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AC zero crossing compensation for thermal stress linear birefringence in optical voltage transducer SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The optical voltage transducer (OVT) based on the Pockels effect has a perennial issue of the thermal stress linear birefringence (TSLB) in the electro-optic crystal being overlapped with the electro-optic phase delay, which is difficult to be eliminated and seriously affects the measurement accuracy and reliability. In this paper an AC zero crossing compensation method for TSLB is proposed. It is based on that when the steady-state AC voltage crosses zero points the electric field is zero, and the electro-optic crystal does not have any electro-optic effect, so the electro-optic phase delay is zero. In this case, the output of the OVT is an additional phase delay caused by the TSLB, which can be separated and compensated by the linear demodulation OVT and the AC zero crossing detection circuit. The experimental results show that in the temperature range of -40 degrees C to 70 degrees C, the measurement accuracy of the OVT after TSLB compensation is improved from 0.5 class to 0.2 class. This method is helpful for the practicality of the OVT.

Keyword :

AC zero crossing AC zero crossing compensation compensation electro-optic phase delay electro-optic phase delay optical voltage transducer optical voltage transducer thermal stress linear birefringence thermal stress linear birefringence


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Yifan , Xu, Qifeng , Li, Chao et al. AC zero crossing compensation for thermal stress linear birefringence in optical voltage transducer [J]. | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 35 (1) .
MLA Huang, Yifan et al. "AC zero crossing compensation for thermal stress linear birefringence in optical voltage transducer" . | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 35 . 1 (2024) .
APA Huang, Yifan , Xu, Qifeng , Li, Chao , Tan, Qiao . AC zero crossing compensation for thermal stress linear birefringence in optical voltage transducer . | MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2024 , 35 (1) .
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Classification model of electricity consumption behavior based on sparse denoising autoencoder feature dimensionality reduction and spectral clustering EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 158 | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The development of electrical measurement technology has brought high latitude residential electricity consumption data to power companies, which contains the characteristics of users' electricity consumption behavior and provides data support for the behavior classification. In order to improve the efficiency of data feature extraction and the accuracy of electricity consumption behavior identification, a classification model based on sparse denoising autoencoder feature dimensionality reduction and spectral clustering is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the sparse denoising autoencoder (SDAE) and the manually defining electricity consumption characteristic indicators are deployed to extract features from the residential daily electricity consumption data, and then the spectral clustering is employed to classify the extracted electricity consumption characteristics. Secondly, the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) is applied to visualize and analyze the classification results, and on this basis, the secondary classification is implemented to fix the issue of the confused electricity consumption behaviors. Finally, the typical consumption behavior curves are calculated by Gaussian distance weighting method, and the characteristics of power consumption behavior are analyzed and summarized. The proposed approach is evaluated and verified by using the electricity dataset in Fujian, China. © 2024 The Authors

Keyword :

Classification (of information) Classification (of information) Clustering algorithms Clustering algorithms Data mining Data mining Electric power utilization Electric power utilization Electric utilities Electric utilities Extraction Extraction Feature extraction Feature extraction Housing Housing Learning systems Learning systems Reduction Reduction Stochastic systems Stochastic systems


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Yifan , Yao, Zhengnan , Xu, Qifeng . Classification model of electricity consumption behavior based on sparse denoising autoencoder feature dimensionality reduction and spectral clustering [J]. | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems , 2024 , 158 .
MLA Huang, Yifan et al. "Classification model of electricity consumption behavior based on sparse denoising autoencoder feature dimensionality reduction and spectral clustering" . | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 158 (2024) .
APA Huang, Yifan , Yao, Zhengnan , Xu, Qifeng . Classification model of electricity consumption behavior based on sparse denoising autoencoder feature dimensionality reduction and spectral clustering . | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems , 2024 , 158 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (5) , 536-543 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对静电荷逃逸电子式电压互感器(electronic voltage transducer,EVT)电场边缘效应引入的附加电容影响其测量准确性的问题,提出一种粒子群优化算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)、风驱动优化算法(wind driven optimization,WDO)、最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LSSVM)结合的电场优化方法.首先,采用WDO-LSSVM构建描述EVT电场分布的数学模型,其中用WDO优化LSSVM的参数选择.其次,采用PSO算法求解上述数学模型,获得EVT电场分布最优时的物理参数组合.同时,提出一种电极结构优化方法,将电极边缘切削成圆弧或斜面以改善电场局部集中现象.最后,采用COMSOL仿真软件构建EVT的三维模型,对EVT进行电流-电路耦合场仿真.仿真结果表明,所提方法减小了边缘效应引入的附加电容和EVT的测量误差.

