi , Wu, Haiyi , Sun, Du , Liu, Luo , Shu, Shengcheng et al. Enhanced thermoelectric performance in Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/SiC composites prepared by low-temperature liquid phase sintering . | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A , 2023 , 11 (16) , 8912-8921 .
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Synergistic surface activation during photocatalysis on perovskite derivative sites in heterojunction SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 13
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Abstract :

Halide perovskites and derivatives have been used as emerging photocatalysts due to their unique optoelectronic and structural diversity. However, compared with the well-explored photophysical processes for light-driven more energetic carriers to trigger redox reactions, catalytic effects on the surface of halide perovskite or their derivatives for chemical transformations between reactive species are seldom addressed, which is equally important for improving the efficiency for halide perovskite-based photocatalysts. Here, we demonstrate that Cs3Bi2Br9 sites in the Cs3Bi2Br9/CdS heterojunction, not only participate in light-driven processes, but also play a vital role for the activation and conversion of key intermediates during C(sp3)-H bond transformation, via a more thermodynamically and kinetically favorable surface reaction pathway. Besides, various aromatic hydrocarbons can be effectively photocatalytic converted to corresponding aldehydes/ketones as major products. This work highlights the importance of surface catalysis mechanism in photocatalysis not only for halide perovskites but also for other semiconductors.

Keyword :

C-H conversion C-H conversion Heterojunction Heterojunction Perovskite Perovskite Photocatalysis Photocatalysis Surface activation Surface activation


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Yalin , Chen, Zheyan , Huang, Hanlin et al. Synergistic surface activation during photocatalysis on perovskite derivative sites in heterojunction [J]. | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL , 2023 , 323 .
MLA Yang, Yalin et al. "Synergistic surface activation during photocatalysis on perovskite derivative sites in heterojunction" . | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 323 (2023) .
APA Yang, Yalin , Chen, Zheyan , Huang, Hanlin , Liu, Yuxin , Zou, Junhua , Shen, Shuqi et al. Synergistic surface activation during photocatalysis on perovskite derivative sites in heterojunction . | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL , 2023 , 323 .
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An ultra-tough and super-stretchable ionogel with multi functions towards flexible iontronics SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , 66 (4) , 1539-1550 | SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS
WoS CC Cited Count: 8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Ionogels have attracted much attention in recent years because of their good thermal stability, high ionic conductivity, and non-volatility. However, there is a trade-off between the mechanical strength and stretchability of ionogels, which results in unsatisfactory mechanical performance. Herein, strong polymer crystallization and weak ion-dipole interaction are combined to prepare an ultra-tough and super-stretchable ionogel. The crystalline region can dissipate the energy through the stress-induced disaggregation mechanism in the stretching process and toughen the gel, while the reversible formation and dissociation of the ion-dipole interaction between amorphous polymer chains and ionic liquids can provide elasticity for large strain. These ionogels have high toughness, strong tensile strength, large Young's modulus, and good stretchability. Furthermore, the ionogels also possess other properties like good fatigue resistance, quick self-recovery, high transparency, recyclability, self-healing ability, high ionic conductivity, and wide electrochemical window. This ionogel exhibits great potential in several iontronic devices, such as triboelectric nanogenerators, ionic thermoelectric materials, and strain sensors. This study develops a new method to guide the preparation of high-performance ionogels by combining reversible strong and weak interactions.