Keyword :

COMSOL仿真 COMSOL仿真 人工智能算法 人工智能算法 电场优化 电场优化 电子式电压互感器 电子式电压互感器 结构改进 结构改进


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GB/T 7714 黄星童 , 黄奕钒 , 徐启峰 . 静电荷逃逸电子式电压互感器的电场优化方法 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (5) : 536-543 .
MLA 黄星童 et al. "静电荷逃逸电子式电压互感器的电场优化方法" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 5 (2024) : 536-543 .
APA 黄星童 , 黄奕钒 , 徐启峰 . 静电荷逃逸电子式电压互感器的电场优化方法 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (5) , 536-543 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (06) , 180-187 | 国外电子测量技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对无人值守的变电站频繁出现鸟巢、塑料袋等异物入侵的问题,现有的区域卷积神经网络(R-CNN)和YOLO算法不能满足实时、准确检测识别的要求。因此提出一种基于改进YOLOv7的图像识别方法。首先,利用灰度化处理和高斯噪声增强图片数据,然后在特征提取网络中增加分支以提高小目标的检测能力。在此基础上,采用卷积块注意模块(CBAM)分支注意力机制来加强通道数和空间自适应学习能力,并在输出路径上引入SimAM注意力机制,使其在不增加参数的情况下提高模型对异物特征的提取能力,最后通过某变电站实际监控图进行算法验证。结果表明改进后的YOLOv7异物识别平均精度均值(mAP)为94.40%,比原YOLOv7mAP提升了3.69%,比Faster R-CNN和SSD分别提高了17.46%和16.66%,可以做到对变电站异物的实时检测识别,所提方法具有较好的可行性和工程使用价值。

Keyword :

变电站 变电站 图像识别 图像识别 异物入侵 异物入侵 注意力机制 注意力机制


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GB/T 7714 张泽龙 , 林穿 , 黄奕钒 . 基于改进YOLOv7模型的变电站异物入侵识别 [J]. | 国外电子测量技术 , 2023 , 42 (06) : 180-187 .
MLA 张泽龙 et al. "基于改进YOLOv7模型的变电站异物入侵识别" . | 国外电子测量技术 42 . 06 (2023) : 180-187 .
APA 张泽龙 , 林穿 , 黄奕钒 . 基于改进YOLOv7模型的变电站异物入侵识别 . | 国外电子测量技术 , 2023 , 42 (06) , 180-187 .
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A Multistage Dry Insulated Current Transformer SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 23 (5) , 5339-5344 | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The insulation method of traditional electromagnetic current transformers (CTs) is single-stage insulated, and the insulation materials include oil, SF6 gas, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film, and epoxy resin. It has to deploy multiple capacitive screens for voltage equalization to improve the electric field distribution, which results in complex insulation structure and high cost. A multistage dry insulated CT for measurement is proposed in this article, which is composed of multistage CTs in series and insulated by epoxy resin, so the line voltage is shared by the multistage CTs. Therefore, a five-stage prototype CT is analyzed and designed, and the structure, the measurement principle, the electric field distribution, the technical characteristics, and the error calculation and compensation of this CT are explored. The results show that the proposed dry CT meets the 0.2S class accuracy and has advantages of low insulation cost, high safety, environmental protection, and so on.

Keyword :

Current transformers Current transformers Dry insulated Dry insulated electric field distribution electric field distribution Electric fields Electric fields electromagnetic current transformer (CT) electromagnetic current transformer (CT) Epoxy resins Epoxy resins Insulation Insulation Magnetic cores Magnetic cores multistage multistage Oils Oils Windings Windings


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Qifeng , Zhang, Junfeng , Huang, Yifan et al. A Multistage Dry Insulated Current Transformer [J]. | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL , 2023 , 23 (5) : 5339-5344 .
MLA Xu, Qifeng et al. "A Multistage Dry Insulated Current Transformer" . | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 23 . 5 (2023) : 5339-5344 .
APA Xu, Qifeng , Zhang, Junfeng , Huang, Yifan , Tan, Qiao . A Multistage Dry Insulated Current Transformer . | IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL , 2023 , 23 (5) , 5339-5344 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 61 (05) , 18-23 | 电气开关
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

优势行动者-评论家 优势行动者-评论家 倒闸操作 倒闸操作 变电站 变电站 强化学习 强化学习 操作票 操作票


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GB/T 7714 付乐勇 , 徐启峰 , 黄奕钒 . 基于优势执行者-评论家算法的智能操作票生成方法 [J]. | 电气开关 , 2023 , 61 (05) : 18-23 .
MLA 付乐勇 et al. "基于优势执行者-评论家算法的智能操作票生成方法" . | 电气开关 61 . 05 (2023) : 18-23 .
APA 付乐勇 , 徐启峰 , 黄奕钒 . 基于优势执行者-评论家算法的智能操作票生成方法 . | 电气开关 , 2023 , 61 (05) , 18-23 .
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计及谐波的J-A磁滞模型修正 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (05) , 205-213 | 电力工程技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