Keyword :

flexible iontronics flexible iontronics ionic thermoelectric ionic thermoelectric strain sensor strain sensor tough ionogel tough ionogel


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GB/T 7714 Zhan, Weiqing , Zhang, Haoqi , Lyu, Xiaolin et al. An ultra-tough and super-stretchable ionogel with multi functions towards flexible iontronics [J]. | SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS , 2023 , 66 (4) : 1539-1550 .
MLA Zhan, Weiqing et al. "An ultra-tough and super-stretchable ionogel with multi functions towards flexible iontronics" . | SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS 66 . 4 (2023) : 1539-1550 .
APA Zhan, Weiqing , Zhang, Haoqi , Lyu, Xiaolin , Luo, Zhong-Zhen , Yu, Yan , Zou, Zhigang . An ultra-tough and super-stretchable ionogel with multi functions towards flexible iontronics . | SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS , 2023 , 66 (4) , 1539-1550 .
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Hierarchically 3D Fibrous Electrode for High-Performance Flexible AC-Line Filtering in Fluctuating Energy Harvesters SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
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In light of the rapid development of intelligence and miniaturization in electronics, the growing demand for sustainable energy sources gives rise to a plethora of environmental/mechanical energy harvesters. However, the fluctuating nature of these generated energies frequently presents a challenge to their immediate usability. Although electrolytic capacitors can smooth fluctuating energy, lacking miniaturization and flexibility constrain their potential applications. Conversely, electrochemical capacitors (ECs), particularly fiber-shaped electrochemical capacitors (FSECs), can offer superior flexibility. Nevertheless, the inherent trade-off between ion transport and charge storage in fibrous electrodes poses a significant obstacle to their filtering capability. Here, a hierarchically 3D fibrous electrode that effectively balances ion transport and charge storage through its unhindered primary framework and intertwined secondary frameworks is presented. The resulting FSEC exhibits an exceptional specific areal capacitance of 1.37 mF cm(-2) with a phase angle of -82 & DEG; at 120 Hz, surpassing that of fiber-shaped filter capacitors and most non-fibrous filter ECs previously reported. Additionally, the FSEC displays excellent flexibility and high-frequency response, rendering it well-suited for filtering arbitrary ripple voltage and compatible with environmental/mechanical energy harvesters. These results demonstrate a promising approach for designing fibrous high-frequency response electrodes and a foundation for portable environmental energy harvesting devices.

Keyword :

AC-line filtering AC-line filtering flexibility flexibility graphene graphene PEDOT PEDOT supercapacitors supercapacitors


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Mingmao , Sun, Ke , He, Jinfeng et al. Hierarchically 3D Fibrous Electrode for High-Performance Flexible AC-Line Filtering in Fluctuating Energy Harvesters [J]. | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2023 , 33 (45) .
MLA Wu, Mingmao et al. "Hierarchically 3D Fibrous Electrode for High-Performance Flexible AC-Line Filtering in Fluctuating Energy Harvesters" . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 33 . 45 (2023) .
APA Wu, Mingmao , Sun, Ke , He, Jinfeng , Huang, Qinzhui , Zhan, Weiqing , Lu, Zhixing et al. Hierarchically 3D Fibrous Electrode for High-Performance Flexible AC-Line Filtering in Fluctuating Energy Harvesters . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2023 , 33 (45) .
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A Mechanically Robust, Self-Healing, and Adhesive Biomimetic Camouflage Ionic Conductor for Aquatic Environments SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
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Flexible conductive materials capable of simulating transparent ocean organisms have garnered interest in underwater motion monitoring and covert communication applications. However, the creation of underwater flexible conductors that possess mechanical robustness, adhesion, and self-healing properties remains a challenge. Herein, hydrophobic interaction is combined with electrostatic interaction to obtain a solvent-free transparent poly(ionic liquid) elastomer (PILE) fabricated using soft acrylate monomers and acrylate ionic liquids. The synergy of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions can eliminate the hydration of water molecules underwater, giving the PILE adjustable fracture strength, good elasticity, high stretchability, high toughness, fatigue resistance, underwater self-healing ability, underwater adhesion, and ionic conductivity. As a result, the transparent iontronic sensor generated from the PILE can achieve multifunctional sensing and human motion detection with high sensitivity and stability. In particular, the sensor can also transmit information underwater through stretching, pressing, and non-contact modes, demonstrating its huge potential in underwater flexible iontronic devices.

Keyword :

adhesion adhesion ionic conductors ionic conductors self-healing self-healing underwater monitoring underwater monitoring


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GB/T 7714 Gong, Yue , Yu, Li , Lyu, Xiaolin et al. A Mechanically Robust, Self-Healing, and Adhesive Biomimetic Camouflage Ionic Conductor for Aquatic Environments [J]. | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2023 , 33 (47) .
MLA Gong, Yue et al. "A Mechanically Robust, Self-Healing, and Adhesive Biomimetic Camouflage Ionic Conductor for Aquatic Environments" . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 33 . 47 (2023) .
APA Gong, Yue , Yu, Li , Lyu, Xiaolin , Zheng, Shixiang , Yu, Yan , Zhou, Piaopiao et al. A Mechanically Robust, Self-Healing, and Adhesive Biomimetic Camouflage Ionic Conductor for Aquatic Environments . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2023 , 33 (47) .
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Accommodative Organoammonium Cations in A-Sites of Sb―In Halide Perovskite Derivatives for Tailoring BroadBand Photoluminescence with X-Ray Scintillation and White-Light Emission SCIE
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Abstract :

Broadband emissive perovskites are next-generation materials for solid-state lighting and radiative detection. However, white-emitting perovskites are generally synthesized by regulating B/X sites, while not enough attention is paid to the A-site, which is thought to hardly affect the band-edge structures and optoelectronic properties. Here, a series of Sb3+-doped In-based 0D halide perovskite derivatives are described with various organoammonium cations in A-sites. Warm-white light emitting across the visible spectrum (450-850 nm), large Stokes shifts, and high photoluminescence quantum yields are easily tunable by molecularly tailoring A-site cations. These features enable a light yield up to 60976 Photons/MeV as X-ray scintillator, and a detection limit of 90 nGyair/s that is approximate to 60 times lower than the medical requirement. It is proved that A-site plays a critical role in determining the degree of distortion of polyhedra, which influences the broadband photoluminescence and self-trapped exciton (STE) dominates the emission process. Moreover, for the first time, via the incorporation of 2,6-dimethylpiperazine, a mixed A-site regulating strategy produces a standard white-light emission, which originates from the blue-light and yellow-light related to various STE emission centers. It is foreseen that this strategy highlights the expanded role of A-site and the importance of rethinking A-sites in perovskites. Efficient and tunable broadband warm-white emission is achieved by engineering the A-site organoammonium cations in Sb-doped In-based 0D perovskite derivatives, with visible light emitting, large Stokes shift, high photoluminescence yield, and X-ray scintillation. For the first time, a standard white-light emission is realized by a mixed A-site regulation strategy by the incorporation of another functional organic amine cation.image

Keyword :

A-site A-site broadband photoluminescence broadband photoluminescence halide perovskites halide perovskites white-light emission white-light emission X-ray scintillator X-ray scintillator


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Hanlin , Yang, Yalin , Qiao, Shuoyan et al. Accommodative Organoammonium Cations in A-Sites of Sb―In Halide Perovskite Derivatives for Tailoring BroadBand Photoluminescence with X-Ray Scintillation and White-Light Emission [J]. | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2023 , 34 (8) .
MLA Huang, Hanlin et al. "Accommodative Organoammonium Cations in A-Sites of Sb―In Halide Perovskite Derivatives for Tailoring BroadBand Photoluminescence with X-Ray Scintillation and White-Light Emission" . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 34 . 8 (2023) .
APA Huang, Hanlin , Yang, Yalin , Qiao, Shuoyan , Wu, Xiaodong , Chen, Zheyan , Chao, Yu et al. Accommodative Organoammonium Cations in A-Sites of Sb―In Halide Perovskite Derivatives for Tailoring BroadBand Photoluminescence with X-Ray Scintillation and White-Light Emission . | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 2023 , 34 (8) .
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