J-A磁滞模型 J-A磁滞模型 参数修正 参数修正 电磁式电流互感器 电磁式电流互感器 线性叠加 线性叠加 谐波 谐波 遗传退火算法 遗传退火算法


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GB/T 7714 肖贤博 , 徐启峰 , 吴姝婷 et al. 计及谐波的J-A磁滞模型修正 [J]. | 电力工程技术 , 2023 , 42 (05) : 205-213 .
MLA 肖贤博 et al. "计及谐波的J-A磁滞模型修正" . | 电力工程技术 42 . 05 (2023) : 205-213 .
APA 肖贤博 , 徐启峰 , 吴姝婷 , 黄奕钒 , 谭巧 . 计及谐波的J-A磁滞模型修正 . | 电力工程技术 , 2023 , 42 (05) , 205-213 .
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Harmonics Correction of J-A Hysteresis Model SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The J-A hysteresis theory is widely used in the modeling of magnetic characteristics of electromagnetic current transformers (CTs), but there is a large error in the model when considering the harmonics excitation, and unfortunately, the harmonic pollution in modern power grids is becoming more and more serious. Considering that the nonlinearity error of the CT for measurement is less than 0.2S, that is, the ratio error at 100% rated current is <0.2%, and the phase error is <10 ', the correction of the magnetic characteristics of each harmonic is approximately applicable to the principle of linear superposition. Therefore, this article uses the dung beetle algorithm (DBA) to identify the parameters, corrects the J-A model parameters for each harmonic, and then linearly superimposes the magnetic characteristics of each harmonic to realize the magnetic characteristics modeling. Taking the 0.2S permalloy core CT as an example, the simulation analysis and experimental results show that the proposed method can accurately reflect the transmission characteristics of the CT at harmonic excitation. The approximate linear superposition of the multiple harmonics magnetic characteristics introduces a ratio error of 0.01% and a phase error of 0.5 ', and its influence can be ignored, thus confirming that the correction method is reasonable and effective.

Keyword :

Dung beetle algorithm (DBA) Dung beetle algorithm (DBA) electromagnetic current transformer (CT) electromagnetic current transformer (CT) harmonics harmonics J-A hysteresis model J-A hysteresis model linear superposition linear superposition


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Qifeng , He, Yulong , Huang, Yifan et al. Harmonics Correction of J-A Hysteresis Model [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2023 , 72 .
MLA Xu, Qifeng et al. "Harmonics Correction of J-A Hysteresis Model" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 72 (2023) .
APA Xu, Qifeng , He, Yulong , Huang, Yifan , Xiao, Xianbo , Tan, Qiao . Harmonics Correction of J-A Hysteresis Model . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2023 , 72 .
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纳米径向偏振光栅的法拉第磁光角测量系统 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (11) , 58-61,85 | 实验室研究与探索
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

实验教学 实验教学 法拉第效应 法拉第效应 法拉第磁光角 法拉第磁光角 测量 测量 纳米径向偏振光栅 纳米径向偏振光栅


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GB/T 7714 黄奕钒 , 李金华 , 徐启峰 et al. 纳米径向偏振光栅的法拉第磁光角测量系统 [J]. | 实验室研究与探索 , 2023 , 42 (11) : 58-61,85 .
MLA 黄奕钒 et al. "纳米径向偏振光栅的法拉第磁光角测量系统" . | 实验室研究与探索 42 . 11 (2023) : 58-61,85 .
APA 黄奕钒 , 李金华 , 徐启峰 , 谭巧 . 纳米径向偏振光栅的法拉第磁光角测量系统 . | 实验室研究与探索 , 2023 , 42 (11) , 58-61,85 .
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Residential Electricity Behavior Classification Model Based on Sparse Denoising Autoencoder And K-Means EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 506-510 | 2023 International Conference on Internet of Things, Robotics and Distributed Computing, ICIRDC 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

User electricity data contains the characteristics of residential users' electricity consumption behavior. In order to help power companies formulate demand response plans and time of use electricity prices, and better extract electricity consumption behavior characteristics, this paper proposes an electricity consumption behavior classification model based on sparse denoising autoencoder (SDAE) feature dimensionality reduction and K-means clustering. Firstly, sparse denoising autoencoder is used to learn features, and K-means clustering is used for classification. Visualize the classification results using the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) method, calculate typical user curves using Gaussian distance weighting, and analyze the characteristics of the electricity consumption curve. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified by calculating and comparing the clustering indicators of other common dimensionality reduction methods. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Classification (of information) Classification (of information) Electric loads Electric loads Electric power utilization Electric power utilization Electric utilities Electric utilities Housing Housing K-means clustering K-means clustering Learning systems Learning systems Reduction Reduction Stochastic systems Stochastic systems


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GB/T 7714 Yao, Zhengnan , Wei, Feishen , Huang, Yifan . Residential Electricity Behavior Classification Model Based on Sparse Denoising Autoencoder And K-Means [C] . 2023 : 506-510 .
MLA Yao, Zhengnan et al. "Residential Electricity Behavior Classification Model Based on Sparse Denoising Autoencoder And K-Means" . (2023) : 506-510 .
APA Yao, Zhengnan , Wei, Feishen , Huang, Yifan . Residential Electricity Behavior Classification Model Based on Sparse Denoising Autoencoder And K-Means . (2023) : 506-510 .
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